Product Tester Required Ch. 01-02

Story Info
Joanne and Jane land the perfect job.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/02/2016
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Product tester required Chapter 1.

The advert was brief and ambiguous. The successful applicant will be scientifically analytical and capable of applying testing procedures to consumer products. They will have experience in product safety legislation and familiarity with safety standards. Blah, blah. But no mention of the type of products.

Joanne had recently moved back to her home town of Bath, back to her old family home after working for Nottinghampshire Borough Council in their Trading Standards Department. She had studied at Loughborough University where she met her soul mate, Sam.

After graduation she moved in with him in his home town Melton Mowbray. The relationship had taken a strange turn when she was isolated from her friends and he was returned to the bosom of his family and friends.

They welcomed her initially with open arms. But soon after every decision Joanne made about their flat seemed to conflict with the unwritten rules of style which were held by Sam's Mum and Sister's.

There was no end to their disparagement and Sam seemed incapable of seeing how pissed off it made her or standing up for her against some often quite vile bitchiness. Enough was enough when they disliked her choice of color of toilet paper.

"Are you taking the fucking piss?", Joanne ranted. "It's in the bathroom and provided to wipe your fanny with. Every and I mean every time you bitches come round here you find something that I've done to hate. If I behaved like that in your house you wouldn't put up with it. Now I'd be grateful if you'd take your opinions and leave."

There then followed a distinct lack of uninvited guests leaving. Joanne stared at Sam whose frightened face wilted in the direct beam of his mother's and Joanne's glare.

"Right, thank you Sam. You spineless twat. You're making this very easy for me." With that she went upstairs and packed.

Her relationship with Sam had been everything, but in the end he didn't even have the balls to fight for her.

She deserved so much better and whenever Joanne met new men they soon revealed major character flaws that she knew couldn't live with.

She had been volunteering at the Citizens Advice bureau while looking for a new job when she saw the advert and applied.

The interview was scheduled for the next week and she was then asked back for a second interview the week after, where the questions turned weird.

They wanted to know about her sexuality, which must be illegal to ask, so she answered asexual, wishing she could add, although it's none of your business. Then they revealed the products which were to be tested were sex toys.

The questions became more and more intimate. Have you ever masturbated with a non-vibrating toy? A vibrating toy? Has your anus ever been penetrated by an object as wide as a carrot, a cucumber?

She really thought this was a wind up, she was looking round for the hidden cameras and answering all the questions, "yes," or, "Oh larger."

Joanne had no intention of accepting the job.

Joanne's mum was livid when Joanne told her that she had no intention of accepting the opportunity of paid employment. She was faced with a stark choice. Accept the job if offered or find somewhere else to live.

Two days later the letter arrived. Joanne's mum lent the opened envelope against Joanne's tea mug when she came down for breakfast. Joanne read the letter already knowing it was a job offer.

Joanne started her new job just a week later. The lady, Yvonne who had interviewed her, welcomed her and showed her round the factory and introduced her to the Managing Director Raymond and his sister Geraldine who was also the Finance Director.

She was then shown to her office. It was spacious and well lit, a desk with a computer occupied the space in front of the window. A work bench occupied the wall to the left, a rack of simple tools was behind this.

The most impressive bench was opposite the window and contained some larger test equipment and shelves of oscilloscopes, multi-meters, scales and many types of electrical sensors and assorted scientific equipment.

Yvonne admitted to not knowing what most of the stuff in the room was for, but was pleased when Joanne was able to describe what a data logging unit was for and how it might be used to collect data onto a computer in a test that may last several days.

Joanne was then shown through a door on the fourth wall. The room beyond had no windows and although it was clean, bright and well lit when the fluorescent lights were on, contained much larger test equipment with the obvious facility to include human test subjects.

"This is the human test facility," Yvonne said slightly nervously keeping her eyes firmly on Joanne's reaction.

Joanne managed to keep her poker face. Looking more closely she could see at least there were no restraints and rationalized to herself that they seemed to be taking the safety of their product line seriously.

The last area in Joanne's new empire was the changing cubicle and shower, a small toilet room completed the tour.

"Well I'm afraid that I can only show you the documents and files, apart from that you know as much as anyone. The last incumbent and his assistant left under a cloud. The MD made it a policy that he would only employ women in this department."

"I understand. Will I get an assistant?" Asked Joanne.

"Yes, I completely forgot to tell you. We've been interviewing. The MD wants you in on the second interviews on Wednesday," said Yvonne.

They wandered back into the office and Yvonne showed Joanne how the filing worked. Joanne made notes on sticky notes and labelled the main documents she would need to familiarize herself with. The product testing reports complete with their test results for all existing products. Testing procedure files and European Standards relating to the product type plus some company internal documents for more specialist products.

The book shelves had some fascinating volumes 'human sexual anthropometric data', she couldn't resist having a quick leaf through it to check out the 95th percentile cock length.

Yvonne took her leave and told Joanne to spend the day between reading the test procedures and determining how to do them. If she needed any samples she should sign for them in the packing department, where they would make an order out to testing.

The first testing procedure Joanne picked up was for a variable speed / variable function rabbit style vibrator. The introduction laid out the scope of the procedure and the range, size and functionality of products to be included.

Joanne sat back in her office chair, looked round her domain and exclaimed "This is a fucking brilliant job."

With that she left the office and wandered to the packaging department. She was let in and welcomed by a young pretty woman who introduced herself as Beverley. Joanne introduced herself and told Beverley that she wanted samples of a range of the company's products.

Beverley demonstrated that she knew her stuff. She assembled a top of the range example of each product type. She was bright and went beyond what was asked of her, she didn't need asking to make the order out. She just did it, Joanne signed it giving Beverley a delicious mischievous grin.

Joanne asked if Beverley would mind taking her to the canteen when everyone stopped for lunch.

Beverley and Joanne hit it off from then on as friends and would regularly meet up for lunch in the canteen.

Back in the office after lunch, Joanne spent the rest of the day duplicating the test results on the sample toys. The majority of the tests were quick and simple.

The one that made her smile and would upset most men was the toughness test on the dildo which involved clamping the dildo into a machine which swung a weight from a predetermined height and measured how far it bounced back or carried on swinging if it sheared the dick off.

The amount of energy absorbed in the impact was then calculated. She was using her skills learned at Loughborough and she loved it.

By Wednesday Joanne had been through all the equipment, made sure it all worked and made inroads into reviewing the documents. She had prepared for the forth coming second interviews and asked Yvonne if she could asked the applicants some questions. Yvonne was a bit evasive but conceded that she could ask one question concerning data logging.

The first interview was with Jane, she was tall with shoulder length wavy hair, pretty in the way all 19 year old women are but her features were plain and she had dressed to disguise as much of her figure as possible, although she would have needed camouflage netting to hide the expansive size of her tits. Jane was not overweight, but she wasn't a rake. Joanne imagined a curvy woman under the nondescript interview outfit.

Her qualifications were mediocre and Joanne started to focus on the skill set Jane would bring to the party. She had science and maths 'A' levels and had worked briefly in an office doing administration.

What swung the interview in Jane's favor was her hobby interest in making remote control drones from basics components. She had picked up the hobby at college in their technology club and carried on after leaving. Her knowledge of electronic control chips for motors was beyond useful.

When Joanne looked back to Yvonne her face was grim. The one question on data logging had led to a discussion that had lasted 15 minutes in a subject area that had so completely excluded Yvonne that Joanne actually felt embarrassed.

The next two applicants were OK but if it were up to Joanne there was no contest.

Yvonne asked Joanne back to her office after the last interview. Joanne apologized for going off piste in Jane's interview. Yvonne told her that she felt peeved at the time but understood that Jane had expanded on the question in an unexpected direction and it was fine. She scored them according to some HR wizardry. Jane was the highest scoring.

Jane's first day was much better organized than Joanne's. What troubled Joanne was when she was shown the human test room, Jane took more than a casual interest and seemed disappointed when her question was answered by Joanne "I don't know who gets tested in the human tests, I'm pretty certain it's not in our job descriptions."

Joanne was going to discover that this was the most important question she had not asked herself.

The MD phoned that afternoon and asked how long the testing facilities would take to get back up and running. Joanne could see no reason why they could not start immediately. The MD was quite taken aback. His view on the equipment was just bafflement and thought it would take weeks to get up to speed.

The next day a prototype product arrived from the small design office which was staffed by Darren and Grace. They were an item and because of their relationship prototypes tended to be well thought out and designed.

Chapter 2.

The strapless vibrator with processor control of five high speed offset micro motors.

Strapless 'strap on' dildos were not a new idea, what made this design so radical was the type of advanced high speed micro motor they had specified.

Dyson Vacs had developed the digital motor technology and eventually they had been miniaturized enough to fit five of them in a vibrator. The motors were very powerful for their size, rated at 3 watts each.

Having five of them was excessive but the processing chip was able to start and stop them in rapid sequences to cause ripples to pass up and down the dildo. When they turned it on the vibrations were so intense on full power that the whole dildo visually blurred.

Joanne found the relevant procedure and European Standard carefully placing them next to the dildo. Jane and Joanne looked at each other.

This was a device that was designed to be used between two women and was of awesome power. Both women knew that just watching the device had aroused them by its sheer potency. The room smelled of it and both women being very technically minded were turned on by the technology as much as anything.

"We're going to fuck each other aren't we?" Joanne whispered.

"This is only my second day," whispered back Jane.

Jane then surged forward, grasping Joanne round the back of the neck, Joanne responded by pulling Jane's body into the embrace. Their mouths met in a passionate kiss and grabbing the dildo Joanne motioned Jane through the door into the human testing room bumping and banging into furniture all the way.

Joanne and Jane were soon undressing each other.

"We're going to have to be quiet," giggled Joanne.

Jane pulled her knickers off and stuffed them in Joanne's mouth, Jane got the same treatment and savored the taste as she closed her mouth on them.

Joanne worked the broader part of the dildo into her vagina and the penis that stood out of the front wrapped snugly into her slit and gripped her pelvic bone. It felt so sexy looking down and seeing a penis sticking out. Jane was kneeling down holding, rubbing then kissing the phallus.

Jane stood and still gripping the plastic dick, lead Joanne over to chaise lounge which she lay back on and pulled the dick down to her soaking pussy.

As the cock entered Jane she gasped, they both giggled through their panties in trepidation as Jane passed the remote to Joanne. The lowest power setting was delightful. Jane's mouth formed an O with frilly red panties sticking out as she silently savored the sensations.

Their hips did a slow rhythmic grind as Joanne stroked the toy luxuriously in and out.

Joanne started to run through the twelve pulse patterns while her inner nerd made her maintain the slow grind. In any experiment it is important to only change one variable. Each new pulse pattern brought a gasp of pleasure and expectation, the slow grind was the constant.

This carried on getting more frantic and passionate as the power levels increased. Both women came very hard before they got past the third power level and were glad of having gagged themselves with their panties. Joanne withdrew the dildo and switched it off. She couldn't take anymore.

As she lay on the chaise lounge luxuriating in the afterglow holding each other silently. Joanne began to study Jane's body. She was made to be a creature of the night. Smooth, curvaceous and big, sorry enormous chested. She had an amazing body.

Before long and definitely before sleep could overtake her, Jane began to ease the vibrator out of Joanne's cunt. As soon as it was free she pushed it securely into place in her own cunt and knelt between Joanne's legs peeling her lips wide. Joanne pushed a pair of knickers into Jane's mouth and put a pair in hers just in time before the already pulsing vibrator entered her.

The power setting started on four this time and Jane ran methodically through the pulse patterns. Waves of sensation rippled around in her cunt as Jane maintained the steady thrusts which she had started. Joanne didn't last till the end of the twelve pulse patterns before she was grinding the panties in her mouth into fluff in her effort to remain quiet.

Jane's massive tits collapsed on top of her. She had probably caused Jane to cum with her orgasm. This was going to be a long day and as they lay together recovering this time, sleep briefly did claim them both.

Jane felt Joanne gently shaking her. "Let's get dressed, we can't be caught fucking each other, we'll get fired."

They carefully dressed minus their pants and agreed to finish the live human 'testing' after lunch. They had taken a terrible risk.

They went for lunch and sat with Beverley who looked between them and then fixed her eyes on her food. "Fucking hell, your department must be fucking hell," she murmured.

"What on it obvious," Joanne whispered.

"The last pair were at it every day for years I heard," whispered back Beverley "until they got caught by Geraldine."

"We just couldn't help ourselves," whispered Jane, "the new prototype was so sexy."

She paused for a moment then spoke to Joanne, "is Beverley allowed to know about prototypes?"

"Not really Jane, don't worry you've not said anything," whispered Joanne.

The three friends chatted about Beverley's boyfriend trouble for the rest of their break. Joanne and Jane returned to their department in silence and with some apprehension, after becoming fuck buddies only hours earlier.

Jane went to make coffee and was not surprised when Joanne called a meeting when she took it to her desk.

"We should talk," was Joanne's opening line, "and I need you to be absolutely honest."

"About us testing the sex toys ourselves," clarified Jane, "If you don't mind seeing me naked, I think it's OK."

"I am going to have to ask Yvonne if it's part of our job description but I have to admit I'm worried she might say it isn't," Joanne said, glad of the general direction of the discussion.

"If the situation isn't clear Joanne then we have a choice," Jane said. "If we presume we are supposed to test the toys ourselves then it's not a disciplinary mistake, it's senior management not being clear."

"What you're saying," clarified Joanne, "is you WANT to test the sex toys with me."

Jane looked down shyly and shrugged.

"Because I definitely want to test the sex toys with you."

"Shall we get back to work?", asked Joanne when Jane remained silent. She was desperate to try the dildo on full power mixed with fear of getting caught blended with mortal dread of how her body would cope. All in all an exotic and addictive brew of emotions.

Joanne led the way back into the human test room and closed the door.

"One of the tests that all vibrators must pass is that two test subjects shall be unharmed by 4 minutes of designed use while the power is turned up to full," Instructed Joanne feeling giddy and starting to breathe harder.

"Its highest setting is twelve, and it's likely to be a logarithmic increment," her voice more of a purr than professional and confident.

Joanne started to undress and continued. "I want to be the first test subject in this test but I think I might struggle with the stimulation." She paused before finishing her eyes glazing and her voice no more than a whisper.

Joanne was down to her bra as she 'managed' Jane, who had also started to strip. "There are wrist and ankle restraints in the cupboard," she whispered with trepidation, "top shelf. I'll get the ball gag and timer," she barely managed to get these last words out, Joanne was feeling very anxious.

She further instructed, completely naked now. "Tie me down to the chaise lounge and fuck me on full power for 4 minute no matter what." Her arousal was dripping down her inner thighs. Joanne had never felt such a blend of fear and lust, it was intoxicating.

With that she put the ball gag in her own mouth and lay down. Jane had her restrained quickly and set the timer up. Standing over Joanne she put her left foot on the chaise lounge next to Joanne's ear so Joanne was looking straight up into Jane's pussy.

"You're my bitch now!" Jane croaked hoarsely.

Jane eased the bulbous end of the dildo into her cunt, sawing it in and out obviously loving her dominance. Once she was satisfied that it was snugly settled into her slit and firmly gripping her pelvic bone.

"You know this is going to fuck you up, don't you bitch?" croaked Jane through her arousal, but with an edge of harshness.

Jane set the power to 12, it's maximum.

Jane made rapid gasps as the powerful vibrations stimulated her vagina, pubic mound and clitoris. The phallus protruding buzzed and its edges blurred.

Even before the dildo had touched her body, Joanne was wriggling with anticipation.

As the dildo touched Joanne's outer lips, her pelvis lifted in a vain attempt to consume the entire length and Jane started the timer.