Possessing Bella Ch. 22


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Rob checked his watch and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. "That took longer than expected but it's better that he was thorough," he said, placing her on her feet and leading her into the bedroom. "You can touch up your make-up and hair for dinner. We will be eating downstairs with a guest," Rob instructed as he walked into her wardrobe. He had taken a good look at what she had available earlier this morning before he went into the company to meet her. Mel had superb taste, and Rob was quite pleased with what he found.

Bella went to the bathroom to freshen up and redo her makeup. Seeing the doctor again had brought up a lot of memories of when Mel was alive, as well as the dark time following his death. She looked at her arm where the needle had drawn her blood and frowned. The last time the doctor had used a needle on her it had brought her the darkness of oblivion she longed for, albeit temporarily. She tore the tape and cotton ball off and threw it in the small trash basket, rubbing away the memories that came along with it. Taking a shaky breath, she willed herself to push the memory of the darkness away as she fixed her hair in a plain clip. She walked back into the bedroom and when the smile she gave Rob didn't meet her eyes, he frowned at her.

"Come," he held out his hand to her and gathered her to him once she was close enough. "Tell me," he said softly as he lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

"It was just strange seeing him again," Bella said softly, her eyes lowering despite his fingers holding her chin up. She rubbed her arm self-consciously. "A lot of not so good memories," she said trying to keep the sadness from her voice. Rob threw down the dress he was holding and picked her up before sitting on the bed and pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her.

"I know, little one. That is what makes him the best doctor for you, he knows your history and has a good idea of what it is you need both physically and mentally because of that history," Rob explained. "The memories will fade as we get to know him in new ways. Until then, you need to trust that I know what is best for you."

"Yes, Master," Bella said softly.

"If you make us late, there will be consequences, so get dressed now," he indicated the dress he had thrown down onto the bed beside where they sat and stood with her. He stepped back, watching her pull the dress up her lithe legs and over her hips. The tight synthetic interlock material contoured to every nuance of her body and, when she finally pulled it into place, he was pleased.

"Shoes," he indicated a pair of high heeled strappy sandals and enjoyed watching her bend and twist to put them on and buckle them around her slim ankles. Once she stood again, he moved forward, making small adjustments and playing with her breasts to make the nipples press against the material as if wanting to escape. "Beautiful," he murmured and kissed her softly.

Bella smiled, hearing his praise and feeling his hands move around her to tighten on the cheeks of her ass a moment before stepping back and abruptly ending the kiss and taking her hand to walk from the bedroom.

They went down to the club, and Rob guided her into the restaurant. They were seated immediately, and Rob smiled. "No menu's tonight, I would like you to have some red meat, so I ordered ahead for us."

"Yes Master," Bella said easily. She didn't mind, especially if it was on its way to the table because she felt hungrier than she had in some time.

"Good evening," Bella looked up to see a woman had approached their table. She was tall and, although slim, was toned and muscled. Her bronze skin looked even darker against the long straight white blonde hair, and she became mesmerised by the startling blue eyes.

"Tiffany, so good to see you. Thank you for coming in," Rob stood and kissed her with the familiarity of close friends.

"Always a pleasure, I have been looking forward to it," she replied and took a seat at the table. "I hope Jacob is chef tonight."

"He is, and I have ordered your usual," Rob smiled widely.

"Excellent. It's so nice to come to a place where I have a usual," she laughed lightly and turned her attention to Bella. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

"It's nice to meet you too. I hope you have heard only good things," Bella said, feeling at a loss. "I am sorry... I am not sure I know who you are exactly," she admitted quietly.

"That's not nice, Rob," Tiffany frowned at him. "Even for a grumpy old man like you," she shook her head. "I'm Tiffany Finch, and I'm a wellness warrior." She introduced herself more formally.

"That sounds interesting. What does a wellness warrior do exactly?" Bella asked, not wanting to sound dumb, but she couldn't help but think of the wildlife warriors or the warriors of virtue that had been part of her childhood.

"It's a holistic approach to personal training. I consult on the physical and psychological state of my clients and make suggestions where needed. Things like diet and exercise, work-life balance and that sort of thing. Healthy mind, healthy body," she explained with a smile.

"Will I be one of those clients?" Bella asked as the pieces fell into place for her.

"Rob is, and I expect he would like you to be," Tiffany said, liking the young woman sitting across from her. She wasn't sure what she had expected, but this curious questioning was delightful. "I'm not sure you need a wellness warrior on your team, but if you would like to give it a try, I happen to have an opening. I understand you work in the city?"

"Yes, in the Marcol building," Bella confirmed for her.

"That's not far from my dojo, you could come after work and learn a little self-defense," Tiffany suggested. "I believe your Master would like you to learn how to defend yourself." She watched the girl chew on her bottom lip as she thought about this.

"Then, of course, I would enjoy visiting your dojo. I have never done any martial arts before, my exercise was always more dance related," she said with some trepidation.

"Ballet?" Tiffany asked.

"I did ballet and tap from the age of five until I left school," she smiled. "I was the wrong body type to get those beautiful long lines of the prima ballerinas," she admitted with a small shake of her head.

"I have a barre at the gym, we could work on that as well if you like," she offered.

"It's strange to miss it, all that hard work and pain, but I do. I would like that," Bella said with a small smile. The food arrived, and the plates were put in front of them, forestalling any further conversation for a minute or two.

During the exchange, Rob had leaned back and let Tiffany lead the conversation. In the end Bella would do as he wished, they all knew that but the lessons he was learning from Kurt about giving people ownership of the decisions while getting what he wanted appealed to him and seemed to be working in this case.

Bella listened more than she joined in with the small talk during the dinner. She ate the small, lean ribeye steak and roasted vegetables, finding she enjoyed it immensely. There was something fresh and light in the thin sauce that had accompanied it. Dessert was a raspberry sorbet that was offset with beautifully plump fresh berries. While it was not the ice cream or chocolate cake she had been craving, she felt very satisfied after eating it.

"So what do you think, little one?" Rob broke into her thoughts. After such an early start to a busy day, Bella had begun to feel fatigue press in on her when Rob asked her what she thought of training with Tiffany two afternoons a week.

"Oh I'm sorry, of course, I can do that," she looked at them slightly startled. "When would the classes begin," she asked, trying to sound more upbeat than she felt and knowing it didn't carry in her voice. "I've only just returned to work, and I'm afraid the days will be long and busy until I settle in again, especially with the renovations I am required to manage as well, so maybe if I could start in a few weeks time?" she asked hopefully.

Rob frowned at her answer and looked at her critically. She looked tired; it would take her time to get used to the punishing schedule he and Kurt had set out for her. However, exercise and diet were important if she was going to have the energy to maintain the pace long term and still serve him the way he wished.

"Two weeks," he agreed grudgingly.

"Thank you, Master," Bella said sincerely. If every day was like today, she didn't know how she could make the time to add a trip to the gym as well.

"Why don't you stay and have a drink," Rob said to Tiffany. "I am sure you will like the entertainment on offer tonight. I think Stephen is in the saloon bar tonight, if you'd like some company until I return, but I think this little one needs to be tucked in for the night."

"I'm sure Stephen wouldn't mind walking me up to my apartment, if you'd like to stay Master," Bella suggested quietly, feeling bad at having interrupted their evening.

"Don't be silly," Tiffany said easily. "It will give me a chance to catch up with a few old friends that I saw on my way." She smiled looking at them both. She'd been pleasantly surprised by Bella; the girl had a brain unlike so many of the girls in this club. She was sweet natured as well as pretty, and Tiffany could see how she had captured so many dominants attention. She had been around the lifestyle long enough to have known Kitty, who had given up her career for Rob and Mel. She could see the similarities between the two women both in personality and stature. The trio walked together to the salon then Rob and Bella continued up in the elevators.

Stopping just inside the apartment door, Bella slowly undressed, feeling the weight of the evening pressing in on her. If she had the time she would like to add to her journal, so much was happening in her life every single day now that she doubted that even tomorrow she could remember it all with any clarity. Almost on an automatic pilot, she dropped her panties into the ornate wooden chest and sank to her knees. She looked up at Rob as she crawled toward him and he smiled gently at her, beckoning her into his lap and cuddling her close.

"It will take time for both of us to adjust to the pressures and time constraints of this arrangement," he said softly into her hair. "I will be more aware of your position in the company and Kurt's role in your life," he said unapologetically, but showing he understood it was difficult for her to walk in both worlds in the way he expected.

His words jogged a memory, and she looked up at him as if to speak, but waited in case he wasn't finished what he was saying.

"Speak," he smiled and lifted her chin a little higher.

"I was wondering, with my schedule being so tight, if we could come and have lunch at the workshop on Thursday," Bella blurted out quickly and chewed her lip, hoping he wouldn't mind her wanting to alter the schedule already.

"We?" he questioned.

"My team and I. Originally I just wanted to show Owen the workshop and introduce him to the artists we have, but now with the store possibly going into that space as well, we could maybe make it a once a week thing, possibly. I mean, please Master," Bella wasn't sure from his expression if he was unhappy about her request or not.

"I expect that you may need to be here more often because the store will be here," he chuckled. Noting the shadows under her eyes, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. "Clean up and get ready for bed while we talk, little one," Rob said gently, placing her on her feet. Taking out his phone, he made a note of the change in schedule for Thursday.

"Ah there's my girl," he commented as she finished cleaning her face of make-up. Bella looked up and smiled as she continued to clean up and brush her teeth. When she was done, Rob pulled her into his arms again. He put her to bed then pulled the covers up, covering the body he longed to play with.

"These first few days are difficult for all of us," he said quietly, sitting on the bed and her stroking her hair. "Kurt and I will find a way to make it work best for everyone, and you will become used to the demands placed on you both here and there." He leaned down to kiss her deeply. In truth, he had heard her hesitation at taking on anything else new when faced with working with Tiffany tonight, and he had learned some important lessons from Kurt today about keeping her work and home life separated.

It had been so different with Kitty, who had eagerly given up her career to help him and Mel start this club. They had been inseparable and such was their bond that the original ménage a toi became a couple and the idea of having a second was born to give Mel his place in their relationship. He had hoped, for Bella's sake to have a similar relationship with Stephen. Today he had realised just how different life would be for him now and the compromises necessary to ensure Bella's well-being, as well as his own.

Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realised she had drifted off to sleep. He rose to return to the club. His thoughts firmly on the schedule he had laid out for her and wanting to know more about Kurt's plans for her. He knew her well enough to know that she would accept anything they asked of her, to her detriment at times. The last thing he wanted was for her to become burnt out or collapsing from exhaustion within the first weeks of becoming his.

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JoyfulwishJoyfulwishover 4 years ago

Agree with these comments and why dont the men brush their teeth too lol

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Bella is lost

Everytime when Bella tries to find the person who she really is, they put her in a headlock so she stays a fuckpuppet. Every chapter I hope that Bella becomes a stronger woman and finds life and love outside the club, sells her part in the company and club and moves to the other side of the world.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The casual sexism in this story is breathtaking. Also, Bella doesn’t seem to have a personality to me. She’s just a doll that these men move around. They keep talking about how she’s so submissive and it may be hard to be an executive which is appealing because what do either of those thing have to do with each other? Also, it’s not that she’s submissive, it’s that she had a mysogynist for a father who didn’t give her any autonomy (at least that was what it sounded like to me in the first section) and then was groomed by a creepy pedophile (Mel) from when she was quite young. I’m not sure why I’m still reading this story, maybe because I’ve already invested so much time? But besides some super hot scenes, the whole premise is totally horrible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Poor Bella...

If her offer to have Stephen walk her upstairs after dinner is any indication, Bella misses him. Of course, Rob wasn't going to let that happen. And the more she juxtaposes Sir Stephen with Rob, who I am beginning to find insufferable, the more she will long for the man she is in love with. I hope Sir Stephen continues to be missing when she is in the club complex. He needs to make her long for his presence...and his touch.

BTW, thank you for yet another great chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Despite repeating endlessly that Bella has choices she doesn’t, she’s often talked about and not to. The encounter with the doctor was cringe worthy. She has a submissive nature yes but does that make her a slave or worse less than human? What if she didn’t want a 24/7 D/s relationship? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. There’s a story on xnxx(.)CoM called ‘The Boss’s Slut’ whilst I detest the derogatory useage of the word slut*,that story covers a submissive relationship in the business world and handles it really well

* the term slut like whore is often used to describe a woman who enjoys sex with one or more partners and meant in a negative way as if that’s a bad thing. Wider society needs a wake up call, if it’s good for men to enjoy sex then it’s good for women too.

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