Patti #03 - Losing the love of My Life

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Jim shares Patti one time too many.
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Patti #03 - Losing The Love of My Life


Most bikers that have tried to straighten out their lives from being on the edge of the law, realizes the issues he has to face. Getting a real job when you have a prison record, getting off of all the drugs, gettings away from the parties and all your friends because of their bad influence. What I didn't expect was my wife being so bored. But I guess I should have realized.

Thump, Thump, Thump of a Harley in my front yard of our new place meant someone, that I knew, had found us. I look out the window and see one of my ex-club brothers on his scooter. Patti had never liked him, and said she'd never wanted to fuck him, that he was a snake. I should have listened.

Knock, Knock, Knock

I open the door wide and invite Luis in. "Hey, brother, what is going on with you? Come on in Luis" I say with a smile, we shake hands and give each other a bro hug.

"So Pres, what is going on with you my brother. How is the straight and sober life going for you?" inquires Luis as I point to the sofa for him to sit on across from Patti. Patti slowly stretches and pushes her breasts out.

"Let me get you a beer Brother." I say as I quickly go into the kitchen for three beers.

"Miss Patti, you are looking Super Hot as always. How is the Non-biker life treating you?" says Luis to Patti as I return with the beers.

"Truthfully Luis, it is very boring. No parties, No strange, No runs. I just sit at home all the time while Jim is at work and watch T.V. the only time we go anyplace is to the grocery store. Not really much fun anymore."

"Poor Honey" I say as I return into the living room with three beers. "We have not completely quit drinking, as you can see. Here ya' go brother."

"Thanks Jim, just what I was in the mood for. So what are you doing to make a living these days?" says Luis.

"I got a job selling wall to wall carpet these days brother. I've been training for several weeks now, learning to get the hang of it. It should pay OK, when I learn what I'm doing." I say. "How is your life going?"

"Well, pretty much the same as always. The wife and I go out to some night clubs on the weekends and try to pickup women to share. No big thing. Hey, would you like to smoke some magic?" Luis says.

"I don't see why not" I say with a smile.

"That sounds good to me!" Patti says

We each are sipping our beers as Luis gets a baggie out of the inside pocket of his leather jacket. I quickly find my bong and bring it back to Luis to load.

"Try this my friends, it will knock your socks off. Or in Patti's case it might knock her top off." Luis says with a smile. We all laugh cause we know it true.

Meanwhile Patti quickly scoots into the bathroom to put her diaphragm in.

"What kind of weed is this Luis?" inquires Jim.

"It is some powerful stuff. I just got ahold of. I was riding out this way and thought I'd stop by to see you." explains Luis

(basically he got some really powerful stuff and thought he'd use it to get into Patti's panties. thinks Jim)

Patti smiles as she returns from the bathroom, as everyone we know, knows that Patti loves to show her breasts off. That any excuse is good enough for her to do it. Patti's breasts are exceptionally firm, pretty, and also very sexually responsive. Patti has gained a few pounds and mostly it has gone to her breasts, Patti takes another big hit off the bong.

Patti looks at Jim, and says "Honey do you mind if I take my shirt off?" passing the bong to Jim.

"Not at all Honey." Jim says, taking another big hit off the bong. "Your Breasts are always welcome because they are so so Pretty, I love when you show them off."

"Whoa, those breasts are bigger than ever Patti. Are they still full of milk?" Luis asks Patti.

"They sure are, did you want a taste? I can't remember you ever tasting them before." Patti says with a smile.

I'm surprised that she is so inviting to Luis, Jim thinks to himself. Then he realizes it is probably because she is so bored and horny. Luis is an exceptionally good looking guy. Patti always called him a snake though, Jim tries to remember why that was.

Luis gets up from the sofa he is sitting on and moves over to the one Patti is sitting on. Focussed on her Large, milky breasts. Jim had already moved over to a footstool for the smoking.

"Let me have a taste." Luis says. Jim sits on the footstool watching Luis as he gets the bong back from Patti. A few more deep hits on the bong and Jim feels paralyzed. Jim loves to watch Patti fuck other guys so he is having a good time.

"Oh, Luis suck my breasts. That feels so good Honey. Here do the other one too." Patti purrs, putting her arm around his head holding his head to her breasts. "Are you getting some milk, Luis? Do you like it?" Patti purrs

"Oh yeah, this is some sweet milk Patti. I am really liking it, I want more!" Luis says

"They are full Luis, just keep on sucking all you want. It feels so good." purrs Patti, then Patti whispers "You are making my pussy wet doing that!"

Meanwhile Jim is stoned into never never land. Seeing Patti loose her t-shirt gave Jim wood as usual. Jim is wondering if she is going to screw the man that she already told him she didn't like because he was a snake.

Luis continues to suck Patti's breasts and reaches down to rub her pussy thru her levi shorts. Patti moans, and loosens her belt buckle.

"How do you like that Patti?" inquires Luis.

"That feels so good" whispers Patti. "Jim you don't mind if I lose my shorts do you?" Patti Purrs


Jim is so stoned he doesn't respond, just continues to sit there smiling and watching.

"Quick, help me off with my shorts" Patti purrs.

"I am glad to." says Luis as he breaks away from sucking her breasts and pulls her shorts down her long legs. Patti sits there in just her skimpy panties for a moment as they kiss passionately.

"Fuck me Luis, I am so horny. Fuck me deep with that big dick of yours, I need it badly" Patti purrs to Luis.

Meanwhile Jim feels almost paralyzed from this super strong weed. It isn't that he is unable to move or speak, he just doesn't want to move. Jim always loved to see Patti fucked by other men and couldn't believe his good luck today.

Naked Patti makes herself comfortable or the other sofa, spreading her legs, waiting for Luis to fuck her deeply. Patti holds up her arms and smiles at Luis, inviting him to fuck her.

Luis doesn't waste any time getting naked to fuck one of the most beautiful women he knows, Jim's wife of 8 years.

"Oh, Luis, you feel so good in me baby. Fuck me deep with that big cock of yours. Oh yeah, Honey give it to me. I'm all yours to fuck now, and whenever you want." Patti whispers.

Everyone is so stoned. Suddenly Luis gets paranoid of Jim sitting there, behind him, watching and says something threatening to Jim. However since Jim is twice as big as Luis, and Jim is having a good time watching them fuck, Jim just ignores whatever Luis said. Luis continues slowly fucking Patti, as she comes over and over again. Finally Luis fills her with his seed and sits up.

"Whoa, that was some great loving from your old Lady Jim. Thank You, my brother. Got another beer?"

"Sure thing, Bro. How is your wife, Evelyn doing these days?"

"Same as always. Cranky unless we go out and pick up a woman for her to fool around with." Luis explains as Jim gets another three beers.

Patti meanwhile gets up, grabs her clothes and zooms to the bathroom. Meanwhile Luis finishes his beer as he gets dressed and heads out the door.

Vroom, Vrooom as Luis starts up his Harley, and heads on down the street.

"Let's get to bed, I want those sloppy seconds, quick!" Jim says "By the way, why did you always say he was a snake?"

"Jim, he was always trying to fuck me behind your back. When ever he was at one our parties, he would always try to get me in the bedroom without you knowing."

"Luis was always saying things like I should be with him instead of you. All kinds of sneaky shit that, I didn't like."

"So why did you want to fuck him today?" asks Jim

"Baby, it has been so long since I got some strange dick. It is driving me crazy. Ever since we moved so your black buddies couldn't find us anymore, I really miss that black cock honey."

"Can't you give Ray a call, like you used to do Honey? Please." pleads Patti

"I am sorry Sweet Heart, You are too addicted to black cock and I don't want to lose you to some black man. You've got to get over wanting black cock so much." explains Jim.

They get comfortable in bed and Jim slides his cock into his wife Patti's wet and juicy pussy. "Oh baby, you are so full of his cum. Did you like it when he fucked you?"

"Oh yeah baby, I loved it. His Cock is so big and so nice. He hit spots in my pussy that you never have." Patti whispers.

"Oh that turns me on so much, he fucked you better then me?"

"I'm sorry Honey. His cock is bigger then yours, it filled me up more than yours. I really loved how it felt in my pussy. I came with him the first time when he just entered me." Patti purred.

"I love you so much Honey, Promise you will always fuck other guys for me." whispers Jim

"Of course I will always fuck other guys for you Honey. I love you so much that I will always fuck other men for you. I love for you to watch other men fuck me, and make me come so good."

"Luis is a really good looking guy, bring him over anytime and I will be glad to let him fuck me for you. I love you so much Jim, I really like fucking other men for you." Patti purrs and coos and Jim's cock works in and out Patti's pussy.

"How did it feel? Did you love it? Did he make you cum good? Inquires jim.

"I came the first time as soon as his cock entered my pussy Honey. Luis is so good looking, I want to fuck him some more. It felt so good. I must have had 10 orgasms while he fucked me. Thank You Honey for letting me fuck him." Patti purrs.

"I love the way your pussy feels when it is full of other men's cum Honey. I just love to watch your face as they cum in your pussy. You are so sexy Honey, I love you so much" says Jim

"I'm getting close Jim, slam it to me harder. Here I come..... Oh yeah, I'm coming! ah ah ah......fuck me good Honey, I'm still coming! Ohhhhhhhhhh." says Patti

"That was so good, You made me cum so hard Honey. Was it good for you Jim?" inquires Patti

"Oh, yeah Honey. I shot so much in your pussy, I really filled you up." said Jim. "I love you so much. Promise me you will never leave me Honey."

"I will never leave you Honey, I promise. I am so happy we are together." purrs Patti.

"Just be patient Honey, I know the hours are long now, but I am just learning this whole field. There is so much to learn before I can start making the big bucks."

"I know we moved so all your black buddies couldn't find us anymore. But can't you let them come to see me with you at work so much Honey?" Patti purrs

"Sweetheart, you already have two black babies from Ray and probably Jim. That is why we moved to get you unhooked from all that black cock. Isn't two black children enough for you?" asks Jim.

"Not if you will let me have another. It is just so Hot to fuck a black man, to see his big black cock going into my fertile pussy. Just seeing his black cock going into me makes me swoon." Patti explains

"Then feeling it fill me up so much makes me feel so "in love" with his black cock. I love black cock Honey, I can't get enough of it. Please let me see Ray again Jim. Please Honey." pleads Patti

"I can't take the chance Honey. You have to get used to not having black cock. You hardly ever want sex with me anymore. When we do have sex you are usually fantasizing about black cock. I'm afraid you are going to run away with a black man yet."

"Isn't there anything I can do to get you to let me have my black lovers again, Honey?" purrs Patti

"Well, you could dance amature night at the Brass Rail. That would make me pretty happy." says Jim. "Hell, if you did that I am sure that there would be plenty of black men there you could go home with, if you want Honey."

"Sweetheart, you know I am too shy to get naked on stage, like that. We have been down there dozens of times with you trying to get me on stage. It is just too scary for me Honey." purrs Patti.

"Yes, I know. I've tried to get you up on stage so many times. But You know, the amazing thing about your figure, is that you've had three kids now, but just looking at you, it really doesn't look like it."

"Really Jim?" purrs Patti.

"Yes, you really don't look like it. You don't have any stretch marks. Your belly is nice and flat. You look like you could still be 18 Honey." explains Jim. "Your body is amazing!"

"You really think so Jim? Come on let's get to sleep. You have got to go to work tomorrow."


Monday, the following day.....

Jim is at work listening to the experienced Carpet Pro's

"Jim, phone call line 3. Jim phone call line 3." on the loud speaker system.

Jim picks up the phone at his desk. "This is Jim, sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Jim Honey, this is Patti."

"Hello my beautiful wife. This unusual. Why are you calling me here at work?" inquires Jim.

"Well, I just thought you should know that Luis is here." Patti says

A cold chill goes down Jim's spine as a sudden charge of adrenaline runs thru his body. "What is going on Honey?" asks Jim

"Well Luis brought me some flowers." Patti explains

"What is he doing right now?" Jim inquires

"He is sucking my right breast, and his fingers are in my pussy. It feels good too."

"Well, take him in the bedroom and call me when he leaves so I can come home and reclaim your pussy. OK Honey?"

"OK, Jim. I will let you know. I love you." Patti hangs up.

The rest of the day Jim is walking around with wood, while he awaits his call from Patti to come home. But it never comes. Eventually it is 9 pm and Jim heads home from work to find out why Patti never called.

"Hi Honey, I'm home." Jim says as he opens the door

"Stay away from me, you asshole." says Patti

"Patti, what is going on with you? Why are you upset with me?"

"You asshole, You didn't say anything to Luis yesterday when he threatened you. What kind of a man are you?"

"Patti, you have seen me, with your own eyes, taking care of business with a hundred assholes. I've put so many guys in the Hospital. That is how we lost our club charter. Remember, I nearly killed Luis's prospect, in front of those guys from that other club."

"Our prospect, Kenny, disrespected me, while that other club was there trying to recruit him. I just happened to stop by. I had to hurt him badly for that, I didn't have a choice. So why are you questioning my manhood now?" asks Jim

"Luis, just pointed it out today after we made love that you aren't the man I thought you were or you would have thumped him yesterday. I have no respect for you anymore. You let anyone fuck your wife when ever they want. You aren't a man if you do that." screamed Patti.

"Patti, you are the love of my life. Why are you going on about this stuff. You know I love only you. Why are you saying all these cruel things to me?"

"Because after making love to Luis all day, he explained what a sicko you are. He said that if I was his woman he'd never let another man touch me." screamed Patti

"Well, that makes sense. After you so readily gave your wonderful sweet pussy to Luis that he knifes me in the back. I guess you were right about what a snake he has always been. Besides he picks up women to share his wife with."

"Forget it Jim, just forget everything I thought we had. You can sleep on the sofa tonight but tomorrow you move out. I want a divorce. I don't respect you or love you anymore. You are just another sick pervert bastard."

"But Patti, I love you so much. I have never cheated on you. I love you with all my heart. Please calm down Honey. Why are you feeling like I am not worthy of you anymore:?"

"There is nothing more to say, I don't want you touching me ever again. Just leave me alone!"

Jim sleeps as best he can on the sofa that night. The next morning he goes off to work with his broken heart. Jim talks to another of the carpet sales people at his work and they decide to share a place together. Jim makes arrangements to store his bike at his parents for the time being.


"Hello" as Ray answers his home phone.

"Ray, my Brother. How is it going?"

"Jim, long time since I've heard from you. What is happening brother?" says Ray.

"Well, Patti and I just broke up. Typical women just when things are about to get better, she has just decided to let her craziness come out on me. I have moved out and we are getting divorced. You should go over there tonight before she moves out also."

"Sounds like a great idea my brother. My wife is working the late shift at the hospital tonight so I have all evening to visit with her." says Ray

"Do me a favor brother, when you get in bed with her, talk her into letting you knock her up again. Just encourage her to take her diaphragm out for you. You know, so you can knock her up again for me." says Jim.

"I will be glad to do that for you my friend. It is amazing how Patti doesn't look like she has ever even had a baby, yet she has had, what 3 by now?" says Ray

"Got something to write on, I'll give you directions over to our place?"..................

Later that night around 8pm Jim is sitting down the street from his old place watching to see what happens when Ray shows up. Ray's Van parks right in front of Jim's old place. Ray gets out and brings a six pack of beer and walks up to the front door and knocks.

Patti opens the door, stares with surprise at Ray for a Moment. Smiles her biggest smile and throws her arms around Ray's shoulders for the biggest hug and Sexy kiss.

Pulling Ray in the doorway, Patti quickly closes and locks the front door. Jim drives away slowly with tears raining down his face. Jim lost the love of his life, forever.

Sending Ray over was his last act of love for Patti. Losing her completely destroyed Jim's self confidence with women completely. It was a solid year before he could even flirt with another woman again.

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Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year agoAuthor

The point of the story was that just because you have a buddy, it doesn't mean he isn't a snake. Luis was a true snake. Oh, he felt bad about destroying my relationship with Patti he even tried to fix me up with another hottie one time. But no-one was ever able to replace Patti in my heart. He must have got off on taking her away from me. I don't know. He was an asshole and took advantage of our friendship just to hurt us. There are a lot of people in the world that are like that. Avoid them if you can see them for what they are before they knife you in the back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Refreshing to read one of these stories obviously from the heart

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