Return to Sessia Ch. 06

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Our naked slave-girl is abused and humiliated, repeatedly.
7.9k words

Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/13/2014
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I stood in the lobby of Sharp Fitness wearing nothing but a leather slave collar and stainless-steel handcuffs. The girl behind me was staring at my naked butt and the girl at the membership desk was staring at my smooth, shaved vulva and protruding tits. Both of them looked mesmerized, as if they'd never seen a naked girl in a public place before. It was a look that still made me feel awkward and uncomfortable and somehow more exposed than when I was naked in front of all those reporters.

Gretchen made eye-contact with the girl at the membership desk and tried to get her to focus. "Hello, my name is Gretchen Starke," she said, "and this is my slave, Diane Schlank. I believe that a personal trainer has been reserved for her."

"Oh, you must be the one we heard about." The girl said, as she intently examined my naked body from head to toe, and back up again.

"Wow, you're more beautiful than I thought you'd be," she gushed. "You're so brave, going nude in public like that. I could never..."

Being reminded of my nudity over and over again didn't make it any easier. And this girl was looking me up and down as if she was trying to memorize every curve and line of my naked body. She was so absorbed in her study of my exposed skin she barely heard a word Gretchen said to her.

"Personal trainer," Gretchen said again. "Do you have one?"

Finally the girl snapped out of her trance and got on the phone and talked to one of her co-workers. "Dave, Diane Schlank is here to see Claudia....Diane Schlank, the sex-slave. The naked one... Yes, that's today. Yes....She's here....right now. Yes, she is. Thanks."

My breasts heaved up and down as I took several deep breaths, trying to calm down, but when clothed people stare at me like this it almost like I can feel their hands on my bare skin. It's like their eyes are doing more than just looking. I could feel my nipples getting harder as this girl stared at my naked breasts and it felt almost as if my butt was being fondled as the other girl stared at my bare ass. Try spending a whole day naked and in public, getting stared at by clothed men and women and you'll probably understand what I'm talking about.

Then, while I was feeling all feverish and exposed and awkwardly naked in front of decently clothed people my personal trainer walked in.

I knew she had to be the personal trainer even before she introduced herself. She was about 5'10" (or 178 centimeters for you Europeans out there) and looked very athletic. She had nice flat, tight abs, her legs were long and firm and calves were well developed, her breasts were B-cup but very high and firm. She was dressed in black tights, a black leotard, white sweat band and white running shoes. She proceeded forward gracefully and purposefully and held her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Claudia," she said, with an accent that was very definitely British. "Alex told me to expect you."

Feeling awkward and embarrassed, I replied, "Sorry, I can't shake hands. You see, my wrists are cuffed behind my back."

Claudia's firm breasts heaved as she inhaled sharply and she closed her eyes tightly and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Look, Alex told me that you'd be naked and I can deal with that. It's unusual, but it won't affect your ability to exercise. In some ways it may even be beneficial. However I cannot condone one of my trainees wearing handcuffs. You simply cannot do a proper workout with your hands bound behind your back."

She gave both Gretchen and I a look of impatience and then she said, "Could somebody unlock her, please?"

Gretchen produced a tiny key and had me turn my back to her. First she unlocked my left wrist, and then she unlocked my right wrist. I spent several seconds massaging my sore, chafed wrists and then Claudia spoke again.

"Alright, let's try that again," Claudia said and extended her hand to me.

We shook hands and then Claudia said, "Alright, Diane, you actually pretty trim and toned, almost like an athlete actually. Your abs could do with a bit of work, but you have good muscle-tone, far better than most of the people I've trained. Let's get you upstairs and test your cardiovascular endurance on the treadmill and I'll put together an exercise program for you."

I walked up the stairs, aware that Claudia (and the almost dozen people I passed on the staircase) was staring at the most intimate parts of my bare body. People who saw me from the front were treated to the sight of my breasts as they wobbled ever so gently with each step and very likely got a peek at shaved-bare sex, made more obvious and conspicuous by the fact that my pubic lips were swollen and blossoming. Nothing at all about my body was left to the imagination. Everything, from my hard nipples to my wet, throbbing sex, was all right there for these people to examine, ogle and stare at.

As I was marched over to the treadmill, every eye turned as if inspecting, or judging me. I knew it was all a normal part of being a sex-slave, but there are some things I suppose that you never fully adapt to. I hoped that the patrons of the health club were mostly admiring the view and not condemning me as a "shameless slut" or a "whore" or any of those other words that religious types use just before they damn you to hell for your "sinful ways".

My cardiovascular test started off easy enough, but Claudia kept raising the difficulty level, making me work harder and harder to keep up.

It didn't seem to take long before I was panting and sweat was dripping off my forehead and into my eyes. Of course every eye in the health club was watching my performance, watching my naked breasts bounce, watching my bare legs work harder, watching my body generate more and more sweat; they were definitely all judging me now, but in a different way now. Now I was being evaluated and judged on my athletic performance.

Claudia kept raising the difficulty level until I was exhausted and my naked body was on the verge of dropping.

By the time Claudia allowed me to rest my naked body was literally covered in sweat and I was panting like I had just run a marathon. I could no longer stand on my own and I leaned against the handrails of the treadmill while I tried to catch my breath.

Claudia took my wrist in her hand and checked my pulse, seeing how fast it was.

"Normally, I'd measure your pulse at the pulse point on your neck," Claudia explained. "But your slave collar makes that rather difficult."

Claudia asked me a few questions about what sort of physical exercise I normally did and if I had any injuries that she should be aware of. She also asked how long I was going to be in Sessia. If I was going to be in town several months, she could come up with a much more detailed exercise program than if I was going to be in town just a few days.

"We're going to be in town indefinitely," Gretchen replied over my shoulder, "At least until the next national elections."

Claudia smiled a predatory smile at me and said, "Well then, I get to work your cute little ass for at least three months!"

I felt like a fly caught in a spider web and waited to see what would happen to me next. Here I was stark-naked in a health-club, surrounded by people in tights, leotards, bike shorts, sports bras, tee-shirts, legally obligated to do whatever this trainer told me to do. I was totally under Claudia's authority and control and being ogled by all of these clothed health-club patrons, both male and female.

Claudia said she was going to work my ass and she certainly did. She started me off on some stretching exercises; mainly I think to see just how flexible I was. She ordered me to get down on the floor to do a front split. This is a very difficult stretch that really put a huge strain on the inner thigh muscles and basically all of muscles, tendons and ligaments in the whole pelvic area. Once I'd achieved it, Claudia had me hold it for several minutes, until I could really feel the burn and I started to tremble.

Another thing the front split does (if you do it correctly) is to force a girl's pubic lips into direct contact with the floor, with most of the girl's body weight pressing down on top of them. So, there I was naked, with my loins completely shaved, my labia swollen and sensitive and most of my body weight pressing my labia firmly into the floor.

That Claudia is a sadist.

She also had me do a kneeling lunge stretch, a reverse lunge stretch, a single leg stretch, a straddle split, a straddle side stretch and a straddle center stretch.

Of course all of these flexibility exercises put my pussy much more on view than usual (especially now that I was naked and all of my pubic hair had been shaved off) a fact which Gretchen reminded me of and which caused my face and upper body to grow hot with embarrassment, knowing that dozens of patrons of the health club were openly watching me while I performed these exercises naked, just a few meters away from them, provocatively exposing my shaved pubic lips for them.

And yet, as embarrassing as this all was, my clit refused to stop throbbing.

After all the stretching exercises, Claudia ordered me to perform a series of abdominal exercises. The first one involved an exercise ball (of which the health club had at least a dozen). From a push up position, I was ordered to place my feet on the ball. Claudia ordered me to keep my arms straight and my abs pulled in.

Then, under Claudia's strict gaze I was ordered to keep my legs straight, my back straight, and my abs tight and move my hips up until my naked ass was pointed straight up at the ceiling. I held that position for about a second or two and then returned my feet and buttocks back into the starting position.

I'm in relatively good physical shape, so doing just one rep was easy; however Claudia had me do it over and over again. I did hundreds of reps, until my abs ached and I was drenched in sweat.

Claudia had no sympathy for how difficult it was to do so many reps of this exercise and would only say things like,"Don't arch your back! Get your butt up higher! Roll back all the way! Keeps it going! I didn't say stop!"

Hundreds of reps with the ball really worked my abs and left me feeling sore and exhausted, however Claudia didn't care and she made me get up and do at least four-hundred reps of Bulgarian Split-Squats. I lost track of the count as she kept having me change which leg was the front leg. Also, she started me off with an eight-pound weight in each hand. At some point she determined that I wasn't working hard enough so I ended up with a ten-pound weight in each hand and by the end of my workout I had a sixteen-pound weight in each hand. All I really know is that by the time I was finished, I was sweaty and exhausted and my glutes and hamstrings had been worked so hard they practically burned.

"Your butt and thighs actually look fine," Claudia told me. "I just want to make certain that they stay that way. We'll keep doing the Bulgarian Split-Squats every day, to keep your glutes in shape. After all, who would want to spank a slave with a butt that's not high and firm?"

I groaned at this, but Claudia gave me a sports bottle to drink from. I put the plastic bottle to my lips and drank the water down greedily. I had sweated so much during my workout; I desperately needed to replace lost fluids.

"Can you bring her back tomorrow, the same time?" Claudia asked, and I moaned at this as well. And then to make matters worse, Claudia gave Gretchen a list of the foods that I was allowed to eat and the foods that I was not allowed to eat. Dammit! Up until this point Gretchen had allowed me a lot of freedom when eating was concerned! Now; thanks to my personal trainer; I'd be on a restricted diet!

* * * * * * * * * *

It was Gretchen's idea that I shower before we left the health club. Claudia led me through the women's locker room and into the women's shower area. Of course there were plenty of women in the locker area who stared as I was marched past them and into the showers. Two of them actually followed me and stared at my naked body the entire time I was showering.

Of course, naked women walk through the women's locker room every day; however none of them wear slave collars around their necks. So, even in a room where it was traditional for naked women to congregate, my status was still marked as inferior and submissive to all of the other naked females.

After an eternity of staring silently while watching me shower, the bolder of the two women finally said, "So, you're that slave who's been on the news."

"Yes, Mistress," I replied, hating to call her by the honorificMistress, but afraid of the punishments I might receive if I failed to address a free woman properly.

"I saw you on Channel Four being spanked over some girl's knee. It looked like it really stung."

"Yes, Mistress, it was extremely painful," I admitted as I soaped up my abs and rinsed them off. The woman continued to stare at my naked body, her eyes lingering on my bare breasts and shaved sex. She didn't even try to be subtle about her staring.

"Turn around and show me your ass," she insisted. "It was all red on the TV. I want to see if the color is as bright as I remember."

I found her command to be humiliating and disturbing, but she had already seen my naked ass when she followed me over to the showers, so I decided that she couldn't demean me any further by seeing it again. I turned around and showed her my naked ass and waited for her to go away.

"It was redder on TV," she complained.

"The redness is caused by blood rushing to the area of the body that is being harmed, Mistress," I said. "After the spanking is over the redness gradually fades."

"Well, now I feel cheated," the girl said as I stood with my naked ass on display. "I told Mona all about how red your ass was and now she doesn't get to see it."

I braced myself. Even before the next words came out of her mouth I had a grim sense of foreboding exactly what she was going to say.

"Step out of the shower, slave-girl. I need to spank your ass so that Mona can see just how red your ass can get."

I moaned at this, but reluctantly obeyed. I was just a naked slave-girl and this was a free woman. If Gretchen were around she might have spoken up in my defense (or maybe she wouldn't), but as a slave I couldn't legally do or say anything to defy this woman.

"How do you want me, Mistress?" I asked as I stood naked and soaking wet in front of her.

She was standing very close to me, very nearly nose-to-nose, and for a few seconds I thought she was going to lean forward and kiss me, but in the end she just said, "Face that wall over there with your hands above your head, palms pressed flat against the wall, stick your butt out and spread your legs."

It was the police frisk position, very popular amongst dominants. It left very nearly every inch of my body exposed and vulnerable.

"Like this, Mistress?" I asked as I adopted the dreaded pose and looked over my shoulder at her.

"That's fine," she said, "But don't look at me. You keep your eyes focused on the wall in front of you."

I took a deep breath and felt millions of butterflies in my stomach as I waited for this girl to smack my naked vulnerable ass with her hand. She didn't leave me waiting for long.

This nameless girl didn't have any technique or style; she just mindlessly smacked my naked ass over and over again. She hit me very hard and very fast and the slaps started stinging with the very first blow. I didn't want to give this malicious woman the satisfaction of hearing me cry out in pain, but her unrelenting assault on my wet, naked, stretched skin was agonizingly painful and my ass was already sore from this morning's spanking. Soon my arms and legs were trembling and I was crying loudly as hot, wet tears flowed down my face and dripped off my chin.

After what seemed like a very, very long time my ass was a bright, even pink and the spanking finally stopped. "You see?" the cruel woman asked, "That's how red her ass was on the TV."

"That's not red," Mona protested, "That's a bright reddish-pink, but it's not red."

The girl who had spanked me made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat and then said, "It's just a bloody figure of speech! It's like calling African people black. They're not really black; they're some sort of shade of brown. But nobody ever complains that we're using the wrong word to describe them!"

* * * * * * * * * *

There are rules, traditions and etiquette in the world of Masters and slaves. It's long been accepted that horrible things may be done to slaves; however those horrible things must be done by the proper people. A mistress may punish her slave cruelly for no reason at all, however if some random stranger in a locker room wants to punish a slave cruelly that person needs permission first from that slave's legal owner.

When that woman in the locker room spanked my ass raw she committed a serious faux pas by not getting Gretchen's permission first. I was Gretchen's property and that woman shouldn't be playing with Gretchen's property without Gretchen's approval.

When Gretchen saw the reddish-pink color of my freshly spanked ass, she demanded to know who had done it. I didn't know the woman's name; however I gave Gretchen a physical description of the woman. Gretchen went to the Health Club manager and with the help of modern technology and modern bureaucracy we soon found out that the lady who had cruelly assaulted my hindquarters was named Emma Scott. She lived in Foxhaven, her membership number was 22621-21 and she had checked in at 10:22 this morning.

There was no record of her checking out; however health club guests weren't required to check out when they left the club, only when they entered.

"What do you intend to do about her?" Gretchen asked the club manager. "She can't just go around grabbing my slave and doing things to her just because I'm not around. This is almost as bad as if Emma grabbed my slave and kidnapped her. There's no way I can bring my slave here if you can't give me some assurances this won't happen again."

Gretchen, the club manager and I all understood the implied threat here. Having a naked slave-girl at Sharp Fitness would bring in more business. Libidinous teenagers, dirty old men and all sorts of lesbians would be flocking to Sharp Fitness and be eager to pay whatever fees were required just so they could be a member of the club where the hot, naked slave-girl worked out. Of course many of them probably would show up just to stare at my boobs and other parts of my naked anatomy, but as long as they paid their membership fees, the management would be happy.

"I'll revoke her membership of course," the club manager responded. "If she tries to enter the club again she'll be denied entry. I'm adding notations to her file right now."

The manager typed new information into his computer, indicating that Emma Scott was persona non grata at Sharp Fitness and then he updated her file. Her membership card would be worthless now.

"If she has any objections about her membership being cancelled I'll talk to her personally," The manager assured us. "This will never happen again."

I was a cash cow for Sharp Fitness, so of course the manager didn't want Gretchen to stop taking me to this club. He would do anything to assure Gretchen that her property wouldn't be used by anybody else.

* * * * * * * * * *

After the health club Gretchen took me to lunch. My new personal trainer had me on a restrictive diet and I wasn't allowed to have dressing, croutons or shredded cheese on my salad. Also, Gretchen had handcuffed my wrists and thumbs behind my back again. This meant that I couldn't feed myself, so Gretchen ended up feeding me.

It was embarrassing to have to be fed while dozens of restaurant patrons watched me. Of course they were probably more interested in my naked tits that were thrust forward as my bound arms caused my shoulders to be pulled back.