Prison Pet Pt. 06

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Erica's story of submission comes to its conclusion.
23.8k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/15/2014
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Previously on Prison Pet

Part 1: Erica is sentenced to 18 months in a women's penitentiary. She is initiated into the ways of submission and lesbianism by the inmate leader Roxie. Roxie sees something attractive in Erica and seeks to make Erica her own. Roxie convinces Erica to agree to be her slave for the next five days.

Part 2: The first day of Erica's training. Roxie tests Erica in the shower to ensure that Erica will actually follow all of Roxie's commands. Erica spends her first night of training with Roxie's friend, Trina. Trina specializes in bondage, spanking, and female ejaculation.

Part 3: Erica and Tammy have a confrontation. Erica experiences a night of anal bliss with her next teacher Avette.

Part 4: Roxie gives Tammy to Erica as a pet for her very own. Erica's teacher for the evening was Blair, Roxie's former lover. Blair breaks Erica through a tough regimen of hardcore humiliation, scat play, and overstimulation. Erica is so thoroughly dominated that she now only obeys the commands of her new Mistress Blair.

Part 5: Blair uses her newfound power over Erica to force her into further depravity. Erica spends the night with the transexual Toni and prepares for the next day when she must choose between Blair and Roxie. Erica must decide which woman gets to have her as their prison pet.


Erica used the sink in Toni's cell to wash her hands. It was the morning after the wild night she spent with Toni. Erica was exhausted and she felt soreness in her vagina and ass.

Erica took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. A brown-eyed young woman with a completely bald head stared back in the reflection. Erica did not realize how pretty she looked even with a shaved head, she was too focused on the absence of her beautiful hair. Erica had taken her wig off momentarily and was wondering what hair color she might try on next.

Erica tried to mentally prepare herself for what the rest of the day might bring. Every day since her imprisonment began was a new adventure. Today was different though. This day Erica would make the most important decision of the entire time she was in prison.

Toni had gone ahead to shower in her private bathroom while Erica stayed back to use the toilet. Erica had not bothered putting clothes back on yet, she had become quite comfortable with her own nudity by this point. Erica fitted her red-colored wig over her scalp and was quite pleased with how she looked in the mirror. Erica stared at herself for another minute, trying to figure out just who she was. Any lingering questions about the certainty of her heterosexuality had been answered during her tryst with Toni last night. Erica enjoyed how Toni's cock had felt inside her, but she loved pussy more and only felt attracted to women now. Toni was a special case; despite her penis, Toni was more feminine that almost all the women Erica knew. More difficult to sort out was how Erica felt about Roxie and Blair. While Roxie was clearly the more generous and caring lover, something about the way Blair dominated Erica made her feel wet and weak in her loins.

Erica bent over to grab her pants from the floor when she felt a hand on her hip. A warm, stiff mass brushed against her pussy. At first, Erica assumed that Toni had come back and so she asked, "Couldn't get enough and now you are back for more already?"

"Si," said a male voice from behind Erica's back. Erica whipped her head around and saw the elderly janitor Manuel with his wrinkled penis sticking out of the open fly of his jeans. Manuel held his dick in his hand and was guiding it toward Erica's vagina. Erica spun around quickly and asked, "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Hey, your girlfriend Blair told me you were down to fuck," the man said as he held up his hands. His small penis stood feebly erect. "She said that since you love cock so much now you need to start spreading that pussy around. She gave orders for you to fuck me."

"She is not my girlfriend," Erica insisted as she seethed inside. "How do I know she even told you that? You could just be saying that and I would have no way to know."

"She said if you don't obey that you will be punished."

Erica debated whether she needed to obey an order from Blair if it didn't come directly from the woman. The janitor made the decision for her by foolishly saying, "You looked like you loved sucking my old cock the other day. Just bend over and take it."

"Never fucking lay a hand on me again," Erica threatened. She raised her knee and quickly extended her leg to kick Manuel right in his groin as hard as possible.

Manuel groaned and doubled over in pain as he screamed, "You fucking bitch! Punta!" Erica pushed him over and he fell to the floor grasping his crotch in both hands. Erica pulled on pants and a shirt as quickly as possible and hurried out of the cell. Erica's heart raced and she had trouble breathing as she walked through the hallway outside the cell. She had to stop and lean against the wall for a minute to collect herself.

Erica felt somewhat traumatized by what had just occurred, but worried more about what Blair might do to punish her for disobeying. There was no doubt in Erica's mind that Blair had told the Mexican bastard that Erica had been ordered to fuck him. Erica thought maybe it would have been easiest just to let him have his way with her, but she had to draw a line somewhere. There was nothing less appealing to Erica's new lesbian sexuality than a man's penis and Blair should have at least some modicum of respect for that fact if she insisted on having Erica for a pet.

Erica looked in every cell she walked by until she found the one she wanted. Erica saw Roxie sitting on her cot in her cell and they smiled at each other when Roxie looked up and saw Erica gazing at her. Roxie stood up and walked over to her. Roxie had just woken up and dark hair curled messily down her face and neck. Roxie smiled brightly at her pet and cooed, "Good morning, sweetie." Though Roxie's appearance was unkempt, Erica thought she looked unbelievably beautiful.

"What did you think of your night with Toni, pet?" Roxie asked.

"It was great, Mistress," said Erica. "Thank you for making Toni one of my teachers. I learned a lot about myself."

"And what did you learn, my darling?"

"Well, I definitely know I never want to see a cock ever again."

Something in Erica's tone didn't sound right to Roxie. "Is everything OK, Erica?"

"Yes, Mistress. I am fine, or will be anyways. In fact, I am ready to tell you my decision."

"Really? Now?" Roxie asked. "Well I am hopeful of what you will decide, but I don't want you to tell me here. I want this to be a special moment. Can you wait just a little bit longer?"

"Of course, Mistress. Should we go take a shower together?"

"In just a minute. I wanted to see if you were interested in wearing a new wig."

Erica's mood began to lighten. She smiled and said, "I would love a new one. May I see what my choices are?" Roxie showed her a long haired, brunette wig close to Erica's original hair color, a shorter blonde wig with tightly curled hair, and a hot pink colored wig that fell past shoulder length and ended in a bob hairstyle. Erica chose the blonde wig and fitted it on her scalp. Erica posed for Roxie with a hand on her waist and her hip pushed out. Erica asked, "How does your pet look, Mistress?"

"Delicious," Roxie said as she licked her lips. Erica had no idea how irresistible she looked to Roxie even with a shaved head. "Come give me some love."

Erica hugged Roxie tightly and pulled her lips to hers for a passionate kiss. As they made out, Roxie caressed Erica's new hair and put her hand on Erica's cheek. Erica reached down and squeezed Roxie's large buttocks as she pulled her Mistress closer. Erica started putting her hands down the back of Roxie's pants when Roxie stopped her and said, "We should probably take a shower first before we consummate anything. Let's go get clean."

"OK," Erica said begrudgingly. "But I need you, and I need you now. I don't think I can wait much longer."

Roxie and Erica walked out of Roxie's cell hand in hand. Roxie looked forward to this opportunity for the two of them to explore each other's holes as they showered. Roxie was particularly interested in how willing Erica was to engage in assplay since she had spent that night with Avette. As they neared the changing room a prison guard marched toward them. It was the same guard that had barred Roxie from taking a shower with Erica a few days earlier and made hateful homophobic comments directed at the two of them. He grabbed Erica roughly by her arm and ordered, "Come with me."

"What is this about, sir?" Erica asked fearfully. This was the first time one of the guards had ever really bothered her.

The guard answered, "We've received a credible tip that you've been smuggling illegal drugs into the prison. We need you to submit to a full body cavity search."

"That is bullshit!" Roxie yelled at the man.

The guard bellowed back, "Shut your mouth when you are talking to me, whore!" The guard glared at Roxie fiercely as he pulled Erica along and said, "She is coming with me and that is final." As Erica was pulled away from Roxie she noticed Blair grinning at her.

The guard took Erica to what looked like an empty office. There was only a desk and chair and an ancient looking computer in this room. Erica protested, "I swear I haven't done anything. There's nothing on me."

"We'll see about that," the guard answered. "Turn around and bend over."

"Are you allowed to do this with no other guards or witnesses present?"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm the authority here, not you or that bitch Roxie."

Erica reluctantly turned around and bent over slightly.

"Pull your pants down to your ankles." Erica complied and hesitantly pulled her pants down to expose her bare ass to the guard. The guard said, "No underwear, what a slut." Erica blushed profusely from the shame of exposing herself to this creep.

"Now take your shirt off." the guard ordered.

"Why do I need my shirt off?" Erica questioned.

"An order's an order," the guard stated. "Do not question me again." Erica did not like where this was leading, but what could she do when she was stuck by herself with someone who could potentially make her time here a living hell? Erica pulled her shirt up over her head, careful not to take her wig with it. She was now completely naked in front of this man.

"Bend over and grab your ankles." Erica bent over and stretched to touch her feet. She had to hunch slightly to get her hands to reach, and she knew she was giving the guard a perfect view of her pussy and asshole. Erice heard a snap as the guard pulled a plastic glove over one of his hands. "Get ready," he said.

"Please," Erica pleaded. "You don't have to do this. I swear I have nothing on me."

"I know that," the guard replied.

The guard stuck two fingers into Erica's pussy and spread them apart to open her up for further penetration. Erica couldn't feel as much with the man's fingers covered by his gloved, but it was enough to make her feel violated. His fingers explored every part of the inside of Erica's pussy before he determined, "Nothing in here, I guess. Should we see what you are hiding in your anal cavity?"

He didn't even change gloves as he removed his fingers from Erica's pussy. He dipped his fingers into a nearby jar of vaseline and began rubbing the jelly onto Erica's asshole. His fingers easily entered Erica's ass and begin to wiggle their way deeper inside. The sensation burned but briefly fulfilled Erica's constant desire to have something fill her ass.

"Wow, you are more of a slut than I realized," the man said. "I've fingered cheap, twenty dollar whores who had tighter assholes than this." Erica felt mortified as the man explored her rectum with his fingers. Erica heard a zipping noise and looked behind. Erica saw with humiliation that the guard's one hand was jerking his dick while the other continued fingering Erica's asshole. His fingers were now completely engulfed in Erica's ass and they searched back and forth in her rectum.

"Well, you are clean. My sources must have been mistaken." He seemed to take pleasure in fingering Erica's ass for a few more seconds before he removed his fingers. He grabbed the glove with his other hand and snapped it off. Erica took her hands off her ankles and stood up. She turned around and saw the guard throw away the glove with his dick still hanging out of his pants. The lingering soreness in Erica's ass that she had begun recovering from returned with a vengeance.

Erica made as if to leave but the guard put a hand on her naked chest as he said, "There is just one more thing." Erica hesitated. "You need to get on your knees for me." The guard brought a hand down from Erica's breast to rub against his baton. Erica felt fearful of what he was capable of. "Do it now," he commanded.

Erica sat her knees down on the floor as the guard stepped over and put his hard cock right next to Erica's face. "I am going to put this in your mouth, and I want you to suck on it."

"Please don't do this," Erica pleaded.

"This is going to happen whether you want it to or not," the guard retorted. "If you don't comply, I am going to stick this baton all the way up your ass. We will see how you squeal and wriggle for me then." Erica surveyed the empty office and saw no way for her to escape. There should be more guards here, but they had been called away elsewhere. Erica knew any of her screams would fall on deaf ears. There was no way to keep him from having his way with her.

Feeling trapped and having no other resort, Erica grabbed the guard's dick and guided to her mouth. "There, that's it," the guard said as the head of his cock touched Erica's lips. "Suck my dick, you slut." Erica opened her lips and took the tip of his penis into her mouth. Erica had almost forgotten the fleshy, salty taste of penis and now found the flavor to be obscene. She jerked his cock into her mouth, trying not to suck any more than the head and part of his shaft.

"Come on, whore. You can do better than that," the guard said as he put his hand on the back of Erica's head and pushed her mouth further down his cock. "Do it better." Erica took his penis out of her mouth and licked up and down his shaft and the tip of his cock before moving her mouth halfway down his dick. The guard groaned in pleasure and said, "There you go."

Erica began hating herself as she took more of his cock in her mouth and sucked on it harder. With one hand grasped firmly around his dick, Erica brought her free hand up and massaged his hairy scrotum. With the recent practice of sucking on Trina, Avette, and Blair's strapons, Erica was well experienced in sucking on a shaft. Erica tried to swallow his entire cock and could feel the head of his penis touching her throat. Maybe the sooner he came the sooner this nightmare could be over. Erica enjoyed being demeaned, but this was crossing a line.

The guard continued to push the back of Erica's head down so her mouth always had more cock in it than Erica felt comfortable with. "Oh fuck yes," the guard said as he fucked Erica's throat and Erica started gagging on his cock.

Suddenly, the guard pulled Erica's mouth off his cock and shouted, "Ooh-wee! That is a nice mouth. I think I liked you better as a brunette than a blonde, though." Erica cursed him silently and plotted how she and Roxie might take revenge upon him.

"Now you need to get on all fours in front of me like a fucking dog," the guard said.

"No," Erica said defiantly.

"No? You don't get to fucking tell me no. You have no authority here." He pulled his baton out of it's holster and smacked it against his hand a few times. Erica stood up to try and leave but the guard cracked her wrist with his baton. Erica yelped and grabbed her arm as she fell back to the ground. The guard placed the end of the stick against Erica's head and said, "Either you do this, or am I going to knock you out and make you do it anyways. Understand?"

Erica nodded fearfully as she felt the web of entrapment tightening around her. This scenario either ended with her getting raped, or being beaten to a pulp and then getting raped. She turned around and leaned forward onto her hands and knees feeling defeated. She felt the guard get on his knees behind her and he started rubbing the tip of his penis against the outside of her vagina.

"Please..." whimpered Erica.

"Unless your lips are wrapped around my cock, keep your fucking mouth shut. Do you know why you are in this position? Because Blair said I would only be allowed to fuck you if you were positioned like the dog you are. She says hi, by the way." Erica bit her lip and tried to keep from weeping as she lost all hope. She could feel his cock parting her pussy lips and beginning to enter her.

Erica heard a thunk from behind her and felt his cock exit her pussy as quickly as it entered. Erica looked back to see a glorious sight. Roxie had snuck up on the guard and slammed a nearby brick that was being used as a paperweight against the back of his head. His body fell over sideways as Erica scrambled out of the way. "Are you okay?" Roxie asked as she stood over the guard to pummel his face with blows from her fists.

Before Erica could answer, a half dozen guards burst into the room and immediately tackled Roxie. Roxie kicked and threw elbows as she fought back against them so one of the guards took their baton and cracked it across Roxie's skull. Erica yelled, "Roxie!" as she saw her Mistress' body go limp.

"Get her clothes and get her the fuck out of here," a guard bellowed. The guard who assaulted her was lying motionless on the floor, his face a bloody ruin. He moved his head back and forth and mumbled incoherently. A guard grabbed Erica by the arm and dragged her out of the room. He threw her clothes at her which Erica donned hastily.

Erica walked away and soon fell to her knees in shock at what just occurred. She began gasping for breath and shaking as she cried out for Roxie. The only thing more traumatic than what Erica had just experienced was the sight of seeing her Mistress in so much pain. Erica crawled to a corner of the office entryway and huddled there with her knees drawn up to her chin in a fetal position. Erica felt numb as she saw the guards soon bring the injured guard and Roxie out one by one. Roxie seemed to be in bad shape, the injured guard was able to walk out by his own volition while Roxie had to be dragged out. No one seemed to notice Erica as she huddled in the corner.

Erica sat there for a long time trying to process the emotions of what she had just endured. Erica must have sat there for hours as she rocked back and forth with her arms around her knees. Erica felt distraught, disgusted, and demeaned, but mostly concerned for Roxie. What she felt most of all was a blinding hatred for the person who had caused all this. Erica resolved to confront Blair and finally give her a piece of her mind. Erica had put up with Blair's shit for long enough. Erica stood up and left with purpose to track down her nemesis.

It was well past breakfast by this time, and Erica had to ask women who were on the same work detail as Blair where the woman was located. Erica found Trina and asked, "Have you seen Blair?"

"The last I saw her she was in the sewing room. She arranged for it to be completely private for some reason," Trina replied. "Are you okay?"

"Just peachy," Erica said as she walked away.

"Be careful, Erica!" Trina called after her.

Erica opened the door the the sewing room and saw Blair with her back turned and working at a sewing machine. It was a small room with just enough space for a few tables. Without even turning around Blair said, "I thought you might be visiting me soon, pet."