Popularity Ch. 07

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Savoring the joys and agonies of being a slave.
6.1k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/09/2023
Created 03/24/2023
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Sunday morning began like most mornings, with me in the shower room, getting washed and groomed by Anne.

Slaves aren't permitted to wash or groom themselves. The OPS is of the opinion that it gives the slaves too much autonomy or dignity if they're allowed to wash themselves. And because I wasn't allowed to do it myself, OPS employees like Anne ended up soaping me up, shaving my legs, rinsing me off, toweling me dry, washing my hair, brushing my teeth etc.

Other slaves were being washed by other attendants and my eyes kept drifting over to them. I was supposed to keep my gaze down and not look at the other slaves, but it was difficult. Every slave in the shower room was drop dead gorgeous, with slender waists, high, firm buttocks and beautiful legs. I knew I could be punished if I got caught staring, but it was hard not to.

"Alex, stop that!" Anne scolded when she caught me enjoying the sight of a nearby naked slave as she stood under the spray of a stainless-steel shower head.

I immediately shifted my gaze so I was looking down at my bare feet, but I felt a surge of guilt and anxiety at being caught violating slave etiquette.

"You know better than that," Anne insisted as she rubbed the towel up and down my thighs and buttocks. "I should report you to your handler. I don't think she'd be happy to learn that you're ogling the other slaves."

I could feel my face heat up with embarrassment and I nervously apologized. Anne rubbed my legs dry with the towel and then had me lift one leg up slightly so she could towel dry the sole of my foot.

Then Anne stood up, gave me an intense look and said, "Or maybe I could just punish you myself. I could be discreet about it, and Constance would never have to know what a bad girl you've been. Would you like that, Alex?"

I'm a confusing mess when it comes to punishments. I'm both afraid of them and sexually aroused by them. I never had the courage to request punishments, they always had to be forced upon me. But once I was forced into one, screaming and squirming in pain, I would always become feverish with lust and wet between my legs.

"I'd prefer Constance not know that I broke the rules," I said honestly. It was normal for slaves to crave the approval of their handlers. I wanted Constance to approve of me, so I felt a deep need to keep my little indiscretion from her.

"That's what I thought," Anne replied.

She tossed the towel in a rolling laundry cart and sat down on a wooden bench over by the lockers. Then she patted her lap and gave me an eager look, urging me to come towards her and accept my fate.

There were about a half dozen people in the shower room besides Anne and me and I felt certain that all of them had their eyes fixated on me. I took one tentative step forward.

Then I took another, and another. It occurred to me that it was easier to be forced. When a slave is grabbed by security guards and forced across somebody's lap, the slave has no choice in the matter. The slave doesn't have to think or make any sort of decision. Things just happen. There's no emotional turmoil.

As it was, I had to force myself to walk across the room with half a dozen witnesses watching and slide across Anne's lap, making myself vulnerable and offering myself up for punishment. I had to fight against my self-preservation instincts to give myself up for punishment like that. There was a huge inner struggle that people couldn't see to sacrifice myself like that. I think I would have preferred to be physically overpowered and have no choice in the matter.

My hands were pressed against the tile floor and my ass was raised. A quick sidelong glance confirmed that everyone in the room was indeed watching as I waited for my innocent bottom to be covered with stinging handprints. Anne rubbed light patterns over one cheek, then the other, making me pant with nervous anticipation as I waited for the first blow.

"So beautiful," Anne enthused as she smoothed her hands up and down my butt cheeks. She explored every inch of my hindquarters, even working her fingers into the tight furrow between my buttocks. "You could turn a straight woman gay with a beautiful bottom like this."


The first blow came down on my naked hindquarters.

I had underestimated Anne—she was a lot stronger than I had anticipated! Her first swat stung enough that I let out an involuntary gasp. I squirmed across Anne's lap, and her grip around my waist tightened.


With the crowd of people watching, I could easily envision the scene I was creating for them. I was a naked girl with a slender waist and an adorable bottom, squirming and writhing across Anne's lap as my naked buttocks were abused and reddened.


I cried out incoherently in pain and my naked body writhed shamelessly. My long legs kicked, and I thrashed around as much as I could in Anne's surprisingly strong grip, but it was all for naught. I couldn't possibly get free, and I couldn't possibly stop the young attendant's powerful arm from coming down again and again and punishing my poor, innocent, naked bottom.


Ow! Ow! Ow! Anne! Aaaahhhh!"


I whimpered and sobbed, and hot, wet tears ran down my face. I knew I must be putting on quite a show; a cute, naked slave girl wriggling furiously over a respectably clothed woman's lap, kicking her legs in a vain attempt to escape the pain as her defenseless bottom became redder and redder.


It didn't take long before I was weeping openly. My entire bottom was stinging and red-hot with heat. And then Anne changed her technique. Instead of spanking my buttocks, she began to concentrate on the tops of my thighs. My skin is more sensitive there, and my screams of pain and distress became louder. Anne paid that no notice, and her hand continued to rain down blows on my naked skin.


"Ow! Ow! Ow! Anne, please! Ow!"


I continued to kick and scream, and the tears continued to flow, but Anne's hand didn't cease in its cruel, unjust punishment of my shapely bottom.


At last, the blows stopped. My entire body went limp, and I wept openly, still over Anne lap. Then I felt fingers tenderly caressing my poor, punished bottom. Anne's fingers were gentle, but my bottom was so sore and sensitive that I couldn't help but whimper and tremble at her touch. After a few minutes of this I was told to stand up.

"You can get up off my lap now, pretty girl," Anne said, and she allowed me a scant few seconds to rub my tender ass and attempt to sooth away some of the pain.

My eyes had welled up with tears, I was sobbing, and I was so intensely focused on the stinging throb across my backside, I failed to notice that somebody else had entered the room. Then I heard a familiar voice say, "Well, well, well, does this mean our Alex has been a bad little girl?"

I turned and saw my cousin Joey standing there, staring at me with an assessing gaze. I was stark naked with a tear-streaked face and a noticeably red ass while she looked dignified in stylish black boots, designer jeans, a cotton V-neck and a black, leather jacket. The stark contrast between us made my inferior status immediately and painfully obvious.

Anne raised her eyebrows at Joey and said, "Are you a member of Alex's family?"

"I'm Joey," my cousin replied, and stepped forward. "I'm Alex's sister. Isn't that right, Alex?"

Technically, Joey wasn't my sister, but for some mysterious reason she wanted me to claim that she was. If I tried to contradict her, I would get punished. As a slave, I understood the importance of following orders and bending to the will of dominant women, so I agreed to go along with what Joey said.

"She's my sister," I said, nodding to Anne. "She heard about it being Family Weekend and she came to pay me a visit."

"I love the fact that she's a lesbian sex slave now," Joey explained to Anne and the other OPS employees in the room. "We had some squabbles when she was a free woman, she always had the upper hand before, but now that she's a slave I can make her suffer in all kinds of delightful ways, and there's nothing she can do about it."

Several of the OPS employees nodded in understanding. They'd all seen this sort of thing before. They understood the dynamic of family members taking advantage of other family members when they were slaves and had no hope of fighting back.

"Um, Joey, if we're going to do this, maybe we could go someplace private," I suggested. There was still one slave and at least five OPS employees in the shower room. I wasn't at all comfortable with the idea of them watching as my cousin sexually objectified and abused me.

A wicked smile spread across my cousin's face, and she asked, "Would it help crush your spirit if there was an audience to witness your shame?"

"Um, well," I stammered. Joey had hit the nail right on the head. It was one thing to be subjugated and sexually used in private. If there were spectators surrounding me, enjoying my suffering, that would always make things much more intense. My face heated up with embarrassment as I tried to formulate a way to answer my cousin's question.

"Don't even bother," Joey finally broke in. "I can tell by the look on your face. Having an audience would make you literally die of shame."

Then she looked over her shoulder, addressed the OPS employees and the one naked slave girl and she urged them all to stay and watch. Of course, everyone was only too happy to accept her invitation. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as it became obvious my humiliation was going to be public.

Then turning back to me, Joey said, "Alex, my adorable, lesbian sex slave...pinch your nipples for me. Nice and rough. Get them hard."

"Ohhhhh," I groaned. I felt helpless and mortified to be doing this with so many people watching.

I tried closing my eyes, hoping that would ease my feelings of degradation somewhat, but Joey caught on to that, and ordered me to keep my eyes open.

"No cheating," she admonished. "I want you to be fully aware of what you're doing and how many people are here enjoying your humiliation."

I opened my eyes, bit my lower lip and squeezed my poor nipples. Recalling Joey's instructions, I was rough with them, I tugged on them sharply and made them hurt. Joey seemed to approve of how much pain I was giving myself.

When I felt my poor, abused nipples couldn't take anymore, Joey said, "Now turn around. Let me see that cute butt of yours."

It was another form of indignity, with everyone watching, I turned around and allowed my cousin to ogle my ass.

"So pretty," my cousin said as she moved closer and then smoothed her fingertips up and down my naked buttocks.

"I never thought that anything could make her ass even cuter, but the way that you've reddened her ass really draws your attention in. The color you've added kinda forces you to pay attention to her...kind of like a neon sign."

There was a murmuring of agreement and one woman commented, "She should be spanked every day, to keep the color."

"Ooooh, I love that idea," Joey cooed as she continued to stoke, squeeze and pat my ass. "If I could take her back home with me, that's exactly what I'd do. With her."

I whimpered and tensed up every time she squeezed my tender buttocks. Then she took her hands away and sternly ordered, "Turn around and face me."

My heart thundered as I turned around, and I struggled to keep my hands at my sides even though my self-preservation instincts were screaming at me to use my hands to cover up the most delicate parts of my anatomy.

"Down on your knees, right here, pretty girl," Joey demanded. Kneeling on the tile floor was rough on my knees, but I sank down onto the damp tile floor as gracefully as I could manage and tried not to complain about how much it hurt.

"The OPS has trained you how to use your mouth to make a woman happy," my cousin reminded me as I knelt in front of her. "It's about time you learned a useful skill. Now, unbutton my jeans and show everyone here what you can do with that mouth."

I undid the button on her jeans, then Joey sternly ordered, "unzip me."

I lowered the zipper on her jeans. Next, I was ordered to unlace her boots. Working together, Joey and I eventually managed to get her out of her boots, jeans and panties. When she was naked from the waist down, Joey ran her hand up and down her pussy, spreading her labia and exposing her slick, pink flesh.

"Now that my sister is a lesbian sex slave, I see no reason I can't take advantage of the skills she's learned here."

Then she looked briefly over her shoulder and said, "Do you?"

She didn't direct her question to anyone in particular, but the women in the shower room all answered in the negative. None of them saw any reason that she shouldn't order me to lick her pussy or take her clit into my mouth.

Once everyone in the shower room had voiced their approval, Joey grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed my face into her crotch.

With my face mashed into my cousin's plump, glistening pubic lips, my training kicked in. I didn't think about the fact that this was incest, that this was taboo, I just pushed my nose and lips into her folds and lapped at her opening.

"That's my girl." Joey said as my mouth went to work. "That's my obedient, lesbian sex slave."

I closed my eyes, ashamed of the fact that I was using my tongue to lick my cousin's pussy. I tried reminding myself that I was just a slave, and I had no real choice in the matter. Slaves followed orders or they got punished.

There was a slight trembling in Joey's thighs, but she was still clearly dominant over me. She was in control, and she could do horrible things to me if I tried to rebel against her authority.

Joey set her feet apart and tilted her hips slightly, giving me better access to her cleft. I obligingly worked my tongue around the opening to her vagina.

My cousin moaned and her thighs tensed up as she got closer and closer to orgasm. Her breathing became ragged and then she yanked on my hair, pulling my head this way and that to guide my mouth to her swollen clitoris.

"Suck me, slave girl," Joey growled, her voice thick with lust. With everyone watching, I held on to her hips and trapped her swollen clit in my mouth. I sucked on it like hard candy. Joey let out a long, deep moaning sound and leaned against the nearby wall for support as her legs trembled violently.

With only a slight waver in her voice, Joey said, "Harder, sex slave. Suck it harder." I increased my suction, drawing her clit deep into my mouth. Almost instantly Joey stiffened, then her body quaked in release. She stifled her screams of passion, but it was obvious from the flood of wetness that filled my mouth and dripped onto my chin that her orgasm had been strong.

It was enormously humbling to be naked, on my knees and forced to pleasure a member of my own family while half a dozen witnesses stood nearby and witnessed the whole thing. And as I knelt there, my own juices were pouring from my throbbing pussy.

"Stand up," Joey ordered. "Spread your legs. Wider than that."

I stood with my legs pornographically far apart, and she slid her hand between my thighs. Her fingers encountered my plump, glistening wet pubic lips and she stroked her fingertips up and down, playing with my pussy.

"So wet," she said as she thrust her fingers inside of me. I whimpered as she probed my hot, moist interior and my legs trembled.

She pushed her fingers deeper, making me gasp. "Everyone in the outside world thinks that you're such a good girl. Mom and Dad think that you're so sweet and innocent. But look at you. Your pussy is just dripping with excitement after kneeling at your sister's feet and licking her pink slit."

"I...I..," I stammered, tongue-tied. Joey had me mentally and emotionally off balance. As a slave, I had grown accustomed to spankings and sexual abuse, but this sort of emotional abuse was something new and I didn't know how to handle it. I had plenty of guilt about how shamelessly slutty I had become since the OPS had turned me into a slave and Joey was beginning to exploit my guilty feelings.

Then she turned to the group of spectators watching us. The crowd had grown larger, doubling or tripling in size. With so many eyes staring fixedly at my naked body, I suddenly felt much more vulnerable, and then Joey addressed them all, saying, "Would you like to feel her?"

There were a few brief seconds of hesitation as the assembled members of the crowd glanced at each other. There seemed to be some sort of unspoken communication between them, and then one woman stepped forward.

"Clasp your hands behind the back of your neck," Joey commanded me. "Elbows back, tits thrust forward. I want your body completely open and available."

I did as she said. With my chest thrust forward and my legs spread wide, I felt even more exposed and helpless than before.

Joey had become an expert at humiliating me. There I was, naked and about to be publicly fingered by any and all who wanted. I squirmed as an elegant middle-aged woman placed her hand on my exposed loins and kneaded my pubic lips. Her hand came away glistening wet with my juices, and she held it up for everyone to see.

"Me next," a younger OPS employee said and then she pushed forward and felt me up as well.

One by one, approximately two-dozen women and one man placed a hand between my legs to feel how wet my pussy had become. Most of them were government employees, although there were a few naked slaves who felt me up as well.


I moaned as an endless army of fingertips stroked my sensitive, swollen labia. One agonizing wave of desire after another passed through me, causing my nipples to become so hard that they ached and causing my sex to throb with hungry spasms.

"My sister is such a slut," Joey announced to the room. "She's constantly ready for sex."

Then, she turned to me and said, "You'd do just about anything for me if I promised you an orgasm, wouldn't you?"

For a few seconds I was speechless. My jaw dropped and I tried to answer, but no words came out. The truth was, I desperately wanted and needed some sexual relief, but I was too embarrassed to say so. When I tried to answer Joey's question, the only things that came out of my mouth were a few awkward vowel sounds.

"Beg for it," Joey insisted. "I want to hear you beg for an orgasm. I want you to call me Mistress and beg me to take pity on you and your shameless slutty sexual needs."

My head was reeling, and my sex throbbed. Somehow, I managed to get the words to come out of my mouth and beg my cousin for permission to have an orgasm.

"Oh, I love to hear you beg, pretty girl," Joey said as she smiled wickedly. "You are so much more fun as a sex slave than you ever were as a regular girl."

I felt a surge of humiliation as Joey lorded her authority over me, but it did nothing to reduce my feelings of sexual arousal. And then, rather than give me an orgasm herself, she explained that she was going to get one of the slaves to do it.

"My sister is very attractive," Joey announced out loud. "Would any of the slaves in the room be interested in having sex with her?"

There were four slaves in the room and all of them volunteered. It was eventually decided that a slave named Angie would be the one who would do the honors.