Reprogramming Erika Ch. 01

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Out-of-control niece meets her match.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/11/2016
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Author's Notes: This story is erotic story written by MarcNagol. I reserve the right to be listed as the author of this story, wherever it is posted. If found posted anywhere except with this note attached, this story is posted without my permission. (c) MarcNagol 2016. All participants are 18 or over.


Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices. - Alfred A. Montapert

It had been a number of years since I'd last seen my niece Erika. My last memory of her was as a delightful, happy pre-teen skipping about at a family reunion, a halo of white-gold hair billowing about her head like a madonna in a Sassoferrato painting. I left soon after on an overseas contract and had not seen my family very often for some years. I kept in touch with my sister through email and Skype, but had not visited face to face since then. A year ago my contracts ran out and rather than renew them, I returned home. At first I had loved the different cultures I was exposed to, the vast variety of food and taste, the diverseness of it all. Eventually I tired of the strange and the odd and hungered for the comfort of home and my own kin.

Arriving home I reconnected with my immediate family except for my sister who was living on the other coast. I re-established ties with old friends and settled down in a comfortable existence. My job was near the same, I still accepted projects overseas, but by now I had developed a cadre of associates who took care of things on the ground, but left me to guide things from home using my experience to advise them how to navigate the shoals of foreign bureaucracies.

I became aware than my sister was struggling. Her marriage was beginning to fall apart and her relationship with her daughter had become acrimonious. She had apparently been a handful all through her teen years, skipping classes, wearing outrageous outfits, coming home at all hours of the night and inviting boys into her room. Her parents tried cracking down on her but she simply broke curfew, then refused to stay grounded when they punished her. I joked with Sue that she needed a good spanking, but Sue and Rob didn't believe in corporal punishment and meted out their punishments by time-outs, groundings and taking her phone away. None of this was working.

I was in the designing a project in China when the landline rang. I ignored it. If I didn't answer the main line, it went to an answering service that redirected the calls to the head office. I was busy, wrapped up in the design. I had flow and wasn't about to disturb the flow while I had a good hold of it. The landline rang again. Again it was ignored. My mobile phone began to vibrate around on my desk. I had flipped on the mute switch so I wouldn't be disturbed. I ignored the buzzing device rotating on my desk. It would go to voice mail. Leave a message. If it was important, I would call them back. It buzzed again and again, rotating in little circles closer and closer to the edge. Finally my OCD kicked in and I had to go retrieve the phone before it hit the floor. It had a protective Otter cover so it wouldn't break, but the phone was bugging me enough I couldn't concentrate. I would just shut the damn thing off.

I reached the desk just as the phone tipped over the edge, dropping in neatly into my outstretched palm. I reached up with my index finger to turn the phone off and saw that all the calls were from my sister Sue. Thinking it might be a family emergency, I called her back.

"Hey, why didn't you pick up?" she interrogated in a aggravated voice.

"Sorry Sis. In the middle of that big project in China I was telling you about. I turned down the ringer on the phone and put my cell on vibrate. I probably should have turned it off. If it hadn't been you calling, I would have shut it off and gone back to work."

"What's up?" I asked.

"I can't deal with her anymore. I just can't. I don't know what to do! She won't do anything we ask her to do, she refused to live by any of our rules. We ground her and she ignores us. She does whatever the hell she wants!" Sue ranted.

"Erika?" I was fairly sure who Sue was complaining about.

"Yes," Sue groaned, "Rob and I are coming apart at the seams. We've started going to counselling, but ninety percent of our fights are over Erika. She constantly plays us off each other and then walks off scot free while we fight."

"Kick her ass out," I suggested.

"I tried. That's part of what Rob and I are fighting about. I know she turned eighteen, but honestly, I don't think she's ready to be on her own. She's doesn't take responsibility for anything she does and I'm afraid she'll end up on the street, or overdosing on drugs or something if throw her out."

I sat down in my desk chair, leaned back and sighed. I massaged my forehead with one hand while the other held my phone to my ear.

"Sissy, what do you want me to do?"

There was an even longer sigh on the other end of the line.

"I don't know, Marc. I just needed someone to talk to I guess. I just don't know what to do anymore. My life is totally out of control. I don't know where to turn."

I don't know much about women. Having sisters, the one thing I have figured out is that they really hate you trying to fix their problems. If one of my buddies calls and tells me about something that is happening, it means he has exhausted all resources and is looking for advice or help. Then I tell him what I think or that I'm coming over with tools and he either tries out my idea or calls someone else for a better one. When a women tells you her problem, she just wants you to listen. Don't solve the problem, don't tell her what to do even if it's obvious. Just listen.

I know. It's freaking hard. Sometimes the answer is so simple but if you tell them, most of the time they get mad. So shut up and just hear them out.

So I just listened. She ranted for nearly a half-hour detailing all the stunts that Erika had pulled in the last couple of years. It was quite a list. Somehow she had stayed off the police radar, but had hit for the cycle with everything else she could get away with.

"Have you ever got her into counselling?" I asked.

"Yes, but she refused to go. One time Rob took her and forced her to see the counsellor and she just sat there on the couch like a lump on a log and refused to talk or to even make eye contact. She's impossible!"

"Wow, tough one. I dunno what to say, Sis." I closed my eyes still leaning back in my chair.

Silence ensued. I just waited, still trying to stick to my listening to my sister thing. I wanted to tell her she either needed to kick her out of turn Erika over Sue's knee and give her a good spanking. But Rob would freak and I'd be doing the man thing, telling her how to fix things again. Yes, again. I haven't always been this smart.


"Yes, Sue?"

"What if you took her for a bit?" I bolted upright in the chair, my eyes popping open.

"Wha - what?" To say I was stunned was a gross understatement. I was a confirmed bachelor. I didn't like kids, never had. I had never wanted any kids of my own either. I was smack dab in the middle of three major projects in two foreign countries. I probably worked sixty to seventy hours a week right now, I had no bloody time to be babysitting an eighteen year old brat.

"Marc sweetie, you're so good with kids and I know Erika has always liked you and she would mind you I'm sure and it would just be for a little while until Rob and I can work things out without her interference and at the very most it would until she's finished high school at the end of the year and then she'll be off to college..." Sue babbled on endlessly without taking an obvious breath where I could break in and cut her off.

I was not good with kids, never had been, Erika probably didn't even know who I was, finished high school? What the hell? June was over 8 months off. And college was a joke if her grades were as bad as her mom was making out. The last thing I needed was to get saddled with babysitting a juvenile delinquent. Juvenile, hell no! She was an adult delinquent. She was a bloody boat anchor being tied to my ankle before they pushed me off the side. Cement overshoes.

"Sis... Sis," I interrupted, "there's absolutely no way I can take on parenting a teen. Not right now. I'm heading up over a billion dollars worth of projects right now and might have to travel overseas if things go wrong. There's just no way. Can't be done."

My sister burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably on the other coast. She was still trying to convince me to take Erika but now I couldn't make out a single word she was saying. Fuck! I hate it when girls cry. It always makes me feel vulnerable and they use it like a club on me as soon as they figure that out. And Sis know me better than anyone.

Nearly an hour later I promised Sue I'd think about it and get back to her tomorrow. I disconnected the call, laid the phone back on the desk and began banging my head gently against the desktop.

I tried to go back to work on the China job, but the waterworks phone call kept bugging me. After an hour I gave up and decided to take a walk. I took the elevator down to the lobby and walked down the street to my favourite little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop for some tea. Maybe some peppermint to calm me down. Once I had my tea from the barista I sat at one of the tables on the sidewalk to contemplate things.

"Hey buddy!" I turned to see who was addressing me.

"Nick!" He had an expresso in hand, I gestured towards the opposite chair. "What's shaking, man?"

"Not too much, how have you been?" We spent a few minutes catching up. Nick and I had lost touch while I'd been overseas but I had run into him a month ago at a party I'd been dragged to and it turned out he lived just around the corner from me. He was the one that told me about this great little coffee shop.

"So, what's new?" I related the phone call from my sister just hours ago.

"Duuude," he drawled, "she sounds like she's quite the partier. You could probably tap that."

"You're a pig." I retorted. Nick grinned in agreement. "She's my bloody niece. I'm not tapping anything. Besides, my sister would castrate me."

"My problem is I have no time for this silliness. I'm up to my ass in work. I clearly took on too much. The projects were supposed to be strung out and somehow they've jammed together on the same timeline, and now Sue wants me to take on this brat of hers before she ruins her marriage. There's no good way out."

"Okay, bud. Here's what you do. Get her out of your sister's hair so she and her hubby can patch things up. You've got room at your apartment for this niece of yours. She stays here and finishes high school and once she's away from home she'll act completely different. I've seen it before. They act all bitchy and then when they get to school and out from under their parents thumb, they grow up, they start acting different. They are suddenly on their best behaviour."

"Hmmph," I grunted considering Nick's idea. Nick was a pig, but he was smart. Brilliant actually. He ran his own investment firm and was picky about his clients. Most people couldn't afford him. Since we were buddies in high school, he offered to take me on and I had a small portfolio with him. What he did was genius. He looked at the Financial Post and it was like he could see patterns in the numbers. He was Warren Buffett 2.0.

"Okay smart-ass, what happens when the inevitable shit hits the fan and I gotta grab a flight to China? What do I do with Miss Irresponsible?"

Nick waved my concerns away like he was shooing away a fly. "Easy, you get me and Peter and Dana and Brigitte to look out for her for a few days 'till you get back. No problem."

"No problem," I growled. "This from the guy who was just suggesting I 'tap' that."

"Hey, man, everyone needs someone to mentor them in the ways of the world."

"You ever 'mentor' Erika and you'll have a boot up your ass!" I threatened.

Nick just grinned and showed me the palms of his hands, "Easy, Killer!"

"Got that right," I grunted into the dregs of my tea.

Nick accompanied me to an early dinner at Japonais Bistro and we mulled over other possible ramifications to having Erika as a house guest. We walked back to our neighbourhood, dropping Nick off at his place and continuing back to my condo.

The tea did it's job and I was able to get back to my project and worked long into the night. Around four in the morning I completed this stage, scanned the results and emailed them to the head office. I printed off the hard copies and rolling them up, stuffed them in a cardboard mailing tube to drop off at the front desk where FedEx would pick up the package mid-afternoon. I brushed my teeth as I stripped down, the sky already beginning to lighten enough I could see details of the river valley from my front window. Wearily I climbed into bed and was asleep as my head hit the pillow.

I awoke to my phone playing Sister Golden Hair by America, my ringtone when my sister calls. "Mgggh."

"Well you sound chipper!" my sister teased.

"Ughm. Up 'till four. What time is it?"

"About nine o'clock, I'm not sure if I want to send my daughter over there if you're partying all night!" she said, pretending to be outraged.

"Sweet. I'll hang up now."

"No, wait! I'm kidding!"

I sighed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "What's up?"

"I wanted to know what you decided."

"Haven't decided. Gave it some thought. Then worked until I finished around four. Haven't figured out how it could possible work." She was quiet on the other end. I got out of bed and staggered into the kitchen for some coffee. I put the phone on speaker and went about making some joe.

"What's that noise?"

"Making coffee. Need some caffeine if I have to think all this through." Soon I had a cup of black coffee stimulating my brain.

"Okay sis. How's this going to work?"

"We put her on a plane. We ship her clothes and stuff to you. You pick her up at the airport and she moves in. You make sure she gets to school, you work from home so you're around all the time and make sure she comes home and does her homework and stuff. Pretty straight forward."

I nearly snorted coffee through my nose. "Straight forward? She doesn't go to school, she refused to do any chores or homework, she stays out all night and parties and everything's straight forward? Sis, you're crazy. I really don't need the headache."

"She's just acting out because of what's going on between her father and I. I'm sure she'll be different over there."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure," I countered sarcastically, "Piece of cake."

"So it's a deal?" She ignored the sarcasm and took it as an agreement.

"Not a chance."

"Please little brother. I'll owe you so much," she wheedled.

I took a deep breath. If I was going to do this, it would be on my terms, my rules. It was my way or the highway.

"I'll do it on one condition..."

"Yaaay!" she cut me off.

"Hold on, you haven't heard my condition yet."

"I'll do anything!" Really? Anything? My mind revelled in the possibilities for a second. I shook my head trying to get back to the task at hand.

"My rules. She obeys my rules or she pays the price. I set the consequences. No whining later, no bargaining, she does what I say or I ship her back on the first flight."

"Done," Sue agreed with satisfaction.

"This means when she acts up, I turn her over my knee. She's will get spanked. I won't put up with her bullshit."


"And Rob doesn't bitch about this later either."

"He won't, we've already talked about this. I knew how you'd be and he agreed."

We got down to the details. Sue had already assumed she could talk me into it and had made inquiries into tickets and within minutes of my acquiescence Erika was booked on a flight across the country. I hung up and went back to bed for a couple more hours, the caffeine shot not hindering my slumber in the slightest. Later I got up and made the guest room ready for my incoming niece.

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FoolishdancerFoolishdanceralmost 8 years ago
Sexy and well written start.

Liked the buildup, realistic, in a fantasy world sense, dialog, and the well used but always enjoyable incestuous tension between a young woman and her uncle. Hope you don't stop here :-).

MarcNagolMarcNagolalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Chapter Three is pending.

Just waiting to be approved!

I'm not sure where the story goes after Three. Once you read the next two chapters I will be asking for ideas where the readers want the story to go.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Nice start to a great story looking forward to reading more.

Maitre1962Maitre1962almost 8 years ago
Good Start!

Looking forward to the next chapters! So far, well done! :)

MarcNagolMarcNagolalmost 8 years agoAuthor

Chapter Two has already been submitted. Chapter Three is almost done and should be submitted tomorrow.

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