Requiem for a Cuckold

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Yes, a man can redefine himself as a man.
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Authors Foreword: Thanks for the private constructive feedback. This LW submission depicts two winners and a looser. Note that the sex is not hot. Please Enjoy.


Laura Abbott - Lar- was a moderately successful writer of formula gunfighter westerns and adult romances under two separate pen names. Her royalties from self published eBook publishers plus two traditional publishers paid the rent and allowed her to eek out a living doing what she liked. The forty something lady was fiercely independent, though she currently dated two separate gentlemen who could show her a reasonably good time after they took their blue pills. Her two children, by two separate fathers, were on their own but had little to do with their mother - the son once told her, "Mother, I don't like whores," while the daughter was closer and did visit bringing her granddaughter over from time to time. She couldn't recall the face of either ex-husband but cherished the few times a year that her children visited, while the visiting son, especially, was always on his way to somewhere else.

In the warm months in Coastal Mass, Lar did her best creative work at a coffee shop table on a boardwalk that surrounded a Marina. There were dozens of colorful yachts tied up and bobbing on the Atlantic waves because boat owners had worked very hard all their life and now chose to spend their discretionary income on boats. All day, but especially mornings and evenings, the boaters walked past her work table on the boardwalk going to and from their crafts. The fit, svelte woman did not like boats - but she did like the colorful surroundings - and turned down several 'lets-get-it-on' yacht cruise offers over the years - "No thank you, I might get wet!" was her common response. The Boston skyline could be seen in the distance and mostly there were only a few boardwalk exercisers walking daily nearby. So it was quiet except for when the boaters roared into the bay leaving the Marina.

On most warm Saturdays many boaters came and went but one set of repeat visitors captured Lar's attention because she saw a possible plot for her next Adult Romance book. Two - and some times three - Black athletic type guys accompanying an Irish couple with a pre-school child in hand, walked into the coffee shop seating area on the boardwalk. The child captured her attention because obviously he was fathered by a Black man, but the child held the hand of the Irish Dad with a death grip. The three or four people would sit at a table and then one guy would then go in to buy beer and food while another went into the fractional-share owners club next door to sign for a yacht. The Irish couple and their child often sat alone at a table near Lar, waiting for the guys to get ready to cruise. When the preparations were complete, the lady would stand and attempt to kiss the young boy goodbye, but he fought her while he hung on to his Irish Dad tenaciously. Lar presumed he was the woman's husband or ex-husband. The two or three black men and the Irish mother left the coffee shop area and walked down the boardwalk to a catwalk gate to where the moored yachts were tied up. The child was immediately at peace and got a digital toy out of his day-bag and began to play while the father read his Kindle. In time the Irish Dad would take the youngster around the boardwalk for exercise and to break the monotony (Child visitation by divorced Dad's on the various Marinas are a very common sight during the warm months.)

The time interval from the boaters shoving off to tying back up was usually 3 to four hours. The players would then return to the coffee shop area after their cruise and fetch the child and the group - minus the Irish Husband - would shuffle off towards the parking lot - while the Dad might stay and read for awhile. Lar said to herself excitedly after the second cruise Saturday, "Ahh my next book!" after the roar of the engine died down on this particular Saturday.

After more Saturday cruises, the child became comfortable around Lar and would come over and sit on her lap and ask questions and generally talk to her, because he obviously was bored. His Dad sat reading. One day Lar introduced herself to the Husband and pre-schooler while the partiers were at sea and they were the only customers in the coffee shop's seating area. He shook her hand and said, "My name is Greg McAllen and this youngster is my ex-wife and my son, Jason. Glad to meet you." After Lar explained what she was doing here, Greg said, "Jason's Mom and I have been either separated or divorced for almost two years. My visitation is on Saturdays and when her dates are taking her out for a cruise, she leaves the child with me. I meet them in the parking lot here so making the tedious round trip into Boston to visit Jason is not necessary."

Lar took a close look at the now laughing child and noted his hair and facial features and was now certain that a Black person was his sperm-donor. He appeared to be a precocious and well-adjusted child when the Mom and her dates were not around. She also noticed that the nominal father was out of shape with a slightly bulging mid section and slumped shoulders. Worse, his sadness was permanently glued onto his face. She presumed that Greg always ached for an adult to talk to about anything so he leaped at the opportunity to talk extensively with Lar in between bouts of entertaining his son whenever she took a break from her writing.

My story starts after the two wordsmiths, Lar and Greg, got to know and like each other well and chatted freely about anything on their respective minds. One beautiful Saturday, the partiers were at sea. Lar had just returned to her table with a sandwich and a drink right behind Greg with his and his son's lunch. She asked the Dad "Why don't you and Jason join me at my table so we can chat? I am stopping for a 45-minute lunch break." Once they were seated Lar ask, "Why not tell me about yourself, Greg, since I have already told you all the essential things about me?"

The Dad's thinking was that this writer has obviously done it all and heard it all so nothing he said would shock her. He replied, "Well, I am both a technical writer and an illustrator - I have won some awards in both disciplines. I work for a medium size medical electronics design and manufacturing company and am responsible for all their public and internal documentation. My day starts early when I jump on the commuter ferry and change to the subway in Boston to get to my office in Cambridge. The day ends and I retrace my steps to my medium rise condominium two miles from here and look out over the bay from my 5th-floor balcony. I joined my company when it was a struggling start up and missed some paychecks in the very early days. But things are stable now, and hopefully I will hit the jackpot after we launch our IPO - the healthcare boondoggle is already raining money on us, so I have my hopes of earning some big bucks after working so long and hard often into late night."

Lar replied, "Thank you, Greg. So may I fill in the blanks about your personal life and you correct me if I am wrong: You spent long hours away from your wife and secretly she cuckolded you. She later became pregnant with this secret lover - or lovers. You became aware of this after the child was born. Is that right so far?"

Shocked that this woman had read him quickly, he said, "Yes. Precisely. I was torn between divorcing her for cuckolding me and forgiving her. I still love her so much until she is my last thought nightly - even now some times - and she repeatedly told me at first that she loves only me and that her affair was just, 'sex' and she accidentally became pregnant."

Lar asked, "So, what happened then?"

"I forgave her because she promised in front of her ailing mother and me that she would not play around any more. For going on two years we had what I thought was a normal marriage until in time I would sometimes walk into our house to find that she had paid no attention to the child - or hadn't even picked him up from daycare - and played music that was unlike what we both enjoyed in College or what we played when we were both at home. Worse, she became cold and indifferent to me. Then I admitted to myself that she is now a different person, and doesn't love me at all and is cuckolding me again."

Lar said, while thinking about a plot for her next adult romance writing project, she said, "Being an erudite person you figured this out long before Jason's birth, however. But your passion for her overruled any rational thought about her conduct for two years."

He replied, "Wow! Again, you are exactly right. But, Lar, I reasoned that my unrequited love counted for something - sadly I learned in time that it doesn't. But one night we started making out and she soon was sitting naked on my face. She had refused my advances for the past 10 days. I said, "Darling, I want to make love to you just like the old days, please give me some relief!"

She then said, 'Greg, I want to give you all the passion you can stand. It's just that I want to introduce you to a friend of mine and I have invited him to dinner Thursday evening. In fact, he travels to all our bank branches in this area and we both will be here when you arrive. If you agree we can be very intimate again?'"

Lar shook her head and thought, "This poor creature," and said to him, "Let me guess, Greg. You were so horny until you agreed. So, tell me about the aftermath of your agreeing, if you would?"

Greg suddenly asked, "Are you going to make me a character in your next Adult Romance book?"

"Yes, but I won't use your name and the setting will be in California."

Relieved he said, "O.K. Yes. The moment I agreed she became red hot and we screwed most of the remaining week, and slept a short while each night and did it again after the alarm sounded in the morning. For a few days life was good.

"So Thursday afternoon I picked up Jason from daycare and went home. A tall Black man and my wife, Penny, met us at the door. She said, 'Greg, I would like for you to meet Butch, who was the sperm donor of Jason, and a supervisory bank examiner in charge of this part of the South shore. Butch, meet my wonderful husband, Greg.' Butch is the one who signs for the yacht each time they now go to sea. He was wearing my monogrammed robe that was way too short for him and she was wearing her robe that matched mine. As Penny visited a moment with her son, Butch and I uncomfortably chatted. Later she said, 'Greg, would you be a darling and feed and bath Jason, then cook our dinner - I took the items for dinner out of the freezer this morning - and we will join you shortly.' They disappeared into our bedroom and closed the door. I was trapped because she well knew that I craved her so much I would do exactly what she told me to do. Later we three sat at the dinner table when Justin started acting up and needing attention. She barked at me, 'Take care of your son, Greg!' When I got back to the table, they continued their conversation as if I were not present. Soon Butch showered and left."

Lar said, "I am afraid to predict, so what happened then, Greg?"

The distraught man said, "Butch became a one or two time per week regular visitor for the next month and the same pattern was repeated. Then the first Thursday of the following month, Butch had showered and was naked, getting ready to put on his clothes to leave, I guess. Penny called out loudly, "Greg, will you come here?"

"I opened our bedroom door and went into our brightly lighted bedroom. She was holding Butch's very large and limp cock smiling at me and said, 'Butch needs to stay over certain weekday nights with us when he is working in or near our town on a two day stint. Otherwise, I don't get this fantastic treat.' She squeezed his gigantic limp member which was twice larger than the width of her hand, and giggling, she continued, 'I know this is asking a lot, Darling, but it's important. If he camps out here then driving all the way back to his home in Boston and returning to work in our area in the morning is not necessary."

"At that point, Butch interrupted and asked, 'Greg, since you are the owner of this condo, do you mind if I spend certain nights with you and Penny and Jason?' He nonchalantly asked this as if it were an ordinary request."

Lar exclaimed, "Wow! So what happened then, you poor creature?"

"I had not changed out of my business casual clothes, so I just left without saying a word and drove to a bar in the next town. I sat there drinking for almost two hours but was drawn back to her. So I then returned home. Penny met me at the door naked and said, 'You were not a gentleman, Greg. I put Jason to bed even though he cried and is still whimpering for you. Would you please tip toe in and tuck him in?' I did and the two year old then was very happy to see me and went promptly to sleep. I got ready for bed and lay down beside my naked wife. She taunted me by asking, 'Would you like to clean me up as Butch is still inside both holes.'

I said with faked conviction and determination, 'No. We are making some changes here and we will talk tomorrow."

Lar asked, "Really? That's fantastic! Did you follow through?"

Greg said, "Well, no I didn't. She woke me up early the next morning - my sleep late day - playing with my cock. The moment I got hard and very ready to screw her, she stopped and turned on her other side, away from me. She said, 'Butch's cell number is on the piece of paper on your night stand. After you leave him a voice mail that he is welcome to stay overnight, then we can go back to the passion we have been enjoying recently. Why are you so obstinate?' So, what did I do? I left the voice mail as instructed."

Lar shook her head while recalling her husband number one who wanted to do something similar to that.

Back in the present the Irish wife Penny and her two dates approached them on the boardwalk. The four year old clutched his Dad, violently indicating that he did not want to be separated from him. Of course, Greg made the normal gestures to the youngster - "Daddy will see you next week" and "Mommy loves you, too," to prepare his son. But, the child was shaking as he held on tightly to the man he identified as his Daddy.

Penny was without make up wearing only the same dress except now there obviously was nothing underneath as she labored from exhaustion with each step she took toward the coffee shop area. Lar said to Greg, "Let me thank you now for sharing the first part of your story, and I look forward to hearing the conclusion. As calloused and experienced as I am and as often as I have written about your and Jason's behavior sourced from my imagination, seeing it for real is fundamentally upsetting to this old woman! Thanks again for sharing your story."

Greg returned to his table and stood up and bundled the youngster's day-bag together and gently but forcefully attempted to hand it and him off to his mother. The youngster was violently crying now. Greg said to his son, "Dad enjoyed your visit, and I will see you soon," as he kissed the pre-schooler goodbye. He continued, "You can call me when you get home, O.K.?"

Penny watched her distraught child she loved so much while she felt her usual extreme guilt after an outing like this - sometimes, the guilt was almost life threatening. She asked, "Greg, do you mind if Jason and I crash at your place tonight and you drive me to Butch's apartment tomorrow? The fellas want me to get a baby-sitter go with them to hear a new band tonight. But I am exhausted, and, you could spend more time with Jason if we spent the night with you? Please?"

Greg was in a dilemma. He identified what he felt for Penny as extreme love. Moreover, his attachment to the crying child tenaciously clinging to him combined to provoke his anger and dizziness. He railed at the thought that Jason would suffer another night of the noise and isolation he felt in Butch's apartment. His ex-wife was on his mind constantly, try as he might to end his relationship with her. At the same time he was desperate to break off all relationships with her friends - and, hopefully, his ex-wife in time. He even intended to ease himself out of Jason's life in the coming years. He looked at the relaxed writer, recalling just how peaceful this erudite woman, who could have been his mother, was, and for whom there was no 'new' information. She made him feel Calm. The telling of his story during their coffee shop chat sessions were therapeutic for his malfunctioning mind - he looked forward to them eagerly. He abruptly decided what he would do.

Greg said, "Penny, Jason is welcomed to spend the night but you may not - not now and not ever! I will deliver your son to your apartment Sunday afternoon so you can get him ready for pre-K on Monday." He watched the shock of being rejected on Penny's face while he thought, "Careful Greg! This could become a habit. You could become even more attached to this child - and he to you - and then she might whisk him away from you forever at any moment." He then countered to himself with, "But Jason's life is so horrible in that noisy apartment with no playgrounds or other children until I just can not stand to watch this mistreatment of a child. Heaven help me!"

Suddenly Penny was barely able to talk because she had taken this first rejection very badly, so she returned Jason's travel bag to her ex-husband and said only, "O.K." She attempted to hug her son who was obviously uninterested in her embraces as he clung to Greg. She joined her two companions and the three trudged off to the parking lot.

The child was immediately transformed into a happy youngster. He got his iPad out of the bag and began playing a game. Greg went in and got him a snack and returned with two drinks for himself and Lar.

When they were sipping their teas and all was calm, Lar said, "You left off when Jason was not quite two years old and you had just agreed to invite Butch to spend certain nights with you and your wife. What happened then?"

Greg said, "Well, he came intermittently and Penny insisted that I sleep on the daybed in Jason's room when he did. This allowed them to use our bed, and I agreed. And life seemed to get back to normal when we had no company except that now the fact that I was cuckolded was in plain sight. Ignoring them I was spending so much time with the child, we two became more and more attached. But sometimes Butch would show up unannounced and Jason would hide behind me every time he saw his sperm-donor father. Then, one night trouble between penny and me started again."

Lar asked, "What kind of trouble?"

"Well, it was weeks later and she was sitting on my face, and I was immensely charged up and passionate. She suddenly got off and said, "We need to talk about something, Greg! " Of course my heart skipped several beats as I asked myself, "What now?"

She said, "I want a yacht. Butch has been coast guard certified to safely operate one."

I relaxed and said, "Even the small craft are terribly expensive and we simply don't have that kind of money - not to mention the ongoing monthly costs summer and winter."

She smiled and produced an application form and said, "I know that but there is a way around the huge costs. With fractional ownership there is only a small monthly fee and then a per use fee and those costs are manageable."

"What kind of money are you talking about, Penny?"

"Well, there is also a one-time membership fee - mid four-digits. If you and I would pay the front end costs, Butch would pay the monthly and per use fees and we could have a yacht."

Greg asked, "If I were to agree with this, would you and me and Jason get a chance for an outing? Remember, I, too, am a certified operator since my teen years when I piloted our family craft. "