Possessing Bella Ch. 12


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"I thought we were going to meet at the hotel later!" Bella said in feigned surprise.

"How could I not come and see you when you have been so generous. You shouldn't be spending all your money on us," her mother admonished. "You should see that grand hotel where your father took me, champagne and chocolates in our room as if we were on our honeymoon or something." Rosie blushed again.

"What number honeymoon would this be?" Stephen low bass rumbled.

"Every hour of every day with my wife is a honeymoon," Joe cut in and took his wife's hand kissing it.

"Oh, stop that. I already said you could go to the car show tomorrow," Rosie scowled at Joe. "I am looking forward to spending some time with my Bella. Alone." She eyed Stephen as he was about to say something, and he quickly reassessed the situation. He would talk to Joe later and discuss the trip Bella was leaving for on Sunday afternoon. He had hoped to spend some time with her in the afternoon before she left but could see that possibility dwindling with her mother's words.

"Now, now, Rosie. We discussed this. Bella has a business trip planned and may need some time to prepare before she leaves," Joe cautioned his wife in a deep voice his arm snaking around her lower back supportively.

"I just wanted you and Dad to enjoy yourselves this weekend," Bella said slowly.

"Do you think I don't see enough of him already? You're the one I miss, Bella," Rosie complained and moved to hug her daughter to her.

"Why don't I take Joe to the car show early and you two girls can have an hour or so together," Stephen offered. "That way we can be back early and Bella will still have time to prepare for her trip." Both Bella and Joe looked sceptical, but Rosie smiled. It was a battle she wasn't sure she could win. While Stephen's suggestion wasn't exactly what she wanted, she knew they would be away for much longer than Stephen predicted if her husband held true to form. She considered offering to help Bella prepare by packing for her and extending her time together but decided to take the small win and not push her luck.

"That sounds good to me," Joe said easily looking forward to attending the car show with a man he knew enjoyed classic cars as much as he did.

"So show me this apartment you are moving to," Rosie said as if Bella had brought up the conversation already.

"Oh Mum, I would much rather you came after I had gotten rid of the old furniture there. I am keeping very little of what is there now. I promise as soon as I have it all ready I will invite you down for a visit," Bella wasn't sure she wanted her parents in that space yet, or at all.

"I like having the before and after effect, and I could give you some suggestions," Rosie sounded upset that Bella was so reticent. "I have some experience at decorating," she smiled.

"Come on, Elliebellie," he father said teasingly. "We just need to know everything is going well for you now. We don't see you often enough, show us this great new apartment, and it will put our minds at ease almost as much as seeing Stephen hovering over you as protectively does." He smirked and then laughed at the look Stephen gave him.

"I guess, but you have to understand that most of the furniture will be being replaced," she agreed reluctantly.

They walked through the elevator with Rosie exclaiming in surprise as the other side of the same floor opened up to reveal an identical corridor. Stephen opened the door and let them into the larger apartment as he always did for Bella without thinking but was pulled up short but Joe's subtle observation.

"So you have a key to my daughter's apartment, how convenient," Joe moved past the big man into the rooms that once belonged to Mel. "This chesterfield is beautiful Bella, why wouldn't you want to keep it?"

"This was Mel's apartment," she said quietly. "Mel left it to me with all the contents."

"Oh, all this dark furniture is way too masculine for you anyway, it's good to clear it out and start from scratch. What are you going to do with it?" Rosie was walking around the room looking at everything.

"It will go to storage I think," Bella looked at Stephen who nodded slightly. "You're always redecorating and moving your furniture around, is there anything you would like to take? We could have it moved to your place as easily as the storage facility."

"Don't encourage your father, he loves this sort of thing but it's more for show than comfort," Rosie rolled her eyes.

"I have some office furniture that is just too big and overwhelming for me maybe you would like that Dad," Bella encouraged and moved towards the study room.

"Actually, I was thinking about making a separate office for your mother. So she can finally write that family secrets cookbook for you she is always talking about," Joe said and took a step away from Rosie as she swiped at him indignantly. "Oops, I wasn't supposed to mention that was I?" He winked at Bella.

"That book would sell like hotcakes. I can think of at least six people I know who would order multiple copies just based on that Arancini recipe you let me have," Stephen low bass voice held enthusiasm.

"Well, it was just a thought really. I am not very sure I could do it on my own. I was hoping when Bella had holidays that she might help me get started," Rosie blushed under Stephens compliments.

"I have a friend who is a chef who made them from your recipe. Not quite as expertly as you do, but his customers were buzzing and asking for more dishes like that on his menu," Stephen continued. "Maybe next time you are in town we can set up a meeting or something, I believe he has some background in publishing recipe books."

"Really? Well, that would be something to think about don't you think Joe?" Rosie as always looked to her husband when faced with decisions. She was one to voice her opinions, but Joe had always been the decision maker in their relationship.

"Something to consider indeed," he nodded as he walked into the office space he eyes lingering over the large dark wood antique desk. Similar to his own this had an appeal in its design that set it apart. And it was indeed something he would consider looking after for his daughter or possibly purchasing from her. Joe went around behind the desk and sat in a large comfortable leather chair. It was comfortable and matched the desk perfectly. "When were you planning on moving this stuff?" he asked in a casual way.

"The movers will be here next week while she is on her business trip," Stephen replied for her, "I'll let them in and make sure it all gets done properly."

"You and my daughter have become very close it seems," Joe raised an eyebrow.

"Dad!" Bella exclaimed mortified by her father's tone of voice.

"Just an observation, Elliebellie," Joe looked between his daughter and the big man beside her. In truth, he liked Stephen well enough but he worried that despite the last few months that Bella was not ready for the kind of relationship that seemed to be brewing between them.

"You have good eyes," Stephen chuckled easily. "Bella and I have been spending a lot of time together recently. I mean, I realise I'm quite the catch, but I like to take things slowly no matter how irresistible she can seem at times." He lowered his voice to a stage whisper, "Takes after her mother in that department I assume?" Joe joined Stephen's deep chuckle as the two women blushed.

"Oh, you two stop that," Rosie admonished with a smile, then turned to study Bella, who blushed even deeper. "You would both be lucky if we looked your way tonight, we could just as easily find ourselves some other men to us to dinner and the show. What was it Kurt called me, Bella?"

"A cougar?" Bella smiled at her mother's attempt to tease her father and Stephen.

"We can't have that can we Stephen? We might be relegated to staying at home and having to watch football or something with room service in front of the TV," Joe looked absurdly crestfallen.

"I hear there is a documentary on the history of the Alpha Romeo," Stephen offered trying to hide his conspiratorial grin.

"Don't you dare," Rosie broke in.

"It's okay mum. We can go without them. I'll even organise a couple of frozen dinners for them so they can feel right at home," Bella finally recovered from the initial conversation and joined in the teasing. "Then you can show me your new cougar skills and find us two interesting dates for the show."

"Come show me the rest of this place, and we can plan our evening," Rosie threaded her arm around Bella's and the two women walked from the room.

"Let your father talk to him for a few minutes," Rosie whispered once they were out of earshot, "And tell me how you are truly doing."

"I am okay mum. I am getting better all the time. Look at what I am doing with this place," she gave a half smile.

"And Stephen?" Rosie pressed.

"He kissed me," she admitted then sighed. "He says he knows I'm not ready to move on properly yet and will wait. Aside of a quick kiss he hasn't done anything but be my friend and look after me." Bella looked back toward where they had left the men with concern.

"Aw my baby," Rosie enveloped her in a warm hug. "No one ever forgets their first big love but they do move on eventually. Your father worries though he would never tell you how much. Let him be the protective lion." She grinned and held Bella away from her with a girlish grin. "Have you lost weight again?"

"No mum," Bella tried not to roll her eyes.

"Still, you need to come home so I can feed you and make sure you're eating properly," Rosie encouraged.

"I'd like that. The only problem is that now that everyone is finding out what a good cook you are my friends will want to come too," Bella laughed. "I am not sure Kurt or Stephen are willing to share the honour of eating in your dining room though."

"Well, they can all come baby. Your friends have always been welcome in my kitchen," Rosie continued to grin. "When this place is all finished, you could have a house warming, and I will come and cook and then I can meet all your little friends."

"My friends are not exactly little in case you hadn't noticed," Bella looked back towards the study again.

"He is a bit on the tall, dark and handsome side I must admit," Rosie giggled.

"You must be talking about me," Joe announced as he walked into through the living area toward them.

"Who else?" Rosie smiled and winked at Bella. "I would hardly be talking about one of Bella's little friends." She said with a perfectly straight face making Stephen stop in his tracks and raise an eyebrow.

"What on earth have you been telling your mother?" Stephen said with a wounded look that made them all laugh.

"We just came to check in with you. We'll see you at the hotel for an early dinner," Joe said. "Rosie and I have another stop to make while we are in the city."

"I'll walk you down," Stephen said. "That'll give Bella some time to herself before we go out tonight."

Bella embraced her parents and said goodbye then returned to her apartment. She spent some time going over all the plans she had put in place with both Stephen and Andrew for while she was away and then ran herself a steaming hot bath. Taking her time she pampered herself with various treatments that she had not found time to do during the last few weeks.

She put on the dress Stephen had brought her after her first trip to the cove and twirled before the mirror. It was a beautiful outfit, and she smiled remembering the first time he had kissed her. By the time Stephen arrived to pick her up Bella was more than ready.

"You look beautiful," Stephen murmured and kissed her lightly as she opened the door. "Ready to go?"

"I'm looking forward to it," she smiled and took his arm.

Throughout the evening, Stephen was attentive and chivalrous, pulling out chairs and opening doors for her. She felt like she was on a real date and let herself enjoy the fantasy that it could be like this for her in the world outside the lifestyle. Stephen held her hand or placed his hand in the small of her back as they walked making her feel the date like quality of the evening even more so.

Even in Italy this was not something Mel did. There was always the clear definition of his role as her Master. Mel's hand would encircle the back of her neck or her upper arm rather than her hand when they walked together. She smiled and looked up at Stephen noting the subtle differences between himself and his mentor regardless of the similar lifestyles they chose to lead and relished the feel of his large hand wrapped around hers.

With Mel she knew she was his possession, treasured and adored but still, she had belonged to him just like his company had, she was never his equal or partner, not even in social situations. She knew without a doubt that he had loved her, but it had always on his terms. The man beside her, she knew wanted to one day possess her, but she wondered if it would be in the same complete way. She let herself consider a future with him. She could see that being a couple in the world outside of their circle of friends would not be strained by their roles within the lifestyle and having to keep that of that side of their relationship hidden.

She had caught herself smiling at the thought of a being a couple in the future and then remembered that there were still many obstacles between now and when that time might come. Still she thought it was an almost perfect evening as the walked hand in hand.

"You're very quiet tonight," Stephen deep voice murmured beside her as they left the hotel after saying goodbye to her parents.

"I was just thinking about how nice it was to feel so," she searched her brain for a better word than normal. Everything was normal to her now both in and out of the lifestyle.

"So?" He questioned.

"It's hard to explain," she sighed.

"Try," he stopped walking and turned to look at her with focused attention. A half smile softening his features, "I'd like to know what goes on in that pretty head of yours when you bite your lip like that."

"My parents had a party, for their twenty-fifth anniversary.Mel helped put it together," her face lit up at the memory. "There were costumes and it was a fabulous night really. It was the first time I actually questioned Mel about whether we could ever go to parties like that or out to somewhere outside of his circle as a real couple. Like a normal couple.Tonight I just feel so..." She blushed as Stephen scrutinised her, "Normal."

"So tonight was normal? A double date with your parents!" Stephen chuckled.

"Mel and I never did anything that wasn't laced with elements of his lifestyle. Even in Italy it was always such a huge part of our day to day lives. I guess we never had much time to see what could have been, given the opportunity. Tonight was nice, and because I don't have a better word, it felt normal," she finished lamely.

"The word you are looking for is vanilla I believe," Stephen continued to chuckle as he walked her to his car. "Not everything has to be so clearly defined, you know. People in the lifestyle can still enjoy a night at the theatre with vanilla friends and maintain their roles within the relationship. Am I not still dominant to your submissive?"

Bella chewed her lip and tilted her head considering his words. "It just wasn't that way with Mel, perhaps because we were more umm... intimate," she blushed deeply.

"Perhaps," Stephen shrugged and opened the car door for her.

They drove the short distance back discussing the following morning and trying to find a timetable that would allow them some time over lunch to go through what she needed to prepare for her time with the Goreans.

Walking her up to her apartment Stephens hand once again curled about her neck protectively. "Sleep well, little one," he said softly after opening her door for her. She tilted her head up expecting the kiss that had accompanied that phrase recently, but instead he was gazing down on her an odd expression on his face.

"Is something wrong?" she whispered.

"Quite the contrary," Stephen pulled her to him with a strong arm around her waist and kissed her hard deepening the kiss with each heartbeat. Bella could feel his arousal as he held her tight against him, and she found herself surrendering to his kiss and his pure physicality at that moment.

Stephen abruptly ended the kiss and frowned at her, "Goodnight," he said in a soft apologetic tone and closed her door leaving her to wonder what had happened. In truth, Stephen wasn't sure himself. He prided himself on always being in control and unemotional on the surface, but he found with each passing moment that he spent with Bella his control around her slipped a little more. He wanted her, but he knew it was still too soon for her to accept the relationship he wanted.

The following morning had gone by so quickly with Bella using her laptop to talk her mother through the plans for the new apartment's refurbishment while the men went to the car show. It seemed they had barely been gone before they returned apologising for returning later than expected.

Rosie and Joe left reluctantly, and as much as Bella loved their company now that she so rarely saw them she was glad to have the time to prepare before she saw Nyx and Master Mike that evening. She began going through the things she needed to think about in her mind as Stephen walked them down to the parking garage.

Gor was such that Bella knew she was nothing going into that lifestyle and that even her name would need to be given to her by a Master. She shivered at the thought. While she loved the beauty and grace of the movements expected of the women of Gor, she did not agree with many of the concepts it embraced. Particularly the lack of choices or even a voice in most cases, that women endured as slaves. She slipped on the soft, ragged edged piece of silk, and adjusted its Nyx has shown her with a rope belt around her waist. She then began to go through the motions of as many of the slave positions as she could remember.

Stephen returned and took a seat in the large comfortable chair watching her and waiting for her to offer him service. A small smile played across his lips as he watched the minute hand tick over on the small mantle clock she had on the coffee table. It had taken several minutes before she became aware that he was waiting for something, and she gulped loudly. Deciding that she would surprise him, she took and large breath and stood from her kneeling position to walk towards him.

Bella knelt before him knees wide and her hand open, palm up on her thighs. Stephen smiled down at her. "Greetings Master, may this girl offer you service?"

"Ale," Stephen said shortly.

"Would you like that in a tankard or a horn Master?" Bella asked sweetly a soft smile pulling at her lips.

"Tankard," again he barked a short word at her barely looking at her as he did so.

Bella unfurled from her kneel slowly stretching her sleek body before him before spinning on the balls of her feet. Gliding skilfully to the kitchen, her emerald green eyes dancing in enjoyment she sought out the perfect tankard for him from a small range she had.

Knowing he was watching her she stretched to the tip of her toes reaching the high shelf these and several other vessels meant for this type of service had been placed by Nyx. She let out a small sound of breath catching in her throat escape as she grazed her thigh against the edge of the bench top and teased the tankard from the high shelf with the tips of her fingers.

She turned slightly offering him a view of her silhouette. She knew the light would render the thin, silky fabric of her dress translucent as she brought the tankard down to her chest. Then she tested the rim for chips and cracks against the soft exposed skin of the side her neck. She breathed deeply and let it tremble from her throat as she finally lowered the tankard to the bench.