Pocket Rocket

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Great things can come in small packages.
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A/N - 'Pocket Rocket' can mean something different depending on where you are from. I'm taking the term to mean a 'petite, vivacious woman'. She can fit in your pocket and makes you go off like a rocket. (In British slang, it refers to something else entirely!)

I'll admit this story is influenced by something incredibly minor, watching this tiny waif of a woman, definitely only about four foot something, ordering a coffee one day while I was enjoying a drink of my own, and I immediately had an idea for a story.

Australian / British standard English. There is a good chance of: profanity, characters drinking, typos, mistakes, and bad grammar at times.

Proofreading and editing suggestions provided by OhDave1. Any mistakes within this work are still mine.

Comments are appreciated as always. I read all of them.

Feedback by email is always welcome. I enjoy chatting with anyone who likes my work.


"How's the dating scene out there, Chris?" Mike asked, glancing around the table to see my four friends already looking at me rather expectantly.

I finished sipping at my pint before managing a rueful grin, and shaking my head. "Be glad you four are not having to put yourselves out there again. It's a minefield."

"Any dates lately?" John wondered.

"A few. Some get to a second or third, but I just haven't met anyone where I feel that instant spark. One woman has actually turned into a friend, and while we didn't have that spark, she's already suggesting that she'll introduce me to some of her single friends."

"Online dating?" Greg suggested.

"Already doing it and it's fucking awful. Too many women expect us to be performing monkeys just to get a few seconds of their attention. Already deleted the apps and I'll do things the old-fashioned way. You know, actually just approach a woman who might look interested. If I strike out, I'll just try again with someone else. Plenty of men have been rejected over and over again until meeting someone they feel they can establish that connection with."

All the questions were due to the fact I was a recently divorced thirty-something man. Thankfully, I'd come out of the divorce with the townhouse, as it was only my name on the deed, I'd paid the deposit and could prove I paid the majority of the bills towards its upkeep, and I was relieved that we hadn't started a family when she decided that she needed to go 'find herself'.

That meant she wanted to go out and fuck other guys while keeping me as her back-up plan. I told her to get fucked, kicked her out, and divorced her as soon as I was legally allowed.

She was still messaging me at least a couple of times a week, pleading with me to take her back. The only reason I didn't block her is that the whole situation was laughable. I knew she was regretting what she had said, but I wasn't stupid. I knew she'd been out 'finding herself' ever since I kicked her out. A few of her friends liked me as a friend and kept me up to date with the situation. All of them told me to not take her back.

I ended up staying until nearly midnight with my friends as we sank a couple more pints, watched both games of footy and enjoyed a meal as well. As we all lived in the suburbs, the only way to get home after sinking a few drinks was by walking or some sort of taxi. I preferred to walk, enjoying the night-time spring air, sharing handshakes and well wishes before I began the short walk home.

Arriving home to an empty house was something that took a little getting used to once my ex-wife had left the marital home. I had considered getting a pet, but the backyard wasn't really large enough for a dog, and I was wary of getting a cat. The walls had been empty of anything for a long time after she'd left, as I had endeavoured to erase any sign of her presence in the house, but I found enjoyment in buying a few art pieces and also had other photos and things that interested me dotted around the house.

It was lunchtime on Tuesday when I received a call from Charlotte. She was the woman I'd had a date with, where there'd been no spark, but we'd still enjoyed a wonderful conversation, and she was the one to ask if I was interested in just being friends. I thought you could never have enough friends, and I also thought having a few friends of the feminine persuasion couldn't be a bad thing.

"I'm hosting a barbecue next Saturday and wondered if you'd like to come along?" she asked.

I couldn't hold back the groan, which made her laugh on the other end of the line. "You're going to try and set me up with one of your friends, aren't you?"

"Not specifically. But there will be quite a few single women there."

"And how many single men?" The silence was my answer. "I'll be the only one, won't I?"

"I may have let slip to a few of them that I met a wonderful man a couple of months ago, and while we didn't have that spark, he's a good man and I probably have talked you up quite a bit since then."

"No pressure. Thanks!"

"I'm sure you'll be just fine, Chris." She paused before adding, "There is one woman that I'd really like you to meet, Chris. She's such a sweetheart but doesn't have much luck in the dating world."

"Okay, I'm not doing anything next Saturday, so I'll come along."

"Thanks, Chris."

"You having any luck out there?"

"Not really. Definitely given up on the online dating thing for the time being. Might end up taking your approach. Hope to meet a good man somewhere."

"Shame none of my friends are single..."

"I'll find the right man eventually. But if I can help you find the right woman at the same time..."

"And you think one of your friends is the right woman?"

Silence again before she said softly, "I think you're going to absolutely adore Hailey, Chris. She's so damned cute and adorable, and I reckon she's going to take one look at you and introduce herself."

"Here's hoping then."

Spending Friday night alone wasn't something that bothered me as it was a good excuse to simply relax and unwind after another long week of work. I'd usually purchase a six-pack of beer or cider, usually avoiding the generic lagers, preferring something with a bit of taste, and then order in either a pizza or maybe some Chinese food or something, before sitting back on the couch to watch the two games of footy on offer.

As I had a free Saturday, my mother had quickly organised for my two sisters and me to go and visit for the afternoon and evening. Mum now lived by herself in the old family home. I was the first to arrive, walking in the front door and surprising my mother as she was still pottering around the kitchen. Exclaiming my name, I was then greeted by a very warm hug. I saw my mother at least once a fortnight, but we'd always had a close bond.

Particularly after the family learned one evening when I was fourteen that my father had been having a long-standing affair with one of her friends, that he was walking out on his family so he could go and marry her. Having gone through my own divorce, I certainly had a better understanding of what my mother had gone through. I still hadn't talked to my father since I was sixteen.

I had a younger sister by three years, Jennifer, and an older sister by two years, Jane. The three of us were incredibly close. Jane had been happily married for a decade, arriving after me with her husband and three kids in tow. She always greeted me with a long hug as she absolutely loved her little brother. I liked her husband quite a lot as we shared some common interests.

Jennifer was still happily single, and as soon as she'd greeted everyone else, she plopped herself onto the couch next to me and immediately snuggled into my side. When I turned my head to meet her eyes, I was greeted by a dazzling smile. "What has you in a good mood?" I wondered.

"I don't get to see my big brother much anymore, so when I do get to see him, I'm going to absolutely smother him!"

I loved my family. I called my mother at least once every couple of days, but I knew she kept herself busy with her job and a great circle of friends. She had attempted dating a few times but hadn't managed to meet a man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, at least not yet. As for Jennifer, she had admitted at the age of sixteen to liking both girls and boys. I knew she was currently single but had no problem telling me about all the attractive girls she could potentially date.

Jane and her family stayed long enough to eat and enjoy conversation before they had to go home, the two younger children obviously growing bored and restless. That left me with my mother and Jennifer, sitting out on the back deck, the two women sharing a bottle of wine while I sipped at another bottle of beer.

"Any luck out there?" my younger sister finally asked.

"Still trying," I replied, "But it isn't easy."

"Think of how long I've been single. I haven't exactly given up but having gone this long without a man in my life, I don't really need one any longer," Mum admitted, "I don't even really miss having someone next to me in bed."

"I think Charlotte is setting me up with at least one of her friends next weekend."

"Isn't she someone you dated?" Jennifer wondered.

"Yeah. We might not have had a romantic interest, but it was nice that we could end up as friends."

"What's her name?"

"Her name is Hailey, Mum. Other than that, I have no idea what she's like. Charlotte just said I'd find her rather cute. She might give me more details during the week or it's just going to be a surprise."

I hadn't been drinking much while my sister had helped polish off a couple of bottles of wine. Thankfully, she hadn't driven so I offered her a lift home when it was time to give our mother some peace and quiet. Jennifer had always been affectionate with me. I knew she still nursed the same little crush she'd always had. It was never weird between us as I could almost understand her feelings.

Walking her to the front door of the apartment block she called home, I held her close as I felt her arms wrap around me in return, hearing her sigh softly as she got comfortable. "Want to know the reason why I've given up on men?" she finally asked.


"Because no-one can measure up to you." She paused before adding, "And I guess I've grown to prefer women too."

"Still waiting for that someone special?"

"I've got a couple of friends with benefits, but I'm not sure I'm willing to upgrade them to girlfriend. I like playing the field and simply enjoying life." She leaned back and met my eyes. "You won't judge me for being a little carefree about it, will you?"

"I reckon lesbians have the best chance of playing the field and not having to worry about VD!"

Jennifer giggled, playfully slapping my chest. "So many women who only like women still freak out if I tell them I've also been with men. Even in today's world, people don't understand what it's like to feel like I do. I feel I could fall in love with anyone, Chris."

"I hope you have better luck when you eventually get married than I did."

"Heart still hurting?"

"No, I'm past that. Sometimes, when I'm by myself, it's more a case of thinking 'What if?' What if she hadn't asked me what she did? Would we still be married? Would we have started a family by now? But asking those questions doesn't mean I regret the decisions I've taken. And given that even her own friends supported my decision tells me I made the right one."

"Well, here's hoping that next weekend, you'll find Miss Right this time."

"And you?"

"I'm just going to keep having fun, Chris. I'm not even thirty yet so I have plenty of time to settle down. Mum can be happy that Jane has popped out a few grandchildren for her to dote over." That made her pause again. "I'm guessing you still want a family?"

"Maybe. First priority is finding someone to be with. I'm comfortable being single, but I'll admit it can be a lonely existence sometimes."

"You could always invite your adorable little sister around and she'd happily snuggle up with her big brother."

Giving her a squeeze earned a giggle. "Love you, Jenny..."

"Love you too, Chris. I'd better get upstairs before I really embarrass myself."

"Jenny, it's never been a problem. I love how close we are. And if you did happen to be around my place one evening and fell asleep, I'd probably take you up on your offer if I was still single in the future."

"You know I love a good cuddle!"

With a last kiss on the cheek, she let me go and headed inside. I messaged her early the next morning, not surprised she told me about nursing a bit of a hangover and wondering if she'd embarrassed herself the previous night. I just told her about the offer to come snuggle. She sent back a smiley face and told me that she would still offer that sober.

It was another long week at work. I kept up to date with my friends through our group chat, mostly talking about the previous weekend's footy, and the coming weekend's footy, while sharing plenty of inappropriate jokes and memes. Mum received her every second-night phone call. Even if nothing was really going on, I knew she appreciated the time I took to keep in touch. Jane was usually busy with her family and work to really have much time to talk, while Jennifer was happy to tell me about the two dates she had planned for the weekend.

As for Charlotte and the barbecue on the coming weekend, she spent the entire week teasing me about all the single women who would apparently be present but was near enough insisting that it would be Hailey who I really should spend time getting to know. "Trust me, Chris. You're going to find her attractive, but you're going to enjoy just talking to her."

I was going to ask why she was so sure about that, but I figured I'd trust her instinct.

I spent Saturday morning completing all the chores I'd normally leave for the next day with the assumption I might be a little tired or hungover the next day. Before getting ready, I did shoot Charlotte a message, asking that it was a barbecue but was there a certain attire. She gave me a quick call, assuring me a nice shirt and jeans would be suitable enough.

Not wanting to drive as I knew there would be at least a little drinking involved, I made sure we stopped off at a bottle shop as I didn't want to go empty-handed, placing three bottles of wine to chill again the tray of meat I was also taking. Never go empty-handed when invited to a barbecue.

Charlotte answered the door and greeted me with a warm smile before leaving a soft kiss on my cheek. "Thank you for coming, Chris. Come on in."

"I brought a few things."

"If there's wine in that cool bag, you're going to be even more popular with the girls."

"I'm not just going to be surrounded by single women, am I?" I asked as I followed her to the kitchen.

"No, Chris. There will be a few couples here. But don't you worry about them."

"Need any help with the grill or anything?"

She offered me a beer, another warm smile on her face as her hand ended up on mine. "You're here as my guest, Chris. The only thing you'll be doing is meeting some very pretty women, and then there's also Hailey. She's excited but also very nervous about meeting you."

"Talked me up?"

"It's not that. She's not had a lot of luck when it comes to men. I've known you long enough to trust you, and I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised." She stepped a little closer. "You're already a good friend, Chris. Please don't hurt her. We all love her."

"I'll be good."

"Come on, I'll introduce you."

I didn't miss the silence that descended when I walked out alongside Charlotte. Now I didn't think I was anything particularly special regarding looks. I was distinctly average, just another face in the crowd. I wasn't particularly tall. Yes, I had reached that magical 'six foot' that so many women seem to covet, but barely had another inch in height after that. I did keep myself fit but I wasn't jacked or incredibly muscular. I just kept the weight off. I still had all my hair, and I did like to keep my stubble. Had blue eyes which some women seemed to like.

Charlotte led me around, ensuring I was introduced to the couples first. Hit it off with a couple of the guys immediately as they noticed the stubby holder in which my beer was sitting. Taken by the hand, Charlotte then introduced me to some of her single friends. Everyone was very polite and friendly, but I had a feeling they'd already been told I was there to meet someone else.

"And this is Hailey," Charlotte stated a few minutes later.

I'll put this simply. Hailey was tiny. I mean really short. My ex-wife had been only five-two and it was clear to me that Hailey was at least a couple of inches shorter than her. But there was no doubt that she was attractive. In fact, the word 'gorgeous' came to mind immediately. Strawberry blonde hair that looked completely natural. Green eyes that seemed ever so expressive within seconds of meeting mine. She was definitely drinking me in as I did the same.

"This is Hailey. Hailey, I'd like you to meet Chris," Charlotte stated by way of introduction.

"Giving me your cast-offs now, Charlotte?" Hailey retorted, flashing me what I thought was a cheeky grin. Offering my hand, she immediately made me laugh by pointing at her cheek. "A man greets a woman with a kiss on the cheek."

"How European," I said with humour as I leaned down to kiss her cheek. I then kissed her other cheek, earning a giggle as I added, "Might as well go full European then."

"Would you like another drink, Hailey?"

Hailey looked at Charlotte before returning her eyes to me. "Charlotte will now make herself scarce so we can get to know each other. I'm assuming you've been informed?"


"Charlotte, I'd love another glass of wine." Taking my hand, Hailey then added, "And you can come with me so we can sit down and relax."

There was some furniture dotted around the backyard, a couple of wicker couches with comfortable-looking cushions with umbrellas provided so there was shade. Taking a seat on one of them, I made sure I was turned towards Hailey as she brushed a few strands of hair away from her eyes. She smiled at me as I'm sure I was slightly staring at her.

"Is it because I'm tiny? It does freak a lot of guys out."

"How tall are you?"

"I'm four-nine. Technically, some people would consider me a 'little person'. I just say I never had a real growth spurt through puberty. The thing is, I bet I'm older than you."


"Thirty-five. Do I look thirty-five?"

"Definitely not."

"I'll be honest from the start, Chris. I don't get to date very often because of it. Most guys freak out dating someone so short. Anyone who does date me treats me almost like a porcelain doll, thinking they'll break me if they just hug me." Taking a chance, I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her hug me in return. "Charlotte said you weren't oblivious to things," she added softly, "She's really talked you up, Chris. But I know to be realistic about things."

"We can get to know each other and see where things go, Hailey. Want to know the first word that went through my mind when I saw you?"



"Thank you," she whispered before letting me go and leaning back, "Want to know why Charlotte recommended us to each other?"

"That has intrigued me since she mentioned you."

"Who do you support?"

If you live in Sydney, you know how to answer that question as it'll be about who you support in the footy. And not the kind that's popular south of the border. "North Sydney Bears. I don't support anyone in the NRL because of that."

The smile was instantaneous. "A man who appreciates proper footy. I'm a Newtown Jets girl. Nothing better than suburban footy at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon."