Party Wipe Pt. 02

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The Succubus, Ardat Emili, sets her sights on the Paladin.
4.7k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 02/14/2023
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Yo! Part 2 finally gets a release here on Literotica, and part 3 should not be far behind! Thank you all for the kind feedback so far, I'm sure the following chapters will continue in the same sexy fashion of energy drains, kinky mind wipes and sweet enslavement!

Party Wipe Part 2

Chapter 5

The Paladin woke up in complete darkness. Her breath was steady yet she felt panic unlike any in her life. There was something dreadfully wrong here. And it wasn't solely because they were separated for the first time since they became adventurers. No. There was something far more sinister at work here.

She could feel... something, extremely powerful deep bellow her. Yet that is not what made her so afraid. The fear was elusive. The Paladin could not really pinpoint where it came from but it was oppressive, vile and sadistic.

The demon they were facing was unlike anything they had ever seen. She removed strands of golden hair from her face and peered around her before putting on her helmet.

I need to find the others.

Even her thoughts trembled.

Finally, she gathered the bravery she needed and picked herself up. At once, she cast a spell which eliminated the point tip of her helmet, casting light all around her. What she saw made her shiver.

Instead of rocks, bricks or solid walls she found... latex and rubber to be all around her. It was shiny in the dim light, illuminating a hypnotic glow that made the Paladin question what exactly she was feeling at that precise moment. She shook her head and surveyed her surroundings.

It was a hallway that she was in, yet, even in the light of her helmet she could see winding and twisting turns and corridors all around her. She gulped before she took another deep breath.

This is a maze.

She told herself. Slowly yet with purpose, she drew her blade. The danger could come out of nowhere down here. Not only was it dark, but every corner could prove to be the end of her. The end... but probably not her death.

What the Paladin found strange, was the fact that she was not dead by now. She was obviously placed her for a reason and that reason made her shiver in fear. It was that something that echoed around her. The raw sadism.

But she had to move. Standing in place here would be stupid. She would just be walking into the demons hands.

"I'll find youuuuuu." A serene and somewhat angelic voice echoed around her. It was almost loving but the Paladin had no doubt about it. It was evil. She dared not say a word, but instead tried to focus and figure out where the voice was coming from. But it was impossible to tell. It was an echo that sounded as much around her as it did from within her.

Then, came the click of heels and a low, evil chuckle.

"I. Will. Find. You. Little paladin." Again the playful laughter follower the words of the Demoness.

A demoness... so it is a female demon I am fighting against...

The Paladin concentrated and formed a powerful warding around her, before dimming the light upon her helmet. It shone just enough for her to see in the darkness, but not bright enough to give up her location.

With a determined breath she walked into an uncertain direction. Hoping against all odds that is where she had to go. The rubber creaked beneath her plate boots as she tried to make as little noise as possible. Her breathing was steady as she tried to control the fear building up inside of her.

She told them, she told them to slow down. Now she had no idea where she was or how big this place actually is. Sure, the castle from the outside looked oppressing but more often than not, it was even worse from the inside. Most castles of the demons would be portals to a completely different dimension. One that could span continents.

The plate clad Paladin trembled at the thought. Then, with the squeak of her footsteps she heard something else. An... echo? It wasn't words this time it was...


Someone was walking upon the rubbery floor and very close to her at that. She crouched down slowly, and closed her eyes. Listening. Again, the sound was all around her and deep within her as well. The sound of rubber massaged her mind until she felt herself sway a little. With her plated glove she touched the rubber wall to steady herself.

With a deep breath to comfort her, she slowly opened her eyes. The Paladin's heart stood still for a moment. There, just beyond the light stood a figure, barely visible. She did not dare blink, nor did she dare move, she simply stared as beads of sweat ran down her cheek. Her eyelids felt as heavy as lead, her eyes glued to the alluring figure that she could hardly make out.

Then, despite of herself, she blinked and the silhouetted figure was gone. Just as quickly as she had appeared. Was she even there, or was it the light playing tricks on her?

The Paladin did not move for the longest time afterwards. She simply stared at the spot where she could have sworn she saw the demoness. Yet even if she was not there, the mental image was now burned into the Paladin's mind. Even though she could not see her completely in the dark, in her mind she was as clear as the sun.

Clad it latex and nylon, she wore figure hugging thigh high boots and gloves, with a bombastic leotard decorated with spikes. She could even see her glistening, dark pantyhose. The Paladin shook her head to steady herself and opened her eyes again.

Only to see her standing right there again.

This time the surprise was too much for her and she stumbled backwards. As quickly as she could, The Paladin jumped up and pointed her sword forwards. Only to find the demoness nowhere to be seen. By now she was panicking. With quick breathes and sweat pouring down her cheeks, the blonde knight tried to steady herself but to little avail.

She turned, several times, in all directions, trying to figure out where or if she was really there.

Calm yourself. You fool. You are a paladin. The bane of all demons. Male and female. What would the Thief think of you now, if she were here to see you? Jumping at shadows like an F tier adventurer. You are the strongest Paladin in history for a reason.

Finally, with her trembling halting, she straightened herself and took a deep breath.

"Haven't jumped at shadows in a long time..." She said to herself. With resolute returning to her eyes she looked ahead into the dark. "Nothing to be afraid of. The demoness should be afraid of you."

"But darling, I am no shadow." A sinister, enticing voice whispered into her ear as the Paladin jumped in panic. She looked at the demoness taking her in fully this time. And... she was even more beautiful than she was in her mind.


Chapter 6

There was something within the Paladin that just told her to run. To leave her friends and never look back. She didn't care, for those short moments, that she didn't even know how to leave this maze. Nor did she care that she would be leaving her friends to their fates in such a cowardly manner. The only thing on her mind was to escape this demoness and the only reason she stayed... was the Thief.

I cannot leave her... not here, to... to... this!

Though, the demoness did not pounce on her as the Paladin suspected. Actually, she was just standing there, posing provocatively in front of her. With a knowing smile upon her dark lips. Somehow, the surrounding complimented her perfectly. The dark, the twisted and the fetishistic making her all the more alluring.

"Well, aren't you going to get up and attack me?" The succubus teased. The Paladin needed to shake her head to clear it before she cast another cleansing aura upon her. It felt cool upon her mind and heart, the spell. She felt refreshed and ready fight to this abomination of humanity on.

"Why should I?" The Paladin said as she slowly, confidently, stood up. "As long as you are here I know my friends are safe. I am a tank after all, I am here to wait for YOU to attack ME!"

She burned with confidence, her blood rushing with that usual feeling of bravery.

"And how do you know I don't have partners? Other demons that are killing your friends right now?" The Succubus asked with a playful chuckle. She looked exactly as she did in the Paladin's mind's eye. Clad in latex and nylon, with her crimson skin and dark eyes. A hungry looking tail coiled around her boot in such a way that it almost looked like it was humping it.

"I am an S rank adventurer you foul creature. I can sense how many of you there are in this infernal castle. There is you, right in front of me and--one other. Deep bellow. But he feels strange compared to you." The Paladin sighed. "I am guessing that is the original owner of the castle. You have done something to him?"

"Oh!" The Succubus said with girlish glee. "You are a sharp one. Everything you've said is true. The demon you are sensing bellow was my first captive. I tricked him while I was still an imp."

Is she fooling with me? There is no way a demon as powerful as the one I am feeling got tricked by a simple imp... Who is this demoness?

"Surprised huh?!" The succubus said, grinning playfully. "I am pretty dangerous you should we afraid of me you know."

The Paladin took a defensive stance, with her shield up and her blade resting upon the top.

"I am afraid of no demon." She said, resolutely.

"Hmmm." Pondered the demoness mockingly as she tapped her lip with her gloved finger. "That is what your friend said as well.~"

A chill ran down the Paladin's spine. Shielded with runes as she was, it was only possible to affect her like this if the demoness spoke the truth.

"What are you saying?" The Paladin asked, hiding her concern in a cold tone.

"Well, all I know is that there are four of you. But I only met one, besides you. And I drained her before I interrogated her so I actually don't know that much about the other two. She was that tasty." The demoness grinned in such a way that the Paladin felt weak yet again. "That is where you come in."

"I do...?" The Paladin asked without really wanting to. Her heart was beating like a drum as fear spread.

The Thief... could she have gotten to her... no... oh no...

"Yes my little pet." The succubus chuckled enticingly. "I will play with you until your mind breaks. Then you will answer all of my questions until I drain you dry. Then I might dispose of you... oooor I'll let one of my demoness underlings enter your body as it serves as my thrall.♥"

She explained it all so casually that the Paladin almost accepted it as fact. Or was it magic that she was casting upon the knight?

How are her words so compelling? There must be some sort of charm in place, yet... with my runes cast she should not be able to do anything of the sort...

"Y-you're lying." The Paladin cursed her stuttering.

"Am I?" Teased the succubus knowingly. "Well why don't you meet my newest slave then."

From her dark latex glove a smoky chain formed as barely a silhouette. No... it wasn't a chain. It was a leash... and it ran all the way behind the succubus and into the darkness.

"Come out my little thrall. Your former friend wants to meet you." She said evilly as her eyes shone with malice and confidence. A low moan left the darkness before a figure formed at the edges. Soon, it crawled right next to the succubus and nuzzled against her boot.

For a few moments the Paladin stared blankly, not even understand at whom she was looking at. Before a chill of horror, pain and... relief washed over her.

It's not her... oh thank god... it's not the Thief... it's... it's...

"Tadaaaaaa!" The demoness announced happily. "I like her much more now. Before she was arrogant and annoying. Now? She is such a good pet, aren't you?"

She cupped the slave's chin as it mewled into her gloved palm.

"Yesssssss mistressssss. This body is yours. I am yours. Use me as you see fit."

The succubus laughed victoriously, before lifting her high heeled boot and placing it atop the husky looking thrall's head. Gently, she lowered it to the floor as the remains of the Paladin's former friend sighed in masochistic pleasure.

"Such a good girl." The succubus sneered before removing the boot from her head. "Now why don't you stay like that, ass in the air. I need a good seat."

The husk that was once the flamboyant Mage only whimpered beneath her mistress in agreement. Before the Paladin could even say anything, the succubus sat herself upon the husk and crossed her legs. An amused glint in her eye.

"Now. What were we talking about?♥"

She asked with a giggle that broke the Paladin's heart.

Chapter 7

At least it's not the thief... focus on that... you can still save her... oh god... oh god...

Tears streamed down her face as her warding blinked out of existence. She was barely standing up from the shock. Never in her life would she have thought that the Mage would lose, let alone have something like this done to her.

All of that pain and despair turned into a righteous fury as she gritted her teeth. Blade in hand, she cast a dazzling spell upon the sword which shone like the sun in the dark. Gripping the blade tightly, she ran towards the succubus who simply continued to lounge upon the husk of her former friend.

With a sinister smirk, right before the blade cut her in two, the succubus puckered up and blew glisten, pinkish, mist into the face of the Paladin. She coughed and stumbled backwards, falling with a loud clang of her armor.

"What is that...?" She said, trying to inhale air.

"That? Why nothing you should be worried about." The Succubus giggled. "How do you like the view from over there? You should get used to it, pet, as soon you won't be getting up from your knees."

The sinister intonations echoed in the maze and reverberated deep inside of the Paladin's core. Her hypnotic words, mingled with the strange, sizzling sensations of the mist that she inhaled made the succubus look even more beautiful. If that was even possible.

"You... you monster..." The Paladin swore as she tried to get up, but it was as if her limbs had turned to jelly. With a stumble she fell forwards, right before the dangling boot of the succubus. The cool, squeaky latex of the floor felt nice against her skin.

"You can't lick my boots, pet. Not yet. That is only reserved for good girls." She giggled. "But I know how you can become a good girl."

That feeling of warmth and surrender grew within the Paladin at those words. A chance to please her mistress? That was something she could not let slip. She needed to please her, and surrender to her and... and...

What the hell am I thinking...

"I see you are quite eager, despite yourself." The demoness taunted. "If you come in for a kiss... I promise to reward you. You will be allowed to lick my boots."

A smile of pure evil creased the succubus' lip and the Paladin's heart beat faster and faster. Without really thinking about it the Paladin shuffled forward upon her knees, towards the awaiting succubus. The demoness uncrossed her legs, as the latex of her outfit creaked, letting the Paladin fall into her arms. Weak as a babe, with her muscles turning to liquid, the Paladin inhaled more of the mist that the Succubus breathed into her. Combined with the intoxicating perfume of the villainess, the Paladin's mind was slowly turning into a slurpy mush.

"My, how eager you are becoming. And here I am sitting on your friend, while you are drooling after me.~" The Succubus sang victoriously.

The Paladin knew this was so wrong but more and more parts of her were submitting to the villainess and for the life of her she could not resist as much as she could before.

"Now, pucker up. It's time for your first step towards submission." With a knowing smile, the dark, soft, lips of the demoness pressed against those of the Paladin as her whole world melted into oblivion.

The succubus licked her lips after the first taste and peered into the lost Paladin's eyes.

"Mmmmm... why, you are delicious." She giggled with a playful lick upon her pet's lips before digging in again. "I cannot wait to squeeze you dry."

A cold shiver of fear ran down the heroes back but she barely noticed it. All of her focus and attention were taken and devoured by the lips of the demoness. It felt like her whole being was molded by those soft lips, turning her base nature into something masochistic and depraved.

"Is that all the resistance you can muster, Paladin?" She taunted between silky, sadistic kisses. "Pathetic."

The feeling of her lips is almost enough to send her into one orgasm after another. The succubus laughed down at her and her stupefied face. Stuck in complete bliss. Without even noticing, the succubus sends her long tongue down the young adventurer's throat, making her spasm and shake. Shocks of pleasure rock the Paladin as, with even the slightest of movement, the crimson skinned demoness plays with her prey.

Through gritted teeth, the Paladin moans in pleasure, slowly accepting it rather than resisting it. Just as she didn't notice what the demoness was doing to her, so did she not notice that she was now utterly naked. Her palms rested upon the, silky, smooth, nylon clad thighs of the succubus. The feeling of the material sending her finally over the edge.

An orgasm unlike any she had ever felt devours parts of her sanity forever. The spasms of her surrender don't stop and neither does the succubus. She only continues kissing her victim while her long tongue pleasures her insides.

Despite all of her experience and knowledge, the Paladin simply couldn't resist the pleasurable assaults of the hot demoness. Actually, she started liking being at her mercy. Then, with a heartbreaking motion, the succubus removes her palms from those irresistible thighs and pantyhose.

The Paladin looks up at the demoness, who breaks the kiss and cups her chin inside of her latex, gloved hand.

"That one was yours to give. The rest is mine to take. And you will earn every single orgasm from now on, just as you will earn to touch my legs, my boots, gloves and pantyhose. You are nothing but a husk now..." She added with a smirk. "You just don't know it yet."

With a whimper, the Paladin opened her mouth to plead from more, but the succubus turns her attention to something inside of her palm. It is a glowing, floating sphere of some kind. Though clearly magical, it isn't something the Paladin had ever seen.

"This is your soul. Or, well, a part of it." The succubus teased, still cupping the Paladin's chin. "Do you want it back?~"

Trepidation screamed from the back of the Paladin's mind yet she could not voice a word of it.

"You may speak pet."

The succubus allowed.

"If I give you more of it..." She began, the Thief long gone from her mind. "Will you... will... will you allow me to kiss your boots? And... will you kiss me again?"

"What a good girl you are becoming." The demoness teased as she scratched the Paladin's chin. "How about this, you give me some more and I will allow you to kiss my boots. I will even return parts of your soul to you. If you want it back that is, after we are done."

A tingle ran down the spine of the Paladin at the idea of worshiping those glorious, latex boots, beneath the commanding presence of the succubus.

That is alright then--She will return my soul to me and I can... maybe indulge a bit. I am a Paladin after all, I will be forgiven...

The irony of her thoughts was completely lost on her.

"Yes... please... take more..." The Paladin whimpered, completely love struck by the demoness.

"Good girl." She hissed in pleasure and blew more pinkish mist into her slave's face. Drool ran down the Paladin's chin and over the latex of the glove. "You were too easy. Even easier than your friend."