Queendom 03: Trial of Celibacy

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Stripped, hogtied and humiliated for a bunch of celibates.
23.9k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 12/30/2022
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Author's Note: It is recommended to read the previous chapters of this story, to better understand the storyline and characters. It starts slow, but gets going pretty quickly. The tension between the players works the best if you know the characters and their progressions well. Here is a quick remainder of the story so far.

To recapitulate..

Queen Elanor, the Great Chaste of Wolkernshire, is having a hard time keeping a level head, navigating the daily politics and policies of her court, while mourning from the unexpected demise of her true love, King Barthomius. Wanting to relieve the chaos in her mind, with all conventinal aids failing, the Queen decides to employ a promising horse trainer, Bellatrix of Agrafena. Her rationale being, unorthodox problems demand unconventional solutions. Bellatrix correctly identifies the key to solving it, but it involves manipulating the Queen's bodily cravings, primarily the sexual kind. The only problem being, the Queen's unswerving determination about preserving her chastity.!

Though deeply in love with King Barthomius, due to traditions and circumstances, the Queen hadn't consummated the marriage yet. And now she felt it impossible to part with the one thing in her mind, that she truly had promised her man. Her virginity. Bellatrix took upon the challenge, to treat the 'condition' in secrecy, without violating the Queen's chastity, nor risking any exposure that would compromise her Queenship. After a few trial and errors, Bella realized the best way was to observe the Queen's immediate responses to deeply sexual scenarios, which she termed 'tasks'. Though soon it became obvious, the trust they put in each other played as key a role, as much as the complexities of each task.

To avoid suspicion, Lady Agrafena was given the official title of 'Head of Households', a powerful position in its own right. The last we saw, the Queen had successfully completed a night-time stroll across the Royal gardens, while remaining undetected by the patrolling guards, with nothing but the shadows covering her shame. Only, the experience seemed to have woken something up in her.




Trial of Celibacy

In short strides Elanor walked back to her chamber, thinking. 'What a bizarre night!'

Bellatrix followed a few feet behind. She didn't show it, but she was even more baffled than the Queen's conduct. The way she remembered, she had left Elanor clad in a full length stola, at the very end of the royal garden. Sure she was soaked to the core, and it'd have left not much to the imagination, but she left her fully clothed nonetheless. What stood before her now was beyond what she had concocted in her wildest dreams.

Sure she might have teased the Queen, but every time Elanor seemed to manage, intentional or not, to push herself beyond any limits of shame set for her. It was the same with the Templeton finale day. All she had planned was to take the Queen on a naked night time stroll. The horse was just decorative if anything. And the moment she looked away, the Queen just took the horse and went on a joy ride. Bare ass naked!! Like, who does that..?!

Now she couldn't figure if it was her acting out intentionally, or the fate toying with them. But either way, Elanor didn't seem to be complaining. If anything she was embracing it, asking for more even. It confused her, whether her duty was to push the Queen or tame the crazy out of her. Because no rationale sufficed for the way she behaved so far. For a Queen of all, that is.

And how did she end up reeking of piss? It was unmistakable, the stench. And somehow it didn't even smell like her own piss, though Bella couldn't put her finger on why she felt that way. It almost felt like the person walking in front of her was someone else entirely. Of all the times Bella met the Queen, she had never behaved so submissive, not once. Now she just obeyed her, like a puppy.

A meek, naked and ornate puppy, that is.

Since the guards were still in front of the Queen's chamber, Bella took Elanor through the secret pathway between the palace walls. Being the Head of Households came up with special privileges, and access to the secret architectural archives of the Castle. Now she knew all the emergency exit systems and secret pathways through out the major forts. Elanor herself had disclosed some of the secret paths as she figured it'd come in handy in case any of the tasks got messed up.

Bella led her to the royal baths, where the Queen cleaned herself of all the dirt from the night. Bella collected all the ornaments, and secured it meanwhile. Once within the chamber, Bella put her to bed and told.

"You opened the letter, so you know. By rule, you now have a new special task. We'll discuss the task tomorrow, for now you just rest. But one minor change."

As Elanor wondered what it is now, Bella took her both hands and held it above her head. Then she pulled a long silk cloth and fastened her both wrists together, and tied it to the bedpost.

"Consider this practice for the next week's task. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but watching you tonight I realized. If anything, I should be pushing you harder, driving you wilder."

Elanor didn't nod, nor respond. But simply listened.

"From now, every night you'll sleep tied up. I want you to be comfortable being bound for prolonged times. I want you to feel at home, being immobile. I want you to miss the feeling of rope against your skin, while you do your court duties. Today is a simple wrist lock, but we will increase the complexity in the coming days. So embrace the feeling, this will be your sleep from now on. I'll come early in the morning, and untie, so don't worry. Just make sure you don't call the guards in when you wake up, by force of habit. Unless you want to give them an eyeful, that is."

Saying that, Bella smiled and adjusted her blanket. Then left the room, through the same secret passage. The Queen was way too tired to think, so she tried to get past the new sleeping posture. It did not feel natural, nor restful. But Elanor's body was exhausted by now, by all the running and sweating and shaming. She could have slept standing. And in a few breaths, she sure drifted into it.

A long, deep, sound sleep.




The adamant student

It was afternoon, two days had passed.

The royal court had been adjourned for the day quite earlier. In a few hours, a stagecoach made its way through the busy streets of Wolkenshire, carrying the now submissive Queen and her very own Mistress.

"Had a good night's sleep?" Bellatrix asked, sitting opposite to her Queen.

"Yes Mistress."

"How's your wrist?"

"Stings a bit. But it's okay." Elanor replied, her gaze fixed outside the window. For the last few night's she was made to sleep tied up. Staying bound for so long was new to her. Even Barthomius never left her tied for more than an hour or two. Suddenly the stagecoach came to a halt. Taking the cue, Bella asked."Pick one Elanor. Which way do you wish to go? Left, or right."

Elanor wasn't expecting this. The whole point of this exercise was her having no choice in it. Now she has to pick the task? Anyway she rarely visited the east side of town, so she said without thinking. "Right will do."

"As you wish." Bella instructed their trusted driver Jokshun of their new destination. They had purposefully picked an older looking stage coach for the trip, with no visible royal insignia, for secrecy. And Jokshun was experienced enough to ride carefully, without attracting unwanted attention. Almost blending in with the crowded streets. Soon they passed the busy lanes and was on a fairly beaten path. Jokshun had no idea of the purpose of the visit, but he knew the road only lead to the Ormangrad Estate. He had no doubt however, his Queen wouldn't make this trip if it wasn't for something important.

Once they reached the estate, he was asked to wait at the gates, as the Queen went inside along with Lady Agrafena. They both had unusual face veils, and were dressed significantly different than the usuals. Quite the disguise, he thought.

Elanor walked past the gate, along the vista, following Bellatrix. It had a large plantation upfront and around, with a lot of peasants working all along. They all looked muscular, dirty and sweaty. And some of them wore only pants, showing their bare torso glistening in sweat and sun. Elanor caught herself staring at them a few times while walking. She still had no idea what awaited inside the main house. A butler walked up and opened the door, as they reached.

"Please follow me ladies. Lady Adriana is waiting for you at the practice hall." The butler informed and walked at a brisk pace. He led them through the house, exiting through the back, and then towards an isolated outhouse, in the thick of the plantation eastwards.

Lady Adriana. Elanor recognized the name, and took a moment to grasp what it meant for her.

Adriana was the illegitimate daughter of a well known Baroness and a Lord. She had an infamous youth, riddled with boycrazy behavior, though there were stories linking her romantically to a few ladies as well, which was largely frowned upon. Finding her hard to tame, the Baroness ended up disowning her daughter. But she had enough admirers in town, sugar daddies and the likes, that she managed to secure herself financially to pursue her dream.

Everyone had expected her to end up in the bottom rungs of a harem in a few years, but she persevered. And now, years later in her late thirties, she was the most sought after exotic dancer across the whole six kingdoms. She had settled in Wolkenshire for the past few years, but still toured regularly a few months, performing for public and private venues. She also taught her own method of erotic dancing, and half the dancers in the kingdom had trained under her one way or the other. Elanor realized, bringing her all the way here would only mean one thing. She asked.

"Wait, Mistress. Do you actually expect me to.."

"Yes.!" Stated Bellatrix, passing her a tailored face mask. "This will be your ongoing additional task. You are to train under her regularly. In a few weeks, you are to perform for your first audience, which I am still working on. And believe me, that'd only be the start. Now cover your face, if you want her to not recognize."

Elanor hurried tying the mask on to her visage, as the butler opened the large wooden doors to the practice room wide. As the butler left, in walked with open arms an exquisite beauty of impeccable body structure and ethereal elegance in her gait. She spoke with a voice so sweat, yet strangely mature.

"Lady Agrafena, and her lady friend.. Welcome to my sacred space..!" Adriana bowed to the guests. Bellatrix did the same, and Elanor followed suit. Being the Queen, she wasn't used to bowing to people. They had always bowed to her.

"Thank you Adriana. This here is my client's girl, Demura. Not her real name, though a possible stage name. For reasons I can't divulge, my client wants her to do learn a few numbers from you. He's a long time fan of yours."

"Hmm.." Adriana sighed, sizing up Elanor. "It isn't unlike the usual requests I get. Closet seductresses and pervy husbands, I'm used to them all. The mask stays on, I presume?"

"I'm afraid so. But apart from that, she's all yours. Raw clay, which you could hopefully mold, into his personal Aphrodite." Bella said, pushing Elanor to the front. Adriana walked around her, examining her curves, as she said.

"Well, I can work with this. But one thing you must know about me, I expect complete obedience from my students. And if I kick you out once, there wouldn't be any second chances. So Demura, you have thirty seconds. I want anything that isn't a mask off your body. Sure you'd get your anonymity. But that's all you'll get. Any prior experience?" Adriana moved on to Bella, leaving the Queen to undress as quick as possible. Elanor really didn't want to add any further punishments to her already full schedule, so she quickly got to work.

Bella replied. "Well, she's classically trained. I have seen her dance. Nothing extraordinary, but graceful enough. Not great at singing, but does have a good sense of rhythm. And she's known to be quite shameless. I mean look at her go.."

Elanor looked back to find both the women gazing at her naked self. She was covering her bosoms with one hand, and her nether with the other. Bella took a step back, in her usual stoic way, as Adriana walked up smiling.

"Hands to the sides, Demura! Never cover your beauty, unless I ask. Got it?" Elanor nodded as she felt Adriana's smooth fingers on her skin, pinching her flesh. "Look at that.. The perfect layer of fat, not too little, not too much. You sure this one is of age, Lady Agrafena?" As Bella nodded from the back, the dancer was getting on Elanor's nerves, the way her fingers roamed. It was like she had no censor. Her hands gripped the hips, and with a swift yank pulled Elanor closed to her own body.

It felt strangely, sinfully intimate, the way her exhaled hot breath hit Elanor's still jiggling free breasts. Being the taller one, the Queen had to look down to meet the dancer's gaze. The look she gave back was utterly alien. Her eyes had a hint of desire, which coming from a woman, made Elanor all the more uncomfortable. Almost as if relishing at her unease, Adriana let her fingers crawl around the royal waist and cupped her bottom buns.

"Perfect for bedding, that is.." She told Bella then, loudly. "Her body, Lady Agrafena.. I can see why your client likes her, apart from that mysteriously masked face of course. Such a tender body, of a maiden, a virgin! But unfortunately that has to change. See, you have to be a bit more.. substantial, shall we say, to be a successful exotic dancer. Look..!"

Adriana released her grip, much to the relief of the Queen, and took a few steps back. Then she gracefully turned around, her spine like a swan's neck, her face still to the side gazing back. Her left hand had picked up the hem of her split skirt, and raised it to the side, flashing her beautiful milky thighs. With her both arms now raised to the sides, she began shimmying her hips.

"Look at my thighs, are they stiff and muscular, or milky and flowing?" Then, she moved her hips, and hips alone in a figure eight. Elanor just stood there, almost mesmerized, her hips moving on their own as if detached from the rest of the body. With slight jerks she swayed her hips, jiggling her voluptuous ass cheeks. And jiggle they did, with each shake. It wasn't just the fat, it was equally juicy.

"You like that, huh?" The question broke her gaze, as she saw Adriana smiling. Still moving her hips she turned around. "Now look at my belly." Then she did some strange undulations with her stomach, not just wiggling her fleshy underbelly, but moving her breasts up and down, like a wave. Elanor almost felt her loins heat up, and she didn't understand why. Adriana's movements were a careful balance of wild and tamed, parts of her body acting out in a mind of it's own, the whole of which still screamingly seductive. It was the first time Elanor felt attracted to the purely feminine form, and it wasn't the least bit comforting a realization.

"See Demura, this is what it takes to seduce men. Not in bed, not in the privacy. But on stage, en masse! Actual fat..!" Adriana rushed to the Queen, grabbed by the hips and turned her. Elanor felt a slap on her ass cheeks. Her cheeks turned red instantly.

"This fat of your, this teenage ass. This might do good in bed, for the usual pelvic thrusts." Elanor felt deeply uneasy as the dancer humped her hips. It was one thing to stay naked in front of a woman, another thing to feel her hands all over. Elanor's whole body stiffened as she felt a smooth finger slide right into her pussy.

"Hey..!!" She pushed Adriana on reflex, stepping away. Looking back, she saw a clear surprise in the dancer's eyes. Adriana looked at Elanor baffled, then at Bella and back to Elanor again.

"Demura, in a moment I'm going to ask you to step out, but before that. Do you really wish to learn the passionate art of erotic dance?"

Elanor reminded herself this is all part of her task, her treatment. She remembered why she agreed to it all in the first place. With her priorities straightened she nodded.

"Yes, I do wish to master the passionate art of erotic dance, under your unparalleled tutelage."

Elanor felt a stinging pain on her left cheek, as a loud smack rang her eardrums. It took a moment to realize, and even Bella had to restrain herself from responding. The dancer had just slapped her ruling monarch, who stood there clad in nothing but her shame.

As anger and disgrace fumed within, Elanor calmed herself, reminding to not break character. She was not the Queen now, but a mere subject named Demura. Adriana said, observing her burning eyes through the mask.

"See.. Passion..! The same passion that's flaming in your eyes right now. You have to learn to bring that to your movements. I said, this is a passionate art. And it requires strict drills and discipline to master, especially within the short window as your Mistress specified. But remember, in here I am the authority. And if you push me back, if you so much as exhale too long, I will put you in place. Like this, with passion."

Saying this the dancer stepped in really close, now Elanor's sagging breasts resting upon her cleavage due to their height difference. She cupped the Queen's ass again.

"Feel how easily I can squeeze your buns into my grip? Now, try grabbing mine."

The whole thing felt unreal, and wrong in many ways, but Elanor knew silent compliance was her best play now. Yet, as her trembling fingers crept along the dancer's rear, she understood what she meant. There was no way she could grip even a single asscheek of hers, not even with both palms. Adriana had one of the juiciest ass in the whole kingdom. And it was not the sheer size, but the ass had a way of jiggling. Like a water balloon. It just slipped out of the grip every time she tried.

"See what I mean.. Your's is just another grabbable ass. Mine is an unattainable beauty, always evading your grasp. Do you want to have an ass like that?" Adriana asked smiling, as the Queen nodded like a kitten.

"See 'Demura'.. This is a highly erotic endeavor, and I usually judge my students partly from the lust reflected on their face. Because, if you are not yourself brimming with lust, it doesn't matter how flexible your body is, or how graceful your movements look.. The audience will not connect. They might still watch, and hoot and holler. But trust me, that only means you failed..! All you accomplished was to merely tickle a drunk."

"If I am performing, I want my audience, men and women alike, to stay watching frozen. I want them gripped by not just my seduction, but their own primordial lust, lurking within the depths of their being. I want the pants tenting and the whole room smelling of pre-cum by the time I am done. And I expect nothing less from my students."

As Elanor nodded like a puppet, Adriana continued. "And don't worry about your clothes, you'll get them back. In due time. See, in exotic dancing the clothes aren't there to merely cover you up. It is there to accentuate those features of your body that could drive the crowd wild. So, you'll get your clothes. But only after I get to see what parts of your body adds to the performance. In other words, you get to earn your clothing privilege. But let me be very clear, I don't think you'll earn anything the first week."

Adriana inched in closer, and said. "And since your face must stay masked, I will access the Eros in you through other ways. It may be by checking the wetness of your pussy.." Elanor felt a shudder as she felt the fingertip again brushing the corners of her pussy lips, and creep up.