Red Doors Ch. 02

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Sexual therapist for a troubled patient.
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Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/04/2022
Created 04/15/2004
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That was the most erotic experience to date having my chance to help Nathan and Julia. The memories would flood back at me with very little help in bringing them on. Yet with good memories there were the bad ones. The one you compared to having an extraction without Novocain still it wouldn't come to the bad memory with some case.

I immediately realized I was good at this. The whole process was just momentous when it was on target. Never having contact with the subject after it made the sexual side more easily to under take. I was never thought of as a woman taking her man, that risk was taken care of.

Leafing through the case history of our next patient I was enthralled with the whole process. Thomas of course was the center of the whole practice. His keen eye for the complete picture caused very few loose threads before, during and after the five week session.

We had a beautiful lunch the after noon before we had our next case. Sitting in the private dining area we were able to talk without fear of being over heard.

The linen laden dining table, crystal dishes and the immaculately kept room served our purpose totally. The chef came to our table during the meal. Thomas spoke fluent Italian I was almost sure he had given this chef a five star compliment.

The chef smiled broadly at me as he took leave. I smiled back without knowing why either of us were smiling.

"What was that smile for Thomas?" I asked interested.

"Oh Paco asked if you were my daughter. Or were we lovers?" Thomas spoke with a slight grin on his face.

"So which are we, Thomas?" I smiled knowing he wouldn't be tricked in telling me anything.

His face lit up and he quietly said, "I told him you were not my daughter." Then he smiled again.

Well, that would be as close as I would know what he did tell the chef. I found him frustrating much of the time. Yet I was so thrilled to be allowed to learn at therapy with this man of great genius.

Our conversation stayed light until we were eating a decadent chocolate mousse.

"Abigail tomorrow will be enlightening for you. I know I will see your reaction with interest. After all you will be the one to initialize the actual sexual therapy." Thomas spoke with very little emotional tones.

"So what makes this so interesting?" I asked without expecting anything to be divulged.

"The couple we will be seeing tomorrow has an interesting problem. Well, not exactly a problem I suppose." He said with a little smile on his face.

I was sitting here looking at him feeling frustrated by his imparting very little on the next case. Then I looked away as though I was just enjoying the fireplace.

"What, no questions?" Thomas laughed teasing me.

"No. I have no questions Thomas." I said defiant.

We finished the lunch with small talk leaving the restaurant in a snow storm.


Sitting at my small office with the desk lamp on I read through the case work It looked challenging yet once again it was only dry details. Their results of their complete physicals. Their arrival and their remittance. Not caring about the remittance part I shifted the papers so I could try to get my feel of this couple.

She was 5'2" in her forties. Said black hair, blue eyes. No children. She was involved in many worth while activities. Looked to be very active in women's causes.

Glancing down he was 6'0" in his fifties. Silver hair, green eyes. No children. He was a CEO in a banking family. In good health with very little else mentioned.

Sitting their file down I closed my eyes trying to chase away this head ache coming on. Rubbing my temples I seemed to relax enough that I allowed my mind to wonder.

My mind returned to after Nathan's session. I was so very moved by the whole event. I stepped into my shower to allow everything to wash off. Being touched by Nathan I was spinning around. My emotions were on the surface. My mind raced for something to grasp upon. I washed my body with great care I seemed to need to know I was still Abigail. A woman struggling to be a doctor one that wanted nothing less.

The shower was steaming up the room, I was feeling so vulnerable for the fact I was with a man. A man that I would never see again. He brought me to orgasms as I brought him to his. We were two people needing something to allow him to go forward.

As my hands touched my body intimately I felt the need to masturbate. I first soaped my hands so they could glide across my slippery skin. I lowered my fingers to my nipples pulling them out and rolling them around my fingers. This was something I enjoyed it caused me to become moist instantly. Breast play was a mere step to my erogenous zones. I was able to hold my breasts even though they were heavy in my one hand resting upon my fore arm.

Taking the next step I graced my stomach going for the womanly erotic zone. I had to stop my breast and nipple play. So I could open my lips allowing my fingers to barely touch my hanging clit. It had made itself known by the nipple play. I stroked it in my thumb and fore finger making my knees weak. I stopped it enough time to place three fingers inside of me. I felt the orgasm coming into play. I backed off not wanting this to be over. I felt for my G spot [Yes there really is one.] I laughed at the fact men who say there isn't anything like that down there. Were just to inexperienced to know and ashamed to ask to be shown.

I was able to slip my fingers in further as my other hand went in for the clit. Playing with my body was making me erratic in my breathing. I had lost myself into the whole experience when I knew I heard a cough. I was on the edge of an orgasm. I flew over the edge riding the wave the orgasm was shattering my body.

I wanted to stay on the precipice I actually had no alternative I was screaming out in the loudest voice I ever made.

"Ooohhh nowwwwwwwww yesssssssss thisssssssssssss ohhhh fcukkkkkkkk mee.."

I screamed out to nobody.

My body was convulsing from the most erotic masturbating I had ever felt. I finally leaned onto the shower wall. When I heard the coughing again.

"Who's there?" I asked panic rising in my voice.

Nobody answered but I was certain I wasn't alone. I was about to panic before it dawned on me. If there was a cough it had to be Thomas. He was still here he might have walked in on my shower. I got embarrassed to think he would have heard me masturbating. I turned the shower nozzle off as the steam evaporated

I could see the room. Nobody there. I opened the door reaching for the towel I

thought my mind had played a trick on myself.

I started rubbing my body down vigorously, when I smelled the scent of unmistakably of Thomas. His cologne was a custom blend no other man could ever wear it. I smelled him, he had to have been here.

I smiled at this thought. I was hoping he was becoming to be aroused by me in some small way. I know he had me aroused through out our day. Slipping my robe on I....


"Penny for your thought Abigail?" Thomas was behind me smiling.

I opened my eyes smiled back at him. Sat up so he couldn't notice I was having an erotic dream.

"No thoughts to share. At least not tonight. Are you ready to leave, Thomas?" I said with a calm I was possessing at least for tonight.

His body language seemed to have changed. Or was it I wanted it to change? We got our coats and walked out into the night's air. He drove me home leaving me chaste at the door.

"Night Abigail see you tomorrow." Thomas spoke as he walked towards his car.

"Yes, tomorrow. Night Thomas." I said opening my door so I could get inside.

**************************1224-51 Edward and Sarah

The day was promising to be a cold one as the snow swept around the corners. People were holding their faces hoping to get inside some where warm before frost bite took them over. I came through the front door only minutes after Thomas had. I could see his coat and scarf hanging on the tree stand.

"Good afternoon Abigail. It's going to be a record cold breaking day out there." Thomas said with a little jubilant tone to his voice.

I turned away placing my coat next to his. As I turned to answer him I saw what had to be our appointment today. They were a little early neither dressed very warm for today's weather.

"They are here it looks. I hope they know that the cold is biting they need better coats. They must be from the South." I managed to say before the door chimes alerted they were there.

As I opened the door we made small talk looking at one another smiling. Thomas came out to greet them also. Their coats were cloth coats but not warm enough for this time of year.

We all went into the sitting room took our places went right into talking about there life.

"Edward is having a problem. I am sorry for being blunt and to the point it's that I don't have much time to dilly dally upon niceties." Sarah blurted out without breathing.

Edward seemed to be shyer and more withdrawn of the two. He seemed to find it

hard to speak. Yet he looked upon her with eyes of love, they were perfectly matched for one another.

"I think Edward should be made aware of the fact that I am needing a lot more from him right now. I love him have since third grade. We have everything we could ever want. Except for one thing. It's time we don't have time, very little of it." Sarah said matter of fact.

I was amazed with this woman her demeanor was nurturing, caring, loving and giving. She slid her hand into Edward's smiling at him. At this point Edward looked her in her eyes with tears swelling up in his.

"Sarah is a blunt speaking woman. She didn't use to be she just has had to be the past two years. She faces obstacles that would drown any other woman with an ease. She can't take time to dance around issues. That's why we are here actually. She is dying." His voice stuck in his throat. He kept the tears from falling down his face.

My head was spinning my questions were many. I learned to not ask that the patient will tell you when they can speak about it on their comfort level. They seemed to have become one they held hands and touched quite sweetly.

"So our problem is I am not going to survive much longer I am needing Edward more. I mean intimately I am wanting him. We both are dealing with my disease in our own way. Mine is head on and getting through it. Edward seems to be pulling away." Sarah said with a firm tone.

Edward lowered his face as though to not face the inevitable. We sat there while they seemed to revive one another. I know my eyes were getting watery but I dared not allow them to fall. What an amazing couple they were. I couldn't see how sex therapy would be a solution for them.

"So how long have you lived with cancer?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I am going now for my third time around in four years. It's not going to go away this time. I won't be here most likely even in a few months." Sarah spoke plainly.

Edward tensed up making me feel he wasn't sure she would die even this time. He was in denial hoping for a reprieve one more time.

"I can't make love with her." Edward whispered. "I want to I just can't I am afraid I will hurt her. Or I would cause her to die."

"Edward by a freakish accident seemed to think he broke my wrist bone. I mean I have bone cancer, they are brittle he was so mortified he hasn't tried again." Sarah said with sadness in her voice.

Sarah leaned over kissed Edward's cheek then she seemed to need to be quiet for a few minutes. She was so pale with almost wasted away body fat. She had a sadness about her. She smiled often laughed some. She was gearing up to tell us what she wanted.

"I have been the only woman Edward has ever been with. I am his grade school girlfriend so to speak. We didn't need children and now hind sight I think that would have made this easier for us. I want you to show Edward ways to make love to me so he won't feel he is hurting me." Sarah said quietly.

"I don't want to be with another woman, Sarah." Edward was firm in his voice.

His face was struck with terror as he looked at me, then Thomas.

"I need you Edward. I need to be held. I need to be shown that you still want me. I need you to make love to me, please?" Sarah's eyes were tearing up.

Hearing her say please Edward looked as though he was aware of the urgency of his sexual touches were to Sarah. He seemed resigned to the idea he was going to be with her intimately.

"Will you help me? Will you show me how to be with Sarah so I can't hurt her?

I love this woman with my whole heart. She needs me, please help us?" Edward said with strength he was finding.


They came back for their therapy each time with a renewed feeling of hope. Not for her to live but for them to enjoy each other to the end.

I was dressing for tonight with a mixed feeling. Edward was needing some strength needing to have faith he wouldn't harm her any. Over the five week therapy they found laughter, tears along with a calm that I could see would carry them through.

The chimes alerted they were here. Hearing voices I went to meet them. Chatting with Sarah, Edward seemed to be standing taller. His wanting to give her the love she wanted he seemed to be stronger for it.

She wanted to be in the ante room, while we were behind the red doors. Thomas was in his office as usual.

It seemed to not be a need for sexy role play. I was there to show him how to make love to her with little or no pressure from his body weight. We found pillows that were placed under my chest throwing my hips in the air. He was able to enter me with no weight upon my body at all. His sliding inside of me caught me off balance. He was tentative in the beginning but gathering up nerve. Then we laid side by side him behind me he slipped inside without body weight once again.

His body was being relaxed more as I showed him she could sit upon him then she wouldn't have any body weight again placed upon her brittle bones. I started rocking upon his cock with slow circular motions. He was laid back watching me.

I felt a little like I was being mechanical, when he reached up and took my breasts pulling me to his mouth. As soon as he placed their nipples inside of his mouth I became wet.

He was moving his hips up as I was pressing down onto him. We were riding the sheer enjoyment from each other. He was holding onto my hips causing me to become saturated with my precum.

"Edward this is soo hott." I managed to whisper.

"Hhhhnnnnnmmm Yes it is isn't it?" He said between his clenched teeth.

I was feeling so aroused I brought his hand to my pussy. Placing his finger around my clit he started playing with me. I was losing track of time or place as I felt the orgasm shatter all around his cock.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nowwwwwwwwwwwww yesssssssssssssss..." I screamed.

His face looked at mine with sheer ecstasy upon it. His eyes were pleading with mine to help him cum. I reached behind me and placed his balls inside of my hand and squeezed slightly. He locked eyes with mine, allowing his hips to grind up inside of me.

"Oh Yeeesssssssssssssss I ammmmmm wanttttttttttt youuuuuuuuu Sarahhhhhh." He shouted so loud he strained his voice box.

His hot cum was splashing all up inside of me with waves of spasms as he was filling me up he started crying.

"I thought sex was forbidden to me. I didn't feel like I should enjoy sex when she was so ill. I want to help her get through this. She taught me how to live she

is teaching me how to die. Oh my God, I need to be with her more than ever." He seemed to have laid his burden down.


As they left I felt a strange mix of feelings come over me. He was so thrilled he

had found the challenge to be with Sarah. Sarah was so happy it was almost scary.

I sat down in the bathroom while I was allowing the steam to build and cried for them. Later when I was ready to go home, I couldn't get them out of my thoughts.

A love so pure that she wanted him to see there would be love making after her.

It was only three weeks later when we heard she had passed away. Edward was doing okay, he left the country to England to get his bearings back. As all patients there were some that would never touch my heart. Then there were ones that touched me forever...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

What a beautiful love story... erotic, and sweet


My Erotic TailMy Erotic Tailabout 20 years ago

Annora's red doors is erotic...witty and spellbinding. I wish I could have thought of such an Idea. Truely waiting to see more chapters and cases. This is a hell of a story, destine to go far. Thanks L~

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