Punishment Weekend Ch. 05

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Domestic discipline by the husband of a family.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/26/2013
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Punishment Weekend –Chapter 5

(This story is fantasy, which has nothing to do with reality. It could not happen so it was written for fun. If spanking and humiliation bother you please skip this story. All characters are over 18)


When I entered the living room, there were 4 mature young ladies facing the couch, with their jeans puddled at their ankles and their bikini panties on display. Each girl faced a seat cushion, as there were four cushions. Their panties were very skimpy and tight and you could see eight bottom cheeks peeking out of the bottom edges. Karen my oldest daughter, at 23, and Elizabeth my youngest daughter, at age 21, were home from college. Karen was wearing a white nylon bikini and Beth a pink nylon bikini.

Kathleen, my niece, was 23, and in college, she wore a blue nylon bikini and Annie my youngest niece at 19 wore a bright yellow thong exposing the most flesh. She was a senior in high school and captain of the cheerleading squad.

At that moment the rest of the trio walked into the living room heads hanging, mother and aunt with bare bottoms, shuffling along with panties at their knees like two 7 year old girls instead of 40 year old women, and one 25 year old that was in her cartoon undies.

“Did you finish in the kitchen?” I asked.

“Yes Sir,” they replied.

“Are the dishes in the cabinet?”

“Yes Sir.”

“I will check later.”

“Molly did you rinse your mouth of the soapy taste?” I had placed a bar of soap in my wife’s mouth, so she would remember not to use naughty language again.

“Yes Sir.”

“Are you going to use that kind of language again?”

“No Sir.”

“If you do I will march you up to the bathroom and I will wash your mouth out with soap. Do you understand Young Lady?” I asked firmly.

“Yes Sir,” she stammered feeling humiliated to be spoken to in this manner in front of everyone.

“I have business to take care of with these four young ladies,” I said pointing to the girls standing at the couch. You three will be placed in a shame circle until I finish with them, “I said. My wife knew what I was going to do and let out a small sob, but the other two did not know.

“Susan come over here so I can unpin you,” I ordered. I unpinned her two large safety pins and her undies dropped to her ankles.

“Girls lift your skirts nice and high well above your hips,” they each followed my orders showing everything below their waist. I slowly walked around each girl inspecting each of them.

“Susan I want your vagina lips shaved bare by tomorrow I will be inspecting,” she had some fuzz in between her legs. Both Molly and Barbara were as smooth as a baby.

“Now girls form a circle and squat down. I want your feet flat on the floor. Your legs should be shoulder length apart and your knees touching your chests,” all 3 squatted awkwardly showing each other their vagina and anus areas.

“Susan hold your Aunt’s ear with your left hand. Molly you do the same to Barbara, and Barbara grasp your daughter’s ear. I want each of you to place your thumb in your mouth and suck loudly on your thumb. I want to hear your sucking and don’t worry about drooling.” I said as I smiled. I walked in a circle around each of them observing their positions. They were each fully exposed, as they squatted awkwardly in position. Susan and Molly’s panties were spread as wide as their legs permitted. Barbara had a different problem and was mortified because she had to deal with stockings, a girdle and panties at her ankles causing her to be placed in a very undignified position. All three heads were down in embarrassment as they spread their legs, and held on to each ear while sucking on their thumbs. “Stay like that until I dismiss you. Is that clear?”

I heard all three say “Yes Sir” in unison, as they struggled to stay balanced.

“Do you know why you are in this shameful position girls?” I asked.

My wife, Molly, answered immediately. “I over spent my allowance Sir.” This was followed by my sister-in-law, Barbara, who stated “I teased my sister.” Lastly, Susan, my oldest niece said “I thought I was too old to be disciplined.”

“Very good girls now place your thumbs back in your mouth.” I ordered.

Next, I turned to the four girls facing the couch and ordered them to turn towards me with their heels together and their hands behind their back. Their jeans were puddled at their ankles. “You are not to move or fidget while I am speaking to you,” I said in a condescending manner, as if they were children instead of adults.

I was directly in front of my daughters and nieces. I glanced at the four girl’s faces. I could see how mortified and disgraced they were by the look on each face. Pointing to my two nieces I said “You girls may get dressed and go home. You are both grounded for the weekend. I want both of you in bed, as soon as you get home. I will be over in the morning to deal with your naughty bottoms. Cancel all of your activities. There will be no TV, radio, computer or phone calls. If one of you disobeys I will take both of you to the woodshed for a bare bottom strapping. I hope that is clear?”

Both girls said “Yes Sir,” as they quickly pulled up their jeans and headed to the door grateful for the reprieve.

I looked at my two daughters still standing showing their undies. In my hand I held the unopened report cards.

“Daddy we can explain,” Karen started to stammer. I stopped her with a stern look.

“Explain what? That both you and Beth’s grades have dropped since last semester. I already know. I received a call from your resident supervisor, Miss Davis, last week about your grades, and how you have not been studying but partying. We will meet with her tomorrow.” Linda Davis was the 22 year old student resident, who presided over my girl’s dorm at school.

Karen shifted her weight from foot to foot and stared at the floor intently. “Stop fidgeting! Keep your hands at your sides and look at me when I when I am speaking to you!” I said.

Tears started to form in her eyes, “Yes Sir,” her bottom began to clinch in expectation of the spanking she knew was coming.

I slowly opened each of the envelopes containing their grades. “Hmmmm, each of you fell down one whole grade in every subject. I am NOT happy with you girls. What do you two have to say?” I questioned as I looked at each girl.

Beth spoke up: “We are sorry Daddy; we will try to do better.”

“I’m afraid I’m sorry is not good enough! Did you say you will try to do better? After I tan your bare backsides with the hairbrush I guarantee you will do much better,” with that announcement I took each of my naughty little girls by their ears and marched them over to the spanking chairs. They tripped and stumbled because their jeans were still around their ankles.

“Now stand at attention, hands at your side, heels together, head up, and don’t move or talk,” I swatted each of them on their bikini seats to emphasize my orders. I decided to make Beth and Karen wait for their spanking. I felt the anticipation would do them good.

“Okay now,” I said. “You may stand,” I ordered my wife, sister-in-law and oldest niece.

All three let go of each other’s ear and stopped sucking on their thumbs. I could see their blouses were wet from the drool dripping from their lips caused by the sucking. Their panties were still at their ankles exposing their entire front and backside.

“Molly, your niece, is going to take you upstairs and will dress you in your punishment yellow drop seat jammies. Susan will also supervise you as you wash your face and hands, brush your teeth and go potty,” I ordered.

“Susan if your aunt disobeys you I give you permission to tan her backside. The hairbrush is on the night table next to the bed.”

“But Sir I can do it,” I heard Molly stammer. Turning her around I swatted her 3 times on her bare posterior. “Do as I tell you!”

I motioned Susan over so I could pin her too big undies. Now MARCH and be back here in twenty minutes.” Off Molly went stumbling up the stairs sobbing, with Susan right next to her. Molly knew she would be sleeping on her stomach tonight.

I then took Barbara’s ear and walked her to the back door swatting her bare fanny as she slowly walked with her panties, stockings and girdle impeding her progress. Each mincing step she took resulted in a spank to alternate cheeks. In all about 10 swats landed on her behind before she reached the back door.
“I want you to go home through the backyard. You are grounded like your daughters. I want you in bed immediately. I will deal with you once again in the morning.”

“Yes Sir”, she sobbed as she pulled up her panties stockings and girdle and walked through the yard to her house. I could see her enter her door and head upstairs.

I sat on the spanking chair and motioned my youngest to stand in front of me. I grasped the waistband of her skimpy pink bikini and pulled it down in one motion. The panty turned inside out as it reached her knees.

“Make sure it stays at your knees young lady,” I said.

Beth had to spread her legs slightly to insure the undies would not fall past her knees. “You will no longer wear big girl panties until your grades improve. From now on you and your big sister will be wearing full cut
cotton school girl panties at all times,” I ordered.

Karen was next as I crooked my finger for her to stand in between my knees. I slowly lowered her panty over her hips turning it inside out to her knees. “Stand there while I spank your sister and do not let your panty drop,” I ordered.

I stood up and in one motion placed my foot on the spanking chair and lifted Elizabeth over my one knee. Elizabeth was about 5:2 and weighted just 100 pounds. Her brown hair was in a ponytail. I held her easily. She dangled ignominiously with her head down and her backside high over my knee.

“Daddy no please,” she started to cry.

Her legs were tan along with her shoulders and back including where her bra tan line should have been. In addition, I could see where her tan lines ended on her cheeks. Her bottom was white where her bikini swim suit ended, which revealed most of her bottom cheeks. Apparently my little girl showed a great deal of flesh this summer.

“Young lady you seem to have no modesty at the beach you are almost entirely tan including where your bra should be and your swim suit bottom. We are going to go shopping for a swim suit that is much more suitable,” I said as I swatted her bare behind 4 times on the white of bare hindquarters.

I then began to spank her, the palm of my right hand landing all over her quivering bottom with stinging, crisp, noisy spanks. I started on her left buttock. I worked into a steady rhythm; it took only moments before Beth’s twenty-one year old bottom was a deep pink and then a blotchy red. To Beth’s credit she didn’t try to reach back and because of her dangling position she did not clench her cheeks. Her head hung in shame; she realized she really deserved every bit of this spanking. Tears rolled down her face from the stinging heat and the embarrassment of being treated like a child.

I spanked her about 30 times from the top of her bottom to her upper thighs on both sides. “I am sorry that I have to do this to you, Elizabeth,” I said, as she lay over my leg sobbing. “I had hoped that you would take
responsibility for your school work while you were at college and this would not be necessary. Clearly that has not happened. You continue to act like a naughty little girl, and naughty little girls eventually have to have their panties lowered and their backside spanked. For some little girls it is the only way to teach them, and I am sorry to say that I think you and your sister are one of them. In fact, I have a feeling you are long overdue for this. And since you are a little girl that needs to be spanked, Elizabeth, I am going to start doing it again beginning with this weekend. Do you understand?”

“Yes D-Daddy,” she cried. “I’m sorry, I’ll be good.”

“Young lady remember this the next time. Now tell me why you are getting your fanny warmed, in front of everybody.”

“Please let me up,” she blubbered. “Please don’t spank me anymore,” she actually sounded like a child not a 21 year old college student.

“I asked you a question, young lady, and I want an answer,” I spanked her five times twice on each cheek and once in the center on the fullest part of her firm bottom.

“Why I asked you?” I demanded.

“Because of my grades,” she cried “Please Daddy no more!”

“That’s right young lady,” I said. “And I will spank you if you get bad grades or are disobedient or talk back or are naughty,” I said as I finished the spanking.

“Now Missy up to your room and into bed,” I ordered as she half tripped trying to leave the room as soon as possible.

Karen, my oldest at 23, was wide eyed after seeing her young sister get the tanning of her life. Her panties were at her knee hollows with her jeans at her ankles. She was a junior at the same college Elizabeth attended. Karen was studious and had done well until Beth had arrived then her grades dropped. I intended for her to keep those grades up even if I had to spank her every weekend until she finished school.

I walked over to her and reached for her left earlobe and walked her over to the spanking chair. Her face was streaked with tears, Karen was very sensitive about her appearance and to be humiliated in front of the family was too much for her. She started to sob before the first spank. I intended to treat her like a child and spank her over my lap.

“Please Daddy don’t spank me in front of everyone, p lease take me to my r-room. Please Daddy please I’m 23 years old!”

“You come over my lap Missy,” I gently placed her over my lap.

“Karen I don’t care how old you are; I will not tolerate your grades dropping. I think it will do you a world of good to be punished in front of everyone just as if you were a little girl.

I went on scolding her as she lay across my lap, Karen was 5:6, 115 pounds, with long brown hair. She also was athletic, as were all of the girls in the family and her body showed it. The white panties contrasted with her tan beautifully. Karen wore glasses and was normally a very good student.

I pulled her panties down to her ankles and lifted her blouse until she was naked from her shoulder blades to her ankles. She was the picture of a contrite little girl as I looked down at her. I could see her blushing cheeks and wet eyes. Her glasses had slipped down her nose, but she dared not adjust them. Again I could see the tan lines were much too high on her backside cheeks as well as her bra spot.

Draped over my knee with her precious white bare rear cheeks staring at the ceiling, I patted her soft clenching buns with the backside of the hairbrush. “My Karen you sure have grown up back here,” She sobbed from total shame. I slowly raised the hairbrush off Karen’s backside and waited until my sorrowful twenty-three year old daughter relaxed her behind then:

TH-WHack!!! TH-WHack!!!

Almost instantaneously, Karen reacted with a loud pleading, more like a young teenager, than a mature young woman she liked to think she was.

“Please, Daddy, please please!!!” she pleaded “It HURTS PLEE-se!!!”

I continued with the spanking until her bottom cheeks turned red and crimson, as well as her upper thighs. I paid particular attention to her the crease at her lower cheeks and upper thighs where she sat. Her tears started flowing and her nose dripped like a faucet. She was blubbering like a child, promising over and over to study, if I would just stop.

After about 15 smacks with the hairbrush, I stopped and let her cry her eyes out. By now her glasses had slipped to the end of her nose and her long beautiful hair was covering her face. “Now young lady, let that be a lesson to you. I want you to pull your undies up and join your sister upstairs and in bed. You and she are grounded for this weekend. I want you two studying this weekend. In addition, I am going to tan your fannies, in front of Miss Davis when she arrives tomorrow. Now GET GOING!” She slowly got up pulling her
white bikini’s up as she did so.

At that moment, Molly came down the stairs with Susan at her side. Molly was sobbing and holding her backside. She looked like a little girl in her yellow drop seat jammies with the bunnies on them. The jammie had a drop seat. It was light cotton with long sleeves and footies for her feet. She did not look like the 44 year old wife with two college aged daughters.

“I see you are rubbing your bottom Missy any reason young lady?” I asked knowing the reason, but asking my wife to verbalize it.

“Yes Sir,” she answered slowly with her head hung in shame.

“Why?” I asked.

“Miss Susan spanked my bare backside for questioning her about the jammies,” she answered.

“You mean your 25 year old niece spanked a 44 year old Mother of two?”

“Yes Sir,” she answered

“Let’s see if she did a good job young lady.”

I told Molly to turn around, so her bottom was facing me. I unsnapped the drop seat exposing her entire bottom. I could see the hairbrush marks on her cheeks. They were a fiery red and looked very sore. I felt her cheeks with my palm and felt the warmness. Molly jumped in pain when I touched her indicating Susan had spanked her very hard for disobedience.

“Okay Missy I will not spank you again tonight. You will go upstairs and get into bed even though it is only 8:00. You are grounded for the weekend. Leave your drop seat down so your bare posterior is showing,” I watched as she tucked her head and climbed the stairs a defeated naughty 44 year old.

“As for you Susan you are grounded as well. You are a 25 year old teacher and should know better. I am not pleased with you at all. You will go home and go right to bed. I will see you in the morning with your Mother and two sisters. Now bend over and raise your skirt.” I ordered. Susan lifted her skirt nice and high showing her childish undies and bent over with her bottom facing me. I took her under my arm and spanked her several times on both her panties and her upper thighs until she was sobbing.

I let her up and she went out the door rubbing her cute fanny. My work was finished until tomorrow.


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JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago

I'm glad this was a fantasy. Tom is a dirty old man who likes to fondle women and girls. The females are obviously into it or they would be long gone.

Not really my cup of tea, but all 5 chapters were well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
thanks. that was a great one......

Thanks. That was a great one.......please add more stories......i would love to read. Your stories.........also as said by someone.......give charge of punishment to one more person so as to handel the situation.........and loved the ear pulling concepts....

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Lets see, what do we have here...

I reckon on a quick count about 5 or 6 women and one man, and they let him treat them like so many pieces of trash, how about they all BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THIS DIPSHIT.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

YUCK is all I can think of...............

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