Professional Massage Exchange

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A young man pretends to be a professional massage therapist.
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Note: If you are looking for an immediate gratification and graphic story, you will be disappointed. This story is completely true, only the names have been changed out of respect to her. I hope you enjoy the realness, the tension and emotions of a scene that actually happened. Please share your comments, good or bad, I'd love to hear your reactions.


I was 25, and just went through a pretty bad break up with my girlfriend of two and a half years. We were living together for over a year now, and after several weeks of barely speaking to each other, we knew it was over. As awful as our relationship was, that didn't make me any less heartbroken.

I immediately tried to busy myself with anything to keep my mind off of the loneliness. A great distraction was porn. Fun, temporarily satisfying, addicting, but that only led to wanting actual physical contact. I went on an online dating site to get back out there. After a few dates with different girls, I realized I wasn't ready for the work involved with dating yet. I wasn't feeling chatty; it was really just the comforting companionship I was seeking. Physical contact was nice as well, but that was hard to come by when I wasn't into the dates.

I decided maybe a massage would be just what I'm looking for. Companionship and relaxing contact. I began going to local spas on the weekends. I had watched enough porn massage videos to vividly imagine the masseuse being curious she had to peek under the sheet and would be so impressed with my cock she'd just have to massage it and of course she'd probably want to put it in her mouth since it looked so good. HA! In reality, they were all professional, and of course had zero interest in my body or my cock.

I never went to a shady massage parlor, I didn't want to be one of those guys, so I stuck to classy spas and tried several different ones, hoping sooner or later I'd find one who couldn't resist my chiseled body. I never did. A bigger problem, I was pretty broke. Still on my first job out of college, making not much money, and with ex girlfriend no longer covering half of the rent, I knew I couldn't keep paying for massages.

I turned to Craigslist hoping to find a woman looking to exchange massages in my town. The closest I got was spam ads and prostitutes. No thanks. I expanded my Craigslist search to a small town that was about a 90 minute drive away. I saw a post labeled "seeking massage exchange partner." I opened the ad and couldn't believe what I was reading.

She was a professional masseuse, more than that, she owned her own physical therapy business. She stated she was having back problems and was seeking a mutual exchange of massages with a professional massage therapist.

No way! This is too good to be true. Hmmm, I'm not a professional, but that's not going to stop me I thought to myself. I replied immediately and said I had been looking for the exact same mutual exchange. While I was honest and said I was not a practicing professional massage therapist, I was in college in the gym's physical therapy department and worked under trained therapists so I had professional experience. (Huge lie, but more believable than saying I worked at a spa now. Other than receiving several massages in the past few months, I had no professional experience.)

As with any Craigslist reply, I expected to either never hear back or to get a spam reply with links to crappy dating sites. But instead I got a real reply. Her name was Heather. She was 46 and she was a little apprehensive about arranging something like this, but suggested we give it a try to see if we're a good fit. Her business was closed on Sundays, so we set up an appointment for the following Sunday afternoon.

I was ecstatic and imagined the possibilities. My mind immediately imagined porn-like scenarios before I came back to reality and realized that just isn't how professional massage therapists work. What also began to set in, was the fact that I had lied about having real massage experience. I've rubbed girlfriends' backs before, but surely this professional who owned her own business could quickly determine I don't know what I'm doing.

However, with this being the age of the Internet and online videos, I found several massage techniques in YouTube videos. I watched them every night when I got home from work. By the end of the week, I knew enough to pass a massage certification exam. I was feeling confident and excited about the whole situation.

When Sunday finally rolled around, I drove out the 90 minutes or so and parked in her parking lot. The building was bigger than I expected. I thought it would be a tiny studio with one room. But it had several rooms. She had a waiting room. I saw a picture of her staff as I waked in the front door. She had staff, even doctors under her employ. I got nervous all over again.

I saw her standing by the front desk. She was a petite woman, with shoulder length dark hair and olive skin. She slightly reminded me of an older Mila Kunis.

"I'm Jason." I offered my hand

"Nice to meet you. I'm Heather." Her hand was dainty. Barely took hold of mine. I could soon tell she was more nervous than I was. We sat down to discuss how we wanted this to work. She preferred to give me a massage and next time I could give her one, "if it works out." She added.

She seemed a little relieved that I was not giving her the massage first. I can only imagine how vulnerable she thought by the idea of a strange male giving her a massage with no one else in the building.

I agreed to the plan and she took me back to the room and asked me to undress and get under the sheet. Now having imagined this scenario in my head a thousand times, I was hoping she'd stay to watch me undress and not care about the draping. Since this was our first time, and I was getting a free massage I didn't rock the boat. I got undressed after she left the room. I had the familiar rush standing there naked as my dangling member slightly filled with blood. I always took a little longer than needed to undress hoping the masseuse would come in and see me standing there. I gave my cock a full tugs just to make sure it looked full and thick, but still soft, if she did happen to see it. I went under the sheet like she asked and my heart beat a little faster as I waited for her to return.

She came in and lowered the lights and placed her hands on my upper back letting her touch warm my tense muscles. She slid the towel down further, and it felt like top of my crack was hanging out but I couldn't tell for sure. Gently her hands worked over my body, up and down my back, my arms. She moved onto my legs, giving my feet and calves some attention, and she worked her way up my thighs stopping several inches from where I was hoping she'd go. She asked me turn over DNS continued the massage on my front side.

About the only thing that seemed new was that she massages my abs and lower stomach. Otherwise it was a normal massage. Nothing even hinting at flirting or seeing me nude. I was a little disappointed but still happy with a free massage. When it was over she left the room so I could dress. I met her out in the lobby and thanked very much for the kind and caring massage.

Her arms were crossed and she looked more nervous than ever. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Are you ok?" I asked genuinely, and feared that I did something wrong.

"Yes, thank you." She almost sniffled. "I was just so nervous about this. I didn't know how you'd be, if I could trust you."

I felt awful for even imagining my dirty scenarios. "I'm sorry. I was actually really nervous too."

She lightly smiled.

"Do you want to meet next week so I could return the favor?" I asked.

"Well my back has been really hurting me." I could tell she was far more nervous about me massaging her. But she agreed. "Yes, let's meet next Sunday." We shook hands and I left.

Still feeling guilty about my thoughts, I looked up more ways to make a patient feel comfortable. Draping techniques so they're always covered when they change positions. Everything I could possibly learn, I did.

When Sunday came, I was confident I knew enough to pass as a once professional massage therapist. I pulled up into the parking lot and walked in. The fears started to creep back into my head. My confidence was fading with every step. What am I doing? She'll know I'm a fraud the second i touch her.

She shyly greeted me again, and without much chatting we walked back to the same room. I politely left the room so she could undress and get under the sheet. After waiting a couple minutes, I knocked softly on the door and entered. She had the lights turned low and she was under the sheet. I was actually shaking. I had less confidence than I ever had in my life.

As my hands touched her back, I felt a sigh of relief from both of us. Her eyes were closed and I slid the sheet down to her waist. Even though I kept her as covered as I could, I noticed she had on pink panties under the sheet. I was a little disappointed she wasn't fully nude, but I was in no shape to be trying any risky moves. So I stuck to the basics. My hands soon were flowing over her back in complex patterns of three like I had learned. I asked her how the pressure was. I used my elbows and forearms, I lightly moved her arm to massage under her scapula. I was really doing it!

I moved on to her legs and worked on her calves, up the back of her legs over her hamstrings and lightly working her inner thighs. I tested and teased how close I could get in between thighs and very respectfully backed off when I sensed I was getting too close for comfort.

With the sheet covering one leg, leaving one exposed, I could now see her panties more clearly. They were a faded pink and they covered most of her cheeks. After things had been going so well, my confidence slowly returned. I worked on her outer, upper leg and cheek over the underwear. She didn't stop me, so I continued kneading her cheek now with both hands. I was afraid she'd tell me knock it off, but she lied there peacefully.

After a while of that, I realized I better move on to her other leg before she thinks I'm obsessed with her butt. I moved the draping over to expose her other leg and slowly repeated the process. By the time I got up to her butt, I decided I'd slide my fingers just inside the outer edge of her panties. She didn't seem to mind. I was now squeezing her nice, tight ass with both hands under her panties feeling the soft flesh move and jiggle to my touch.

I probably did that for 5 minutes? 20 minutes? I had no idea. But she didn't seem to mind. Eventually I had her turn over, and I held up the sheet to give her privacy. I lightly placed the sheet down over her when she settled on her back. This was a new form of temptation altogether. Her bare breasts were under the sheet inches from my hands as I rubbed her neck. I decided to move down to her legs and work my way up.

My hands slid over her ankles and shins quickly to move on to her thighs. I had one hand on the outside of her thigh and the other on the inside as I gave slow, deliberate strokes moving upward. Her skin was extra soft and felt like it was melting to my touch. As I neared her center, I noticed she hadn't widened her legs at all, which I assume was a sign that she wasn't looking for more.

I then moved on to her torso and wondered how to massage her belly without completely removing the sheet. I decided to use a draping technique I saw in a video. I walked over to a cabinet in the room and grabbed a small hand towel. I folded in half so it made a skinny rectangle and placed it over her breasts that were still covered by the sheet. I asked her to hold the towel in place as I gently slid the sheet out from under it and down to her waist. Her flat belly was now exposed and the small towel was covering just enough of her breasts to hide her nipples, but not much else.

My hands slid over her belly in flowing circles. I noticed her breathing picked up a little. I pushed my luck a little further and worked her lower abdomen stopping just at the top of her panties. I lightly slid my fingers under her waistband and could feel her short, but thick pubic hair underneath. I didn't go much further, not wanting to freak her out.

I moved up her body to massage around her barely covered chest. I lightly rubbed the exposed curves on top and felt this was almost more risky than my previous strokes over her pubic hair. I kept waiting for her to tell me to stop. But she didn't. With one hand I massages her sternum under the towel, sliding completed between her breasts. Her breathing increased more, but I saw her taking forced deep breaths to relax.

I massaged the tops her breasts, one in each hand moving slightly under the towel. I kept waiting for a cough or a slight shift in body position as a non-confrontational way of letting me know I should stop...nothing came. So I continued. My hands moved a little lower, my nervousness started to return. That adrenaline rush of not knowing what her reaction would be got my heart racing. Soon I needed to take deep breaths the same as her to calm myself down.

My hands were millimeters from her nipples. Hell from all I could see, I might have already been touching the outer circles. I moved around the sides of her breasts, still not quite touching her centers. After a few minutes of teasing (me more than her), I went for it and casually slid my flat palms over her entire breasts. I felt her erect nipples poking my hand. Her breathing changed once again, but it was too late for me to stop. I lightly grabbed each breast with gentle squeezes, before I eventually pinched her nipples. I thought for sure the pinching would have been the end of it. But she kept her eyes closed and showed no signs of excitement nor concern.

I was now starting to get hard under my jeans. If she had her eyes open she would have seen a growing bulge tracing down my right leg. I continued massaging her still covered breasts and nipples, now wondering what else I could get away with. I angled my hands so the towel slid down to her stomach. Her breasts were right in front of me. Completely bare. They were perky, probably a b cup, with dark nipples that stood almost a quarter of an inch or more off her chest. She had little goose bumps around her ariolas. I removed the towel completely and put it back on the counter.

I gave her even more attention and began massaging her nipples directly. I took one nipple with both hands and lightly stretched the skin sideways and then vertically, a technique I learned from watching tantric massage videos. I repeated the same for her other nipple, and still she lied there showing no signs of resistance. I moved to her side and kept caressing her breasts with my one hand and massaged her belly with my other.

Finally, I think I started to get her a little nervous. So I tried more tantric relaxation techniques and placed my hand over her heart and nipple, and my other flat on her belly and told her breathe deeply and imagine the energy flowing between my hands. She did as I suggested and calmed down. I repeated this a few times, each time moving my hand lower on her belly. Finally my hand was resting on her pubic bone as I had her breathe deeply one last time.

The signs were subtle, but clear, she was not waving me home. I politely slid both hands up her belly, and around her breasts one last time and kissed her on the forehead.

"I hope you enjoyed your massage." I said gently. Her eyes blinked a few times and quickly brought her arms up to cover her chest. It was like she was aware for the first time she was topless. I quickly handed her the towel and she covered her chest with it. "I'll step outside while you get dressed."

I was in the waiting area now getting a little worried what she was thinking. I had no idea how she would react now that she was fully awake and alert...and dressed. She came out with her arms crossed. It was hard to read her.

"What did you think of the massage?" I asked nervously.

She looked sad, and once again on the verge of tears. She shook her head.

"I'm so sorry. I hope I didn't-"

"No, no you were good. You were very good. It's just that I've been hurt before." She stopped mid thought and kept herself from a deep cry. "I think that was actually just what I needed. It felt very comforting." She sniffled now, and broke with a little laugh not expecting a young guy in her twenties to provide such an emotional journey.

That time we gave each other hug as we said our goodbyes. I didn't push my luck setting up our next appointment together. I wasn't even sure if she'd want one after that. "Let's stay in touch." She nodded and we hugged again as I left.

We would only meet two more times after that, and they were different journeys altogether.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
You story never developed Into a sexual event.

Thank you, I truly enjoyed the story and was surprised to see the story not head in a more sexual and predictable manner. As a voyeur the story was perfect thank you for sharing it

JjonestJjonestalmost 8 years agoAuthor
RE: just did one ourselves

Wow, thanks for sharing that. A few comments from my point of view...the fact she is 54 and he is 25 probably only adds to the excitement for him. There was a certain thrill for me that this was actually taking place with an older woman, which had nothing to do with her level of attractiveness. I doubt he's in school for massage therapy, but even if he is they're certainly not taught to cover patients with a tiny washcloth and ever touch their breasts.

Since this was the sixth session, I'm guessing he's been testing the limits each time trying to get her less and less covered and massage more and more of long as she's going along with it. (Which it sounds like she is...) Truthfully I wouldn't trust the guy - sounds hypocritical coming from me, but I'm pretty sure I've got him pegged. Please feel free to email me if you want to chat about this more:

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Just did one ourselves

Saw an ad on C/L, guy looking for practice partners. Naïve maybe on my part, it sounded legit so after a chat the wife and I booked with him. He showed up with a table, shoulder bag, oils, the works. Sounded normal, the rap was "in school" and learning.

Good looking dude, too, but he is about 25 and the wife is 54. She is in nice shape but still, not likely there is any interest, right? I stayed for the first session, normal, drapes, careful, NBD. He said he could come by each Saturday, cool. I gave him a few bucks for gas money, that's sure affordable.

Last week was session number 6, I came in to get some tools and there was the wife on her back, a tiny washcloth between her legs and both his hands on her tits?

I had a chat with the wife about that one, she gave me the "just a massage" and "NBD" line.

I had noticed each Saturday the wife seemed way more fussed up than usual.

Guy is coming back this afternoon, I think I will stick around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The first time

my wife got a breast massage from a male Masseur, it was a shock to her system at first since she didn't expect it. She had seen him at least a half dozen times and he had never let his hands under the drape that far before. He didn't actually expose her, he just slid underneath, and yes, he did roll her nipples very gently..

As she told me later, she tensed up but then somehow it was comforting and she relaxed. Then she felt guilty so she told me as soon as I got home. It wasn't an exciting thing, it was a comfort thing if that makes sense.

She told me it made her feel warm and good, different than when I pet her. I asked her if she was comfortable with that, she said she was.

It didn't bother me any if she enjoyed it and I told her so. Now he undrapes her, all except for a small soft towel over her groin.

Breast massage feels good to most women, and it really is no big deal. Not much different than the lady I see, she rubs my chest also.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Let us down a little !

Even though your opening statement told us nothing was going to happen I'm sure most of your readers expected it would. Maybe both of you were waiting for the other to make the first move. My wife's female friends love to have me give them oiled massages knowing I am not a professional, but they know what to expect and that is why they want me to run my hands over their bodies and finger fuck them and most of them get so turned on they wind up jacking me off and sucking my cock. You ought to get back with her and admit your true intentions. Maybe she feels the same way. Bare469

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