Replaced - Defective Husband


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"Thank you, sir." exclaimed a surprised Darcy.

Ted smiled, "Just another employee benefit for our top people, Darcy. What is going on in Boise right now is a nasty case. So, I am glad to have the two of you involved in it. We'll make a it month to month thing. That'll delay any court ordered counseling. However, figure on spending about three months up there. This is the type of project we usually give our single people. Looks like you almost qualify, Darcy."

Darcy smiled, "Yes sir, thank you, sir."

"That'll work. We will have to set up an initial meeting to work the terms of separation." said Larry.

Darcy asked, "Can I give him back the wedding rings at that meeting on the premise that if we work things out I will take them back?"

"Yeah, I think you could do that." Larry replied.

With her calender laid out on the table, Darcy said, "OK then, set it up for Tuesday morning a week from next Tuesday."

"Why that particular date?" ask Larry.

Darcy looked at Larry with a sly smile, "You'll see." ---------------------- They arranged to have Matthew served shortly after lunch on Friday. Darcy had the senior pastor of their church arrange a meeting in his office at 4:30, Friday afternoon. The meeting would include Darcy, Matthew, Tom and Denise Wilson. Ron Johnson, the senior pastor had already watched the video and would be prepared to show it to the other three.

Darcy was the first to arrive at the senior pastor's office. She proceeded to help Pastor Ron get the DVD to a point where one click of the remote would start it. Just as they were completing the task, Tom and Denise arrived. In his always quick smile and up attitude, Tom said "Good afternoon, Missus Thompson." Then turning to Pastor Ron, "So how are you doing, Ron?" Not waiting for an answer, asked, "What's up?"

Pastor Ron replied, "Have a seat, you guys. We'll get into that in a few moments."

As Tom and Denise found two chairs and were seated, Matthew arrived. Separation Documents in hand, he greeted the two pastors and Denise. Then in almost a shout, he exclaimed, "Darcy?!? What in God's Name is the meaning of this..." Shaking the envelope of documents at her.

"That's an interesting choice of words, Matthew." Darcy replied. Then turned to Pastor Ron and in a calm voice said, "Pastor, I think we should start this meeting off with some video graphics."

Pastor Ron clicked the remote, starting the DVD. Not fifteen seconds into it they heard the fainted Denise hit the floor.

Matthew's jaw dropped and Darcy said, in a "now I have the upper hand" tone of voice, "OK Matt, you know the meaning of those document that you hold in your hand, don'tcha now? The first meeting is a week from next Tuesday. Annd Matthew, the docs come from as you term them, 'a den of thieves.' So, I'd highly recommend that you read every word. Then get your own lawyer, as soon as possible." She then glanced at the still fainted Denise, "I think I've made my point, here. Annd, I'm sure you two and a half Christian men can handle one downed Christian woman." Turning to Pastor Ron, who had just retrieved the smelling salts from his desk drawer, Darcy said, "You know how to reach me, Pastor. I'll talk to you later." With that said, she exited the senior pastor's office. Tom stood up in a silent state of shock. His eyes glued to the video, he knew he should do something about his unconscious wife.

By the time Pastor Ron had told Tom, Matt and a revived Denise that Darcy had taken the video, Matt recognized the rap of the pipes of Darcy's Impala Super Sport. A 300 horse power V-8 that could do 0 - 60 mph in about five seconds, he really did not want her to buy that hot rod. Darcy rapped the pipes again, apparently between reverse and and first gear. Yes, it was a six speed stick, special order. It took three months to get the car and he only rode with her once. Almost scared him to death as she shut down a couple of Mustang GT's. He stood in the Pastor's office, listening to the pipes, thinking, "Today, they sound really pissed off. But then again, she just filed for separation, not divorce. So, maybe I can talk her out of it. I'll call her at work on Monday and we'll go get some lunch."

Not a chance of that happening, Matthew Thompson, not a chance.

Saturday Morning at Sacramento International Airport.

After making it through TSA's "airport ordeal," Colin and Darcy found their boarding area. Darcy said "Colin? We have more than an hour before we board the plane. So, why don't we go find some breakfast?"

"Good idea, Darcy. We passed a couple of places that looked and smelled good."

Colin paid for both of them and they found a table by a window where they could watch the planes come and go. Even watch theirs arrive for boarding. Darcy took a sip of coffee and before she unwrapped her breakfast said, "I loved the guy, Colin. I loved him with all my heart, I thought so at least. But, what amazes me is how quick that love evaporated. By the time I called Larry..." She shook her head, now unwrapping her breakfast, then continued, "By the time I called Larry.., Colin? My love for Matt was all but gone. I wanted out and away from him. I sure appreciate how you guys stepped right up there and went to work. Although, I realize now that it was to your benefit..."

Colin smiled and said, "That may be. But, Darcy you know that I would have never let you know my feelings toward if you hadn't been so insistent that we go right to divorce as quick as possible."

Darcy gave him a loving smile. "I've given your oh so eloquent declaration of love for me some thought, not much. It didn't take me very long to come to a decision. Considering that I know more about you than I know about Matthew and I'm fairly sure you know more about me than Matthew does..." She paused to take a bite. Then she continued, "Yes Colin, I do love you and yes, I would like to be your wife for the rest of my life. So, why don't we consider the next six weeks or so an old fashion courtship."

"OK, I like the sound of that." said Colin. Taking a sip of his coffee, he sat it back down and continued. "Let's take next week to get settled in up there. Then next Saturday, let's go ring shopping."

Darcy smiled for the first time in quite a while, "Yeah OK, I like the sound of that, too."

Colin smiled back at his future wife, then said, "Darcy? I am really proud of how you've kept your Irish temper in check. I know you well enough to know that it was not all that easy."

That brought a laugh from Darcy, who said, "You've been there a couple of times, haven't you..."

"Ohh yeah... Remember that time we rolled into Seattle for that Federal case between California and Washington. The hotel had no record of our reservations..?"

Darcy laughed again, "I got hot on that one, didn't I? Incompetence always sets me off. That dumb ass little girl behind the counter was treating us like a couple of tourists when our firm always uses that frigging hotel. She kept calling me Missus Anderson, sounds pretty good now, thinking about it. I'm yelling at the little twit while your calmly calling 411 for another hotel. Telling her that if you find one that it'll be the last time our firm uses that place. We had what? Another five or six people coming in the next week and it was not going to be a short stay, either."

Colin was laughing with her, then said, "About that time the manager became involved. He asked us if we would mind sharing a suite."

"Yeah we said OK, then he gave us that three bedroom, penthouse suite with that huge Jacuzzi and a magnificent view of the city.. What were we there for.., ten days? We had to go out a buy swim suits just so we could use the Jacuzzi." said Darcy, still laughing.

Colin said, "Ya know? Sometimes that's what it takes. Blow up, create a scene and everything works out. I'm afraid I'm too willing to try to work it out calmly, in a reasonable manner."

"Colin, that has it's place, too. The trick is knowing when to apply either method. But, ya know? I've had enough hard lessons to know that your way usually gets desired results. I thought about that when I stepped out of our bedroom last Wednesday to think about what I should do."

Colin chuckled, "Yeah I agree and I like that term, method." He glazed out of the window. "Our Aeroplane has arrived. It's about 45 minutes to take off. We'd better get back to the boarding area. The thing is here Darcy, you thought about it before you acted. That's why you are going to win this thing, get it all your way."

They both rose from the table and Darcy said, "I like that thought, get it all my way."

The meeting to set "Terms of Separation"

Darcy, Colin and Larry sat in the conference room, waiting for Matt and his attorney to arrive. Darcy and Colin were telling Larry about having dinner with the attorney and his wife in Boise. That the attorney told them some stories about how wild he and Larry were when they were room mates in law school. About that time Matt and his attorney entered the room. Darcy thought, "Geez, another guy that looks like he just stepped out of Playboy or GQ magazine. He must be one of Matt's sailing club buddies. Dressed ready to take off to one of the Bay Area's marinas and jump on his sail boat. Coming to a meeting like this, dressed like that... As if my attorney and my employer were of no account. Well lad, you've got some real growin' up to do in this business and a rude awaking right around the corner."

As soon as Colin was sure that they had done their asset check, to include a real property title search, he rose from his seat and pulled out his phone like he was getting a call. He stepped over to a corner of the room and speaking to the walls, called the outer office. "Linda? That Quit Claim Deed that I gave you a little while ago? I want you to get it recorded, now. You know where the County Recorders office is, don't you? Good, we have an account there, so go, now." He terminated the call and returned to his seat, thinking. "Matt's attorney, the arrogant bastard, won't even think to check the title to their house, again."

When everything on the table seemed to be agreed upon, Matt and his attorney rose from their seats. Darcy pitched a greeting card sized envelope across the table to Matt and said. "One last item to deal with..."

Matt picked up the envelope and since it was addressed to him, he opened it. It was an anniversary card. Darcy said, "I'm sure you remembered that today is our fourth anniversary."

Matt stood looking at his wife. Yes, he had forgotten, totally forgotten. A gleeful Darcy said, "Open it up, Matt, open it." He opened the card. No chance to read the words on the right side, his eyes went right to the rings taped to the left side. Darcy held up her left hand, "That's right, Matt. They are there, not here. And Matthew, they will stay there, not here, until we work this all out."

Darcy and her attorneys filed out of the room, leaving Matt and his attorney standing there looking at the rings, then each other. It now all sunk in for Matt. Darcy was going to be in Idaho for the next month maybe longer and would not be around for him to try to talk her out of the separation. But, neither he nor his attorney gave a thought to checking into Idaho's divorce laws.

After the meeting, Darcy, Colin and Larry went to lunch. Once they were seated, Larry ask, "When does your plane leave."

"Three O'clock." answered Colin.

"Great" said Larry, "It's only eleven thirty. An hour for lunch and I'll get you to the airport by one."

"That'll work." said Darcy. "So, gentlemen, what do you two astute attorneys think of the meeting?"

"Dynomite Darcy, dynomite." exclaimed an excited Larry. "That gesture with the card threw them off balance. They are going to be so concerned with trying to work it all out in the next three to six months that the concept of you filing divorce in Idaho in less than five weeks won't even cross their minds. Yeah, I thought it went very well for us. Matt's attorney is one of those guys that think California law applies in the other 49 states, too. Or, that all the states have the same divorce laws."

Colin said, "I had the Quit Claim deed recorded today when I noticed that they had done their asset check, including a title search."

"Good." beamed Larry. "That clears the way for the whole thing to go down as planned. I like it."

As the waiter came to their table to take their order, Darcy said, "I like it, too. You guys are doing a fantastic job."

After the waiter had left with their orders, Larry said, "Darcy? You take your Christianity quite seriously, don't you?"

Darcy looked at him intently for a few seconds to make sure it was a serious question. "Yes I do, Larry. Yes, I do. We all have the option to accept or reject Jesus Christ and that he is who He said He is... First, we have to acknowledge that it is the truth. Then, recognizing that Christianity is all about Jesus Christ and our personal relationship with Him, we have to accept it or reject it. I have chosen to accept Christ for who He is. That means that I have only one choice. Obey Christ, or disobey Him. I don't have the gift of evangelism, but I do think that it is a conscious choice we all have to make during our stay here on earth. As far as this nation is concerned, I doubt there is a person born here that can stand before the Most High God and say something like 'Gee whiz, I didn't know...' Matt made all the right noises to make me think that we had a marriage in the eyes of God the Father. Now, he has broken his vows and voided our verbal marriage contract, made in front of many witnesses. As far as I am concerned, we are not married any more. We have a license issued by the State to live as a married couple. Enter into contracts as one and all that good crap. But gentlemen, what is the legal definition of license?"

Colin answered, "A government granting permission to an individual or group of individuals to do something that would otherwise be illegal."

"So, that being the case, the fact is no level of government is enforcing it. What with living together so common, men taking more than one wife, same sex couples, why bother getting a license?" said Darcy.

Larry chuckled and said, "The way things are today, after your divorce is complete, you could file to have your last name changed to Anderson and live together for the next forty years."

Colin said, "Yeah we could do that. But, in our current positions, I ah, I think it is best that go with tradition." Darcy did not say anything. She just smiled and nodded her head "Yes." Colin continued, "We bought a set of rings last Saturday. But, we decided to wait until after this meeting to place one of them on her finger."

"Yeah, OK." said Larry, "Good move."


It was 11pm when they arrived in Boise. Pulling out of the airport parking lot, Colin said, "Let's get a good nights sleep. Then I'll buy you dinner at that steak house that everybody keeps telling us to try. .Annd then Darcy Farrow, I'll slip one of those rings that we bought onto your finger. How does that sound to you?"

Darcy, feeling thrashed, smiled and said, "That sounds like a plan to me. After dinner, let's go back to your place and ah, have a glass of wine, and then ah, get in bed and ah, play like husband and wife..."

Colin steered the car onto the road into the city and said, "Yeah, we can do that." Giving Darcy a big smile which was quickly returned.


Upon satisfying her residence requirement, Darcy's divorce petition was filed and a few days later it was granted. With her marriage to Colin scheduled to happen in little over a month, she exited her condo to meet him for dinner. After checking the door to make sure it was locked, she glanced down the hall toward the elevators that came up from the lobby, she found Matthew coming toward her, "Matthew?!? What are you doing here? How did you get in here?"

He cracked a slight smile, "Oh, I have my ways of getting passed those type of doors. Ah Darcy? That was a real devious way you played this whole thing. Leading us to believe it was only a six month separation. Then quit claiming off the house and filing divorce here in Idaho."

She laughed, "You're the one that laid out the ground rules, we just found another playing field."

"How do you figure that I laid the ground rules?"

"Oh Matthew... You must think I am some kind of dumb ass twit. You work on a woman not your wife, someone else's for over a year, then bring her into our bed and have sex with her... Then you stand here and call me devious and can't understand why I would play it that way. Damn, you are one big ol' hypocrite, arn'tcha now? All I wanted was out of the marriage quick and as easy as possible. So, my lawyers took care of the details, to include sending me up here for about three months to satisfy the residency requirement."

"Yeah, an' your lawyers sent me one helluva bill. But anyway, Darcy? I didn't come here to talk about that." Matthew drew out the engagement ring she had given back to him, "Ah, I thought maybe we could put the past behind us and try to start all over again." He held out the ring hoping she would take it.

Darcy held up her left hand and turn the back of it toward him. "Matthew? I already have one of those. We will be married in about a month from now."

Matthew withdrew his hand and said, "What happened to forgive and forget?"

"Oh Matthew, I've forgiven you and I am trying hard to forget the last four years of my life, five counting how long I've known you. But, Matthew? Try to get your head around this... You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine. They are diametrically opposed as the east is from the west. However, you are not my judge and I am certainly not yours. Your way has all the choices and options that the world has to offer and it is the most popular way. I have chosen the follow Jesus Christ. Not that I will get it right all the time, but He knows that. My only option is to obey or disobey Him. Now, you know that the elevators to the lobby are that way." she said pointed that way behind him. "And, I am going to the garages." she pointed to a direction behind her. "Matthew? It is time for you to go your way, time to move on with your life. I sincerely hope that you live the remainder of it to the fullest. And, one more item of interest. Tom and Denise Wilson? They patched it up and will be in our wedding. Good bye..."

As she turned to leave, he asked, "Who's the lucky fella?"

Darcy kept on walking, glancing over her shoulder and smiling. As she continued to walk away from him he called out some names, including Colin's. She just kept on walking. He was not her husband anymore, spiritually or legally. Smiling to herself, she whispered, "I don't hate the guy.. I think the proper term here is indifference... I feel totally indifferent toward him."

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jflindersjflindersover 2 years ago

Spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, fantasy legal rules, illogical plot elements-I didn't care for it much. The worst to me was that Pastor Ron had watched the videos, hadn't told his co-worker and had it all set up for a meeting at which the main character would open with a sex show starring the co-worker's wife was more than a little difficult to accept.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Pretty decent story. I hate cheaters, male or female, and love to see them fall hard.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
4 stars. Not as Christian more punishment

Otherwise Denise was to willing for seconds hard to accept reconciliation

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17about 8 years ago

Are you unaware of your myriad spelling and grammatical errors? If nothing else, have an eigth grader read it out loud and have him/her correct the spelling. And is spelled a-n-d, not a-n-n-d. Fairly decent story. Some sentences were incoherent and thus made no sense.

Ntropy586Ntropy586over 8 years ago
Please, if you're going to continue posting...

Get an editor. You've got spelling mistakes galore, grammatical errors that all but scream "I'm incompetent!" at the reader and you manage to make up words ("Clitoria"? Really? Dude, just TRY looking that word up).

This is a hack job of a story, and I was ashamed that I actually read it all the way through.

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