Pay It Forward Ch. 07

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You have to stand for what is right, even when it's hard.
7.5k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 02/12/2013
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Ah weddings, that magical time when two become one. I love them, the happiness of the day, the excitement of the people around, the beauty of the bride, and yes even the groom, as well. I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment.

From This Day Forward

From this day forward,

You shall not walk alone.

My heart will be your shelter,

And my arms will be your home.

The morning dawned bright, cheery, and clear. The air was buzzing with excitement. At her parent's home, a nervous bride sat in her childhood bedroom, nervous and wishing that the day would end.

"Sweetheart, I know you are excited. Darren is a good man. I'm so glad you found someone like him. That boy loves you and I know he'll make sure you have everything you want and need. I know you'll be happy." Sara told her oldest child. Her heart was pounding. She felt silly; Sharon had been on her own for years. She'd only moved home for the last few days to separate from her groom before the wedding. Sara loved having her baby back home, and even though she wasn't really leaving for good, her marrying felt somehow felt so final.

"Oh Momma. I'm just getting married not leaving the country." Sharon whispered as she embraced her Mom. She didn't understand her feelings of ambivalence. They'd lived together for a year and now it would be no different. Only that she'd wear his name. Smiling she recited her new name to herself.Mrs. Darren James, Mrs. Sharon James. The new name had a nice ring to it.

"I know dear. It's just that, I won't get to see you as much. And I'll miss that." She explained.

"Sara, Sara! Come here!" Jeffrey called his wife. He was laying out his tux and couldn't find his cufflinks.

"Sorry baby, I have to help your Daddy." Smiling she added. "You'll see how needy they can be, real soon." She kissed her forehead and left to help Jeffrey.

Sharon laughed. She and Darren had lived together for a year, so she already knew he didn't keep up with anything and expected her to know where it was. Thinking about him made her smile. She loved the big brute. She couldn't wait until they made it official. She was getting married to the man of her dreams and could not be happier.

Sharon took a shower and dressed in some sweats. She'd go to the church a few hours before the ceremony and dress. Her friend, Kim, was doing her hair and makeup. She had to go to the salon now to get it done. Clem, Dana, and Charlene were meeting to get their hair and makeup done as well.

They met at the salon and the beauticians went to work. Two hours later, hair and makeup was perfect. Next they were heading to the church to dress for the ceremony. An hour before the wedding began, Sara and Delia helped Sharon dress. She had selected an ivory embroidered princess cut gown with a tear drop collar. She was the most beautiful bride.

The bridesmaid came in, all wearing matching royal blue gowns that hugged their figures, showing their curves appealingly. Except for the Matron of Honor, Clemmie, her gown was also royal, but covered with a lace let that distinguished it slightly from the other two women. Clemmie and Sharon's friendship had grown so much and they were practically inseparable, much to the annoyance of Darren.

The women all laughed and joke, as the Delia and Sara came in and chastised them. They were in a church after all. All four girls appeared contrite, but Clemmie still whispered the name of the male stripper that entertained them well the night before.

Soon, the men arrived and Sharon was so nervous. Everyone left her alone with her mother and they talked. Sharon wanted a few minutes alone, so Sara decided to go find Jeff and see if he was alright. She knew her husband was having a hard time with this wedding. As she was headed to the see her husband, she found the groom suspiciously heading towards the strong dressing room. She stopped him.

"Where are you going, young man?" Sara asked.

Darren stammered, "Momma Sara, I just want to say hi. It's been three day. I just want to speak." He wanted to see Sharon. Being separated for three days was hard and he missed his woman. He needed to see her. So while the guys were talking, he snuck out and tried to steal time with her when his mother-in-law halted him in his tracks.

Sara smiled as Delia joined her. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo. Sara could see what Sharon was attracted to him. Standing tall and strong, wearing a white tux, against his dark tone, eyes twinkling with mischief, what woman wouldn't want a man that looked that good.

Delia spoke, "No Darren, you'll see her in less than an hour. Go finish dressing, now." Both women admonished him and walked him in the opposite direction.

Soon they were back in is dressing area where their husbands were sharing war stories with the younger men. Delia looked at Shaun and he looked as handsome today as he had when they'd married almost thirty years ago.

Jeffrey smiled when he saw the women with their young charge. "Thank you ladies." He greeted as he kissed Sara's temple. "Son, you're not going to see her before the ceremony. She'll be there. I promise." Jeff reassured his soon to be son.

Embarrassed and feeling like a naughty kid, Darren sat on a sofa to sulk. JJ laughed. If this is what getting married did to a guy, then it wasn't for him. Soon all of the guys were ragging on Darren to help pull him out of his mood.

Shaun and Jeff were telling the guys to back off, when Darren looked at Kevin and asked. "Do you have the rings Kevin? I mean you didn't forget them, right?

Kevin smiled at his friend, "Yes I've got them. And he took then out so Darren could see them. Michal had a ring also, but he would keep his hidden until much later.

Soon it was time, Shaun came to tell Darren to come to the altar. Darren stood in front to of the church, nervous and excited waiting for his bride. Soon the bridal party entered, to the soft melodic sounds of Boyz to Men. Then the music changed, and Sharon entered the room. Darren forgot to breathe. Kevin reminded him. "Breath, son, she's yours"

Sharon was nervous, but when she saw her love standing in front waiting for her, her heart raced. She wanted to run to him, but her father joined her and held on to her tightly. Slowly he walked her to her groom, but at the end he didn't want to let go. Sharon gently removed her arm from his and kissed his cheek.

"He'd better take care of you." Jeff stated, hating the thought of giving his baby away. And the ceremony began. The repeated their vows as the minister blessed their uni0n. The lighting of the unity candle signified their lived joining and with a final blessing, Darren James kissed his bride. The women cried and the men cheered. But to Darren and Sharon, no one else was in the room. The final words from the preacher were "What God has brought together, let no man out asunder., and finally he introduced, Mr. and Mrs. Darren James to the world.

The happy couple exited the church to join their family at the reception hall for the luncheon. The dinner was a success as all three brothers stood to toast the bride and groom. The bride and groom were sharing their first dance as husband and wife s Gianni decided to go back to Bradford. He had to talk to Kara.

"Hey, Kevin. I'm heading back to Bradford, can you make sure my tux gets back to Gino's Formal?" Gianni asked catching Kevin off guard.

"Sure, what's going on? I thought you would stay at least until they leave for their trip.' He asked, sensing his youngest brother was hiding something.

"I can't. I have something..." Gianni stopped before he said too much.

"Gia, what's wrong? You've been hiding something. Are you in trouble? Tell me. Let me help." Kevin demanded. Gianni was special to him. Being the youngest, all three guys looked out for him, Kevin more than the other two. Kevin was there when a scared and broken fifteen year old was locked up for the first time. He didn't know him at first, but his tears touched him. Once he became family, he vowed that no one would hurt his baby brother if he could prevent it.

"Nothing, Kevin. I just need to go back alright." Gianni exhaled. "Will you take care of the tux?" he insisted.

"OK, Gia, if you need me I'm there. You know that right." Kevin stated.

Gianni nodded. Kevin was the most reclusive of all of them. When they were younger, he spent most of his time alone, but if he, Darren, or Michal needed him he was there. He loved him, and Gianni knew it, but this was his problem and he had to deal with it on his own.

Gianni bid farewell to Clem, and she also questioned him as did Michal. He made his way to his Mom and she knew something was wrong as well. Eventually he was trying to say goodbye to Shaun and Delia. Shaun pulled him aside and asked him face to face with was wrong. Gianni denied anything was and Shaun called him on his bluster.

"Are you in trouble son? Is there something going on at school? At your job? Tell me the truth Gianni, what's wrong?" Shaun insisted. He knew his boys, and he knew they stuck together. If Gianni was leaving early, there had to be something serious.

"Mr. MacGregor, nothing is wrong. I just need to get back early." Gianni explained. It was a lie, but he couldn't bear the thought of somehow disappointing the man standing before him.

Maria walked over, she placed her hand on Shaun's shoulder. "Kiss Sharon and wish Darren the best. Call me when you get home." Maria insisted. Delia, stood beside her entwining her arm around her waist. They watched as he walked over to the bride and groom.

Gianni spoke with the happy couple and embraced them before he left. Darren tensed. He knew something was wrong. Darren held Sharon close and she whispered to him softly to reassure him. Michal followed Gianni out, because something was wrong and he was determined to find out what it was.

Gianni was climbing in his car when Michal walked up. "Gianni, what is it? Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Man, I told you nothing is wrong. I just need to go. I don't need you and everyone breathing down my neck. Leave me alone. Jesus, give me some space." He declared angrily.

At this point Kevin and Darren had joined Michal, "Gianni, look man, we don't mean to crowd you, but this isn't right." Darren explained.

"Darren, go be with your wife. She loves you and you deserve that. Michal, ask Clemmie tonight. Put your ring on her finger. I'll be proud to comeback for your wedding. Kevin, I'm fine. I have to...' He looked away. "Look guys I'm fine. I'll call alright, but I have to go. Don't worry." He stated then he drove off.

The three guys stood outside for a moment, and then returned to the reception, Darren quickly holding his bride as Clemmie moved directly into Michal's embrace. Maria sat looking worried for she knew something major was going on with her son. Delia noticed. She sat next to her and Maria explained the phone call she overheard.

She looked at Shaun and noticed the concern clearly showing in his face. Jeff walked over to talk with him and even though he talked with his friends Delia knew he was also worried about Gianni.

Michal asked Clemmie to dance. He escorted her on the dance floor because he had asked the band to sing a special song. The singer began to croon the words to "You" by Jesse Powell, Michal held her close, heart pounding, He was so nervous. Per his request, no one else was dancing to this sing. Clemmie noticed and was about to comment, when he kneeled before her. Taking a velvet black box from his pocket, Michal asked the one question he held close.

"Clem, I love you. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on over seven years ago. I knew then that you were it for me. I kneel before you today to ask if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife. I love you and-" Tears streaming down her cheeks, ruinng her mascara Clemmie whispered, Yes. Michal didn't hear her, he was still proposing.

JJ was laughing so hard that he yelled out, "Mike, she said yes dude, stop begging," Everyone laughed

"You said yes, Yes!" Michal asked, not quite believing his friend as he stood,

Clemmie looked at him, as she held out her hand to accept his ring, "Yes, Michal, Yes. I'd be honored to be your wife."

"Yes," Michal cheered as he lifted his fiancé in the air then kissed her. Everyone was happy for the newly engaged couple. Shaun congratulated his son and went to speak with Darren. He had a gift for him, and now he knew he could not refuse.

"Darren, Sharon. You two young people amaze me. I have a gift for you. I'm giving the gift to you Sharon and no Darren you cannot refuse." Shaun explained. He passed an official looking envelope to Sharon who opened it and took out the contents. She gasped. Darren looked and his first words were. "We can't-" Sharon covered his lips and stopped him. She then launched herself into Shaun's arm thanking him repeatedly. Darren after gaining some composure thanked him as well. Shaun smiled and then congratulated the young couple.

Shaun then joined Delia and Maria. "My poor Mijo, I pray that he will be alright." Shaun heard the end of the conversation.

He smiled, "Maria, I will make sure he is alright. We will all look out for him. Don't worry." He then embraced his friend

Two hours later, Gianni found himself sitting in the parking lot of The Greater Tabernacle Church. He felt guilty for speaking to his brothers the way he had. He wished he could tell them, but he didn't want them hurt if he could help it. He knew Kara attended services all day Sunday and he rushed back because he needed to talk with her. She wasn't at her apartment, so he figured she'd be at church.

Gianni climbed out of his car and entered the church. He had a seat in the back, not wanting to interrupt the services that were already in progress. The choir had just stood to sing, when he saw her standing there glaring at him. He felt the heat and disdain of her stare, so he smiled at her infuriating her even more.

Her father, the pastor spoke to her, and she plastered on a fake smile and began to sing. He had to admit, Kara Johnson had a beautiful voice. She finished and cheers erupted, noise exploded in the building. The choir was seated and the pastor delivered his sermon. Soon service ended, and people started to leave.

Gianni moved forward, because he had to talk to Kara, He'd called and she didn't answer. He was concerned and he had reached a decision. He wanted his child. If she would reconsider, she could give birth and never lay eyes on their child. He'd take the baby and raise it on his own. His family would help. They might be disappointed at first, but in the end he'd have support.

He was headed straight for Kara when the reverend stopped him. "Welcome to Greater Tabernacle, son and you are?" he asked very cordially.

"I'm sorry father. I am Gianni Russo. I attend Pembridge with Kara. Thank you for welcoming me here." He explained as he introduced himself.

Reverend Johnson laughed. "Son, we are not Catholic, you can call me Pastor Johnson. I'm just happy to meet one of Kara's friends from school. Let me call her." He looked around.

"Kara, Kara, come over here bring Donna. Donna this is Gianni, a friend of Kara's from the college." He introduced him. Kara glared at him, furious that he'd just show up at her father's church. He had no right coming here. Unconsciously, her right hand caressed her abdomen, move that was quickly noticed by her mother and grandmother.

Gianni was tense, much too tense for someone that was just attending church. Donna decided to take control of the situation. "Gianni, we were about to go home and have dinner. Why don't you join us?"

Kara spoken immediatelty, "Mommy, no. he can't. Right Gianni. He just stopped by because I invited him and now he has to go. Right Gianni?" she asked, daring him to contradict her.

"Kara is right sir, ma'am. But I would like to speak to her privately, if it's alright with you." Gianni asked politely.

"Of course, son. Still join us for dinner. It is late and you need to eat." Rev. Johnson insisted.

Gianni and Kara walked out to talk and she told her Mom Gianni would drive her to the house. Gianni and Kara didn't speak until they were inside of his car. "Look, Gianni. I don't appreciate you showing up here. My family is proud of me. I'm the only one in our family to finish college and not have kids before marriage. I can't disappoint them. Gianni, why are you here?"

Gianni took deep breathe, and then he asked the one question he never thought of asking. "Marry me then. I can't agree to an abortion, Kara. I want the baby. If you agree to marry me, that should take away some of the anger." He suggested quietly.

Kara stared at him, flabbergasted. "Are you serious?" Us? Marry? Come on Gianni. Get real. We are not ready for marriage, and most definitely not a baby. Look in two days, we can take care of this problem and go our separate ways. No one will be the wiser." Kara insisted. "Don't say anything tonight alright. Keep this baby a secret."

She was afraid. Gianni knew she would be scared, but this ran deeper. She was terrified of her father learning the truth.

Gianni understood fear. When he was sent to the detention center he was petrified. His first few months there were the worse. He thought he'd die before he got out, but then Mr. Macgregor came. Things got better. Over the years, Mr. MacGregor had taught him how to be a man. To face up to his responsibilities. So he had to be honest with Kara.

"I want the baby, Kara. I know you don't want it. If you don't want to marry me, then fine. But I cannot agree to you having an abortion. I have to try and stop you." He whispered.

"We hate each other. We were drunk, Gianni. Not to mention the fact, we are both in school. " Kara ranted.

"Those are excuses, Kara." Gianni calmly stated. "People with less than us have found ways to take care of their children. Besides I'm willing to take him or her, that way your life won't be affected."

Kara laughed, "You think my family will let me give this baby to you. You think they will let you take him and walk away. No, we don't give our children away in this family, Gianni. I don't want a baby right now. This could ruin everything for me. Why can't you understand that, Gianni?"

She looked at him. He was handsome, caring, and the kindest man she'd ever met. Gianni Russo was almost perfect, almost. He was a bit of a loner and she couldn't figure out how they ended up together that night. But she was happy she ended up with him. He took care of her, unlike some of the other girls that went to that party. He kept her safe. She knew that the guys are the party had some nefarious plans, but because of Gianni, she escaped unharmed.

She had to make him understand her position, so she tried to explain. "My Dad, never went to college. He barely finished high school. My mother went to college and became a teacher. He was elected as head pastor of this church because of his strong sense of values. This is a holiness church. Do you know what that means? This pregnancy will embarrass them. They will be talked about and I can't do that to them. My two older sisters had children out of wedlock, and the church board tried to fire Daddy. This church is his life. I won't humiliate him. I cannot have this baby." Kara insisted.

Gianni took a deep breath. "Kara, I understand. I hate the thought of disappointing my family as well. The proudest moment in my mother's life was me graduating both high school and college. She cried when I was accepted here at Pembridge. I cringe at the thought of hurting her, disappointing her. But, Kara, this is my child too. He or she is a part of each of us. I know you hate me, and I can accept that, but I can't agree to kill our baby." Gianni took a deep breath.