Paid to Seduce His Mother V. 01 Ch. 01


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"Oh. Well, when did you get home, and how come you're here now? Don't you have some big year end to do?"

"Yep, and you are looking at the winning crew leader. Pete Stiles, you met him, remember, was supposed to lead our crew, but got sick and had to withdraw. On our crew, I was next in line. I didn't like what he had planned, but we had already purchased the fixings, so I changed some things. We were number one in all the judging categories, which got us excused from clean up next week. I'm all done until October first, when I go to work for Someplace Else, right here in town."

"Oh, Mike, that's wonderful. Will you be staying here, with me, us?"

"I guess. At least, until I get a better offer," he said, with a smile.

Maggie's smile vanished. "The way things are, that wouldn't be very hard. I don't know what your father has said, if anything, but, as I'm sure you'll see tonight, it has been a little tense around here lately."

"Mmhmm. I sort of got that impression."

"Why? What did he say?"

"We'll talk about it later. Tell me what you've been up to. Have you met any interesting girls to introduce me to?"

Maggie laughed. It had been a running joke between them for the past few years that one of her jobs was to find him a suitable wife. He had claimed he was too busy studying to do any dating. "No, I'm afraid all the women I've met lately are all my age or older; too old for your taste, I'm sure."

"Not necessarily. I could go for someone like you. You're not that old, and, god knows, you're pretty enough to...well, you are a really pretty woman, Mom. If you were single, I'd certainly..."

"Mike! You shouldn't talk that way about me. I'm your mother."

"That doesn't change the fact that you're the prettiest woman in town. Or the sexiest."

Maggie was shocked by Mike's observation. She was realistic about her appearance, and, with no ego involved, knew she was very attractive, but sexy? That she found hard to believe. Her husband hadn't approached her for sex in over two years. If it weren't for her own fingers and her loyal silver bullet, she'd be in bad shape.

"Well, I'm glad you think so, but you shouldn't."

"You mean I should lie to myself, deny the truth of what I see? You taught us better than that, Mom. Oops, damn!" he swore as the rice began to boil over. "See, even the rice objects to that." he said, laughing. Maggie's embarrassed laugh joined his.

Part V

To Maggie's relief, the talk veered to the meal preparation as Mike described what was for dinner that evening. It seemed it was only a few minutes and he was announcing it was ready to take to the table. She excused herself to go to the washroom as Mike went to call his father.

In spite of the underlying tension between the couple, conversation over dinner was civil, focusing mostly on Mike, and what he had been doing--in school, socially, and his career plans. It wasn't until Mike served them all an after dinner cocktail and dessert that Harry mentioned the annual trip to their cabin.

"I'm not sure what to do about going up to the cabin this year. There's a convention out in Vegas I should attend, and several large customers on the West Coast I haven't called on in over a year that I should stop and see while I'm out there."

Mike saw his mother tense up. Before she could say anything, he replied, "How long will you have to be gone?" Maggie looked at her son, her face grim.

Harry glanced at his wife, seeing her anger. "I'm not sure. Two, three weeks."

"All the time we set aside for ourselves at the cabin. It's committed for the rest of the season," Maggie said bitterly. "Even if you don't want to be around me, I should think you'd want to spend some time with your children. But no, you always do this, always have done it. Whenever there is a family thing, you always find some excuse to get out of it."

While Maggie's statement was not literally true, both the men recognized the elemental truth behind the statement. Harry had assiduously avoided family functions, be it school events, nieces' and nephews' baptisms, christenings, graduations or weddings. His own children's graduations had been attended only under threat of imminent bodily harm if he did not accompany Maggie.

"Very well, go to your precious convention, and I suppose you'll be taking that new red-headed sales associate you hired. Mike," she asked, turning to face him, ignoring her husband, "will you go up to the cabin with me, to spend some timealonewith your mother, since Ellie won't be able to join us, either."

"Uh, yeah, Mom, no problem." Inside, his heart was racing. Things were working out as he had hoped. He was going to have three weeks at the cabin, alone, with his mother. Three weeks to seduce her.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He had expected much more in the way of vituperation from his wife. "Yeah," he said. "I was just going to suggest that. Give you two some time together before Mike has to start working for a living.

"Oh, by the way, son, can you give me a lift to the garage in the morning, so I can pick up my car." Mike nodded, his mouth full of dessert. " Thanks. Well, I'm going to go to watch TV for a bit before I turn in. I'll see you in the morning. About eight, Mike. Is that okay?"

"That's fine, Dad."

As Harry started to walk way, Maggie spoke. "Thank you, Mike, for making dinner. It was absolutely delicious. You deserved to win first place." As she spoke, she was glaring at Harry's back.

He stopped and turned to look over his shoulder. "Yes it was, son. Congratulations." Without another word to his wife, he left the room.

"Ooohh, that man! I swear, he has all the social grace of a...a...a rhinoceros. If I hadn't said something, he would never have acknowledged that you cooked tonight. Sometimes, I think I could put dog food on his plate and he wouldn't know it. Or care if I did." She stood up and began to gather the dirty dishes.

"Leave them, mom. I'll take care of it. Why don't you go get into something comfortable, and we can watch some TV, or a movie."

She flashed him a loving smile. "You shouldn't have to cook and clean up..."

"Why not. You did for a long time. I don't remember us kids helping you out a lot after dinner. Go on, now. Go get comfortable." Maggie put down the plates she was holding and walked around the table to her son, smiling, with tears making her eyes glisten.

"Thank you; for dinner, for cleaning up, and for coming to the cabin with me. I'm looking forward to that." She stretched up and lightly kissed him on the lips. Before he could react, she had stepped away and was on her way out of the room.

Part VI

It was nearly forty-five minutes before Maggie was back downstairs. Her hair was still damp and she was wearing a soft yellow, light cotton lisle night gown which just covered her knees. Mike had finished in the kitchen and was sitting on the sofa, staring at the TV, which was playing whatever music talent show was on that night.

Maggie had to pass between him and the TV to sit beside him. "Do you want to go put on something more comfortable, sweetie?"

"Unh, no, I'm fine, Mom. I'll probably go to bed soon anyway. No sense making the trip twice in such a short time."

"Tired from the trip? That is a long drive for one person."

"Mmhmm. And it's been a long stressful day. Dad said he's asked you for a divorce." He felt Maggie tense up and back away from him slightly.

"Oh. What did he say?"

"That since Ellie and I have gone, you two don't do anything together, or go any where..."

"Yeah, you saw that tonight; whenever we have plans, he always finds someplace else to go with his newest sales associate. If he hadn't had a vasectomy, I'm sure you'd have a village full of siblings."

Mike laughed. "Yeah, he's always seemed to have an eye out for the pretty girl. Has he always been such a horn dog?"

Maggie's face softened a bit. "No. That all started a little after Ellie was born. When we learned I was pregnant, he took it on himself to get cut. And then the delivery was hard and complicated; it was over a year before we could make love again, and I couldn't get pregnant anymore. I think he resented that, and blamed me for the fact he could no longer be a father. I mean have children; he'll always..."

"I knew what you meant, Mom. What about now? How long has it been since you two...?"

"My, aren't you the nosey one?" she laughed. She looked away from him, ostensibly watching the TV. "Too long. Before Ellie left, maybe before you..."

"You're kidding? Three or four years since... no friggin' wonder you two aren't getting along."

Maggie looked at him, a sad smile on her face. "Mike, sweetie, you've got it ass backwards. It's not because we're not having sex that we're not getting along; it's because we're not getting along that we're not having sex. At some point your father decided he'd rather fuck some young chippie than me. Then he'd come home with the smell of her perfume and sex all over him and want to sleep in our bed next to me.

"Some times, he wasn't satisfied and wanted me to take care of him. One night he'd been with someone, and came home drunk to the gills. He tried to force himself into my mouth. That was the last time he asked me."

"You bit him?" Mike asked, his stomach feeling queasy and his sac shrinking up to protect his jewels in reaction to her words.

Maggie smiled. "No, I didn't bite; I just didn't open my teeth when I pulled away." She laughed when Mike pulled himself up into the fetal position. "Oh, don't be so... it wasn't that bad. He was able to walk away. I'm the one who got hurt. I had a bruise on my cheek for a week where he hit me. That was the night he moved into the guest room."

"Your idea, or his?"

"Mine. Why all these questions about your parents' sex life?"

"I... I guess I'm trying to get some sense of how bad the situation is, to see if the marriage can be resurrected."

"I can put your mind to rest on that. Not in my lifetime."

"But he says you won't even discuss a divorce."

"No, not on his terms. And he won't even listen when I try to present mine."

"Which are?" Mike watched as his mother briefly closed her eyes, reviewing the settlement she had presented to Harry the first time he brought up the topic. She opened her eyes and looked at her son.

"What I thought was fair. I get the house and my car; he gets the apartment downtown, and his car. Since neither of us had anything when we got married, we split the bank account and stock, except for my share of the company. He buys that at the highest bid price for a similar company on the day of the divorce judgement, or some arbitrary date set by the judge. And we sell the cabin and split the proceeds."

"And his?"

"Well, the last time, he agreed about the house and the apartment, said I could have the cabin. He also agreed we'd split the stock, except for my share of the company. He claims it's not really mine since he started the company, and my ownership was really just a paper transaction, a sham for business purposes. He wants to pay me what he was paid when the stock was transferred to me, a dollar a share." She thought for a moment. "And in both scenarios, he pays for Ellie to finish her bachelor's degree."

"So, the major bone of contention is the business stock. Anything else?"

Maggie turned her head to gaze at the TV screen, lost in thought for several seconds. When she finally spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. Mike had to lean in to hear.

"Yes. He has to acknowledge his responsibility in getting us into this state. I know that there were probably things I could have done during that time after Ellie's birth. If I didn't know about them then, he could have shown me, or we could have learned together.

"But for most of that time, he left me alone. I wasn't sick, but I also wasn't up to ...and I was alone with two kids under the age of three. My mother was ill, and my father was just like Harry. Mother Jacoby had her own problems to deal with. Harry's dad was showing the signs of early onset Alzheimer's, so she was in no position to help.

"There wasn't anyone else. His sister was away at school, and Jimmy, my brother was in the service, overseas. But he wanted it all–a quiet house, dinner on the table, me dressed like June Cleaver, and ready to screw like Marilyn Chambers. When I couldn't, his answer, instead of pitching in, was to avoid the problem by looking elsewhere, just like he's always done. Not what can I do to fix this, but where can I find someone to replace the person I see as causing the problem, who, obviously, was never himself.

She shook herself and straightened up. "So, when he can do that, I'll start to seriously discuss terms with him. Until then, I'm comfortable in my life, except for having him underfoot, but I can tolerate that, most days," she said with a sardonic tone to her voice.

Mike shook his head. "I had no idea things were so bad when I was growing up. I get the impression that you don't see any future other than this, uh, Mexican stand-off?"

"Oh, I suppose, some time in the not too distant future, I'll get tired of putting up with Harry's sniping and kvetching and just say to hell with it and let the lawyers come up with some kind of quote-unquote equitable settlement so I can walk away, but if you're asking about some sort of reconciliation, no, that's not in the cards."

"I...was about to say, I'm sorry, but that doesn't really seem appropriate." Mike stood up and stretched. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Fridays, I keep my calendar clear to make up missed appointments and so on. Tomorrow, I'm free all day. Did you have something in mind?"

"Ellie's due tomorrow night isn't she? D'you suppose we could impose on Dad to make it a family night and go out to dinner. Then you and I could be lazy and catch some rays and pool time."

"You ask him. If I do, he'll say no just on principle." She held out her hand for him to help her up. He pulled her to her feet and into a full-body hug.

"I really do feel bad that you have to live in such a hostile situation. Would you mind if I see if I can talk Dad into an agreement which seems fair to both of you?"

Maggie pulled her head back to look at him. "If he'll listen to anyone in the family, it's you. Go ahead." She reached up to give him a peck on the lips, but before she could pull away, Mike tightened his hug and held her in place a trifle longer than she had intended.

When he broke the kiss, Mike placed his cheek next to hers and softly said, "Love you, Mom. We'll get this sorted out."

Maggie relaxed in his arms, feeling more loved and secure than she had in years, she realized. "I love you, too, Mike. Thank you for helping." She felt tears starting to run down her cheeks and backed away. "Well, I'm off to bed. Don't be up too late. If you don't want to drive your father, he can call a cab..."

"No, that's fine. It's the perfect time to tell him about dinner. If I'm doing him a favor, then, as far as he's concerned, he owes me."

His mother looked at Mike, a rueful smile on her face. "Sometimes I wonder about you. There are times you are just like him..."

"Only when there's business involved, and never just to my advantage. As much as possible, everyone benefits, at least a little bit." He bent down and kissed her on the lips again. "Good night. You sleep well. Tomorrow night is going to be...interesting." Maggie laughed softly and nodded as she turned and walked away. "By the way, Mom, that's a pretty nightie."

Maggie stopped and turned to look at her son, who was grinning as he looked at her. She looked down at herself to see that the light from the TV had made her nightie almost transparent.

Although nothing on her front was visible, her body was clearly outlined, including the V where her thighs met. She blushed and turned away without saying anything, feeling a frisson of arousal as she walked away, knowing he was watching her. She succeeded, but just barely, in refraining from letting her hips sway more than usual.

"Behave yourself! He's your son!" she scolded herself. "Damn! The first attractive man to notice me in years, and it has to be my son." She laughed to herself. "Maybe that's a good thing. If he weren't, Harry would have grounds for divorce, not that I don't. God, I hope Mike can talk some sense into him. I'm tired of living like a nun." Before getting into bed, she opened the drawer of her bedside table and pulled out her favorite toy.

As she settled back into her pillows, she pulled her nightie up around her hips and pulled her knees up and apart, exposing her lady to her fingers. Before she could use her friend, she needed to start her juices. After licking her fingers, she let them dance over her slit, coaxing it open. As her hand did the finger fox trot between her thighs, her memories, stimulated by thoughts of her son and how it felt to be held by him, returned her to a dance lesson twenty-four years ago.

She was fifteen, a sophomore, and had been invited to the first big dance of the school year by a member of the junior class. Excited, she had told her mother all about it. Sensible mom had pointed out that since the dance was formal, at least some of the dances would most likely be what the teenagers referred to as 'old time' dances–waltzes, fox trots, two steps, maybe even, gasp, rhumbas, and sambas, and the cha cha.

Her heart sank. Like many of her classmates, she had no trouble with the teen dances of the day, but any thing before 1970 was foreign to her. Mom had quietly patted her on the back and called her brother, Jimmy, into the room.

Over the next six weeks, as he taught her how to slow dance, as he put it, the siblings had become good friends, in spite of the three year age difference. As they danced, Jimmy told her about what she could expect from the guys who would be dancing with her, especially her date. While Maggie was neither prudish nor naive, she was inexperienced. One Sunday, when their parents were visiting friends in another town, she had asked Jimmy what she should do if...

Her questions surprised him. Objectively, he knew his sister, even at fifteen was a knockout and he expected she would have learned the answers to the questions she was asking already. Maggie's problem was that she was almost too pretty; her beauty convincing her age mates they didn't stand a chance before they even asked her.

Rather than try to explain his answers, he had replied, "It'll be easier if I just show you. Try to pretend I'm your date." His demonstration, and her pretending, had been too successful. By the time the parents had returned Maggie knew, and had experienced, all the possible outcomes of slow dancing. She and Jimmy practiced them as often as possible before the dance, and after, as far as that goes. He taught her all about her body and its responses to caresses, and how to enjoy them, whether from her fingers or someone else's.

With a deep sigh, she hit the on button, welcoming the soft humming sound.

In his room at the other end of the hall, Mike was slipping into bed nude, as he usually did, already beginning to stroke himself, remembering the feel of his mother's small breasts and slender hips against his body, anticipating how they would feel without the barrier of cloth between them.

Part VII

"Thanks, son; I really appreciate this. Last night, did you see what I mean about your mother. She held back a bit because you were there, but that's how she's been for the past three or four years."

"Yeah, I see what you mean. We had a good talk after you went to bed. I think I know how to get her to at least start talking about divorce.

"She reminded me. We have an apartment downtown that we apparently keep it for visiting big shots? Do you have a key so I can go look at it, see what kind of value a judge or realtor might put on it?"