Prisoner in his Harem Ch. 08

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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/31/2016
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The wave hit Rosebud in the back covering her with spray. Murat screamed: "Big one coming", but before she could turn around green seawater covered her and sent her tumbling to the beach. Her belly and breasts scraped the sand and then the water receded again. On hands and knees Rosebud looked around for her stepson and the both of them started laughing. She reached up to adjust her scarf to cover her hair again. Her wet dress and trousers emphasised her curves even more.

"That was a big one Mum."

"It sure was. It is the strong breeze that makes the sea this wild. But it was fun was it not? Let's do it again."

The both of them waded back into the deeper waters to dive into the breakers and finding a good spot to ride a wave back towards the coast.

Mum. She remembered when he had called her that the first time. She had accompanied Faisel and Murat to their English school for some school event. One of the boys had asked Murat "Is she your mum?" and he had said "Yes that is my mum." They had walked towards the classrooms and the Murat had said when he saw the look on her face: "My mother is mama in Arabic but you are my English 'mum'. Well you are are you not?" She had understood it was a nickname and a badge of honour. From that day onwards that was what her stepsons had called her, and their little siblings her biological children, had copied it.

The sheikh had planned to send his oldest sons to a British boarding school and had informed Rosebud of his plans. She could not understand why he wanted that. Some of her friends in university that had been in one had hated it. She did not want them to leave at all. She had shocked him by strongly expressing that to someone whose word was the law and who had a harem of obedient girls obeying his commands. On realising that, she had just started to cry.

To her surprise he had laughed and scooped her up in his arms and then said "Did I impregnate you with gunpowder this time my little spitfire? You either laugh, cry or are pissing mad with me."

"I just cannot understand why you want to send them there. It is horrible there and I will miss them."

He had explained that he wanted them to have a good preparation for a top university.

"But I was at Oxford and I just went to school in the village. And I speak English to them every day."

He had set her down on the couch in his library telling her not to upset herself now she was about to give birth again. He tried to explain he thought education by tutors in the palace, was in his opinion, not good for their social skills, that he wanted them in a school but in West Tripolitania he did not see it as a possibility to send them to a normal school as normal kids.

"But a boarding school is so horrible", she had cried. "I liked it in my school but would have hated to go all alone to live in a boarding school."

He had looked down at her and then asked if she thought her parents would be willing to have his boys living there. She had looked up at him all teary-eyedand had said: "They always go there for long visits."

"Well Puppet then ask them if they may stay with them and go to your school if that makes you happy." So the last three years the two Arab princes had lived the life of two English schoolboys in rural Little Puddington.

Rosebud lifted her head up so the warm sun was shining on her face. The seagulls were making a racket eager to get some of the food put out on the beach. She licked her lips. The taste of salt water on her lips, the smell of seaweed and fish in her nostrils. Voices and laughter. Happiness flooded her. She was glad to be home.

The two weeks she had stayed with her parents together with her baby daughter - coming to pick up the boys for the summer break and to see her family and show the new baby - had been an exercise in rain and grey weather. It was so good to be here again.

Murat and Rosebud looked for a big wave and then tried to let that carry them all the way to the beach. On reaching the shallows Faisel and Abdul, one of the eunuchs, were waiting for them to join some ballgame in the surf. Abdul had been castrated by the fanatics during the civil war when he was just a toddler. Instead of dying as he was supposed to, he had survived and instead of living a life of mutilation Idriss had recruited him for the honoured task of keeping the Sheikh's harem girls safe. He was just a few years older than Faisel and they were best friends.

Rosebud excused herself telling the boys she had to tend to her babygirl. She trotted up the soft sand of the beach to a tent that was erected so people could change without being seen. She stripped herself out of her wet long dress and pants and dried herself off wrapping a towel around her long braids that normally would reach her mid back. She got into a sheer set of harem pants and a blouse and wrapped a large piece of veil over her hair and back. The locket with the Sheikhs Tughra, his seal on it, heavy between her breasts.

From the tent Rosebud walked to a party tent where Noor was keeping an eye on her baby girl who was happily sleeping. Her friend smiled.

"I am glad you and little Leila are back home again Rosebud."

"Me too. You have better weather," grinned Rosebud. "No you silly I am teasing you. I missed you too."

Rosebud sat down on the towels next to her best friend and picked up her baby. The moment she opened her blouse the little mouth found her nipple and started suckling.

Noor had been her friend in the harem from the beginning when Rosebud had just been a prisoner and a slave. She had spend hours trying to teach her Arabic and never tired of explaining the rules to her. She had never wanted to leave the harem to start her own family but instead was the best auntie one could imagine for Rosebud's own children. Rosebud imagined Noor loved the Sheikh in her own way and was happy being called to his bed once a month and for the rest playing nanny for his kids. When the Sheikh wanted Rosebud in his bed Noor would sleep in the nursery to keep an eye out in case one of the children would wake up at night.

The women had always joked to each other that Rosebud would take care of making children and birthing them and Noor then could have her fill changing nappies and spooning fruit mash and cuddling them.

As a sign to honour that love and devotion Rosebud had asked the Sheikh to call her second son Nourredin after her friend Noor. Her daughter and third child she had named Leila after the deceased first wife of the Sheikh who had always treated her like a friend instead of a slave and - as Rosebud was told after her death - had even suggested to the Sheikh to make Rosebud his second wife. She knew the gesture was not lost on Leila's children.

The two women were sitting in silence enjoying each other's company. The other harem ladies were playing with her two little boys and the children of the women who had left the harem or were catching up on the news of their former sisters who were visiting today.

A lot had been changed since she had joined the harem of Sheikh Fuad. She did not sleep in the broom cupboard anymore but neither in the villa of queen Leila. She had refused that and kept that as the house for the three children that Leila had given the Sheikh. The Sheikh had installed her in the never used apartment of the favourite telling her she had been that for months. The big rooms had a view towards the sea and a cloistered balcony covering the whole length of outer wall of the harem building on which she could sit and look out over the sea without being seen. It had a sitting room and a bedroom with a large bed in case the Sheikh would want to visit his woman in her own bed. It also had a small room for a baby but the Sheikh had ordered that the quarters next door be converted into a nursery telling Rosebud who still had to give birth that she needed space for more than one baby.

Since the days the Sheikh had made her his queen-consort some of the harem ladies had left to marry and start their own families. Others had decided they wanted to study and have a career. Little Imani the Somali girl who had been circumcised ,that severely that normal intercourse let alone a baby was hardly possible, had asked the Sheikh for permission to go and study to become a doctor so she could help women like her and warn against the mutilation. The Sheikh had given her a large trust fund so she had money to not only become that doctor but also start a charity. Imani was about to get her degree now. Rosebud knew she had been given as a gift to the Sheikh on a foreign trip, who had taken her in as he had seen that as the only way he could get the damaged girl away to safety. She was glad Imani had found happiness in her life. She could see some of the young mothers asking the doctor-to-be for advice.

Other women had chosen to stay in the harem as that was where they were happy. Some like Noor because they loved their lord and master. Rosebud expected that girls like Jameela just loved the good life and a good fuck once and awhile.

And as no new girls had joined, like the Sheikh had promised Rosebud when he married her, now instead of 30 women just 17 lived in the harem.

The ones who had left because they wanted to have a chance on their own family had found suitable husbands queuing up for them. Not only had the Sheikh granted them all a good dowry but they were considered very special. They might not be virgins anymore but everyone knew they were trained in the ancient harem arts and many a man dreamt of having such a special girl in his bed.

The fact that the royal harem girls were such sought after wives and the fact that the Sheikh had once started this harem as a way to cement the tribes into one country had inspired Fuad in starting a palace school copied from the one that had been in the palace of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Sixteen year old girls from all over the country were invited to come and live in a school on the palace grounds and there trained in all the palace etiquette, music, dance, languages and the harem secrets of how to please a man. Unlike the Turkish harem school, this school send the girls home the moment their training was completer. After a year, having learned a lot and witnessed a lot of royal events they were sent home still a virgin with a dowry suitable to marry a good catch and like the harem girls, goodwill ambassadors to their tribes.

Today however almost everyone who had lived in the harem was back and enjoying the beach party. Proud mums now completely covered up and carrying babies and toddlers instead of looking like the sex goddesses that had eyed Rosebud when the English woman had been dragged into the harem.

"I am going to have a chat," said Noor. "But before I forget our Lord called on your phone and said he was back from the desert and about to pick up Mary Kate. Her plane arrived at last."

Rosebud watched Noor walk to her former harem friends. Yes the former president, Azziza and Selma the cook - the three Moirai or goddesses of destiny as her husband jokingly would call the three old ladies- had come up with the idea of organising an American style beach party when the eldest sons would be back from England for the holidays and the Sheikh had given the idea his blessing. However a tropical storm over the Atlantic had kept the plane Mary Kate was supposed to take grounded till today. She had called the Sheikh's office and said they should start without them and she would try to get there as soon as possible.

Mary Kate had declined a new term as a president claiming she was too old. Fuad however had said to Rosebud he had the feeling the weight of power and maybe the lack of the real possibility to change things had been heavy on her. The old lady and her Arab son, as she always called him lovingly, had forged a strong connection during her presidency and after her retirement she had spent many happy weeks visiting. Azziza, Selma and her were all elderly women and they liked to do experiments in the kitchen so sometimes the Sheikh and his ladies would find something completely foreign like Chili Con Carne had ended up on their plates.

"Yes," thought Rosebud,"that is also something that changed. I have a phone so the outer world can reach me and I can reach my husband if there is a need to." She had been completely secluded when he had brought her here more than five years ago.

She realised many people had thought her mad to return to the man who had locked her up in his palace. And even the people who did believe the Sheikh and Rosebud really loved each other, like her parents, still had had their doubts if she would be able to be really happy here. Her sister still refused to speak to her.

She had her private apartment when she needed privacy, her friends in the harem when she wanted company, three adorable children of her own and three others she loved too and most of all she had him, her Sheikh.

He was not only the man who would have her shudder in her climaxes but was also someone she trusted completely and who nowadays was her best friend even when he still was definitely the lord and master of the harem. Sometimes their different cultural background would act up but somehow it also was what attracted them to each other.

Yes things could be alien to her. She had once confessed to Azziza she could feel very rejected if he took one of the other girls to his bed. Azziza had mumbled something about soreness and sleep. And Rosebud had to admit that sometimes her entrance would feel burning after too much lovemaking. The old lady must have told him as from that moment onwards he would come and see her every morning over breakfast if she had not been in his bed. That cup of tea in the morning had become a cherished moment as she had recognised it as his sign of love. Sometimes when he found her still fast asleep he would at first just snuggle up against her in her bed before waking her. Other mornings he would wake her up with a kiss and she would find him smiling down on her looking completely regal and dressed for some official business.

She looked down at her drinking daughter and smiled. "We will never tell dad, Leila, that I hate waking up at sunrise. And what is the use of dressing myself in my finest when he calls me when he sees me every morning with my hair looking like a bird's nest, my face puffy and my breath smelling like that bird's nest?" Her child just continued suckling.

Thinking of him made her body react and suddenly she wished it was night already and she would be in his bed as she hoped it would be there he would take her to. She pictured herself on her back pinned under his body on the mattress, his hard rod buried deep inside her while she would be spasming around that hardness. Her heartbeat quickened. In her mind the picture changed to him laying on his back buried deep inside her. Her upper body bent down over him and his mouth suckling her nipple while she slowly rocked herself back and forth. Her hands would ruffle his curls.

"Daddy! It is father!" A shout reached her from the surf. She saw the teenagers run towards the palace and turning that way discovered a tall figure in a majestic white robe coming towards them.

The boys jumped at their father and he hugged them. With his arms around both boys he started to walk towards them again. Halfway Rima, Leila's daughter and Tariq and Nourdinne were jumping up and down to get his attention.

Rosebud looked at the man she loved. He was as impressive as the day he had walked into her prison cell and still very handsome. Only his shorn beard that now covered his whole cheeks with a fine layer of stubble showed a few silver hairs. The hair on his head was still black curls. He smiled looking at his children and seemed to be talking to them. They were flocking around him trying to be his centre of attention.

Approaching her he sent them away to play again and bowed down to enter the party tent and knelt down besides her.

"Hey you," she smiled looking up at him.

"Hey you," he whispered near her ear sitting down beside her.

"And hey you too," he bent his head towards his drinking daughter. A finger caressed the girl's cheek and then that finger secretly and out of sight of the onlookers caressed her white flesh filled with milk.

Shivers ran down her spine.

"I missed you very much my Lord," she spoke towards the curls on the back of his bowed head.

He looked up and just said; "Rosebud." unable to keep the longing from his voice.

A finger stroked her lips ever so briefly. She kissed it quickly.

"I have to go and greet our guests Puppet. Mary Kate is having a power nap. She says that there is nothing worse than having to fly coach again with a storm creating havoc. She will come down in an hour or so."

He stood up and went making the rounds. She watched him talk to people. The baby now asleep on her lap. The others let her alone sure he would return to her and wanting to find her alone.

After 15 minutes he returned carrying a plate loaded with food and two cups with something to drink. Carefully he knelt down on the towels again. His movements like that of a cat. He handed her one of the fruit juices. Suddenly she realised how thirsty she was.

He looked down at the plate on his lap filled with hamburgers, corn on the cob but also the more native kebabs and fries on the side.

"Puppet it seems we are in Kansas now or should I say Texas. What would you like?" He held out some fries and fed her those.

"Hamburger please Sidi but let me first put our daughter to bed." She turned around and put the small one in her basket. His eyes were laughing when he shared more of his fries with her.

"You best hold that hamburger yourself before everything falls out and drops in the sand."

Both of them ate in silence appreciating the well made BBQ dish. The corn on the cob was great too. Butter dripping from it. The Sheikh trying to avoid soiling his robes.

"How did the meeting in the desert go Sidi?"

"Well that was kind of interesting. Those young people seem to have come up with a really good plan for solar energy. They cannot export it. It has to go straight into the main power supply. But if they can manage to pull this off we might go all independent from our own oil in five years."

"West Tripolitania going green," she mused. "Well more going yellow!"

"It would be great Puppet. Oil will run out in maybe 20 to 50 years. We will have our own source of infinite power here just in the desert. I told them I would invest in one big plant and see how that functions... How was your trip home?"

The two of them were chatting and eating. His other ladies realising they needed to speak to each other alone just for a bit.

Wiping his fingers, he got to his feet and said; "And now my sweet mermaid I am going to take a swim. It is bloody hot. Come with me."

"You are not going to swim in your official robe." she huffed and puffed after him. "I have brought you stuff to swim in. It is in the tent."

"Oh so bossy. So where did you put it then?" he laughed twirling her around in his arms and carrying her to the tent. She had just the time to alert Azziza to keep an eye out on the kids before he dived into the tent and shut the flap.

The moment they were alone he scooped her in his arms dragging her blouse away to bare her breasts. His hands slipping inside her harem trousers to cup her behind. His lips all over her.

"My lord" she whispered against his chest. "We cannot do it here with all the guests."

"Puppet they have seen me inside you on numerous occasions. But their kids have not and I shudder when I imagine Mary Kate walking in on us."

That thought made her giggle. He laughed. "But tonight little one you will be mine and I will endeavour to make you another child".