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Buttplug and geeks, what possible could go wrong.
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Molly sat down gingerly in her office chair. Nothing was hurt but the four inch long by one inch in diameter, metal butt plug in her ass gave her jolts of pleasure if she moved too fast or sat down wrong. Normally the pleasure wasn't a problem but today wasn't normal by a long shot. Meetings were being called where and when no meetings had ever been called before and people were scurrying everywhere.

Of course, it had to happen on a Friday. Friday was Molly's special day to wear her butt plug. Nothing ever happened on Fridays. She took care of her weekly paperwork and made sure everything was ready for Monday for both herself and her boss. After that, it was just wait for the clock to tick down. When it did, she was free to go home for two whole days or to hit the bars and clubs for whatever action she could find.

All the big bosses were in, which was highly unusual for any day, much less Friday. Molly whimpered softly as she realized she was rocking back and forth slowly. The three quarter inch button was rubbing between her butt cheeks and pressing on the sensitive ring of her anus. The main body of the butt plug was rocking and rubbing inside her asshole.

She had about decided to go to the restroom and remove it when her boss and two of the big bosses walked into the office. George, her boss, stopped in front of her desk as the other two men went on into the inner office. As the door closed, George sighed and shook his head as he looked down at Molly. "The shit is hitting the fan everywhere," he whispered and then sighed again.

"What is the problem?" Molly asked.

George grinned. "If I told you that, I would have to kill you and myself."

"Should I dust my resume off?"

"Probably and mine also," he replied before he turned toward his office door. He took several steps and then stopped. Looking back at Molly, he said, "See what you can dig up on a company called Island Realties. It's out of Miami, I think."

"For you or for you and the other two gentlemen?"

"Just for me right now. Send the info to my tablet when you learn anything, anything at all." With that said, he headed for his office.

Molly shifted in her chair and shivered as the butt plug moved in her ass. Again, she considered going to the restroom. There were far too many people around for her to be comfortable and far too much going on. One of the big bosses came out of the inner office, crossed the room with a nod to her, and went out the main door.

With a deep breath, Molly opened her browser and typed in "Island Realties, Miami." Then she was too busy reading and cross-referencing to even think about the butt plug. Clothing optional businesses and communities seemed to be their stock and trade. There was also a line of clothing optional resorts all across the Caribbean and Central America.

She made notes and copied links. Twenty minutes in and George had all the information she had.

Ten minutes later, her intercom from George's office buzzed. "Yes, sir," Molly said into the handset.

"Dump everything you have so far onto my computer and coming in here," George said sharply.

"Yes, sir," Molly replied. She transferred everything from her desktop computer to his. She was worried about her job now. George was edgy and not at all like his normal self. That wasn't good.


As she entered George's office, the big boss frowned and looked a George. "The fewer people who know anything, the better."

"Clint, Molly is my right hand. You want information and she's the woman for the job." George shot back. Looking at Molly he said, "Come show me where you got what you have."

She walked around behind his desk and leaned over to pull up four websites. The first was the website for the company, Island Reality. The second two were local communities where they sold homes. The last one was for the resort business.

George leaned closer to the screen and went through all four as Molly stepped back. By the time he was finished, he was grinning. Looking at his boss, he shook his head. "Mystery solved. Clothing optional housing developments, nude resorts, and geeks are a powder keg just waiting for a match."

Clint frowned. "Five of our best programmers are gone and you're smiling?"

George shook his head. "The economy around here is slow at best right now. We pay our people well, so whom else are they going to sell too. I'll bet the sales staff are young and curvy and don't mind showing properties in the... uh... buff."

Clint stood up and then sat back down. He shook his head and with a glance at Molly said, "Yeah but selling a house to someone is one thing but making them not show up for work for weeks if not months, is another thing."

George laughed. "You put naked women, live naked women, in front of geeks and all brain activity stops. They are mesmerized. Time means nothing. Having to be at work does not compute."

"How about Helen Schunt?" Clint asked quickly. "She's a girl, so...."

Molly chuckled. "She is a woman but she's also one of the guys." When Clint looked at her funny, she added, "She's a lesbian."

Clint shook his head and frowned as he looked at George. "So how do we get our people back?"

"I guess we find out where they bought houses and go visit them."


"Try and talk them into coming back to work," George replied and then looked up at Molly. He slid a paper in her direction. "See if you can find out if all five of these people bought a house from Island Reality and the addresses."

Molly nodded, picked up the paper and headed for her office. As she opened the door, Clint said, "No one and I mean no one needs to know those people are missing. Without them, we don't have a company and you don't have a job. None of us do."

Molly nodded and looked at George. When he nodded, she looked at Clint and said, "I'll find them."


Finding three of the five names wasn't a problem. All three of them had bought homes from Island Reality in the last two months. A couple of quick questions to the secretary over in research and development gave Molly an idea where the other two were.

About the time she stood up to take the information to George, his office door opened and he and the big boss entered her office.

"Any luck?" George asked.

"Helen Schunt, Larry Higgins, and Darrel Morris bought houses. I have their new addresses. According to the secretary in R&D, Tommy Ling was a best friend with Larry Higgins and Eugene Tang was a roommate with Darrel Morris. I would assume they moved when their friends did."

"Great," Clint said with a big smile. "I'll grab Charles and we'll head over there to talk to them after lunch."

"No offense but how well do you know these guys?" Molly asked with a glance at George.

"They work for us but I don't think I've met any of them personally," Clint replied.

"I know three of them and by geek standards they are almost as weird as my brother and that is out there," Molly said with a grin. "They may work for you but in their minds, the big bosses showing up will scare the heck out of them. Not being at work will flash across their minds and they will become defensive among other things."

"She's right," George said.

Clint looked at George and then at Molly. After a moment, he said, "You have more experience with these people so you two can handle it. Just remember, I want them all back here bright and early Monday morning. No exceptions and no excuses."

"Uh, yes sir," George said with a glance at Molly.

Clint nodded and headed for the door. He paused at the door and said, "We need these guys back in the worse way."


With Clint gone, George sighed and looked at Molly. "I didn't mean to get you involved in this."

Molly chuckled. "We'll either be heroes or zeros."

George nodded. "Got any ideas? I know these guys slightly but...."

"I've dealt with my brother all my life so I have some idea of who we're dealing with but I think our first stop is R&D to get some inside information."

"You lead and I'll follow," George said and then grinned. "Anyway, it's Friday and I always like following you on Friday."

Molly's eyes got big for a second and then she arched an eyebrow and looked at her boss sharply. "Say what?"

"Uh... maybe I shouldn't have said that but what the hell, we might not be working here come Monday. I like the tight skirts you wear on Fridays."

Molly grinned and then chuckled as she headed for the door. "They save time going home after work."

"Ah, an early start to the evening."

Molly glanced over her shoulder at her boss. He was as single as she was. "You don't go out?"

"Very seldom anymore. I kind of burned out on the club scene a while back. Too much cost on the amount of return."

"That's kind of cynical," Molly said as she stopped at the elevator and pressed the down button.

"You haven't met some of the women I dated back when," he replied with a grin.

Molly nodded. "I can visualize believe me. Nine out of ten guys I meet are off the list within five minutes."

George chuckled. "That's where I went wrong. I didn't make a list."

The elevator doors opened as Molly whispered, "Maybe I make too many lists."

In the elevator, George sighed and shook his head. "There's got to be one crazy lady out there for me somewhere."

Molly was standing slightly behind her boss. She grinned as she shifted her hips to one side and then back to the center quickly. The butt plug moved in her ass sharply as she did. "How crazy does she have to be?" She asked a moment later.

George looked around at his secretary and chuckled. "Maybe crazy wasn't the right word."

"What other word then?"

George looked thoughtful for a second. "Spontaneous, outgoing, fun but not.... Well... crazy in a bad way."

"In other words, no head problems. Good luck with that. I end up with the game players or the ones who think they are players period."

George sighed. "I know the type. They make it hard on all of us guys who are too shy to make quick moves. By the time we make up our minds, get our courage up, they've done pissed off all the nice girls."

Molly chuckled. "Even the not so nice girls."

George gave her a questioning look. Molly shook her head. "It takes all kinds to make a world."

"Yeah. I'm finding that out about our lost nerds."

The elevator stopped in the basement and the doors opened. As she exited the elevator, Molly said, "They're not lost. They know exactly where they are and are probably having the times of their lives."

George followed Molly and asked, "So, if that is the case, how do we get them back?"

"Very gently," Molly whispered as she walked over to the reception desk for the floor.

The young woman behind the desk smiled at Molly and frowned in George's direction. "I... I don't know where they are." She blurted out quickly.

Molly smiled, looked at the nameplate on the desk, and leaned forward. "Susan, it's alright. We know where they are," she said softly.

The young woman sighed and looked relieved. "That's good news."

"How well do you know the four of them?" Molly asked.

Susan looked at George and then quickly back at Molly. "Pretty well."

Molly straightened up and looked at George. "Why don't you head back up to the lobby and let us have some girl talk."

George looked at Susan quickly and then looked at Molly. "Uh... yeah, okay. I'll be upstairs," he said as he walked over to the elevator and hit the button.

Molly turned to Susan and winked. "Is there coffee or anything down here?"

Susan got up from her desk. "With the bunch we have down here there better be or no work gets done at all. Most of these people are caffeine powered."

Molly followed Susan down a hall. She noticed that the young woman took short steps for the lengths of her legs. She smiled as they turned into a small room with a few tables along one wall and several refrigerators and a coffee machine along the other. One refrigerator was marked caffeine and the other regular.

Susan opened the caffeine one and got out a Mountain Dew. Molly opened the other and got a Diet Dr Pepper. When they moved to a table, Molly watched the younger woman as she sat down gingerly. She sat on the edge of her ass and then rolled slowly to the center.

Molly sat down in the chair next to her and leaned over close to the young woman. "Butt plug," she whispered softly.

Susan's eyes grew wide and she stammered, "I... you... how...."

Molly grinned. "Me too."

Susan's mouth dropped open. Molly was still grinning as she reached over and pushed up on the young woman's chin. A moment later, Susan asked, "How... how did you know?"

"Short steps and the way you rolled gently into that chair. I was the same way a long time ago."

"I'm just experimenting," Susan said defensively.

Molly nodded. "Been there, done that, fell in love with things up my ass. Plastic, rubber, or metal?"

"Uh, soft rubber at the moment. I tend to scream my head off with plastic or metal when I walk around. Especially with heavy metal and I don't mean the music."

Molly chuckled and nodded. "Mine is metal and weighted enough so that it rocks when I move. I could get off just sitting here with you."

"I did that the first time I wore a metal one."

"Here at work?" Molly asked.

"Oh no, at Helen's.... Oh shit!" Susan said and then blushed deeply.

"It's just us girls and this is a private conversation," Molly reassured the young woman.

"I sure hope so. I need this job."

"Don't we all," Molly whispered.

"So where are the guys?" Susan asked changing the subject.

"Ever heard of Island Reality?"

Susan looked at Molly and chuckled. "Well, I'll be damned, they did it."

"They talked about moving to a nude community?"

Susan laughed. "Geeks are always fantasizing about shit like that. You'd be surprised by how much porn goes through this place."

"Not really. I have a geek brother that puts the porn quota off the charts."

"Me too, that's how I got this job. I get along with them."

Molly nodded and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Uh... you and Helen, are you an item?"

Susan blushed and shook her head. "No... not really. We're friends with... uh... benefits."

"How about the guys?"

Susan laughed. "Tommy and Eugene, I have this thing about geeky Asian guys."

"So where does the butt plug fit in?"

"Other than my ass?" Susan asked and then laughed at her own joke. "It started out as a bet between me and Helen of who would have the balls to wear one to work."

"And you won?" Molly asked.

"We both did in a way. She told Larry about it and of course, he told Tommy. Then they both had to see to believe. Talk about your smoking hot times in the storage room."

"You and Tommy?"

Susan giggled. "Me and Tommy. Helen and Larry. Eugene and me. Darrel and Helen. It kind of broke the ice all the way around."

"Uh... I though Helen was a lesbian?"

Susan sighed deeply and shook her head. "As bi as they come and I do mean come. She plays up the lesbian thing for shock value mostly."

Another thought crossed Molly's mind. "If you're having sex with these guys, why didn't you know they moved?"

"You know geeks. They lose track of everything if there is a naked woman around. Put them in a place with a bunch of naked women or even Helen naked all the time and their brains are fried. Hell, with the body Helen has, she could do it all by herself."

"Okay, that's what I thought also. Want a little overtime?"

Susan looked at Molly in confusion and then said, "Sure, I guess."

"Then grab your purse and follow me."

"Uh... maybe I should clock out."

"Not on your life," Molly said as she stood up. "The big bosses have Ok'ed this project so they can pay for it."


George drove with Molly in the front seat and Susan in the back. As they neared the edge of town, George glanced at the rearview mirror and then over at Molly. "I thought this was going to be just us two."

"Susan is our door key, so to speak. She's friends with all five of our lost nerds, more or less."

"More or less?" George asked.

"Three out of five." Molly replied as she turned to wink at Susan.

George caught the wink and asked, "How friendly?"

Susan blushed deeply and squirmed on her seat.

"Friendly enough to get us in a gated community to see them," Molly said still looking at Susan. "I guess Helen is the place to start?"

"Probably," Susan replied and then added, "Although Tommy would be a close second."

George shook his head. "Something's, I just don't understand."

Molly chuckled as she reached over and patted her boss on the thigh. "Susan and I understand so don't worry about it."

George looked over at Molly and then down at her hand still resting on his thigh. As he looked back at the road, he nodded. "Like I said, you lead and I'll follow."

Susan giggled and asked Molly, "Does he know about our fetish?"

Molly grinned. "Not yet but I have a feeling he'll find out very soon."

"Fetish?" George asked in confusion.

Both Susan and Molly laughed. "Follow us and you'll get a clue," Molly whispered a moment later.

George gave her a funny look and then shrugged as he looked back at the road.


The guard at the front gate of Memorial Point asked them their business.

"We're here to see our friends," Susan said from the backseat.

The guard leaned down and looked at the young woman in the back seat. "Your name and your friends name?"

"Susan Swift and these are my friends Molly and George."

The guard made a note on his clipboard and looked back at Susan. "I meant, who do you want to visit."

"Oh. Oh, yeah," Susan said with a grin. "Helen Schunt."

The guard flipped to a back page on his clipboard and frowned. "You're not on her list."

"Can you call and tell her Susan is here?" George asked.

The guard nodded and stepped away from the car to return to his office. A few minutes later, he came back to the window and said, "You do know this is a nude community, right?"

"Yes, we do," Molly, replied.

"You'll need to sign this release form," he said passing a smaller clipboard to George. They all signed it and George returned it to the guard.

The guard handed George a piece of paper with an address on the top and a small map on the bottom. "The forth street on the right. The pool area will be on the left and Ms. Schunt's house is directly across the street."

"Thank you," George said as he looked at the map.

"Anything else we need to know?" Molly asked.

"Just remember privacy is important to people. Even nude people."

"Especially nude people," Susan said with a giggle.

The guard chuckled and George drove on.


As they reached the turn for Helen's street, George said, "Four blocks and not a nude person of either sex in sight."

"It's early afternoon and a warm day. Not too many people will be out and about," Susan replied.

George made the turn into Helen's street and Molly chuckled. "Not unless there is water," she said as the pool area came into view. There were dozens of people in and around the large pool on the left. All of them were nude.

Susan slid forward on her seat and George let out a long low wolf whistle. "Yeah," Molly whispered and then chuckled. "Lots of good looking bodies in all their glory."

"I can see why Helen bought a house here. A virtual takeout menu out the front windows," Susan whispered.

George slowed fast enough that Molly and Susan rocked forward and back quickly. Both women moaned softly and he made a quick right turn into a driveway. He stopped and looked over at Molly questioningly. She was looking at the house they were in front of.

Susan opened the back door and turned to get out. Molly did the same thing in the front seat.

"Susan baby!" a voice yelled from above their heads.

Molly looked up and Susan scrambled out of the backseat. She froze with her mouth hanging open. Helen Schunt was standing at the rail of a wide second story balcony in all her radiant glory.