Princess Karin's Kastell Fete

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A middle ages tale of depravity, debauchery and destiny.
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The setting of this story came to mind while I traveled on a Viking river cruise on the Rhine River in Germany. The river is lined with ancient castles, lit in the evening creating a most romantic setting. A very good friend of mine (and editor) suggested I write a story about a castle, which was a favorite subject of hers.


Jason aroused suddenly from sleep, awakened by the brilliant morning rays of sunlight streaming through the windows. His mind was clouded as if covered with a translucent web. He was unsure of his whereabouts as he opened his eyes. His head was resting on a woman's thigh, providing a pillow softer than goose down and smoother than the finest silk fabric. It certainly was not the horsehair mattress and rope hammock to which he was accustomed. He had only a vague recollection of what had occurred the night before, as he felt he was recovering from a stupor, the result of overconsumption of wine. His face was pointed at this woman's pussy as she lay nude on the bed. The vision was highlighted with a single beam of sunlight strewn from a gap in the curtains aimed at her pussy. He sensed she was still asleep and lying still in spite of his intimacy. As he directed his gaze to her privates, he could see a single finger resting between her nether lips. The tip of the finger disappeared between her mounds as it rested on her clitoris. He followed her finger upward with his eyes to the arm of a second woman, embracing the first but also in a peaceful sleep.

He lifted himself cautiously from the bed. He felt, immediately, a fresh abrasion around his wrists. As he rubbed the tender skin, he thought to himself, I don't remember this. What really went on last night? His eyes wandered around the capacious room. The walls were cream-colored, and adorned with gold gilding that embellished the frames of the mirrors adorning the room and the ceiling.

The bed he occupied had a feather-filled mattress sizable enough to permit an entire family to sleep on its spaciousness. On the far side of the bed were two other young women whom he recognized. They were facing him but asleep, entirely nude and lying bare, physically embracing like two spoons back to front. He saw their faces, and Jason started to recollect what had transpired the night before. He looked at the two, remembering their names, Greta and Kristen. Greta's hands were on Kristen's breasts, legs intertwined with her partner's legs, and Greta's head rested on the crook of Kristen's neck.

It was Deidra and Princess Karin with whom he was bedding. And it was the princess's thigh where he had rested his head to fall asleep the night before. As he looked up at her face, her eyes opened for the first time. When she saw he was in the room, with the four of them dishabille, she sat up quickly in a state of alarm at his presence. Deidra's fingers had been resting on the princess's small firm nipple. Covering herself with the bed linens, the princess shrieked at Greta and Kristen, "Remove this peasant from my bed chamber and send him on his way, immediately!" She lifted her arm and forcefully pointed to the door to emphasize her intention.

The two handmaidens did not even bother to get dressed. They each went to the side of Jason, and grabbed his upper arms, directing him to the floor-to-ceiling chamber door that required the effort of both maidens to open. As they left the room, Greta gathered his few clothes and once outside the room, she handed over his rough burlap pants and torn button-less shirt, pausing briefly to allow him time to dress himself. They both kept still as he robed for fear of irritating the now irascible Princess. Jason felt an uncomfortable ache in his mouth as his tongue moved and his recollection became clearer as if condensation was being wiped from a steamed mirror. The things he had been forced to do the night before; his duties; his penance; his punishment. The princess stood at the doorway, after donning her silk robe which wafted openly as she walked to the doorway, slamming the door shut behind them as they left the room.

Greta and Kristen led him to the front of the castle. His cart stood undisturbed from where he had left it the night before. They were out of the vision of the princess now.

"You have quite a talent for womanly pleasure," Greta told him.

Kristen followed, "Where did you learn to do that, to do those naughty acts, to pleasure so many women in a single night?"

Then they both said nearly in unison, "WE WANT OUR TURN!"

The mental fog resulting from the the wine had now cleared and they handed him a bottle of water to refresh his mouth. He first washed off a dry, crusty film on his face, and then took a large drink of the fresh water, relishing the refreshment. He started to walk down the path, dragging his cart, with a newfound strength after the deep sleep he had partaken. As he dragged the cart over the cobblestones, he started to remember the events of the last few days..........

It was a laborious task. Jason, a commoner from the town, had to keep the Princess's hilltop castle, which dominated the view from the village below, supplied with provisions. It was his job; a job he needed to survive. The few coins he collected provided his meals and shelter. He had no wife and no children; he was a loner. Work to live: that was his purpose. Each week, he collected the items that Princess Karin ordered him to bring to the castle.

On Friday, he had traveled to a local farm to obtain the freshest food she demanded, which she shared with her attendants. That afternoon, regardless of the weather, he started on his journey up the cobblestone road to the castle. The cart, with uneven wooden wheels and crude leather yoke, was very heavy when laden with all of the supplies. The path was narrow and the way circuitous. The route was dangerous and injury was always a possibility with any misstep. The cobblestone path was steep, the stones barren, damp and slippery in the shade of the trees. Deep gorges had been eroded between the stones. He had to tow the cart up the incline rather than use a horse, as the path was too treacherous for an animal. It was always a laborious journey and when he reached the top. He was thoroughly spent of energy.

This Friday was no different. He started on his trip, and typically it took several hours for him to reach the top of the hill. It was a hot summer day, and there were no breezes to refresh him. He had to watch carefully for newly formed trenches from the rainstorms earlier in the week, and he guided the cart through the maze. If he fell, there would never be anyone to find him as he knew this path was solely for supplies, nothing more.

The entry for guests of the castle began in the next village and commoners were forbidden to use it. Every few yards, he would have to stop and wipe sweat from his face. His chest muscles were toned and rippling, his thighs were massive, and both were physical attributes required to complete these trips. His complexion was rutilant from the sun exposure. His chest glistened with the moisture of his perspiration as the light from the overhead sun accentuated his physique. With grueling effort, he towed the cart to its eventual resting position outside the castle kitchen.

He started to unload the items just outside the kitchen door, when he was greeted by the princess' handmaidens. As far as he knew, only Princess Karin and her handmaidens lived in the castle. He had never seen any males at any of his visits. There were rumors that the prince had left the princess because of an intense row, but the prince allowed her to continue to occupy the castle, so as to maintain the appearance of a marital union.

Being greeted by the three handmaidens was always a pleasurable diversion from his duties. Greta, Kristen, and Deidra were in a teasing demeanor at his arrival this visit, as they started to wipe his brow of the visible sweat and grime accumulated from his travails. Jason had been tempted before by their wiles, and fantasized he was the sole male for satisfying their sexual needs, albeit only during a brief weekly encounter. They had scampered into the kitchen before him and when he brought his first items through the door, he saw all three of the handmaidens sitting on the counter.

In the kitchen were these three flirts, legs crossed, wearing peasant dresses. They had each pulled down the bodice of their dresses, revealing their full plump bosoms to him; six firm and attractive breasts in a row. He tried to pay attention to his work in spite of the distractions.

"Jason, I want you come over here, I have something for you," said Kristen, the handmaiden who was always the most playful with him.

He tried to continue to concentrate his attention on his tasks, as it was a hot day. He was anxious to begin the return trip as soon as he could.

"Jason, why don't you take off those pants, you look so hot," added Greta, who seemed to be the youngest of the three.

He did as he was told, the cool air emanating from the bricks on the floor felt refreshing on his skin. He now had on only the briefest of loincloth made of hemp fabric. And the protrusion of his cock, now rigid, became evident as it distorted the scanty undergarment.

As he knew he had to return to the Village before dark, he tried to ignore them politely, despite their tantalizing demeanor.

"Ladies, I must take some items to the cellar," he said after a glance at their state of undress. He desperately wanted to play with those inviting mounds of flesh but knew his time was limited. The root cellar in the basement had been the site of some prior nefarious activities with these girls, and he had a premonition that today might lead to some naughtiness as well.

As he made his way to the entry, they laughed at his seriousness and then scrambled down the staircase to the cellar in front of him, ready to greet him when he entered the dank and dark cellar room. As he tried to put the last items away, they surrounded him, flaunting their breasts which increasingly were the focus of his attention.

Deidra had the most perfect breasts, with unusually large round nipples, which had become erect in the damp moist air. He had tasted this delicacy before, and Deidra knew of his desire to partake again. She stood directly in front of him. He tried, but could no longer resist his impulses. His mouth latched on to her nipple as he sucked gently and savored the teat in his mouth.

Now that he was occupied, the two other handmaidens untied the rope belt of his loincloth, and let it fall to the floor. They were now on either side and he felt them groping for his male sex, as if there was a competition between the two girls to stimulate his erection to its greatest girth. They felt his penis and balls, lavishing kisses from either side simultaneously, a sensation that caused Jason to be weak in the knees. The two women admired his manhood. Relishing the smooth and warm organ as they maintained the erection, their strokes had an effortless fluidity after rubbing their hands with olive oil in a nearby jar. Jason remained attached to Deidra's sweet nipples, as he did not want to interrupt what Greta and Kristen had started. As he ejaculated, Greta and Kristen pointed his cock, milking the sprays of warm semen, laughing as they directed his cock in front of their mouths as the liquid exploded forth. They paused and kissed each other with the dripping liquid adorning their faces, carefully exchanging the liquor on the tip of their tongues as if it had some mysterious properties to relish.

Jason was preparing to take his cart back down to the Village, now sated. However, his path of departure was interrupted as Princess Karin entered the kitchen. Luckily, all the play activities had been completed and they had dressed Jason, so she was unaware of the events in the root cellar below. She was haughty, pretentious, and insular, giving a threatening, somber ambience to the room. Jason had now seen her for the first time. She was absolutely beautiful, in a long flowing gown, and exotic gems bedecked her. A large red ruby filled her naval and reflected light, bringing his attention to her thin waist. She had all the appearances of royalty, with an ignominy on her subjects inflicted simply by her presence.

She looked briefly at Jason's muscular chest and arms, as he still had not fully buttoned his shirt. She addressed Jason with a combination of contempt and disdain. "I'm hosting a gala for my closest friends tomorrow night. To prepare, I need to take a bath. A special bath. I want to soak my body in the finest cream in the valley. So, deliver two urns filled with that luxurious cream tomorrow." She spoke to him as if there was no compromise and her wishes could not be denied. She continued, "I need it here at 4 o'clock, so my maidens can then prepare my bath with the warmed cream before the event."

This meant Jason would have to make his trip up the incline to the castle once again. He had never had to make a laborious trip twice in such a short time. It would be exceptionally exhausting and so late in the day. He might have trouble negotiating his cart back down the slope in the evening light. But, he knew he could never question the princess. Her commands had to be fulfilled.

The next morning, he went directly to a farm with his cart about two miles outside of the village. He knew this farmer should have fresh cream, as he had a herd of the finest cows in the valley.

"What do you need this cream for?" the farmer asked Jason with a tenor of disdain and incredulity.

"The princess wants to bathe in it," Jason replied sheepishly, detecting the cynicism of the farmer with such an improvident use of the products of his labors.

"If I give you all my cream, I won't have enough for the townsfolk, so it will cost her double," the farmer demanded. He had such disgust for such a luxury, and while he thought this was a waste of his valuable cream, he also was a subject of the princess and required to do her bidding.

"I'm sure the princess will have no trouble in paying your price." Jason retorted, but not sure he was able to pay if she reneged. How could he tell her? Maybe the handmaidens would help him recover from the costly extravagance.

With that, the farmer entered the barn and returned with the two metal urns of cream, which he loaded into the back of the cart. This was heavier a load than Jason had ever carried in his cart. He pulled it back into town and to his small cottage next to the river. He lifted the metal urns into the cold waters of the river to keep it fresh for the trip later in the day.

He gathered his strength after the previous trip up the incline and the journey in the morning to obtain the cream. He started at noon, but could feel fatigue immediately set upon him once he started to climb. Still, he knew he had an obligation to complete his travails. The vision of the princess, unimaginable beauty matching her royalty status, sustained his trip. To have such a female specimen in bed, he felt a miscreant fantasizing such an encounter. He arrived just minutes before 4 PM. Princess Karin was awaiting him, seemingly unappreciative of the effort he had just expended on her behalf. She had no tolerance for disobedience which was a known fact throughout the village. Rumors of her penchants, particularly her lurid adventures with the prince while he was still in the castle, have been retold for years in the local biergarten. Jason unloaded the canisters of cream and deposited them in the kitchen. The copper bathtub had been brought out, and large vats to warm the cream were suspended over the fire on the hearth.

"You may leave now, Jason," Princess Karin declared, anticipating the feeling of the luxurious cream over her body. She was dressed only with a thin length of silk, accentuating her tall thin torso, narrow hips and long legs. On her feet were slippers elaborately embroidered with gold thread. Jason stood and stared as her beauty overwhelmed him with desire, like he had never felt even with his encounters with the three handmaidens. She pointed to the door, indicating it was time for him to depart.

Jason left through the portal to the outside. As he did, he noticed a small anteroom to the kitchen, and quickly glanced to see that the attention of the Princess and her handmaidens was preparing the bath. They had turned away from his route of departure. He paused very briefly, turning back to see that the four women were no longer watching him. In spite of the risk of detection, his overwhelming desire was to purloin a glimpse of the princess taking the bath in the white liquid. To see her entire naked body seductively drenched was an unassailable draw. He reasoned to himself, Didn't he deserve this as he labored to bring her what she had desired?

Rather than passing through the doorway, he surreptitiously squirmed into this small room, by climbing on his hands and knees into the cramped space. Through the gaps between wood panels, he had an unobstructed view of the tub. He remained silent, anticipating a sumptuous treat heightened by the danger of detection. He felt a lingering trepidation that any discovery would bring unimaginable penalties, as the princess had no reservation in punishing her subjects who did not please her, or so it had been told.

The cream had been warmed to a desirable temperature and the handmaidens poured the large vats into the copper tub, filling it over half-way. Princess Karin was disrobed by Deidra, who herself also removed her clothing. As both women entered the tub, the creamy milk formed sinuous white strands over their bare breasts and buttocks as they stood up to reposition themselves. Kristen and Greta proceeded to sponge the liquid over the Princess's shoulders, while Deidra worked below the surface of the cream. Her hands seemed to roam unencumbered over the princess's body. Jason realized this sensual foreplay was not unfamiliar to them. They must have bathed together before, as Deidra instinctively knew that the usual propriety of a handmaiden was to be abandoned.

Princess Karin closed her eyes as she reclined further in the tub. Jason saw her reach for Deidra's hand, and she directed it between her thighs as she reclined and allowed her legs to part. Soon he was able to see a change in the Princess's countenance, from her usual contemptuousness to a more relaxed, sedate state. Her hips started to move and Jason only then realized that Deirdre was fingering the princess' pussy. The princess positioned her legs under her, and her pelvis rose above the white milieu. Deidra's fingers penetrated her to and fro in unison with her pelvic motion.

Greta and Kristen bent over the tub, and each latched onto her nipples, first licking them clean, and then wrapping their lips over the brown areolas. The princess moaned as she gyrated against Deidra's fingers. "Deeper, deeper," was her command to Deidra. "Make me come." Deidra stroked faster. None of this was lost on Jason. He watched lustily at the women, awash in the cream, their skin luxuriously pale and velvety.

A scream penetrated the room as the Princess was now thrashing, the milk splashing over her handmaidens, as she climaxed with total abandonment. "Keep fucking my cunt with your finger," she said to Deidra. "Don't you dare deny me or it's the dungeon for you." Her orgasm lasted for minutes, stopped, then started again until she laid back and took a deep cleansing sigh.

The princess arose from the tub as the handmaidens gently wiped the remaining cream from her body. Jason saw her standing before him, nearly close enough to touch her exquisitely soft skin. They covered her with her silken robe and draped it over her breasts and buttocks, but the fabric parted and revealed the dark hollow between her legs. Her mound was smooth, not a single hair evident on her entire body. Jason felt an intense hunger, imagining the princess in his bed. He shut his eyes and started to massage his cock with long strokes, increasing the intensity with abandon. And then it happened. Jason's elbow struck a small jar that had been precariously perched on a shelf in the anteroom, something he had not noticed in the dark room. He scrambled to break the fall of the jar, to no avail.