Prowling Ch. 02


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Rae came first and then Nessa, both with noise only suppressed by the fact that the noise was made into the pussy of the other woman. They rolled away from each other then, languidly.

Rae raised herself on her elbow and smiled at the dark skinned woman next to her and said: "Care to go for a ride on the bike?"

Nessa's head whipped around and she faced David, looking avidly at him.

"Yes, of course," David said, as the two women dressed, with Nessa still dressed in her opera gown.

When they were ready, David said to Rae: "Rae, a word."

"Where are you taking her?" he said.

"You know?" Rae asked.

"Of course," he said, "I would too."

"I know where some kids hang out; if they're there, I'm going to feed her to them. Do you mind?" Rae asked.

"No, I don't," he answered, "Just remember: no hurting her. No spanking or anything like that. That only happens in my presence, maybe later or another time but that's basic."

"Yes, I agree," Rae said. She turned then to Nessa and said: "Ready, girl?"

"Oh, I don't know," Nessa said.

"You just hang on to me," Rae said then, as she got onto the bike and Nessa climbed on behind her, pulling her dress way up to almost her hips so that she could do the riding, and they were off with a roar.

Of course, David followed them at a distance, as Rae expected he would. They rode on the bike for a number of miles, with Vanessa's face at Rae's back, her hands around Rae's middle and her thighs pressing against Rae's ass.

"You feel so good," Rae said, slowing the bike down finally.

As they went slowly up a kind of hill, they heard some voices up ahead. They came into a clearing and saw a group of four kids, teen agers standing around and drinking beer.

Vanessa looked at Rae questioningly. Rae said quickly: "I told David, he said it was fine."

Vanessa only nodded. She was once again directly faced with a fantasy. There was no doubt in her mind that Rae meant to 'give her' to the kids who were drinking. No doubt in her mind at all. She could feel herself getting wet at the very thought.

The kids look, warily at first, at the approaching bike, until they realized it was Rae.

One of the kids sang out: "Hey, Rae! Are you going to change your mind tonight and let us have some pussy?"

"Definitely not," Rae said with a grin at the guys and greeting them all. Then she went on:

"But look here; I've brought some pussy with me tonight and I think that you guys might just be lucky."

She introduced Nessa, and, when Nessa was off of the bike simply said to her:

"Girl, give me your dress."

The guys stood and watched simply wide eyed, as the beautiful black woman took off her long black dress and stood, expectantly naked before them.

"You fucking us?" one asked Rae.

"No, she is," Rae said with a barking laugh, accepting a beer from them. Then to Nessa she said: "Honey our friends need some convincing and I think that you sucking some cock is just the thing to do the convincing."

Nessa sighed, smiling at the kids, her nakedness shimmering in the evening light and the fantasy for her simply building and building.

"Well guys," she said to the group of motionless, stunned kids. "Looks like someone gonna have a good time."

"Oh, fuck," one said, as Nessa approached him. Never having seen a naked black woman before, he, like the others merely stared. She reached him and went softly to her knees. In a minute, she had his pants unbuttoned, his zipper down and his cock out.

"My, my," Nessa cooed, "He's so happy to see me; let's see how dis big boy tastes."

She licked the head of the cock and quickly engulfed the whole thing, correct in her thinking that they wouldn't last very long with her working on them. Nor did he.

"Mmmm," she said, "Tasty, number one," and she moved on to the next, who said a simple:

"Well fuck!"

"Soon," Nessa said and got the next cock to play with.

Rae watched, reveling in the contrast between Nessa's marvelous nakedness and the boys, who were completely clothed. She stared as Nessa sucked off the second one and then went to the third.

Off in the back David stood too, having followed and watched the erotic scene, as Nessa sucked off her third and went on to the last. When she was finished with the last guy, Rae stepped in and arranged them. At her command, Nessa got herself down on all fours and they began with her that way. She had one in her pussy and one in her mouth. In a few minutes they switched and each got a chance to cum in Nessa's pussy.

Then the next pair moved in for the same kind of treatment. When the fucking was done, the guys made their excuses and, still grinning, moved away. Nessa simply knelt in the clearing, almost, at that point, too tired to move.

Over her shoulder then Rae spoke: "David?"

"Yes," he said simply.

"I'll leave her to you," Rae said.

"Yes, fine," David said. Then he gave Rae a hug and she promised to see them again. She went to the kneeling woman and got Nessa up and surrounded her with her arms, giving Nessa a parting kiss.

It was then that Nessa realized that Dave was there.

Her bubble, the bubble of her fantasy burst suddenly and completely. She knelt there naked, and covered with cum, they'd begun to cum in her face, during the last paired fucking sessions.

He stood by her for a second and she spoke her misery: "I'm tired . . .I smell . . .I'm disgusting! Oh, David! Why do I do this?"

"Come with me, love," he said, reaching down, he had a towel that he'd brought with him and cleaned her face and shoulders off. He took off his Chambray shirt and put it on her, and then scooping the now wailing woman up off the ground, he carried her away.

"Rae?" she asked.

"Gone," he said.

"Good," she said, "Don't want . . .don't want people to see me this way."

She put her face against his shoulder and cried: "David, I'm so sorry . . .so sorry!"

"Hush! Hush!" he said to her kissing the side of her face.

He placed her in the car, and let her lean against him, as he drove back to his place. He left the car in front of the barn where it was normally parked and went around to get her. Once again he scooped her up in his arms and carried her. As they approached the house, she saw a stone patio that was by a pair of sliding patio doors. By those doors was set an old fashioned, footed, high backed tub. It was filled with warm water and bubbles. Vanessa looked at it and let out a sigh:

"Ohhhhh!' she said softly, "Oh, David! How nice!"

He gently put her into the tub then. There were tall candle sticks on either side of the tub, which he lighted. He began a slow, methodical washing of her. He used a soft sponge and lovely scented soap for the task.

Vanessa leaned back, a smile on her face, knowing that the black cloud was being pushed away, receding. She lifted her arms and let him wash.

She stood at his command, her arms up in the air, the slight breeze in the night feeling good against her skin. She smiled and glanced at him, as he washed, now her back and then her breasts and stomach.

"No one has taken care of me like this!" she said and the phrase, repeated, simply whispered away into the night as a sighed "Nooooo one!"

He gently washed her pubic area and between her legs and then turned his attention to the cheeks of her ass and down her legs.

"I think I need to grow my hair," she said to him and to the night.

"Of course, love," he said.

She turned and said: "You'll shave it again, if you need?" There was a look of concern on her face. She didn't want him to think that her thought was a repudiation of him.

"Of course," he said smiling and lightly kissing her.

He was done then and held up a huge purple bath sheet towel. She stepped out of the bath and into the towel and let him wrap it around her, rubbing and getting her dry with it.

"You'll stay tonight," he said. It was a statement, not really a command but spoken out of his concern.

"Yes, if you'll let me," she said, "That will be wonderful."

With his arm around her shoulder, he led her inside, through the patio doors into the bedroom.

"This is lovely," she said softly.

"You are lovely!" he answered her and sat her down on the bed.

He lay her down on the bed then and produced some oil of Olay that he began to use, first on her back, neck and shoulders. Vanessa let out a huge sigh, as he covered her with the sweet smelling oil, rubbing it in.

He paid attention to her ass cheeks and then her thighs and legs, turning her over then to do her front.

When he was finished and had dried his hands, he said: "Sleep time, girl."

"No, please," she said holding her arms out. He sat by her on the bed to listen to what she wanted.

"Please, David, no one touched my . . .my ass; please won't you? I want you to make me yours, to claim me, to take me away from that scene and them, all of it, including Rae. Will you please?"

His answer came in the kiss that he gave her. They lay on the bed for a few minutes involved in the kiss. He rose then and took off his own clothes.

"This is so nice," she said, noting the moonlight streaming into the bed room."

Then he rolled her over and began to kiss the cheeks of her ass. She sighed into the pillow as he proceeded, deeper and deeper into the cleft of her ass.

"Oh, yesssss, this is the Master now!" she cooed, "Not boys or girls! This is the master!"

His tongue lapped at the rose bud of her ass hole, and she moaned her delight. Then he used some k-y and pulled her on her hips, to get her into an all fours position.

He pushed himself into her, getting a small squeal from her and an outrush of breath, she said to him, her breath shallow and rapid:

"This is the claim! Master David's claiming his right here."

"To his Vanessa!" he said. "Say that, say it," he told her softly.

"Yes, to his Vanessa!" she said and pushed her ass back against him, exploding with her orgasm, just before his.

He moved then and said: "I'll get a towel."

"No, please, please, I clean first! I do it!" she said holding onto his hips.

He moved the front of his body to allow her to take his slimy cock into her mouth. She watched him all the while she did it. Swirling the cock around in her mouth to clean it. He left then and came back with a wash cloth and towel, as well as a glass of sherry for her.

"Oh, thank you; you are so thoughtful!" she said, and got another kiss from him.

"I'm afraid, David, that I was rather active; I might leak," she said.

"No problem, I'll give you to Mickey," was his answer.

She didn't understand until he held out a pair of sleep shorts that had Mickey Mouse on the front. Vanessa giggled! She walked around the bedroom modeling the Mickey Mouse sleep shorts and laughing.

They slept together, spooned with him behind her, holding on to her. Vanessa reflected that she'd never felt quite so well taken care of, and she told him so.

She woke at 4:13 AM, by the clock. Her initial lack of orientation for where she was gave way to a smile, as she remembered the way that the evening ended for them. He lay deep in sleep next to her.

Not even thinking of denying her impulse, she moved so that she could kneel between his thighs and began to give him a blow job.

"Whaaaa?" he said in a sleepy voice.

"Good middle of the night, David! Master David!" she said, "This is my answer to your claim of last night."

"Gorgeous, beautiful black woman in bed with me and she sucks cock like that!" he said with a sigh and lay back again.

"Won the jackpot, white boy?" she said.

"Might give her a spanking!" he said then.

"Eeeeep!" was her reply and she went back to sucking his cock.

She only woke slowly the next morning. It was a combination of the sun coming in through the patio doors and the smells that roused her. She opened her eyes slowly and saw him looking at her, a smile on his face.

She grinned at him with the sheet pulled up to just under her nose. Then she giggled and drew the sheet down to her waist and said brightly: "Boobs!"

"Crazy!" he said laughing.

"Oh it smells so good, David!" she said then, catching the morning smells.

He went to the bed side then and held out a thigh length, white silk robe for her.

"Oh, thank you!" she said, putting the robe on and going out onto the bedroom patio for coffee and cinnamon rolls with him.

"Rolls?" she asked

"I baked," he said, "One of my talents."

"Mmmmm, delicious!" she said, tasting one.

She looked around in contentment, and espied a greenhouse back toward the trees.

He saw her glance and told her that was his orchid house.

"This is all so lovely," she said, "I, uh, never noticed it before."

"You were busy then! Distracted!" he said with a smile.

"Yes," she laughed, "Distracted."

She got serious then and said: "David, I want to thank you for yesterday, all of it, the opera, afterwards, Rae, even those randy kids. Thank you for letting me get, uh, wild and still being there for me. I can't tell you how much that means to me."

He smiled at her, putting his hand over hers and said: "It's what I do for you, Vanessa."

"Only one of the things," she said, leaning over for a kiss.

She said to him, after a second cup of coffee: "I hate to say this but I have to go in to work today."

"I know," he said, "I have things to do also. I've cleaned up your dress from yesterday. But have a track suite that you can wear to your place."

"Didn't wear it much," she said, with a grin.

"There is that!" was his reply.

She stood and said, going into his arms: "Please call me!"

"Of course I will," was his answer.

She was at the office and her euphoria of the morning had faded. It was only her and Gail there today to clear up some reports and paper work. She took time to think a bit and realized that, unlike all of those other times, she was being plagued by personal recriminations about 'Nessa's' actions from the previous night.

She decided that she needed to think about it, to try to get a finger on what was bothering her so much.

Gail knocked on the door after a few minutes and said: "Boss, these came for you, from Mr. Ross, I believe." She was holding in her hand a bouquet of roses.

"Ohhh," Vanessa said, and right then she knew. They put the lovely roses into a vase and Vanessa sat down heavily on one of the sitting area chairs.

"Sit with me, Gail," she said, sighing.

"Vanessa, are you okay?" Gail asked. It was a sign of her concern that she used Vanessa's first name.

"Oh, I'm struggling with a funk," Vanessa answered.

"Work? Reports? Production?" Gail asked.

"Much worse," Vanessa answered, "I'm mooning over a man."

Gail began to grin broadly.

"Oh, no you don't, Missy!" Vanessa said, breaking into a smile herself. "Don't you go getting that joyful look on your face now!"

"Whooppee!" Gail said, "The Boss is in love!"

"Stop it!" Vanessa said, laughing then along with Gail.

"See, you're smiling," she said, "It shows that I'm right!"

Just then they heard the outer office door.

"Saved by a visitor!" Vanessa said, as Gail, casting a grinning glance over her shoulder, went to the outer office.

She was back in a few seconds, sticking her head through the door and sporting an even broader smile:

"Boss," she said. "Mr David Ross is here to see you."

Vanessa got a bright look on her face and Gail winked at her broadly, stepping aside for David to enter the office.

"Be careful, Mr. Ross," Gail said, "She's mooning today!"

"Out you!" Vanessa shouted and Gail left humming a tune.

"What was that all about?" David asked, as he crossed the office to her, meeting her and taking her in his arms for a kiss.

"Oh, yes!" she said, "This is what I was 'mooning' about. Kisses! And you! And being taken care of last night the way I was! And being free to be as bad as I want and still having you!"

"Wow!" he said, smiling at her, "That was an awful lot in one sentence."

"Coffee?" she asked.

"Love some," he said, sitting in the sitting area.

"I'll get some," she replied and went out into the outer office.

"Hey, Boss!" Gail said, grinning.

"Don't start with me, Missy!" Vanessa said and then softly: "Thank you for being there for me! Is there coffee?"

"I'll make some fresh," Gail said, "You go and entertain your friend."

She went back in and sat with David.

"Lovely to see you, and thank you, thank you for the roses!" she said.

He cleared his throat and said: "Vanessa, I want to talk to you."

"Oh, dear!" she said, "I ruined it last night, didn't I?" Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.

"Of course not," he said, holding her hand. "But I want to ask you, and please understand that I've thought about this; I know all about our beginning and the way it went, but I have to admit that I'm being overwhelmed. I want to ask you, at least, to come and live with me!"

Vanessa shrieked! It happened just as Gail was entering with the coffee.

"Boss?" she asked.

Vanessa turned to Gail and said: "He just asked me to live with him."

"'At least' to live with me!" he repeated.

"'At least' to live with him," Vanessa said then to Gail.

Now there were tears on Vanessa's cheeks. Gail smiled broadly and put the coffee down between them.

Vanessa was still grinning at Gail at that point and said: "I'm going to 'at least' live with him."

"Well, tell him that then!" Gail said.

"Get out, bossy!" Vanessa said, and Gail, sticking her tongue out, left smiling.

She turned to David and said: "David, there are no secrets. You know me. You know my, what shall I call it, my mania!" She grew thoughtful and continued to speak: "David, I don't want to belabor this but it's important.We both remember the initial meeting. I don't know how you feel about having the person that you 'at least' live with be that way."

"It's how we'll play!" he said.

"Oh, I like the sound of that," she said, and went on: "It has made a huge difference to me to be able to indulge that 'wildness' so safely with you, and coming home to you afterwards was worth everything in the world. And I promise you, promise you, promise you that you will be the master, and I will be the slave!"

He gave her a broad smile. "The guys will be pleased."

"Even Ford?" she asked in a sly voice.

"Yes, even Ford," he said.

"You know, if you wanted it, Master David, I wouldn't mind some of those ideas."

"You are so bad!" he said.

"Yes, Massa David, I is!" she drawled and they kissed.

After the kiss, she spoke to him again:

"Gail was taunting me this morning saying that 'the Boss is in love', and, David, I think I am. Yes, I'll 'at least' live with you, in that lovely house!"


She did indeed move in with him. The house was large enough that she had her own 'office' and her special things melded nicely into the home. She quickly shared his passion for orchids and they did the work in that greenhouse together.

The first test of their former association came about ten days after she moved in. He said to her on a Tuesday:

"Vanessa, love, the guys will be coming over on Friday for poker."

She agreed to be in charge of the drinks and the snacks. Nothing else was said at that time between them. That night the poker game progressed as usual. The guys were happy, interested to see Vanessa again.

It was the fourth hand, when David asked Vanessa to come into the rec room, where the game was going on. He announced to the table that the fourth hand pot would be for Vanessa's blouse, and the winner would get to take it off of her and get a kiss as a reward.

Her reaction was to simply giggle behind her hand at the thought. She knew that she was wet right from the moment he said anything.

They played eagerly and it was Ford who won the hand, got his chance to remove Vanessa's blouse and claim his kiss.