Rakshasa Rutting

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A forest demon's loins find violent release.
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There were two of them, both fair-skinned, most unusual. A large male in the lead, with a gun, followed by a female with binoculars around her neck, both with sun hats. She was smaller, and walked both more carefully and less confidently. I could see them through the tree leaves below the atti branch holding me. This was trouble on many fronts.

Our small group's ravages had not gone unnoticed as we crashed our way through this new area of the Nilgiri Hills. The stolen goats, trampled fences, the loud screams that accompanied a sighting of even one of us had caused commotion in the villages. We found it necessary to retreat further into the forest until things calmed down.

The pair were coming to a fork in the forest trail. One path led right underneath me, the other proceeded down a ravine here in the Western Ghats. Luckily the forest had provided enough game and other foodstuffs for us the last few days, but there is nothing like a good village raid to give us a more comfortable surplus while we were on the run.

I held still in the tree, they would only see me through the leaves if they looked straight at me, and I was above their line of sight. My feet held the branch, my arms ready for a desperate scramble away or a quick pounce if the opportunity presented itself.

The male's eyes went from the trail to the trees, back and forth, quick and watchful.

'Look here!' he spoke to his companion while looking down. 'Fresh Rakshasa prints. The devils! See how big the feet are, how wide the toes separate! An adult male, it looks like only one, but perhaps there are more. Full grown by the looks of things.'

His eyes searched the canopy understory but I kept still.

'We always thought they were only legends, the natives' Rakshasa stories just simple, ignorant, fabrications. Forest demons indeed! But these beasts are undeniable -- dangerous to a great degree as the last few weeks have well shown.' He scanned the trees on each side of the trail.

He crept along the trail, coming ever closer to my place of concealment. His companion followed cautiously.

'Are they more man than beast?' asked the female. I detected some fear in her tone.

'We don't know,' replied the male. 'The ancient legends label them as fierce, cunning. Light body hair, taller than us, long-limbed and strong.' His eyes kept moving, his gun held carefully in both hands.

I pulled a small unripe fig from off the tree trunk and held it ready in my hand. When he was just below me I tossed the atti to the other side of the trail.

He whirled towards the sound of it falling amidst the dry forest leaves and I leaped.

I hit him from behind and above, sending him sprawling. I knocked his gun away immediately and tossed it down the ravine, away from reach. He faced me, his eyes wide with fear.

'Run for it!' he shouted to his companion, just before I closed in on him. He had turned to run himself and had taken a few steps before I grabbed him from behind by the neck and pulled his head back roughly until I heard the satisfying snapping of bone.

With a quick, urgent gasp he felt to the ground and I bit him hard on the neck until he moved no more. I heard the rapidly retreating footsteps of his companion and bounded after her.

She was remarkably slow and clumsy, no doubt due to panic, and before long I had her cornered on the trail.

Her eyes were wide, her mouth open. She had no weapons I could see. She was of medium size, rather soft than lean. Hair the colour of teak tumbled from underneath her sun hat.

She stepped backward as I approached, until she tripped over a tree root. I was in complete excitement at this point. For Rakshasas, the only thing better than a kill is taking the victim's mate.

Best of all is when there are a group of us, at least three, and two can hold the male before we kill him, while we ravish his mate before his eyes. We do this severally, in turns, and that is always supreme, watching the victim's eyes go wild while we pierce his mate's loins, our raging members impaling her repeatedly, our excited froth overflowing from her slit, then the fear on his face just before we dispatch him. The kill then is immensely satisfying, and of course our own loins are well sated as well.

But I would have her now, here at the edge of the trail. I ripped her clothing off, my claws making short work of the thin fabric covering her, although I had trouble with the belt and binocular strap and had to bite them off. She was so paralysed as to not even put up much of a fight. Her mouth was wide open, she was making pitiful noises from the back of her throat.

I grabbed her and pushed her face down to the ground. Holding her head down with one hand, I sniffed her crotch. She was ripe, she would be good.

I pulled her knees forward, until her hips were slightly elevated and plunged my now hard member home. She squealed with my entry, but I held her neck down with my hand. Her face had turned to the side to avoid being pushed straight down into the leaf-litter, and I noted it was red and flushed, just the way I prefer.

My member was raging, I plunged in and out. Her haunches were dimpled and fleshy. Like many of these humans, her hips were surprisingly wide and soft.

As I got closer to the end I forced my chest on her back, my arms pressing her down firmly. Her haunches felt good as I drove into her, the fluids we had generated were smoothing my thrusts. I felt my loins contracting, my hips more frantic. I bit her neck, not hard enough to draw blood, when my froth erupted, many good strong thrusts while my hips clenched and drove. When I quieted, lying on top of her back, I could feel her ribs rapidly expanding and contracting underneath me, she was panting for air. In a few moments I was hard again and renewed my thrusts.

As with most of these humans, she was taken by surprise, thinking that all was over with the first onslaught. But it had been a week since my last coupling, and I knew there were two or three more burdens of froth built up within me.

The second time was longer, more delicious. I delighted in holding her neck down with one hand, or grasping her hair now that her hat had been cast aside. There was a mark on her neck where I had nipped her, another good sign. If there are no marks on a female after coupling, then it has been a weak affair altogether.

Midway through my second coupling, I found her moving underneath me in a quite different fashion than before. Her hips pushed back into me as I thrust, it felt that her channel had both opened and yet at the same time was clenching on me more vigorously. Her face was redder, one hand grasping a tree root, and her breathing was coming more quickly.

I continued my in and out pushing, delighting in feeling her hips move underneath me, the smoothness of her back and haunches. Then her hips shuddered, she gave a little yelp and I was aware I might be causing her pain, but her grip on my member grew strong and rhythmic. She was indeed rutting, whether I had caused it or this was the normal time for her.

Her cry was loud and long, although she tried to muffle it, and I finished inside her, another good thick batch of froth finding its way home.

My hips eased and halted, I did not bite her neck this time. Her eyes were closed, yet her mouth was open, her hair tangled about. Her panting slowed, red marks showing on her ribs where I had held her close.

She weakly tried to pull away from me, but I wanted her one more time. I held her head down again and renewed my thrusts. I made these long and slow, the head of my member nearly coming out, and in fact I withdrew twice, to sniff her crotch, now strong and oozing, before ramming my member home again. This was the longest of all, I alternately laid on her back, my hands and claws pawing at her soft chest underneath, or held her head and hair in one hand while I pursued my pleasure.

Twice more her hips shuddered and clenched, her cries more breathless now, as my member made its way in and out.

The third burst of froth I knew would be my last. She was soft and compliant now, I liked the way my hips rammed into her haunches, and I gushed forth with a roar, scaring her in the process. My loins contracted, my froth issued, and then I lay still on her back. I could feel her breathing underneath me, she was holding very still, unsure of what was next.

After a short rest on her back while I ran my hands up and down her sides, I uncoupled, and I saw her stare fearfully at me, then my member. Her eyes grew wide. I knew I was larger than most of the males of her kind.

My member had softened, and retracted a bit, but the tip still poked free, wagging and dripping with my froth and her own fluids. She looked as if she could not grasp all that had just happened. The kill, the chase, the coupling, that my member had just been inside her. But her crotch oozed froth, there was no escaping that.

I judged it time to depart and escaped back into the forest.

It was many days later. In almost the same place, I heard another pair of humans coming down the trail. For some time there had been much coming and going, but we had wisely retreated further into the woods and had been left alone.

I was on the other side of the trail than before, watchful.

The same female as before was in the lead, she was accompanied by another female, with lighter, longer hair that was somehow wrapped into a long vine that hang down her back. They had no weapons, but carried a wrapped bundle.

The pair had come to the place where we had coupled before, and stopped there. She scanned the trees, clearly looking for me or my kind. I was very still.

After looking about for a bit, they sat down.

'This was the place?' asked the taller one. 'Do you suppose he, it, will be back? No one has seen any of them for many days now.'

'Yes, this is the same place.' The dark haired female scanned the trees. I was sure she stared right at my perch but she didn't appear to see me.

'It was amazing, Mary. I haven't thought about anything else as much. Not even Arthur.' She paused. 'Poor Arthur. He and his brother came together from Leeds for an adventure. He didn't have a chance.'

'But the copulating was so -- intense. Primal. It was extraordinary.' She pursed her lips.

They were quiet for some time.

'It was rough, very rough. But very exciting too. Perhaps my fear had something to do with it. Or the way he drove into me. I have never been able to climax more than once at a time, and sometimes not even that. And yet this time...'

'You said he came repeatedly? How do you know that? Maybe he just stayed hard and only came once? We know almost nothing about them, their sexual behaviour even less.'

The dark haired one shook her head. 'I know he came at least three times. There was a slight change each time. I could tell. And of course, there was a lot of, ah, semen. More than just one time could produce.'

'But that could just be the difference between us and them too though. You don't know.'

The dark haired one scanned the trees again.

'Let me set this out, see if that does anything.' She unwrapped the bundle, which was a freshly cut hind leg of goat. It smelled good. She set it towards the side of the trail, near a small clearing, a little distance from them.

I hadn't eaten anything substantial in two days. The goat smelled good. They looked safe.

I waited a bit to see if any others were coming down the trail. All was quiet. I decided the food was worth a risk.

Slowly I descended and came to the edge of the trail. They had noticed me but didn't move.

I carefully made my way to the goat leg. They watched. I eyed them.

I squatted and took a small bite, it was fresh, no off taste. I took another bite, then finished the leg completely. They watched me intently.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked at them.

Their eyes found each other.

'This is the same one?'

The dark haired woman nodded. 'I am sure.'

'Are you going to try it?' asked the tall one.

The dark haired one looked at the other, and then swallowed.

'I want to. I desperately want to. Almost to remind myself of what it was like before.'

She hesitated.

'Yes. Here goes,' she said.

She stood very slowly, looking at me the whole time, and one piece at a time removed her coverings, her hat, the other pieces around her skin, until only her pink white flesh was visible.

Her legs were short and wide. Her teats hung, much heavier than ours, much more pushing forward. Dark circles surrounded their tips. Her shoulders were wide, soft, grazed by her dark loosened hair. I wanted to bite her neck.

She looked fresh. Beckoning. Something to ravage.

She unrolled a piece of cloth and spread it out, and then knelt on it, facing away from me and laid down, her rump raised in the air, her head turned to the side.

She was presenting herself to me. There was no mistaking it.

I felt my member emerge. The head was already free from its skin covering, growing rapidly. I made my way over to her, my eyes going from one to the other, but neither made a move. Their faces revealed no fear, nor anger, nor suggested danger in any way. But their eyes were wide, intent on my member and my actions.

I sniffed her crotch, which was open and ripe smelling. If this was not rutting, I did not know what else it could be. My member was out now fully, I saw the eyes of the other female wide and full. She looked at the dark haired one, who made a small smile.

And then I mounted her, in a flash. My belly full, my fears eased, my arousal was very high.

As before, I alternated between holding her head down with one hand, and lying on her back, my teeth lightly on her neck.

The going in and out was good. Like the last time, her channel seemed to relax as I pushed, but then gripped me hard in cycles. Her hips began to push back into me, anticipating my thrusts. Her breathing grew rapid and shallow.

The harder and more rapidly I pushed, the more her faced contorted.

'Uhh, uhh' she panted, and then I felt a shudder run through her hips and her grip on me grew intense.

'Uuhh....ohh' she moaned, I felt my member being held tightly in a series of grips.

A few more thrusts and my froth erupted. I felt my hips driving hard, my member emptying my froth into her, squeezed and coaxed along with her grip. I humped slowly at the end, feeling her clench my member and pull my last froth from me.

I let myself relax on her back, my teeth in her neck, and I let my hands go up and down her flanks.

The other female looked a bit shaken, her eyes wide. She was holding her hands together tightly.

The hips underneath me were still, then began slowly to move again. My hardness had returned, and I began a long, slow in-and-out. My member was wet inside her, the way her hips moved back on mine urged me to go more strongly.

I held her head down and thrust violently. I looked at the other female, whose hand had drifted to her own crotch. Her eyes were wide, her mouth open.

In and out I went, deeply, sometimes nearly completely pulling out before ramming back in again. Her head was to the side, her eyes closed, her face contorted. She was moaning.

All this increased my want. I thrust powerfully, her soft hips meeting mine and her inside gripping me with an intensity I was most unaccustomed to.

A low groan came from her mouth. Her hands were outspread, her haunches very tense now.

'Ohhhhh, uhhhh, ahhhh' her face squeezed. Several more thrusts and she cried out, almost a scream. 'Yess' she hissed and a powerful grip from her forced me to push more fiercely.

My froth was ready again. I felt it swell from deep within me, felt it spew forth, strong and powerful. With pleasure. My hips ground in with the last, frantic short pushes insuring that all my froth would pour out, up and into her furthest recesses.

She squeezed me tightly, until I lay still on her back, both of us breathing hard.

After a short rest I pulled out.

The dark haired one turned to face me, sitting, and stared at my member. It was hanging, flecks of froth still clinging to its head. Her face was red, there were marks on her flanks where I had held her.

I stood and she looked at me. Her eyes were wide. She leaned forward, and to my surprise extended her tongue. She licked the tip of my member, then lightly ran her lips over its head. Somehow I knew she would not bite. She licked for a few moments, very gently, and then withdrew.

The other female stared.

'He has those ... things ... around his cockhead' she said. They both looked at my member.

'They are perhaps barbs, but maybe more like a ring of bumps or something.'

The dark haired one said. 'You see he is not longer than ours, but much thicker around.'

The other one stood, and this time it was her turn to remove the pieces of fabric that covered her. She was taller, larger, with a soft set of teats that hung, and a soft belly.

She looked at me, and spoke to her companion.

'Do you think I could get him to take me differently? Not like you, from behind, but on top of me? I should like to feel him in front.'

The dark haired one stood and gestured to her cloth on the ground.

'See if you can coax him' she said.

Her friend lay down on her back and spread her legs, pulling her knees back. Her crotch had a covering of light fur, the only patch of it on her body besides her head. Her split was red inside and looked moist. Her eyes sought mine.

I knelt and sniffed her crotch. She exhaled and turned her head to the side. These two were rutting, no question. All their movements, their smell, everything said that it was time for them.

Although I had never done this, I impaled her from the front. My member had hardened with the sight of her gaping crotch lips and that alluring smell, and I slid up her channel easily.

She gasped as I slipped up her and closed her eyes.

I had my hands on her chest, pushing down firmly on her teats, so soft and compliant. My claws sought her teat-tips, and she made little noises of submission.

I began to thrust. It was very different, but she pulled her legs around me to give me greater depth. She reached her own hands up and strangely began to twist my own small teat ends, pulling, tweaking. For some reason this was most exciting, and I began to push strongly into her.

The soft inner sides of her thighs rubbed along my flanks as I pushed. This prodded me further. I went deep into her, and soon she was eagerly grinding her hips into mine as well. We looked at each other fiercely. Her body rocked back and forth on the ground as I thrust into her.

I felt her hands on my rump at the same time that her breathing elevated. Her breaths became very erratic, her head began to move from side to side. Whimpering noises came out of her mouth, but she bit down on her lip, although this only muffled the sounds a little.

I laid down on top of her, my teeth in her neck. Her chest was very soft beneath me. I felt her hips curl into mine, her legs holding me tight, and she yelled out loudly.

'Aarghh' she voiced loudly, then again. Her grip on me went in series, it was good. I kept pounding my member in, and after a spell of relative quiet she again tensed and yelled, the grip on me somewhat less this time.

I kept pushing violently until I felt my froth build up. This would be my last. My hips bucked, my loins contracted fiercely and I bellowed out when I drove into her for the final times.

It erupted strongly, with good pushes, and I filled her full.

Slowly, with great clenching squeezes my last froth emptied, oozing now, no longer with power.

And all was still.

I laid on top of her, her skin soft and wet.

I raised my head and noted the red mark on her neck where my teeth had been.

Her eyes were wet. Wide. Gleaming.