Pandora's Cock Pt. 01

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A woman discovers what it's like to have a cock.
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"Martha, I have a rather odd proposal for you," my uncle said on the phone. No one but my Uncle Doug called me Martha. Everyone else called me Marti. He worked in the research labs at the same large university I attended. Specifically, in the bioengineering division, but I had no idea what he did. He took me out for lunch a couple times a semester and made polite conversation about my classes. Maybe once a year I went over to his house to have dinner with him and his husband. We chatted about my mom—his sister. We weren't close or distant. "I need someone I can trust."

"Um, ok. What is it?"

"Well, I would rather talk to you in person." There was that nervous energy Uncle Doug had that ran in the family.

Fifteen minutes later, I was bundled up and trundling from my dorm to his lab. It was about half past six, and the weather had turned cold. All he would say on the phone is that he had made a breakthrough. I nearly demurred, but the promise of getting paid—though he said didn't say how much except it would be "worth my while"—was enough to get this college student moving. I could use a new computer.

He met me at the door of the building and gave me a perfunctory hug. He led me through the winding hallways and stairs, talking non-stop, to the back corner of the basement. I half-listened. The exposed pipes and shabby paint gave the impression the university didn't take his work seriously. I didn't catch too much of what my uncle said, but he was clearly excited about his breakthrough. We walked through his lab door. Prosthetic arms, hands, and legs littered the tables.

"As you know, I have a government contract to develop prosthetics for wounded veterans." I didn't know that. Bad niece I am. "We're developing the interface to connect electronic circuits to real nerves. It's about prosthetics that a person can 'think' into moving, with fine motor control. And prosthetics will 'feel' and transmit that feeling back to the brain. Better than the original." He smiled and was gesturing boldly. My mom always said he seemed like a mad scientist. Uncle Doug just struck me as an excitable nerd.

"Really? It sounds like science fiction. How long off is it?"

He shook his head. "Now! We've got the input side down now: feelings are transmitted into the brain without problem. That's the breakthrough. We're maybe a few years away on the output side. See, the problem is..."

I stopped him. "Uncle Doug, what's the proposal?"

He nodded. "Right, right. You don't care about all the technical details. Here is the deal, Martha. The technology is groundbreaking. The government contract is good money, but it won't make me rich. The contract requires that the technology will be licensed for civilian prosthetic hands, arms, feet, and legs for a very small residual. I signed the contract because it looked like such a small possibility I would get this to work. And it still seems wrong to me to make much money on such an important technology." He paused and took his first real breath in ages. I was getting excited, too. He leaned in. "But I recently realized that the contract didn't rule out profit from every possible spin-off technology. Their lawyers missed one. I have an application that will make millions!

"And if you will agree to test it, I will give you a percentage of the revenue. You would be rich, too." Uncle Doug was starting to seem more like a mad scientist with every passing minute. But my curiosity won out.

"Maybe. What's the application?"

He leaned back and shouted: "A prosthetic penis!" He clapped his hands and snort-laughed at his cleverness.


"I needed an application that only uses input, and a penis functions as an sensory-input-only device. There's no need for motor control. I will develop this product for market while I finish the output work for the government." He held up a somewhat realistic looking, double-ended dildo.

"Uncle Doug, I don't have a penis. I don't need a prosthetic penis," I said deliberately. He was off his rocker.

"No, no, no, Martha. You've misunderstood the point. This is not a device to replace a penis lost in an accident or something. I mean, it could be, but that's not how I intend to make my millions. It is going to be a sex toy for women who would like to have a penis. That is why I need a woman's help: to know if I can map the feelings from this device into a woman's nervous system. That is why I asked you."

"Don't you have an assistant or intern or something?"

"I work alone."

"What about Mom?" I asked, but I felt stupid the second I said it.

"My sister isn't the most, um, open-minded person about these sorts of things," he said.

"Who would buy it? Women don't want penises."

"Sure, some do. Some lesbians will. Lots of heterosexual women would be curious, too. Enough to make millions at $50 profit per device," Doug said.

It all sounded crazy, but if I believed the premise that the device would work... then it would make millions. And before I knew it, I was getting into the nitty-gritty details. He explained that it required a small incision under local anesthetic to implant a small chip in my lower spine near the tailbone. The chip would interrupt the signals from my own genitals and add the signals from the dildo. "Of course, it's an active system. There is no interruption unless the chip is turned on, and it gets its power from an induction system from the dildo. Move the dildo more than four inches away from the chip, and it's out of power. Fail safe," he said.

Uncle Doug further explained that this is why he used the double-ended dildo. "This part that you insert in your vagina is the battery and induction unit. It supplies the power to the chip." My uncle handed me the dildo. This was the strangest conversation in my life. So far.

* * *

Two days later, after having carefully thought it over, I was at a small clinic in the university hospital, ready for the outpatient surgery. Uncle Doug said he had done hundreds of the chip implants on animals and humans (for arms and legs) with no problems, but I didn't feel comfortable with him doing it. "No problem," he said. "I have a doctor who helped me learn the procedure for implantation. She'll be happy to do it for you." The procedure was a bit uncomfortable but fairly quick. I stopped at Uncle Doug's lab on the way back to my dorm.

"Here's the device," he said, proudly. "I took an off-the-shelf Realdoe, wrapped it in the sensory film, and dipped it in another layer of very thin, very soft silicone. I drilled out cavities for the electronics, battery, and induction system. It isn't terribly elegant, but improving the design will be my top priority if everything works. It's water-proof and easily cleaned." He put it in a shoebox and handed it to me.

"So, I just put it in, and it's ready to go?"

"Oh, I nearly forgot, Martha!" He took the box back. He showed me a small button on the underside. "Press and hold this for twenty seconds. You'll hear a soft beep. It will be ready to calibrate." He took out a piece of paper. "Hold it on your back, as near as you can to the chip. Follow these exercises in precisely this order. Do each one for at least thirty seconds before you move onto the next one. That's how the device learns how to map onto your nerves."

He handed me the list. It was long and specific: "Step 11: Rub left labia from front to back. Step 12: Rub right labia..."

"Ummm..." I could feel myself blushing.

"Martha, you have to follow it to the letter," he said emphatically.

"Right, um, ok. Well, bye!" I said. I was anxious to get out of there. I was starting to wonder if this was all some kind of joke. Why had I agreed to this? My guts were twisting in embarrassment. Hiya, Uncle, here's your dildo back! I touched myself just like you asked!

"Call me with an update soon!" he shouted after me as I ran into the hall.

* * *

I sat on my dorm bed and looked at the list. It was masturbation instructions. I had a single room, but still. Would I get the half-hour of privacy I needed to finish 46 items at thirty seconds each? And would I keep a clear head while completing the list? It was slowly dawning on me that I needed to ask my boyfriend Simon for help. He had an apartment to himself off-campus, so privacy wasn't an issue. And he was a careful list follower. The only difficulty is that I'd be clutching a double dildo to my back while he did it. I thought about hiding the dildo under me, but something would go wrong. The only solution was full disclosure. I went over to his place, shoebox in hand, and spilled my guts. He didn't believe me, of course. He thought my uncle was nuts, but ever practical, Simon said, "There's nothing to lose. Besides, this list looks fun."

A half-hour later, I was as turned on as I've ever been. "Fuck me now!" I begged and just barely remembered to hold the button to turn off calibration mode before Simon entered me.

* * *

In the morning, I woke up alone. Simon had an away game and had to leave super-early. I got out of bed, poured myself some cereal, and ate it standing at the kitchen sink. Memories of last night danced through my head.

I finished my cereal and went to take a shower. I felt aroused and remembered my uncle said the device was water-proof. So let's see if it works, I thought. I grabbed the device and turned on the water. I stepped in. I washed my hair and body and felt ready to experiment. The bulb end for me was too big to insert cold. I rubbed my clit and thought about Simon. I was getting turned on. I started working the shaft of the dildo into my pussy. I was really starting to loosen up. I turned the dildo around and started working the bulb end in. It was going, and then with a pop, it slipped all the way in.

It's hard to describe the sensations I felt next. The feeling of my spread labia and stuffed pussy were gone. Not altered, just gone. Turned off. I only felt the warm water hitting my clit, but I remembered I was standing sideways to the shower flow, and the water wasn't anywhere near my clit. It was the water hitting the Realdoe. I reached out and grabbed it. I nearly jumped out of my skin. It felt like I'd grabbed my clit. I experienced a kind of vertigo as my brain made sense, poorly, of the confusing sensations. I had the odd feeling that my hand was so tiny it barely wrapped around my clit.

I was so weirded out, I pulled out the dildo and touched my pussy. Everything felt completely normal. Magic. And we were going to be rich!

* * *

Simon called around noon. His team had won, and he was excited. I let him go on a bit. He turned the conversation after a few minutes. "So, is your uncle full of crap, Marti?" he jeered.

"Nope," I said as flatly as I could.

"What do you mean, it doesn't work, does it?"

"Oh, it does, Simon. It absolutely does."

"No way. No fucking way. Prove it," he said.

I laughed. "Well, I guess that'll have to wait until you're back." And like a flash, a plan popped into my mind.

* * *

That evening, Simon got back from his game. He had a small cut on his face and a partially swollen lip. After the game, the team had gone to a local bar. He'd roughed it up a bit with a townie.

"What the hell, Simon."

"He was saying disparaging things about Fine Young Cannibals after their song came on the stereo."

"Simon. You're impossible."

"Townie called them 'fags' in front of the team." Two of Simon's teammates were gay. "There's not one bad song on The Raw and The Cooked. Not one, Marti."

* * *

We scarfed down a quick dinner. With my mouth still full of my last bite of dinner, I grabbed his hand and led Simon to his bedroom.

I had already laid out several items on his bed: a feather, a pair of my silk underwear, a hand towel, a scrap of rough cloth, a bottle of lube, two bowls, and a blindfold.

"What's all this?" said Simon.

"It's how I'm going to prove my uncle's a genius," I said. "The blindfold is for me. All the other things are for different textures. You touch it, and I'll tell you what it is."

"No way this is possible."

"Stop saying that and just try it. If you'll excuse me for a second..." I said and walked into the bathroom. I dropped my pants. I took the techno- and gizmo-enhanced Realdoe from under the counter where I'd stashed it after my shower. I was already turned on, so slipping it was no problem. Just like a switch flipped, suddenly the feelings from my real genitals were turned off, and this artificial penis felt as real to me as if I'd been born with it. Because of the bulb end and my underwear's support, it didn't slip out. I opened the bathroom door.

My boyfriend looked shocked. "Damn, Marti, that's, um... that looks pretty damn realistic."

"You saw it last night during the calibration."

"Yeah, but you weren't wearing it."

I sat down on the bed next to him. "Well, let's get to it!" I tied the blindfold on.

"Can you see anything?" he asked.

"Not a thing." I heard a whoosh.

"Alright, I believe you. You didn't flinch at that punch, and you're a flincher. Here goes."

I suddenly felt something very soft and fluffy touch the dildo. It was an uncanny sensation, as if a tiny hand towel was rubbing my clit. "Hand towel," I said without pausing. The sensation stopped. Next I felt something very light just graze the dildo. "Feather." Simon let out a whistle.

"Damn! I'm impressed," he enthused.

"It gets better," I said. "Go fill up the bowls: one with cold water, one with hot." He left to go to the bathroom. A few moments later he was back. "Now dip your hand in one bowl for 30 seconds and touch the dildo." He did and then grabbed the dildo. "That was the hot water."

"Wow. So texture and temperature. Can you tell where I'm touching?"

"Pretty well," I said. "Try it." He touched the underside. "Underside." Now he touched the head. "Head." He moved his finger to the left side. "Left side—your pointer finger, mostly on the nail."

"I'm speechless."

"One last one. Get some lube on one hand, and grab the silk panties in the other. You choose which hand to put in front of the other. We'll see if I can sort out two similar sensations at the same time." I heard the bottle open. The feeling, as his hands wrapped around the Realdoe, were incredible.

"Oh, wow, um... that feels amazing... The panties are in the front hand." I was breathing pretty loudly. He withdrew his hands. I took off the blindfold. "Simon, it really does work. My uncle is going to make millions. And I'll make a percentage of that!"

He looked amazed. "You're right. It's unbelievable."

"Well, I'll call my uncle tomorrow and tell him the good news!" I stood up to walk to the bathroom.

Simon looked at me kind of funny. "Seriously? Are you just, really..." I had no idea what he was saying.

"Of course, why wouldn't I call him?"

"No, not that. Are you done? Have you even tried it?" Before I understood his meaning, he laughed gently, "You haven't, have you, you prude."

Now I was blushing. "Seriously, Marti, you ought to have a real test drive. You ought to see what it's like to masturbate with it."

"What, like in the bathroom while you wait out here?!"

"Actually, I'd kind of like to watch." Now I was totally red-faced. "Come here and try it. It's the chance of a lifetime."

Touching it during the experiment had turned me on, so my will was not strong. My skin seemed to shimmer with nerves as I awkwardly walked back to the bed.

I sat down. I gripped the Realdoe and started to rub it. There was still some lube on it.

Simon took out the lube again. "You might want some of this." He drizzled more lube on the Realdoe. I gripped it again with my fingertips, but Simon protested. "Wrap your whole hand around it."

I did. God, it felt so good and completely unnerving. It was like touching my clit, except if my clit were so huge I could scarcely wrap my hand around it as it dangled off my body. I must have gasped.

"That's right, Marti. Now let me see you stroke it." I was wrapping my whole hand and gently moving up and down. It felt fantastic. Simon started to kiss my neck and pinch my nipples. I opened my eyes to look at him, but my glance fixated on the spectacle of my hand sliding up and down on the Realdoe. It looked like part of my body. It felt like part of my body. Simon must have noticed my gaze.

"How does it feel to stroke your cock?" he said, pinching my nipple again. "Can you come this way?"

"I think yes!" I started to jack it even faster. I started to buck my hips into my hand. In a few minutes, I was coming, pushing my hips forward hard. I was panting as I stopped. All of a sudden, some weird feelings came over me. This thing, this Realdoe, which was not part of my body, felt so very much like it always had been. I was still feeling the tingling afterglow of aroused genitals, except instead of being a neat little bunch of tender skin delicately placed between my legs, it was a giant throbbing protuberance of arousal jutting out of my body. This was not real.

"Wow, how fantastic was that?" Simon asked earnestly, still kissing my neck. But I wasn't ready to talk about it. I pulled out the Realdoe, and pop, all the tingling sensations were back in the right places on my body.

I pushed Simon onto his back. I pulled down his underwear to his thighs, and without a word, sank down onto his cock. I rode him hard until he had an orgasm; this was one of Simon's favorites sex positions. I had been trying to come a second time but hadn't.

I told myself it was rare for me to come twice in a session. Deep down, I felt like I'd opened Pandora's box.

* * *

Simon was up early in the morning to go to class. He had to take mostly morning classes so that he had afternoons free for practice. I lounged in bed until 10.

As I was eating a slightly burned bagel, my mind wandered to last night. In an instant, I was turned on. Before I could think about it too hard, I grabbed the bottle of lube and went into the bathroom. The Realdoe sat on a hand towel, dry from its wash last night. I put my hand in my panties and rubbed a bit. I was dripping wet. Grabbing the dildo, I pulled my panties lower and worked the Realdoe's bulb end into my pussy. There was no zap or zing, but all of a sudden, the sensations from my pussy stopped and instead all I felt was my cock.

I sat down on the bath tub's edge, poured lube in my hand, and stroked off as hard and as fast as I could. It was so odd to stare down at this cock jutting out of my body that felt real. I came quickly. I pulled the dildo out, washed it, and put it back on the counter.

I left his apartment soon after to go to my classes, my apprehension only growing.

* * *

That night, Simon and I had a date planned. We were to meet at his place. He already had dinner well under way when I got there.

As we ate, talk turned to what we were doing after college. We were both seniors. Simon seemed uneasy. "Have you started looking for jobs?" I asked him.

"No, not yet. My parents want me to work at the family firm, of course." His family owned a financial services firm that managed finances and human resources for many small New England towns. How white shoe is that? Simon hated the idea of working there. He had dutifully studied business, though in a fit of pluck, he was also double majoring in anthropology. I, being more practical, was studying business and engineering.

"So, what, a different consulting business then?"

"I'd really rather do something with anthropology," he said, looking even more uncomfortable. "Study myths, culture, you know... keep doing that. What about you? Well, I guess you're all set for life, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your uncle's going to make you rich!" he said. I was squirming. "Look, Marti, I wanted to say something about last night." Oh God, this is why Simon looked unsettled during the meal. My stomach lurched. This man I loved was going to wreck my feelings somehow and tell me how appalling the whole endeavor last night had been. My heart felt mortified.