Public Punishment in Santa Dora

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Two young rich women get publicaly punished for shoplifting.
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Author's Note: This story starts slowly. It is a Corporal Punishment, Humiliation, BDSM story. There is no sex. I do have more parts to this story written, I will most likely release them at a later date.


Four recent college graduates had been in Europe for two weeks. Their whole trip was planned four years ago by their parents. Each one of the recent graduates was part of a wealthy network of New England elites, and although they had grown up together, all four went to separate prestigious universities and had grown apart. The trip had been strained, they had gone strictly by the itinerary. They had all been to Europe many times before, although the trip was designed to be a right-of-passage, it was to these four just simply another ho-hum trip through Europe. There hadn't been enough shopping or sunbathing for Ivy Preston. Not enough museums or landmarks for Dirk Martindale. Stephanie Mortimer was engaged to a professor two decades her senior, she had spent most of the trip wishing she was with her fiance, who was on sabbatical in Israel. Blair Emmerson didn't know what she wanted, she was lost. She had developed a crush on Dirk, although every single interaction she had with him had been painfully awkward. To top it off, Blair was enamored by Ivy who Blair had idolized since she was in prep school.

"Where are we going again?" Blair blurted out.

"I told you, Santa Dora." Dirk responded while studying at an open map of the Pyrenees Mountains.

Ivy just rolled her eyes, "I hope this place has somewhere to shop."

"Don't be so shallow!" Stephanie who was driving spoke sharply.

"When you've seen one quaint European town, you've seen em' all." Ivy responded.

"I don't know, we've been driving through the Pyrenees for a long time, I am kind of looking forward to a new adventure!" Blair said trying to be optimistic to show Dirk that his idea of going to Santa Dora wasn't terrible.

"Oh don't you act like you give a shit about this middle of nowhere Eurotrash town, you're just as shallow and materialistic as me! You haven't changed since the video was put up on the interwebs by Chad." Ivy blurted out. Blair felt her face become hot with embarrassment, she wanted to strangle Ivy for mentioning "the video."

Eight years ago on Blair's 16th birthday she was given a red Ferrari for her birthday. It was a ridiculously lavish gift for a 16-year-old. Yet it wasn't good enough, she had a meltdown. She had wanted a yellow Ferrari, she let her father know of her disappointment and stormed off, after crying and telling her father she hated him. Chad, who was her step-brother at the time had filmed the whole incident and promptly uploaded it to YouTube. Blair went from being one of the most popular girls in the school to being a laughing stock. Even Ivy who had been her friend since elementary school stopped associating with her.

College had been good for Blair, she tried to do a lot of soul searching and decided that she didn't want to be a spoiled entitled heiress. She did everything she could to dispel her past reputation, Blair dedicated herself to charity work and made friends with people outside of her comfort zone. Yet this whole trip, each of her former boarding school classmates treated her like she was still the same old spoiled brat. During the trip Blair began to fall for Dirk, he was as always was one of the most handsome men she ever met; 6'4", muscular, wavy blond hair, he was a good person and smart too. Blair, however, felt dejected due to the feeling that Dirk still thought of her as a spoiled brat. He seemed so distant from everyone else, he focused on sightseeing and museums. Blair had tried to show that she was smart, adventurous, talented, more than just a stunningly beautiful rich girl. Dirk could have anyone, stunningly beautiful rich women were a dime-a-dozen for Dirk, he had dated models in the past. All of Blair's attempts to get Dirk to show interest in her had failed. Blair may have improved herself in college, but she was still was not used to not having what she wanted. To make matters worse, Dirk spent a lot more time talking to the smart and cultured Stephanie, for whom he has always been close with.

"Can we shut up about the video! It was eight years ago!" Blair said seemingly out of the blue while looking out the back seat at the moving road.

"This rented BMW, it's white, are you okay with that?" Stephanie responded smirking.

"Goddamnit." Blair murmured under her breath, tears welling up in her eyes. The group didn't know how sensitive Blair was to this topic.

"Well, we're almost there if that's any consolation. Finally, I'll get to see Santa Dora castle. One of the last significant places in Europe I haven't seen already." said Dirk, smiling with anticipation.

What the hell is this shit hole anyway?" Ivy responded.

"Haven't you been listening to anything I've been saying, I've been talking about this place for the whole trip!" Dirk said exasperatedly.

"Yeah, I wasn't listening, tell me what I need to know, I am listening now," Ivy said nonchalantly.

"Well for you and Blair all you need to know is that right next to town, there is a lake, lots of people, tourists included like to sunbathe there. Lake Azul it's called I think. If you two get bored of that, then you can make your way about ten minutes walking distance to a small town, it is also called "Santa Dora" it is the only town in this tiny country."

"Wait we're in a whole different country?" Ivy said suddenly interested.

"Well yeah, kind of, a city-state really, a tax haven for rich people, you know. They have a downtown with restaurants and places to shop. I am warning you, most locals don't speak English and even though I am fluent in Spanish I won't be able to understand the locals too well, their dialect is very different. However, you won't need to converse too much if you find a restaurant just make sure they have an English-speaking, employee. Sunbathing and shopping, that should satisfy you two, while myself and Stephanie go visit the majestic Santa Dora castle. You know the castle was never taken, not by the Moors, or the French!"

Blair hated that Dirk just assumed that she would be sunbathing and shopping with Ivy. "I don't want to see the stupid castle anyway." Blair thought to herself as she pouted in the back seat.

Just as Dirk mentioned this, the car drove past a large sign with a coat of arms, which was a crown of roses surrounded by stars.

"Pretty cool coat-of-arms," Stephanie mentioned.

"Oh yes, they say this place is named after Dorothy of Caesarea, an early Christian Martyr that was said to wear a crown of flowers," Dirk mentioned still looking at the map.

"Thank you mister tour guide!" Ivy said sarcastically.

"Hey, what if I want to go to the castle with you and Steph?" Blair muttered, finally mentioning her gripe.

"If you want?" Dirk shrugged.

"Oh, no don't leave me alone, I can't deal with all the Eurotrash alone!" Ivy blurted out.

"Fine." Blair sighed, she did want to spend time with Ivy, it was always an adventure with Ivy and the castle did seem like a bore.

Also, Blair had a secret scheme, a last ditch effort to land Dirk. The night previously when Ivy and Dirk were asleep Blair had talked to Stephanie and told her to put a good word in for her to Dirk. Blair listed all of the charity work she had done and how much she had changed from her boarding school days and that she was really falling for Dirk. Stephanie begrudgingly agreed. On the grounds that Blair may finally begin to see the world with some depth if she did indeed date Dirk. Stephanie agreed to put in a good word for Blair, only if Blair kept Ivy away from her for the whole day. Stephanie and Ivy had been at each other's throats for the entire trip.


The car pulled over next to Lake Azul, Blair could see the town just down the road from the lake. It was quite a view. Blair and Ivy got their bathing suits, a change of nice clothing, as well as their handbags, sunscreen and a large beach towel. Stephanie and Dirk drove off when they made sure that Ivy and Blair had their items.

"See you this evening in town, keep in touch!" Stephanie said as she drove off.

"Oh great, where the hell do we change?" Blair said out loud.

"Damn these Europeans, do they have no modesty?" Ivy replied.

There was no clear place to change, half the women on the beach were topless, the men wore speedos. Blair scanned the beautiful deep blue mountain lake for a restroom.

"Look at all these topless bitches!" The only way I go topless is if playboy is paying me big bucks." Ivy said haughtily.

"Maybe that big rock over there?" Blair said.

"Yeah let's stand behind it, I'll watch out for any creeps, then you do the same for me."

The two women walked towards a large rock. Blair went first, Ivy turned her back towards Blair and stood guard, looking at all of the Europeans enjoying nature with a judgmental glare. Blair was classically beautiful, she was skinny and tanned. Blair ate healthy food and went to the gym regularly, she was tall, 5'8". She had smallish naturally round breasts and a round fit ass. Blair's hair was brown and long, it was wavy and parted on one side, it usually covered a bit of her right eye. Her face was always perfectly made-up, she took at least an hour every morning meticulously preparing herself. Blair was the kind of woman that immediately turned heads whenever she walked into a room. Blair had modeled in the past and considered making it her career, yet she was unsure if this was the right path for her. She was trepidations about flaunting her body and was concerned what others would think if she ever posed nude. Blair wore an expensive two-piece bathing suit, it was blue with red geometric designs on it.

"Okay done," Blair said as she put her clothes into her bag.

"Goddamn, you're one hot bitch!" Ivy exclaimed.

Blair and Ivy switched positions. Ivy was shorter than Blair and didn't quite have the "model look," however in her own way she was just as beautiful. Whereas Blair was sleek and refined, Ivy was curvy and voluptuous, her ass was wide and her breasts were large, even her lips were big. Ivy naturally had whiter skin than Blair, but through extensive tanning was just about the same skin tone. Ivy's hair was dyed blonde and she wore it in various styles. Right now Ivy was had short hair with long side bangs. Ivy applied more makeup than Blair and where Blair looked refined Ivy looked dead-sexy. Ivy's face somehow seemed to express haughtiness, Stephanie had described it to Blair privately as "resting bitch face." Ivy spent even more time in the morning than Blair did putting makeup on and getting ready. Throughout the trip, Ivy had woken up late and held up the group tremendously through her meticulous grooming. The group had complained about Ivy's vanity constantly, especially Dirk who missed various sight-seeing trips because of Ivy not being ready until the early afternoon.

"Okay done." Blair turned around to see Ivy in a one piece similar to a 1960s bathing suit.

"Cute suit, Ivy." Blair complimented.

"Thanks, it cost two thousand dollars." Ivy bragged.

"Two thousand for a bathing suit, that's crazy!"

Blair realized that so much of her conversations with Ivy revolved around how expensive her clothing was, or how much money Ivy's father had given her. As Blair and Ivy walked towards the lake to sunbath, Blair decided she wanted to maybe get into a more in-depth conversation with Ivy, maybe there was more to Ivy than met Blair's eye.

"Hey Ivy, remember prep school? Like we've all grown up so much since then, like don't you regret like some of the stuff you did, some of the mean stuff?" Blair stammered to Ivy, Blair tend to overuse the word "like" in conversation, a habit she was unable to kick.

"Like what are you talking about?" Ivy said as she spread the towel out on the sand. Ivy too was guilty of the overuse of the word "like."

"You know, like you and your friends, the bullying, the rumor spreading." Blair lied down on her back and looked up at the sky, the sun glistening off of her golden tan thighs.

"You know Blair, have you ever heard of Darwin, like survival of the fittest right? Well, the same thing goes with people, people like me and my daddy and you, we're the top of the pyramid. We're the ones with influence, the ones who get heard, the ones with the power. We have better, like genetics or something. Everyone wants to be me. When you have power over someone it's stupid not to use it to your advantage, that's how we stay on the top. If a girl wants to be in my group, she's either got to be like me, like as beautiful as me, or as smart as me or if she isn't she has been totally loyal to me, she needs to be my bitch. If a boy wants to date me he better show himself worthy my time, he needs to spend money on me, treat me like a queen, he has to be better than his peers, the top of the pyramid. There is no room in this world for weak people or people who don't like the way I am. It's Darwinism, I'm the like the apex predator, the other people they are just prey."

Blair realized that Ivy hadn't really changed since prep school, four years of college had taught her nothing. Ivy was still the shallow competitive spiteful bitch she had always been. Blair retorted, "I don't know how you can like, think that? I went to like Africa and it's so sad, the people are so poor. They depend on people like me to bring them like food and other stuff like soap. Could you imagine, no soap. I think poor people are like more res..."

Ivy interrupted. "Oh my gawd, look at this bitch, how dare she!"

Blair looked up, a middle-aged woman was topless on the beach, she had slight sagging breasts and some stretch marks. "Can you believe the gall?" Ivy spoke again.

"What are you talking about Ivy?" Blair responded.

"These Eurotrash bitches, flaunting their saggy ass tits, I don't want to see that nasty shit." Ivy flipped over onto her stomach and continued her sunbathing. Blair let out a sigh and she herself flipped over onto her stomach. The two young women lied on their stomachs, their faces a foot apart facing each other.

"There aren't even any hot guys on this lousy beach!" Ivy said facing Blair.

"No, not really," Blair admitted.

"Let's go to town and get something to eat."

"Sure." Blair began gathering up her stuff and both women walked towards the rock to change again.

"I'll go first this time." Blair was on watch.

"God this outfit I am going to wear is going to be so SEXY! I bet I am going to drive those poor guys in town crazy."

Blair turned around to see what Ivy was talking about. Blair froze, she noticing that Ivy wasn't dressed yet, Ivy had some expensive boots on, but nothing else. Ivy quickly covered her breasts. Blair noticed Ivy's breasts were milky white compared to the rest of her tanned body. Blair turned her back to Ivy as not to violate her sense of modesty any further.

"Don't fucking look at me! Lesbo bitch!" Ivy spat.

"Who puts on your boots first?" Blair spat back annoyed.

"I look SEXY in just my boots!" Ivy said seemingly over Blair's invasion of her privacy.

"I'm done!" Blair turned around again to see Ivy in a tan frilly sun-dress and knee high heeled boots." Ivy spun around, the sun-dress barely covered her voluptuous ass.

"Like my boots?"

"Yeah. Very cute, come-fuck-me boots." Blair hated the term "come-fuck-me boots" but this is precisely what Ivy's boots were, having a slightly limited vocabulary she could think of no other term to describe them.

"I am such a shoe whore I fucking love em got them on this trip in Paris! They are one of a kind!" Ivy was excited, if there was one thing she was passionate about it was shoes, she had a collection that would make Imelda Marcos blush.

"Okay let me get dressed now," Blair said as Ivy took watch

Blair had brought a more elaborate outfit than Ivy's. Blair slid out of her bathing suit and bent over to gather her outfit from her bag. Blair felt a strange presence and turned around. Ivy was staring at her directly, her arms folded over her breasts.

"What the fuck, Ivy...keep watch!" Blair who was standing naked covered her breasts quickly with her hands and lifted her leg up to cover her pussy, Blair gave Ivy an evil stare while standing off balance with one foot."

"You got a look at me, why can't I?" Ivy said haughtily.

"Turn the fuck around, NOW!" Blair exclaimed with sharp anger.

"God you look silly, you're going to fall," Ivy said before turning around

Blair did look silly hoping slightly on one leg covering her breasts with both hands, and lifting one leg to cover her pubic hair. Blair indeed did lose her balance and lightly fell into the sand.

Hearing the sound of Blair fall, giggled and said, "God, such a clumsy bitch!"

'Shut up? You're so annoying!" Blair said embarrassed.

Blair always found Ivy annoying, ever since they were kids, Ivy always pushed Blair's buttons. Yet Blair always seemed to be drawn to Ivy, it was never boring around Ivy and Blair hated being bored. Before college Blair never really developed any hobbies of her own, she was bored by literally everything, with Ivy it was just one long party, something interesting was always happening. Blair remembered her last two years in prep school, she had be excommunicated by Ivy and her group due to the humiliating video of her absurd temper tantrum. For those two years Blair became bitter, she refused to make friends with people she felt were "below" her status, so she just stewed. She went to a therapist and complained about her life. Her therapist told her that she was "making herself into a victim," so she fired her therapist. She truly believed her privileged life filled with so many opportunities was horrible. Two wasted years of bitter resentment, Blair felt like those were lost years.

Ivy had explained her excommunication in such a cold manner, "We can't be seen with someone who might make us look bad, sorry I love you, but you got to go." From that point on Blair was given the cold shoulder from the most popular girls in school. Blair understood Ivy back then, she accepted her excommunication. She never blamed Ivy, it made sense to her, she would have done the same thing if it had been the other way around. It was her step-brother Chad's fault anyway.

Then during college a light switch went off, Blair realized that she had to get over herself. Blair still however found herself a follower, her personality just melded into whatever group she was with. Now that Blair found herself around Ivy again, she felt her attitude changing, mimicking Ivy. As much as Blair now resented Ivy, she also admired her ability to force her will onto others, she admired Ivy's lack of accountability that allowed her to get away with just about anything she wanted. Blair to some degree had always wished to be like Ivy.

Blair strapped on her last shoe. "Okay, I am done."

"Oh, my gawd, you're so fucking hot!" Ivy stood with her mouth exasperatingly agape.

Blair was wearing a short black skirt with a white long sleeve blouse, with a black belt fastened around her stomach. Blair's exceedingly long legs had black high heels that were attached to her feet with elegantly crisscrossed straps. Blair looked stunning, she looked like someone out of a magazine advertisement for the very clothing she was wearing.

"These shoes are 850$, I got them in New York." Blair walked past Ivy haughtily knowing Ivy was jealous of her shoes. Both women headed in towards town.


The two women walked on the side of the road towards town.

"God I wish I could call a cab," Ivy mentioned, annoyed as her high-heeled boots felt uncomfortable on the cobblestone road.

Blair laughed, "We're like seven hundred feet from town."