Reese and David: Last Day of School

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Mutual masturbation between teacher & former student.
6.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 01/24/2008
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Reese and David: Last Day of School

On the last day of the school year, just before classes were to begin, I stood at the window of my third grade classroom and looked out toward the yellow school buses arriving. It was going to be a hard day to be in school for teachers and students both. It wasn't going to be the easiest chore to keep children indoors in a stuffy classroom when we both knew they would rather be outside playing and starting their summer break. These young boys and girls would be itching to bust out of the classroom doors and to 'freedom' for the next two and a half months.

At least we wouldn't need to concentrate on any studies today. Work was all but over. All we had to do today was turn in textbooks and do a short survey for the principal. We would have our traditional end of year party, both with our students and later just the teachers in the lounge. Our principal, Joan Masters had thrown the best end of year parties I had ever seen in my twenty years of teaching.

I found my mind wandering as I watched the children playing in the school yard before the first bell rang, signaling the doors were open and they could come in. I found in the crowd and then focused on one eight-year-old boy playing tag with his friends. I thought about what a darling Steven had been this year. He always wanted to help me. 'Ms. Mathews can I clean the chalkboard for you today...Ms. Mathews I'll put away the art supplies for you.' He was my little helper, my teacher's pet as they say. But truly all my children were so wonderful this year. They came to class last fall with their eyes filled with energy and excitement. I stood there looking out upon them and the others and just hoped with all my heart they never lost any of that. All these children did not come from well-to-do families. Many had a hard time providing even rudimentary supplies for their kids. I along with many of my peers would supplement their school supplies from our salaries. With my master's degree and years of experience I could make much more teaching in a private school that had all the funding it could ever want and students that had parents that could pay for everything, but I had made up my mind years ago that I wanted to teach in public school where I thought I could make the most difference.

My thoughts were suddenly broken as the first bell rang. My heart fluttered at the thought and realization the last day of my twentieth year of teaching was beginning. I stood in front of my desk and smiled as my children filtered into the room. Each one stopped and said good morning to me before they took their seats. Seeing all the bright smiling faces filing into my classroom right at that moment told me I had made the right career and life decision.

I walked to the front of my classroom and addressed my young students. "Today's class work will be as short as possible. It's much too nice outside and I know you don't want to be in this classroom any more than I do, so we'll get your textbooks collected and do some other necessary paper work. Then we'll go out for recess." I got this curious look at that point. "I know we aren't supposed to have recess on the last day of school, but it will be our little secret."

The unanimous cheer was almost deafening. I was going to be a naughty teacher the last day of school.

As I called out each pupil's name, they brought their books up, I looked them over and they placed them in stacks on the table in front. My helper, Steven, was making sure they were very neat stacks. Normally, I had at least a couple of lost or damaged texts to write up for replacement each year. This year, with this wonderful class I had absolutely none. That saved even more time.

All that took maybe half an hour. Then we went on to what our principal started a couple of years ago. She had us have every student write down at least three things they liked about school this year and at least three they didn't like or might like to see be different next year. I gave the boys and girls another twenty minutes for that exercise.

Finally it was almost 9:30. Our class parties could not start until 10:30. So it was outside for some physical exercise and fun. The room mothers would be by soon to start setting up and laying the food out.

My mind trailed off as I stood by the play court looking over my charges.

Summer was on the way...for me another summer with a new lover.


Since that first summer after my freshman year at college I had enjoyed very wonderful summers. I was from one of those so called well-to-do families and was used to traveling a lot during my summer breaks. I also started another tradition, finding a new lover to bring to my bed each summer. Though there was always an emotional attachment there was never any lasting relationship. In fact, other than Mackenzie, I had been with only one other person even half as long. I never looked back on that part of my life with regret though. I had friends and family that filled my life. With all my experiences, I resolved to make those that came into my life happy.

Up until the past couple of weeks all that had brought me comfort and happiness.

Then I met David Smalley for the second time in my life.

Something inside me had opened up. That first weekend upon our reunion when we made love it seemed a whole new world was opened up to me. As I stood there this morning, I remember the first orgasm I had that night with my young lover and then the two the next morning. Just thinking about that first weekend with my young David made my body ache with the same desire I had felt those couple of weeks ago.

Now for the very first time in my life I started thinking of something that very seldom crossed my mind...I wanted to settle down with one person, not for a summer or for a few months, but for the rest of my life. But would David want me like that. Maybe if it lasted the year, would he be regretting the commitment in two years or say ten years when I was old and he was in his working prime?

But then...he had just graduated from college. This past weekend was his commencement ceremony. I knew the reality. The infatuation was real. My feelings for him were real. The age difference between us was real also. I was almost exactly twice his age, I forty-two and he going on twenty-two. I had known it was his senior year and I knew he would be graduating and leaving to move back home and find a job and start a career. I fooled myself into thinking this would last.

I had refused to think about it.

Then last Friday, the night before graduation ceremonies he came to see me. He had been to dinner with his parents, and after leaving them at the hotel instead of going back to his dorm as he told them and stopped by my place. He was rather quiet at first when he came in, not his usual self by far...

"What's wrong tonight?" I asked as we sat at my kitchen table sipping iced tea. As I looked at him sitting their sip his, I could not help but think back on our many intimate liaisons, including the first time he had put his manly tool in me that Saturday morning which took place right here at this table. As I started to get that warm feeling throughout once more, he abruptly put down his glass, stood and turned to lean up against the kitchen counter and look out the window.

"I'm a little embarrassed to tell you this." David started. "I didn't even have the nerve to tell my mom yet. I know my dad would not take it well, but mom might understand. But I still had no guts to tell her."

"David, what's wrong? What could be so embarrassing?" I got ready to stand and be by him when he turned and faced me with his arms crossed across his chest. A frown of distraught was across his face. I had never seen my young lover look so serious.

"I'm not officially graduating tomorrow." The words came out in a voice I had had never heard from him before. I could hear the pain.

"Oh," was my solitary, inadequate reaction.

"Yea, I passed all my classes this semester, but as it turns out I messed up and forgot about retaking a class I failed back in my sophomore year. It's a mandatory class for my major." His head hung low, so far that his chin was no against his chest. "My advisor apologized, but it doesn't change anything I still have to take the course again to fill the requirements for the degree. So now I have to go to summer school to make up the one class."

Now my heart did a double stop and start. At first I felt his pain and my heart wrenched. But I also understood the reality that for him to take summer school he would have to be around here for at least another six weeks this summer. My heart swooned and beat within my chest. But how could I be so pleased by his pain? I wasn't really pleased I told myself.

I got up and went to him. I walked up and wrapped my arms around his tall, lean body. I felt his warmth and smelled his masculine musk. I closed my eyes and suppressed my carnal urges for the moment and looked up to his down turned face. I took his chin in my hand and lifted it until we looked one another in the eye.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed or upset about, David." I saw the hurt in his eyes. I also saw that face that had pleased me so much over the last few weeks. I rose up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. I felt the warmth and moisture of my lover. I felt the blood surge to my most intimate areas. As much as I wanted to act on those feelings I knew it was time to be more than a lover and be an understanding and supporting partner right now. "You shouldn't be so upset, David. Many young people can't say that they even got done this soon. Many people I know had to take more than another full semester to finish their four year degrees. In fact, I never told you this because there was never a reason to, but I went to summer school and a whole extra semester and graduated the following December because I was on academic probation after my sophomore year."

His eyes widened at that revelation. I blinked and he eased me back from his body.

"I didn't know that. I thought you were the smartest woman I ever knew. You had to go an extra semester?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry to burst your bubble about my academic prowess. But yes, I was not the perfect student in my younger days."

"I still think you are the smartest woman I have ever known. I know you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. And as for prowess, I know where you have the greatest prowess, Ms. Mathews." That very sexy, mischievous grin was back across his face. He lowered his hands to my hips and pulled me back in to him.

I put my arms to his chest and kept myself leaning back from him. "So you promise to stop feeling sorry for yourself? Not feel bad about telling your mommy about this predicament; one that you are going to reconcile easily by taking that last class?" I ground my pelvis into his thighs and smiled up at him.

"Okay, I promise. I know you're right. I'll tell them after the ceremony tomorrow."

"No, I think you need to tell them before then. If I was your mother I would want to know before."

"You know that is another thing I love about you. You always know the right thing to do and say. You are a lot like my mom in that way."

A weird feeling came over me with that last comment. Was I more than just a fantasy for David? Was I also a mother figure? I was indeed old enough to be his mother. David sighed loudly above me. "You're back to thinking you're old enough to be my mother again, aren't you?"

He was reading my mind! That was more than scary. That was...

"I am. I guess I just can't imagine a handsome young stud like you being attracted to me." I decided to tell him the truth. "Honestly, David, it's because you scare the hell out of me or more to the point, what I feel for you scares the hell out of me."

"You mean you want my younger body badly." He was obviously not in pain anymore. His jokes were back, but now I wasn't sure it was the time and place for jokes. We were getting serious here.

"No, well, yes that too, but it's not all that. I want you, I want to know everything about you and give you the same from me in return." I took a step back from and smiled nervously. "And, yes I want you to make love to me forever and ever. But..."

"But what Reese?"

"I wasn't sure before but I think I love you too David!"

"You're sure you don't just love the idea of being with a younger guy and well, how I can keep it up all the time?"

I slapped him on the chest. "Shut up!" But I grinned broadly and even blushed when I added, "Yes, I like that part a lot, but I love you, not just 'him'!" I nodded downward below his waist. "You're more than everything I wanted in a man as a young girl and now an older, uh, more mature woman. You're good looking, intelligent, of course a fantastic lover, but you're so also sensitive, caring and considerate. Look, you still worry about what your mom thinks. I've never met another man that comes close to you. What more could I ask for?"

"All I know is you've made me feel like the luckiest guy on earth these past several weeks."

"And you've me made me so happy, too, David."

"I want you to meet my parents tomorrow." His words hit me in the face. "I don't think this would be a good time David." I stumbled over my thoughts and words. "I, uh, I think we ought to take that part a little slower. Break the news to them about your extra class you need. We'll save the introductions of the old lecherous woman to another day."

"I think you're cute when you call yourself names, you know that?" He hugged me tight this time and picked me up off the ground. David made me feel far from old. I couldn't stop thinking about his touch on my naked body and how nothing had ever felt more invigorating. It was beyond any sort of horny wet dream between the two of us. I actually felt so giddy. But I was too old to be falling in love like a schoolgirl. It was too true though, he made me feel that young again...


After my young students had departed for their summer break, I spent a little time going over some paperwork and then went down to meet with the other teachers and our principal in the lounge.

"So, another last day for you, huh Reese? How many is that now?" Sheila, one of the three rookie teachers, said as she walked up beside me.

"Today makes twenty and the children weren't any less eager to leave as that very first class of mine back at Albright Middle School. In fact, I feel the same myself today as I felt back in 1987. I'll miss every one of them."

"Well, I hope I can feel that way in twenty years. Today I feel so tired and ready for summer break." Said the shapely young first year teacher. Here was another female endowed with a chest I'd never have.

I blinked. "I felt completely exhausted after my first year, too. You'll learn that experience is a good thing and you have done your job with your students."

"I suppose so, but I'm ready for a vacation. My boyfriend and I are going to the Bahamas in June. I just can't wait." The bubbly young woman went off toward the drink table.

We had our party and I said good-bye to all my teacher friends. I went back and closed up my classroom. I'd come back tomorrow and finish cleaning and straightening up. I needed to get home. I needed David. *****

I made it home from my last day at school. My teaching profession could be on hold for several weeks now. I could enjoy my summer just like the children I had hugged and said goodbye to this morning. Well, maybe not just like them. I smiled to myself.

I threw my keys on the foyer table and headed toward the kitchen and a refreshing glass of iced tea.

A noise from the back of the house stopped me in my tracks.

"That's it," I heard the male voice from the direction of my bedroom. "Keep going, keep going."

Then I heard a female voice appearing to gasp for air, answer back, "Yeah, almost there, don't stop now."

"That's it, don't stop, almost there," I heard the male voice again. This time the breath in my own chest left me as I realized it was David's voice.

Finally, I heard the female voice again. "Yes, hurry, now!" It was Violet.

As I was about to reach the back bedroom I heard the voices stop but now I heard the sounds of creaking bed. My heart was pounding unmercifully as I slowly looked around the doorway into my bedroom.

There David and my little sister were prone on their backs on the bare mattress.

"You owe me, you know that don't you," Vi said as I watched her elbow David in the side. "This mattress was heavier than you led me to believe. I may have pulled a muscle in my back. Oh hi, Ree!" Violet looked up and saw me now standing in the doorway.

"Hi indeed." I said standing there with my arms on my hips in a quizzing stance.

"Dragging this umpteen million pound mattress around was more than I bargained for big sis. I told young David here he owed me one."

"Well, you have no idea how I thought he was doing to pay you back from all the grunting and words I heard coming down the hall. Luckily I came in here and saw you both fully clothed." I grinned at them both still laying there then crossed my arms over my chest and gave them a sterner look. "Of course, you two look mighty cozy side by side on that bed right now."

David immediately jumped up and nearly fell over on me as he tripped on the pillow that lay on the floor.

Vi busted out laughing. I wanted to laugh but fought the urge and kept a straight, discerning face. David righted himself and stood next to me.

"I swear I didn't touch your young lover Ree. All I did was be a good sister and come over to help move furniture."

"Yea, honest, that's all we did." David said pulling down on his t-shirt.

I paused with my serious look until I couldn't hold it in anymore and grew a wide smile across my ace. "Okay, you're right. You're a lifesaver my dear baby sis, for helping my strapping young man help rearrange bedroom furniture. Happy?"

"Yes, that's better." Vi smiled and got up to stretch her back. "This room actually looks bigger now with the bed over here. Give you two more room to get horny all over one another."


"What, its not like it's not the truth. You two can't keep you hands or lips or any other body part off one another these days."

David chimed in, with his somewhat embarrassed pink cheeks, "I thought I could finish the move on my own, but that damn king sized mattress was impossible to handle for one person. Luckily your sister came by when she did and volunteered to lend a hand."

If only he had known my sister had been by here on another afternoon and caught us in a naked tangle on this same mattress just last week. I had forgotten she was stopping by that day and only remembered when I looked up and saw her standing where I was standing now in the bedroom doorway. Only her eyes were as big as fifty cent pieces when she stopped in her tracks as David lay atop me and I bit into his shoulder both of us crashing into another exquisite orgasm. She'd stood there and let us mutually climax while she put her finger to her pursed lips signaling me to be quiet and backed herself back into the hall. Later that night I called her and we giggled like we hadn't in years talking about the embarrassing scene. Only now I ginned at David and he had no idea what I was thinking about.

I looked over at my sister and actually was amazed she had not taken the opportunity to tell on herself and now me for keeping the secret. That was a big problem she had, keeping her mouth.

I also couldn't help notice as she continued to stretch her body out how physically beautiful and still in shape she was, even after having two babies. I glanced back at my David and he was picking up the pillow he had nearly tripped face first over. I would not have an ounce of jealously if his eyes were to gaze across at Violet in those tight shorts of hers that hugged her still relatively slender hips and butt. Of course, that t-shirt was about stretched to the limit at this point by those pair of overly generous boobs, of which I could and had always been jealous of.