Playing His Game

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Sexual lessons from her brother's best friend.
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This is my contribution to the Literotica 2022 April Fools Day Story Contest. Please remember to vote at the end and thanks for taking the time to read.

Copyright (c) 2022 Ada Stuart, All Rights Reserved.

This work may not be published whether for fee or free without this copyright.


A few words from the author:

This year, I feared I wouldn't be able to take part in this contest. My entire family came down with COVID, but the symptoms differed despite having the same illness. For me, it got stuck on my brain. Resulting in something my doctor called a mild 'Alzheimer's'. I hope I never catch the real thing, to be honest. I've struggled to form words and sentences for about a week now. And the short-term memory is terrible. Even writing a simple SMS takes more brain cells than I ever could have imagined.

Anyway, I'm on the mend, but the experience has taught me how much you take for granted until it's no longer there. And also, I realise how terrible it must be to have Alzheimer's. My deepest sympathies go to those who have it or know someone who does. I definitely know where my next charity donation will go.

In the meantime, I did manage to piece together a short story for the competition, and I hope you will enjoy it. And as always, votes and comments are highly appreciated.

Enjoy and take care!



Bea watched as Will Morgan kissed another woman. Damn, she knew it was a mistake to come to the party. She should have stayed at home as she'd planned. Particularly when she knew, Will would be up to his usual theatrics. She lowered her gaze and watched as a water drop slid down her glass.

"What's the long face, kiddo?" Caleb asked as he sat down beside Bea.

Great. The cavalry had arrived. Her brother, Lucas, had probably put Caleb on the usual sister duty while he was off somewhere. Too bad Caleb was the older version of the man she had a crush on. No wonder since he was his older brother. But where Will was easy-going and vibrant, Caleb was more calm and boring. Particularly when he took his babysitting duties too seriously.

"I'm not a kid, you jerk," she flung at him, hoping for a reaction.

"You're younger than me. So, 'kiddo' suits you."

"Right. Why are you here?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

Bea groaned. "Are you babysitting me? Did my brother put you up to this? Of course he did. Why can't any of you remember that I've 22? I can look after myself."

"Your brother knows you too well. Quit evading my question. What's bugging you, kid?"

She nodded to the dance floor. "Why doesn't Will see me? Do you know?"

"You're not his type."

She laughed. "Everyone else seems to be his type."

"Exactly. Will is the use-you-and-move-on-type. Always has been. You're wasting your time pining after him."

"I like him."

"So do I. That doesn't mean I want to bed him," Caleb said with a grin.

She gave him a push. "Funny. Really funny. What does he see in her?" She nodded to Will's latest conquest as they were dancing close together.

"An easy target."

"So if I dress like that and go for him, he'll succumb, right?"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that. Will knows both your brother and me will kick his ass if he tries anything, kid," he said with a silky smooth voice.

She sighed. "Piss off, Caleb. I don't want a bodyguard."

"This was the only available seat," he said easily.

"Yeah right. I know what to do. But, first, you two will stay the hell away from my choice."

"We can try to look the other way for a while. That's all. But Will is busy this evening, so just sit back and relax. Set your eyes on someone else. Someone worthy."

"Good idea. I have to get rid of my virginity problem," Bea blurted out.

She saw his shocked expression right before she heard his glass drop to the table. The content splashed over his shirt. He jumped up.

"Damn," he muttered as he started cleaning the mess with a paper towel.

She grabbed some and helped him. "I know beer doesn't taste good," she teased him. "But you might consider pouring it into the drain next time."

"Don't spring something like that on me."

She laughed. "Why not? Would you like to give me a hand?"

"Don't even say it. Your brother will kill me."

"Actually, it's not a bad idea. I trust you."

"I don't," Caleb muttered. He started carrying the empty glass to the kitchen.

She followed him. "Honestly. It would solve the problem."

"What problem?"

"I need more experience. You can help me."

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Did Lucas put you up to this?"

"No. I just came up with the idea. But it would be absolutely perfect. We can help each other."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"You and me, helping each other." She pushed her fingertip to his chest to spell it out to him.

He shook his head before he grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her with him. "Come here, right now. You're not making any sense around this noise."

He pulled her with him out of the house. Finding a quiet corner at the back where no one else was around.

"Alright. What is this about? Start at the beginning." Caleb gave her a stern look as he towered over her with his arms crossed. He looked as if he was already fed up with her antics.

What else was new? She'd lost count of how many times her brother and Caleb had made fun of how gullible and stupid she was compared to them. As if being five years older gave them any great wisdom, except for in sexual experience. But that was their fault. How was she supposed to gain any experience with two large brutes staring daggers at every man? Even now, they took turns watching her so she couldn't meet anyone.

It was way past time she attacked the bull by the horn or whatever. They had to realise they couldn't control her life. If only they would be busy with their own girlfriend. She had hoped they would let free the reins when Lucas had found a girlfriend. But it seems that Caleb had stepped in as guardian angel instead of her brother.

"I'm interested in your brother, Will."

"Yes, I got that part. Keep going."

"He obviously prefers worldly women with more experience." Bea bit her lip before jumping in deep. "So, I've concluded that I need to gain more experience."

"Right. And what happens then? You believe he will just fall into your lap?"

"Maybe. I don't know. But it's worth a shot."

He shook his head. "No, no, no." He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Look, Bea. You're a smart young woman."

She groaned in anger. "Oh, don't give me that crap, Caleb. Just say you won't help me, and I'll find someone who will."

"You're going in there and grab some bozo asking him to fuck you?"

"More or less."

"For fucks sake. You can't do that." He sounded more agitated now. It was almost fun to watch him lose his temper.

"Of course I can. It's a free country and free will or whatever. Besides, I'm fed up with waiting. And I'm definitely fed up with having you two preventing me from experiencing anything. So unless you agree to help me, I'll find someone who will."

He sputtered something incoherently.

"Are you alright?" she asked. "Or are you having a stroke or something? I've heard it's possible even if you're not 30 yet."

"Or something. I'll call your brother right now. He'll take you home so you can get to your senses."

"I don't think so. Lucas left with Alice half an hour ago."

"And how are you supposed to get home?"

"I can walk. Unless I get lucky. Is there anyone you can recommend?"


"True. I'll probably have to ask one of the women. They will know which of the men are good in bed."

"Forget it, kiddo. You're not going in there, or I'll paddle your ass until you can't sit straight."

"Oh my. Spanking? I'm not into that. At all."

"That's the idea. Otherwise, it wouldn't deter you from doing anything stupid."

"Maybe I want to try after all. I might like it."

He cursed while he turned away from her, looking as if he wanted to punch something. Bea couldn't help enjoying his frustration. Great. Now that his back was turned, it was the perfect time to slip away from her bodyguard. The music from the party would cover the sounds of her footsteps. She slid along the wall, reaching the corner of the house. But just as she felt freedom was hers, a strong arm blocked her way.

"Where are you going?" Caleb asked.

"I'm returning to the party."

"Grab your coat. We're out of here. Now."

"I want to stay. I'm sure I can find someone that can help me."

"Oh for god's sake. If anyone is going to teach you anything, I'll do it myself."

"Nope. You're just saying that to get me out of here. I'm not buying it."

He pulled her back and crowded her against the wall. "When I say I'll do it, I will. But only on my terms."

Intriguing. But Caleb was an expert in manipulating her, so he could probably find a find to wheedle his way out of his promises. Maybe he could even make her change her mind. It would be typical of how his mind worked. She'd learnt her lesson when it came to Caleb and Lucas. Believing they promised something when the result was something else than she anticipated.

"What terms?"

"You want experience. I'll teach you what you need to know."

"And in return?"

"Exclusivity. You come to me and no one else. And I set the pace."

"What's the downside?"

"No downside. Except you have to wait for it. Beg for it."

She snorted. "Wishful thinking. I never beg."

"We'll see about that. But it will be a million times better than a quick fuck behind a bush or dry humping in the backseat of a car."

"I've always thought a bed was preferable."

He moved closer, forcing her to lift her chin to meet his eyes. Realising just how much taller he was. It unsettled her and intrigued her at the same time. Weren't he going to do anything? She waited, feeling the tension build between them. Her pulse increased its pace when she imagined all the different scenarios. What would happen now? Did he think he could scare her to back off? Make her turn down his offer because she felt scared?

She wasn't. Not this time. Not when her goal was in sight, and Caleb had agreed to help. She wasn't going to let him escape his obligation. To let him go back on his word when he regretted his offer. She wasn't going to let it easy for him to step back like he always did.

He slid his hand along the side of her body, sliding past her breasts and further up to her shoulder and neck. She felt his fingertips move slowly toward her throat. Goosebumps formed on her skin from the feather-light touch.

"When you're aroused enough, you can enjoy sex anywhere."

Bea held her breath as she waited for his next move. It didn't come. Instead, she looked into his face to find out if he was teasing her or if this was for real. She needed to risk pushing him away. Needed him to vouch that he would pull it through this time. She would hate it if he fooled her again.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"You need to learn to seduce before you can catch a man."

"Is that what this is?"

"You tell me. What does it feel like?"

"A bucket of cold water."

"I must be doing it wrong then," he murmured against her ear as he leaned down to her.

She turned to look at him, but as she opened her lips to talk, he caught them between his. Giving her a light kiss before retreating. She followed him. Leaning toward him, watching his smile that she chased after him. He kissed her again. This one was deeper, harder. Instant flames moved through her. Gathering in her lower body and making her feel soft all over.

She tilted her head back and let him tower over her. Submitting to him in a stance that she couldn't explain had happened. He made a groan, indicating he enjoyed her natural response to him. It made her feel more aroused to know he liked it.

"Let's get out of here," he said and took a step away from her. Then he held out his hand to her. "Do we have a deal?"

She didn't need time to think. She would regret it if she didn't grab what he offered her.

She gave him her hand. "We have a deal."


On the drive to his place, she looked over at him. Was this really the same man she'd known all these years? She'd thought she'd known him. But she hadn't. Couldn't. He was always so kind and polite to her. Now he was more a force of nature. More real. More interesting. Much more interesting. As if he was a temptation she knew she shouldn't want but could not stay away from. Did he always treat his women like this?

"Are you single?" Bea blurted out.

Caleb laughed. "It took you a while before you started thinking about that. It should have been your first question," he chastised her. "But you'll learn, kiddo."

"Don't expect me to be eternally grateful for your assistance when you call me with that nickname."

"It suits you. But no worries. I don't need your gratitude. This solution is just the lesser of all evils."

"Is that the only reason?"

"It's the only reason you need to care about for now. We're here," Caleb said and nodded to the detached house he owned. He turned to look at her. "To answer your question. Yes, I'm single. Are you?"

"I wouldn't have this problem if I had a boyfriend, would I?"

"Maybe that was what you should have aimed for. A boyfriend. Not a fuck partner."

"Is there a difference?"

He got out of the car and opened the door to her, holding out his hand. She grabbed hold of it, letting him support her.

"A boyfriend will hold your hand in public. I won't."

"Right," she mumbled. "A real bad boy." She wondered if she should have turned him down when she had the chance.

"You can still change your mind. I'll drive you home, and we don't have to talk about this ever again."

"I accepted the deal. I want you to help me."

"Alright. I won't ask again, but you can stop this any time you want. Remember that."

"Even when we're in the middle of the... action?"

He chuckled. "Yes. Any time."

They walked into his house. He guided her to the living room.

"I thought we would....?" she asked.

"All in good time. My pace, remember?"

"I remember."

"Good. What would you like to drink?"

"Mineral water."

He handed her a glass and opened a bottle of beer before he sat down beside her on the couch. He speared his legs wider, nudging into hers. She moved away, letting him have more space.

"Come back here," he said.

"What for?"

"Are you going to question everything we do?" He placed his arm on the top of the couch, watching as she slid closer.


"Not yet. How much experience do you have?"

"What do you mean?"

"Kissing, fondling, sucking off, that sort of thing."

"The first two. Nothing more."

"French kissing?"

"That's tongue, right? No thanks."

"But you've had sex before?"

"Yes. A few times."

"A few?"

"Once or twice." She lowered her gaze. She didn't want to know what he was thinking. He was probably laughing his head off by this time. Wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

"Come here," he said as he placed his hand beneath her chin, tilting her head up before his lips covered hers.

He teased her, tempted her, running his lips across hers with feather-light weight.

Then he pulled back. She closed the gap between them, following him. Her actions were more spontaneous than planned. She moved her arms behind his neck as she kissed him. Letting go of her embarrassment as she took more than she gave.

He lifted her onto his lap, letting her straddle him. Now they were at almost the same height. She took the chance to slide her fingers down his neck, feeling his warm skin. She wanted to hear him breathe. Hear his pulse. Feel his heartbeat and hopefully hear how it beat faster from what she was doing.

But he placed his hands on her cheeks and ended the kiss. Looking at her as if he was trying to connect the dots and plan his way forward. She didn't want him to think too much. Didn't want him to end this right now.

"Have you ever seen a man naked?" he asked hoarsely.

"No," she admitted before she could think it over. She wanted his help, but admitting to how little experience she had was embarrassing.

"Then it's about time you did."

He lifted her to her feet before he guided her down the hallway. He stopped before a door that could only be his bedroom. He opened the door, and she watched the large double bed inside.

"Are you sure you want this?" he asked again.

"Yes. I'm sure." She walked inside before he could stop her.

Instead, he closed the door and started to undo his shirt. "Get undressed," he said.

She placed her hand on her sweater, feeling uncertain.

"If you want this, you have to get naked." He smiled at her as if he knew she was about to bolt.

It was a challenge. Bea knew it. Caleb thought he could make her run away. Then her mouth dried as she watched him pull his shirt over his head, revealing a firm six-pack underneath.

"Holy cow," she blurted out as she gawked at him.

"Like what you're seeing?"

She had to force her eyes to lift from his abdomen and up to his eyes. His smirk was telling. He knew exactly what she was thinking. He didn't need to be a mind-reader.

She slid off her clothes more quickly. Thinking it was better to get it over with so she could hide underneath the covers. She turned away from him to place her clothes on the nearest chair. Sliding off her panties as she felt him come closer to her. He moved his hand over her lower back, sliding it around to her front and cupping her breasts in his palms.

"Nice." He murmured in her ear. "Very nice."

She felt his warm body against hers. Wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her closer and kissed her shoulder. She bent her head to the side, giving him room to play. Throwing her panties on the pile of clothes as she felt the cold air tease her nipples.

He steered her toward the bed and gave her a small push to her back.

"Lie down with me."

"Sure." She stared as he lay down on his side, facing her. She glanced down his body, noticing his dick was at half-mast already. She wanted to touch him.

"What do you want to know?"

"I want you to keep directing me. Like you've done so far."

"You enjoy when someone else takes charge?"

"Not really, but you have more experience in this."

"I don't know what you like yet."

"Aren't all women the same?"

"Yes and no. Some pleasure points are the same, but it varies what turns you on."

"Can't you just try the... normal stuff?" She asked and waved her hand to explain.

"I thought you wanted to learn."

"I do."

"Feel free then," he said and rolled onto his back, giving her a look challenging look.

"Is that all? Aren't you going to give me a few clues?"

He laughed while he placed his hands behind his neck, looking completely at ease while naked in front of her.

"No, this was what you wanted, wasn't it?"

"You're not acting the way I thought you would."


"I thought you would keep dominating me. Ordering me about."

"There will be plenty of time for that later. Besides, if I run the show, you won't learn anything besides what turns you on."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"Rule number one. If you're going to seduce a man, you have to make an effort. You can't just expect the guy to do all the work."

"So I'll just suck your dick. Is that what you mean?"

"I wouldn't complain if you did, but there are a lot more you should do before you go there."

"Like what?"

"That's what I want you to find out. Explore me. Ask questions. A slow build-up makes the climax feel much deeper and better compared to a quick fuck."

"Alright," she said. She placed both her hands on his chest, sliding her fingers across to the opposite side of him.