Playing Power Games Ch. 04

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Where will it lead?
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/22/2014
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Rather quiet reception for the last two chapters, so I guess it's time to bring this to a close..?

Thanks to all my readers/voters/commenters.

(I nearly stuck this in 'Romance' instead, btw.)



'How's it going with your boys? Are they behaving?'

A few weeks later, Lindsay was sitting with Sarah watching Harford Park play. Adam and Gavin were both on the pitch, sweaty and muddy, and she was enjoying the sight.

'They're testing me, but I'm testing them back.' The previous Sunday, she had kept them caged and naked, servicing her more than once. She had tormented Adam with a butt plug, had him begging for relief as she came several times. Gavin had been tightly bound in silk ropes again, in a world of his own. She had eventually allowed both of them to come, and had taken pride and further orgasms for herself as their bodies were wracked with shudders.

'I must admit, I've never seen them so happy. Gavin's always been a bit unsure of himself, a bit restless, now he has this inner peace I'm quite in awe of.'

'He's one of the bravest people I know.' She was honoured by the trust he placed in her.

'And Adam? His confidence has blossomed. Tom says he's talking part in more team discussions.'

'We've been working on that.' Adam had been a bit trickier. Lindsay knew he was a switch, so his training had to balance out his submissive instincts with his need to occasionally dominate. Learning the differences in both roles had somehow transferred well into everyday life, with him increasingly able to identify when he should be accepting direction or taking control.

She had taught him how to whip, practising on a willing Gavin, how to yield torture devices for pleasure rather than causing damage, even some basic knots. She was happy that he knew enough of the basics to participate as either a top or bottom, if he so wished. She had taken a bottom role while he serviced her, enjoying the light spanking and harder fucking he had given, while Gavin had dazedly watched from his confines.

It wasn't just weekends they were meeting up - they visited her flat midweek too, and were often reluctant to leave. They were always keen to stay the night, to be in her company and sit at her feet or sleep with her.

One weekday evening, they had attended a BDSM night in a central London club. Masks had disguised curious eyes darting at the various sights. She let them discreetly chat about the exposed flesh around them, and the more extreme fetishes they observed. The boys complemented each other well, and their height coupled with the unusual coverage of the leather trousers and translucent shirts only served to set them apart from the scantily-dressed crowd and make them more conspicuous.

Lindsay had been the subject of many envious glances and needed to assert her full Domme persona to keep other Masters and Mistresses from propositioning her, to try to make her submit into relinquishing the men she had at her feet. Instead, she had made them back down, and even had one removed for unseemly behaviour.

The boys had been slightly fearful of leaving her protection even to visit the loos, but the collars did their job. She'd had several requests for performances and refused, considering it too early. She also needed to speak with the boys and prepare them for it. It was easy to forget your training when hundreds of eyes were on you.

Against their wishes, that weekend she had told them she wouldn't scene with them. The rugby team were going for a night out similar to the Valentine's evening, finishing in Flames for more fun and games. She didn't want the boys getting too dependent on her - she wanted to give them freedom to act their age and be around friends. She had heard whispered arguments when she was out of the room, but they knew better than to question one of her decisions without good cause.

She planned on having a nice, relaxing evening catching up with Sarah and Tom, and to go for a long club ride the next morning. She missed the longer rides, having cut down to have more time with the boys. On Sunday mornings, they were usually too beaten up to even move, and enjoyed snuggling with her.

Sarah gestured at a few of the squad players who were surreptitiously glancing at them every so often. 'Tom says the rest of the team are intrigued by your relationship.'

Lindsay nodded, 'Yeah, they haven't been great at keeping it under wraps. Gavin's practically begged me to mark him a few times, and is far too fond of calling me "Mistress" outside of scenes. Adam's a little more discreet, but we've been seen leaving together. I have to punish their transgressions.'

'Extra whipping?'

Lindsay chuckled, 'That won't work with either of them, they enjoy whippings far too much. Especially Gavin, for him, whipping is a reward, not a punishment. Lack of punishment is the best punishment.'

'Making them watch?'

Lindsay let out another snort of laughter. 'They're both a bit voyeuristic so tying one up while I have fun with the other doesn't work either.'

Sarah's thoughtful eyes cleared. 'Oh, I get you now. Refusing to play with them at all is your punishment.'

'Yep. But making sure they're clear about when and why I'm doing that, and not confusing it with a weekend like this when I'd like to see them do something normal, for their own sakes.'

'Giving them freedom?'

'Against their wishes,' the redhead sighed. 'I thought perhaps the novelty will wear off and they would lose enthusiasm. I thought they may want to return to a normal vanilla relationship, or one would get jealous of the other.'

'And it's been the opposite.'

'Yep. Plus I'm in the process of losing my heart. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've lost it already. I adore them so much, but I don't want them to feel obligated to stay with me only because I'm the one who introduced them to kink.'

'Perhaps they don't really want that freedom?' suggested Sarah. 'Perhaps they really do want to be with you? I think they adore you too, they may be getting frustrated that you appear to not want to commit to them. Something's certainly driving Gavin today.'

As Sarah commented, he took the ball on and galloped up the field, thrusting opposition out of the way. The tackles got more determined, until the opposing prop brought him down with a reckless charge. As the other players piled in, a loud snap reverberated around the ground. The crowd gasped. There were a few whispered, "Oh fucks" from those in the know, and "What the hells" from more recent converts. The whistle blew and silence fell as bodies picked themselves up from the ground.

Fingers were crossed that the ominous sound wasn't what they feared. Unfortunately, it was denied by the awkward angle of the leg of the body writhing on the ground.

The auburn-headed body writhing on the ground and yelping in pain.

Nothing could have stopped Lindsay from getting to Gavin, she reached him bare seconds after the medics did. She stood back and let them do their work, but they were hamstrung by the continued movement of everything but his leg. The sight of the lump of what had to be bone trying to poke through his sock made her feel nauseous.

The medics were talking, pleading for him to stop flailing his arms and tossing his head. 'Gavin, stay still. Please!'

The call didn't get through to him. Despite the medics' work, he couldn't listen, due to the excruciating pain of an open fracture and other injuries to his leg. They seemed unused to people moving after injury, except the odd concussion, and their frustration was clear.

Lindsay stepped forward. 'Let me try.' She knelt by his head, uncaring of the mud, and used her Domme voice, 'Gavin. Stop this. Now.'

His movements slowed slightly.

She tried again, grasping his short hair roughly as she sometimes did during a scene. 'G. Look at me. Now.'

His body calmed further, his breathing becoming deeper. He lifted pain-blurred eyes to her. 'Mistress,' he whispered.

She held his gaze with a will of iron. 'Gavin. You will let these people treat you. They will give you something to help the pain. I will stay here with you. I will not leave you.' Her free hand went to hold his, feeling his frantic pulse fluttering against her fingers.

'Yes, Mistress.'

'Good boy.' With a nod, she moved back slightly to let the medics attach a mask, monitoring devices and other bits and pieces.

His eyes remained fixed on her, and she stayed as calm and reassuring as possible as they started working on immobilising his leg and shifting him onto a stretcher to take to the side of the pitch. He cried out a couple of times, she squeezed his hand and he returned his gaze to her.

Seeming minutes later, they were lifting him up into an ambulance which had appeared by the side of the pitch. He reluctantly released her.

'Lindsay?' Tom had appeared by her elbow. 'Do you want to go in the ambulance with him? It would usually be someone from the club or family, but...'

'Yes, I'm going.' Nothing could have stopped her. She was helped up the step and to a seat next to the patient.

Gavin had been looking for her, his head was lifted in panic and the alarms on the monitors had started beeping. 'Mistress?' On seeing her by him, he relaxed back down.

'That's remarkable,' commented the paramedic as the doors slammed. 'His trust in you is absolute. Did I hear him call you "Mistress"?'

'Yes,' answered Lindsay shortly.

Gavin fumbled with his mask, trying to speak. He lifted it slightly. 'She's my Mistress, and I'm hers.' He tried to smile, looking half-stoned with a combination of gas and pain. 'She tortures me but I love it. I love her.'

Lindsay smoothed his matted hair back and kissed him on his forehead. 'I love you too. Now, be a good boy, stop talking and let the gas help you.' She replaced the mask and smiled comfortingly at him.

'Yes, Mistress,' he tried to say but Lindsay frowned at him, so he nodded instead.

'Green?' He nodded back, then shook his head and nodded again. She smiled, 'Green-Amber. Good boy.'

The paramedic cleared his throat. 'I'm sorry, M-I didn't mean...'

There was something familiar about the tone of his voice, so Lindsay gave Gavin's shoulder a squeeze and turned her full Domme glare on the intruder.

The paramedic actually whimpered, 'Forgive me.' He fumbled at the neck of his shirt to reveal a familiar-looking piece of leather. 'I'm...'

The penny dropped. 'You're a sub?' She gave him more of her attention.

He was a good twenty years older than her, gray speckles in his short dark hair, stoutly built but fit. The type whose fascinated, longing eyes had discreetly followed her around more than one club. He nodded, 'And if I wasn't in the back of this ambulance and needing to work, I would be on my knees, prostrate in front of you, Mistress.'

'There's no need for that here.'

'My Mistress would have approved.'

'Would have?'

'She passed away two years ago.'

'I'm sorry for your loss.'

He swallowed. 'Thank you. She was a bit older than me. I still wear her collar out of respect, until I meet another Domme.'

'Good boy.'

Her response must have given him some reassurance, his eyelids fluttered with pleasure. 'My name's Bill, by the way. I'm honoured to meet you.' He glanced at Gavin who, despite the drugs, was listening intently. 'Now, I have to treat my patient.'



She was so relieved to see Adam striding along the corridor towards her. His hair was still damp from a recent shower, and he was slightly out of breath.

'Gavin's in surgery, they need to straighten the bone out and pin it.' She pressed a tremulous smile onto her face. It had been a rough couple of hours.

'I'm not just here for him, I'm here for you.' He put down the backpack he was carrying and enfolded her in his arms. 'I came as soon as I could, we had to finish the game; being his best friend wasn't good enough to be excused. Tom forced me to have something to eat too, while he sorted out a bag of stuff for Gavin. He also told me...' he hugged her tighter. 'He also reminded me that you're strong but you need support too.'

Lindsay hadn't realised how much tension she'd been carrying on her body until she started relaxing her shoulders. He smelled deliciously clean, of shower gel and Adam. 'Thank you.' Her voice was muffled by his jacket.

He guided them over to some chairs, sat down and pulled her into his lap. He cradled her on his body, and Lindsay released some of the rigid control she had held since seeing one of her boys in too much pain to bear.

Hours passed as they waited for an update, interspersed with the odd drink or snack or break as their bodies needed, until a harassed-looking man in scrubs approached. 'Friends of Gavin Elwood?'

'That's us.' Lindsay stood stiffly. 'How is he?'

'A bit groggy. We pinned his leg, the operation went well. He'll be admitted overnight, will probably be in for a couple of days until we're happy there are no complications.'

'Can we see him?'

'Briefly. He was moaning about Hell and missing something, he's only just beginning to make sense.'

Adam muttered, 'He often doesn't.'

'Adam!' scolded Lindsay.

He quailed under her glare, the status quo reverting to normal. 'Sorry, M- Lindsay.'

The doctor cleared his throat. 'Follow me.'


The cubicle was small, just big enough for the two of them to stand by the bed. The metal and plaster contraption around her wounded boy's leg looked quite daunting. Lindsay swallowed a gasp.

A pale Gavin gave them a sad and groggy smile. 'Mistress...Lindsay, Adam...hi there. Look what I've done.'

'Silly boy,' Lindsay smiled with relief. 'You had me worried.'

'I had me worried - I've not done anything like this before. I can't even remember anything from the game, how it happened or after. And I had a nightmare that you didn't want me any more!'

'Oh Gavin, of course I want you. And you'll be fixed in no time, the surgeon sounded quite positive.' Lindsay tried to reassure him. She'd never seen him looking quite so upset before.

He gulped, 'I'm going to be out for a few months. At least six weeks on crutches. I won't be able to visit you at all.' His eyes watered and fixed on the ceiling.

'Why's that, sweetheart?' she asked with concern.

'I won't be mobile enough. Getting in and out of my flat in Harford is going to be difficult - there's several flights of stairs and they've warned me not to jolt the cast. Getting to and from the club to keep my strength up is...' He shrugged hopelessly. 'You'll find someone else, a better sub.'

'Oh, Gavin. Listen to me: you're my boy, that won't happen.' She patted his shoulder reassuringly.

Adam spoke up from behind. 'I've been thinking while we were waiting. There's no stairs at your place, Lindsay, just the lift. And you have plenty of room.'

Lindsay looked back at Adam thoughtfully, then returned her attention to the morose patient. 'You'd want to stay at mine?' she asked Gavin directly.

His despair lifted marginally. 'Could I? Really?'

Lindsay shrugged, 'There is room. You could keep your upper body workouts going in the gym, if you use it traditionally, not as we've been using it.' She winked to lighten the mood. 'You'd be alone for most of the day though, I'll be at work. So you'll have to make your own meals. I work long hours during the week, and sometimes I'm away overnight.'

Adam cleared his throat and spoke again, 'Ummm, maybe I can...'

Both Lindsay and Gavin stared at him curiously.

'I...ummm...would there be room for another?' He flushed, 'Could you...take me too? I can help Gav with food and stuff, and I train different hours, so Gav won't be by himself so much.'

'We'll pay rent if you want! And do what we can around the place,' Gavin desperately grasped Lindsay's arm. 'Please say yes.'

'I...' She glanced between the pleading, desperate faces of her boys and groaned. 'OK, OK, you can both stay.'

A grinning Adam low-fived and bumped knuckles with a happier-looking Gavin just as the cubicle curtain was pulled to one side.

'Visiting time's over,' the male nurse stated firmly. 'Come back tomorrow.'

'We will. You take care and get some sleep.' Lindsay brushed a kiss to Gavin's forehead and he smiled weakly, his body relaxing and the lines of stress smoothening out of his face.

'I almost forgot, Tom packed you this.' Adam gave Gavin the backpack. 'Your phone's in there, along with a charger, toothbrush and change of clothing. Text me what else you need and I'll bring you it in the morning,' he called as they departed.


Lindsay breathed a massive sigh of relief as they left the hospital. 'I supposed you've seen this type of thing before?'

'Yeah, but it hits you every time.' Adam glanced at his watch. 'I need to let Tom know what's going on.'

'I'll call him.' Lindsay already had her phone out.

Her boss and Adam's assistant coach answered on the second ring, 'He OK?'

'Op went well. He's a bit down but all right.'

'I need to sort out somewhere for him to stay for the next couple of weeks, once he gets out of hospital. His flat isn't crutch-friendly.'

'Already covered.'

He paused. 'Let me guess, you'll have company.'


'I knew he was angling to spend more time with you, but isn't breaking a leg rather extreme?' Tom sounded rather bemused. 'How will he manage by himself during the day and when you're away?'

Lindsay sighed, she had the feeling he already knew the answer to that. 'Adam's going to be staying too.'

He laughed, 'The two of them have got you wrapped around their little fingers. I thought you were supposed to be the dominant one?'

'Mmmm.' She couldn't say any more with Adam listening in. 'Adam will visit him early tomorrow to drop off more stuff, clothes and the like. I'll be popping by in the evening.'

'You're still welcome to come over tonight as planned, if you're up for it.'

'Would you mind if we made it another time? We still have a few things to sort out tonight.'

After discussing a few more practicalities, she hung up and stared at the man who was testing her to her limits. 'We'll go to yours now, pick up your gear.'


She grinned evilly at him. 'Yes, I have plans for tonight. Plans that involve you being completely under my control. Plans that involve you wearing your cock cage all the time.'

He gulped, 'I didn't mean-'

'You didn't think, did you? I'm going to enjoy fucking you, then stopping before you come. You won't be able to come for days. You will just serve me. This is my punishment for you. You asked to move in, so this is part of the deal. When you have impressed me enough, you will be permitted to come. Do you understand?'

'Yes Mistress,' he breathed, colour high in his cheeks, eyes lowered, but not so much that she didn't see the excitement glittering in them.

'And don't think I won't know if you have cheated, your body will give it away. As soon as Gavin is out of hospital, he will be locked up too. Otherwise, all he will do all day is masturbate.

Adam coughed to cover a bark of laughter. 'That's what I did when I broke my leg.'

'That doesn't surprise me one bit. However, he'll have to find another way to amuse himself. I will be the only one able to take the cages off.'

As they walked towards the waiting cab, Lindsay smiled to herself. Sarah had been right - there was nothing to worry about. She could step up their training, immerse them in the world they were so keen to experience. They would be collared in no time, and coincidentally, the amount of time it took for a broken leg to heal was just slightly more than certain intimate piercings that Gavin had, somehow, recently become interested in. Piercings which would give her so much pleasure, would stamp a little more of her authority on him, but would give him the freedom to be himself.