Pixie, Joy and Me Ch. 02


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Joy went through a real transformation over the months before summer break. Each new day she became more self assured and confident, losing the shyness and avoidance of interactions that she'd initially had when she arrived at school. Now she reached out to others in helpful and gregarious ways. Going with those changes were changes to her looks; she became more style conscious, got contact lenses and lost the nerdy eye glasses, and, with Mel's help, transformed into a real stunner. Before our eyes, Joy became sexy.

Fourth, Joy taught us about the Law of Attraction; basically, that what we think -- both consciously and unconsciously -- creates our reality. If you believe you can do, be, think or have something in a positive way, you can achieve it. As she put it one day, "Know what you want; ask the Universe for it; feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way; and be open to receive it."

Armed with this new philosophy we each seemed to attract an entire new life for ourselves. Friends and even family opened their arms to our unusual relationship. I thought my parents would freak out to find I was in love with two pretty women. Instead, both my Mom and Dad received the news calmly and with interest, urging me to bring both young women home on our next holiday.

Joy's parents weren't as accepting as mine were, loading her up with warnings about broken hearts and our lack of exclusivity in our relationship. By then, Joy had achieved a level of self confidence that enabled her to hear but not react negatively to their comments other than to assure her parents that right now, this was what she wanted. I think they were actually amazed about how she stood up for herself and how assertive she'd become. After that, they gradually warmed up to a moderate level of acceptance.

Mel confided that her parents had no problem with our relationship. Indeed, it was from them that she'd developed her open relationship philosophy that seemed to empower our threesome. Her parents had insisted that she examine and challenge each societal or religious rule and more, deciding for herself how she would deal with it. Thus, over time she came to realize that more interesting and trusting relationships could be built without ownership, exclusivity, or jealousy.

Word of our unusual relationship slowly spread around parts of the campus too. We didn't broadcast it but we didn't hide it either. Friends at school and even my fraternity brothers that initially raised an eyebrow and made crude sexual comments about our threesome soon became staunch supporters and even defenders of our life style, in several instances even going so far as to educate themselves about polyamorous relationships.

Both Joy and Mel reported that many of the women in the dorm sought them out not only for dating advice, but also for counsel on establishing their own multi-faceted relationships. Both thought it peculiar that even upper-class-women sought their advice. In part due to these requests for advice, both of them started to read widely about building and sustaining good relationships. In turn, I started to read some of their books and articles. Thus, all of us became much better informed about relationships including our own, and how to make them run more smoothly.

Other students and even some faculty, often people that wouldn't have given me the time of day, started to talk openly and freely with me about themselves and open themselves to friendship -- something I'd wished for since I'd started at the huge and impersonal university. Joy said it was because I was giving off vibes of friendship now whereas before I'd been emitting messages about my lack of friends -- so that's what I attracted.

We used the Law of Attraction on our academic pursuits too. Certainly all our grades improved, as we got deeper into the second semester that year. Somehow it seemed like we each put in fewer hours and got more results academically by focusing our efforts.

Partway into the semester I moved into an off-campus apartment from the fraternity house. It was quieter and gave the three of us space to just "be". Joy and Mel had to be back in the dorm each weeknight, yet we used that fact positively to focus how we spent our time together.

During those months we could feel our sexual energy expand. Our libidos certainly drove a lot of our behavior. Often the only time we weren't having sex of some kind was when we'd just finished and needed a recovery period.

Towards the end of the semester I started to think about two things: what would happen to our threesome over the summer and how I'd earn some money for the following school year.

I'd turned twenty-one the previous semester and didn't really want to move back home, even for the summer even though it was only an hour's drive from campus. I felt I needed to stake out my own independence regardless of what Mel and Joy did for the summer.

My search for a summer job started and ended right outside my new apartment door. The complex of apartments that I'd moved into in March wanted to hire a handyman and painter for the summer to renovate as many of the empty units and they could. I thought myself competent with tools and certainly with a paintbrush and roller, so I applied for and got the job. Besides free rent for the months I worked at least 80 hours, I got a decent wage and could set my own hours.

Mel and Joy both turned nineteen during the spring semester. We had a small party for Joy's birthday and after everyone left, Mel and I turned her every which way but loose. As I pummeled her pussy one more time, Joy screamed for mercy, however, we both knew she really wanted more, more, more, and both Mel and I gave it to her.

Joy loved sex -- and thus fit in rather nicely with the two of her over-sexed friends. We had the same passion and we loved her dearly. One day as we all lay panting after a particularly arduous love making session, she asked me, "Could I stay and work with you over the summer? That is, if Mel wouldn't mind." She looked tentatively at Mel for approval or disapproval.

"Talk out loud," I reminded my partners. "No secrets." I turned to Mel and added, "I have the same concern Joy does if she stays."

Joy turned to Mel and spoke, "I love both of you, however, I'm worried that you, Mel, will feel jealous of me if I stay with Doug over the summer and you don't. I don't want to displease you. If you say it worries you, I'll head home and find a summer job around Cleveland and hope we can all re-connect in late August."

Mel rolled across my body to Joy, pulling her up into an embrace and kiss. She said, "Thank you for your concern, but I think it would be so sweet for the two of you to stay together for the summer. And, no, I won't be jealous that the two of you are together, only sorry that I'm not here with the two of you. I've got a wedding and a bunch of family things I'm expected to do until the end of July then I might be able to come back and join you guys."

I added my two cents, "You're sure. The last thing either of want to do is jeopardize our relationship with you by seeming to be exclusive with one another. We are a threesome and we are incomplete without you."

Mel nodded and thought for a minute. We both gave her time to form her idea. Mel then spoke, "This apartment is small; it's really for only one person or two in a crunch. What if we all moved in together for next year? Doug, you could get us a larger unit here in the complex and we could all share the rent. Joy, could you swing that?"

Joy and I were suddenly both smiles. "YES," came from our mouths simultaneously. Joy added that she'd have to win over her parents to the idea of all of us living together, not only over the summer near the University but also of living with the two of us over the coming year. She needed their economic support.

I added, "I'll make sure to get an apartment with three bedrooms in it. We can use the space anyway, if not for bedrooms then for dressing rooms or study rooms."

We were all smiles then I had a sudden thought. "Mel," I asked, "What about your promise to yourself that you'd stay unencumbered and date wildly until at least your junior year?" I couldn't believe that Mel was suddenly started to mellow and become 'establishment'.

Mel smiled and said, "Well, nothing's changed -- at least for now. There are some friends I want to see over the summer. No expectations and no guarantees, right? In the meantime, I've never felt more loved or included anywhere in my life as with you both, and at the risk of regrets later, I'm not going to throw this beautiful time in my life away and live alone because of some silly statement I made a few months ago. I want it all; I want all the options, all the possibilities. I want to do it all."

She thought for a moment and added, "There's more to our relationship that just the sex and our love for each other -- although either would be enough to get me to stay. I feel I am growing so rapidly with the two of you as my mentors and I don't want to give that up. Every day you help me move out of my comfort zone and then I expand how I think to that new real estate and I'm a better and more rounded person because of it. I hope I do the same for you guys."

I affirmed, "Mel, you do. You're our risk taker, although you sometimes don't see yourself that way. Don't you see, it's usually you who takes us all out of our comfort zones." Joy nodded in agreement.

Mel said, "Then I'm going to rush through all my family functions and be back here as fast as I can. Keep a spot for me in your bed. And, don't forget you can always come and visit me outside Boston."

We all laughed. I couldn't image being without her for almost eight weeks. I resolved that maybe Joy and I could drive up to New England and see her midway through her time away. Mel told us she'd see if that could fit into the rest of what her family had planned for her.


Joy coupled an annoying habit with another more pleasing habit that drove me crazy and deeper in love with her. She liked to wake up early whereas I'm a night person. She also liked to give me blowjobs.

Thus, on a lovely June morning, Joy awoke me early to a wonderful session of fellatio. Before she could 'finish', however, I flipped her over and buried my hardened shaft into her velvet vagina amidst her screams for mercy and laughter. As we kissed and thrust into each other, I wondered how I could love someone so much and just not explode into tiny little pieces.

We'd become lovers adept at providing each other the right stimulation and the right words to bring each other to climax. That morning proved to be no exception; we both came together, our backs arched as our groins pushed together to maximize my penetration and delivery of seed near her womb.

Exams had ended the week before. We'd had a teary goodbye before we put Mel on an airplane for Boston. Sensitive to Mel's old vocalizations about wanting to play the field before she settled down, both Joy and I had urged her to date and see many others while she was back home. Of course, we both crossed our fingers and said a little prayer that she'd come back to us relatively unchanged. We both talked about setting butterflies free to fly on the drive home from the airport.

I had thought I'd revert to being a 'monogamist' after I'd been left with just Joy. I didn't. I loved Joy yet still missed Mel. Further, I felt no guilt over my lack of exclusivity.

Jim, the Property Manager or PM for the apartment complex had no problem with me expanding my one-man workforce with Joy or later in the summer Mel. Thus, after that early morning fuck, we showered and went to work on the unit that would ultimately become the one we'd rent for the following years. The second floor unit had three bedrooms, looked out through some pretty trees over the nice pool and common patio area, but needed some serious renovations including new plumbing fixtures.

I made a list of the major appliances we'd need to replace and with Joy's help estimated the paint we'd need. Joy majored in art and so made some decorating and color recommendations the PM seemed to like. He gave us a budget and a credit card and off we headed to Home Depot.

I learned a lot about plumbing that first week, mostly through trial and error. Joy also learned that I had a colorful vocabulary that could have been the envy of many Irish seamen. That first week I made two trips a day to Home Depot, mostly to buy little things that I'd screwed up in my education process either the day before or that morning. At least I felt I was learning something.

Joy helped me when we had a two-man task but usually painted as I did plumbing and replaced rotted wallboard behind the shower. The latter project ended with my taking all the wallboard in the master bathroom off and starting anew with what I learned should have used in the first place -- blue board. I then learned all about taping joints, joint compound, sanding wallboard, making square corners, tiling and grout. In the end it all turned out well and I repeated the process in a third the time in the other bathroom and part of the kitchen.

The property manager came around every couple of days and checked on our work. In hindsight, I realize how tolerant Jim was those first few weeks of my blunders and how they contributed to my handyman education. He offered helpful suggestions and never uttered a harsh word.

Joy did better for our team. Her painting was meticulous and her selection of colors, including contrasting walls in the same room, pleased the PM a great deal. She received considerable praise from him and I took pleasure in watching her glow with pride at his praise. I found her work pleasing; I thought, why shouldn't he. All that, plus I liked working with her, although our projects were often in different rooms so we didn't interfere with each other.

Some days we put in twelve hours straight, working seven to seven, and the first few weeks we also put in six- or seven-day weeks. The money rolled in and we completed the new apartment in two weeks and moved in with our Spartan supply of furniture.

The next apartment we renovated was the one I'd originally rented and that we'd just vacated. That unit was in better shape and only took a couple of days to fix up and repaint. Then we started another, and another, and another. Jim praised our work and one-day offered me the job of onsite maintenance and management after the school year restarted. I accepted.

Nights, Joy and I would go out to dinner somewhere, maybe see a movie, and then fall in bed exhausted, but not before quietly and romantically making love. Our sex drives still seemed to be matched and we both enjoyed daily sex play -- usually twice a day.

In spite of our working and hard and robust sex life, we still missed Mel. We talked to the Pixie just about every day, but the conversations were hollow and a poor substitute for being together.

Mel talked us into trying phone sex one evening. While Joy and I fucked and were vocal about it, Mel masturbated with a vibrator and told us what she was doing. In the end we decided the call made us more frustrated to be with each other than the stimulation it provided.

The end of June, Joy had a family wedding to attend. She urged me to take the weekend off too and fly to Boston to be with Mel. I agreed and the last Thursday of the month Joy dropped me off at the airport as she started her drive home to a suburb of Cleveland.


Three hours later, as I came through airport security at Boston's Logan Airport, a small, bright yellow blur rushed through the airport and hurled herself into my arms, wrapping her lithe legs around my body as she screamed with happiness and extracted kiss after kiss from my willing mouth.

"Oh fuck, I've missed you so much," Mel practically shouted into my ear as the onslaught of arriving passengers looked at our rather overt public display of affection. Affection? Hell without a little restraint Mel might have raped me right there outside airport security.

Finally, the Pixie peeled herself from my body but latched onto my arm and clung for dear life as we walked towards the exit to the parking garage. She chattered about how glad she was to see me, how coming back to Boston was such a mistake when she loved Joy and me so much, and how all she could think about was being back with us at the end of July.

We fucked in the parking garage at the airport. Mel had parked her car as far away from the walkway as she could, in a remote corner on a nearly empty garage level. She pulled me into the back seat, but not before she'd stripped off the cutoffs she'd been wearing and yanked her tube top above her gorgeous breasts. Now I remembered why I'd made this trip.

We dispensed with foreplay. Mel pulled my cock from my pants and inhaled my rod, sucking mightily until I achieved the required hardness. This act took thirty seconds. Mel then straddled me and sank her warm pussy down my shaft, mewing in the process. I confess, the act felt wonderful to me too and I'd even made love that morning with Joy.

As the Pixie knelt and started to ride my cock, her breasts were right in my face. I leaned into her chest and tongued then sucked on one breast then the other, bringing her nipples to a highly aroused state. Mel kept moaning and telling me I hit all the right spots and sucked just the way she loved me too.

Our oscillations became almost violent. I sped my upward thrusts into her small body as she drove downward into mine. I knew we'd both feel muscle pain afterwards but who cared.

Finally, I uttered my warning to her. She nodded her head aggressively in response and moaned that she was near too. Thirty seconds after that we exploded together, my jism jetting in shot after shot deep into her body. Mel shrieked and we heard the cry actually echo back through the concrete parking garage.

Mel would have collapsed on my chest except the narrow confines of the backseat prevented too much cuddling or after play. Instead, she showered me with kisses as I returned the favor.

"Oh, God I love you so," she exclaimed.

"Part of that came from Joy," I smiled up at her between passionate kisses.

"I know. She called me this afternoon after she'd dropped you at the airport and urged me to fuck your brains out all weekend."

"Will that be possible given that your parents are around?" I asked, skirting an issue we hadn't talked about much.

"I think they'll be pretty cool about our being together," Mel told me. "I told them we'd be sleeping together. I got some raised eyebrows but acceptance. They know we've had a very active sex life together, at least my Mom knows. I told her all about 'us' including how the three of us make love together. She asked a lot of good questions. My Dad thinks its too much information. Let's clean up and I'll tell you more about our conversations and we drive home."

Mel produced a box of Kleenex and we cleaned up from the sexual mess we'd made. I'd not only produced a prolific amount of man juice for Mel, but also noticed we both carried the strong aroma of our quick fuck. I told her I hoped her parents wouldn't notice. Mel waved her arms around inside the car as we redressed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wondering what purpose the arm flapping was having.

"I'm spreading pixie dust around to cover up the odor of sex. It'll all be gone by the time we have dinner and get back to the house."

I rolled my eyes again yet thought how creative and loving the Pixie had become.

We stopped at Hooters for dinner on the way back to Mel's home. It seemed ironic that the restaurant chain specializes in having good looking, busty waitresses, and here was Mel attracting all the attention as we walked through the place to our seats.