Owning Bella Ch. 06


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The plane door opened, and Bella stiffened, feeling her nakedness in the early morning light and dreading appearing in a public place as she was. She closed her eyes and reminded herself that she needed to trust Mel. He had sworn to look after and protect her. She had to stop worrying and trust him, but her mind fought her heart as she gazed at the now-open doorway of the plane and shivered involuntarily.

Mel saw her shiver and held the leash tighter. "Come, precious pet," he said sternly as the captain emerged from the cockpit. He stood and walked to the front of the plane. "Thank you my friend," Mel said, shaking hands with the imposing man as Bella patiently stayed at his side on all-fours.

"You are most welcome, my friend. You and your pretty little bitch are welcome to join me at my home if you do not have pressing plans," the pilot said, looking at Bella in a predatory way.

"As always, I have plans," Mel laughed. "But I thank you for the invitation and hospitality you have shown to me and my precious pet."

The pilot inclined his head and extended an arm toward the doorway, "Have a good trip then, I will see you upon your return no doubt."

"I look forward to it," Mel smiled, and led Bella through the doorway. She let out a breath she had not realised she had been holding as Mel stood her up and wrapped a jacket about her shoulders before they descended the stairs and stepped into a waiting car. Bella realised this must have been a small private airfield, much like Spearfield, if a car had been allowed on the tarmac and she hugged the coat tighter for warmth in the early-morning breeze.

The driver and Mel exchanged pleasantries as he checked the route and the status of his plans before joining Bella in the car. His hands went to the jacket still slung over her shoulders that she clutched to her, and took it away. From the coat pocket he pulled two pieces of white leather and clipped them into the harness. They effectively formed a bra of sorts. Again, from a different inner pocket, he pulled a tiny white leather skirt. He helped her pull it up her legs and around her hips. Turning her so he could lace up the back of the tight band of leather he spoke softly, his breath hot on her neck. "We are heading to the harbour where a boat is waiting to meet us, from there we are going to cruise up to Kuala Lumpur." He brushed his lips over her neck and ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and biting it lightly.

Bella shivered in pleasure and smiled, "A cruise sounds lovely, Master." She squirmed in her seat as he continued to nibble at her ear and trace the lines of the leather straps against her skin.

"All mine," Mel murmured into her ear.


The party for Mel's birthday was a mammoth affair with exotic and extreme entertainment brought into the club for the night. While many inquired as to his whereabouts, the club was so crowded that people largely believed he was around somewhere, especially when that was the answer they got from well prepared staff and his inner circle of friends.

It was late in the evening when Kurt and Dianne finally arrived at the birthday festivities. They headed into the office den to speak with Rob before joining the crowds of people in the club. The investigation into the mysterious Lewis Arfor and his tenuous link to, and interest in, Bella continued after Mel had left for his vacation. It was Rob who coordinated all the efforts to find out what actually happened to both Bella and Marie earlier that week. Kurt though, despite his affable nature in public, was as much the control freak as his friend and boss and wanted to be kept up to date with all the investigations.

Laughing at the decorations and crowded club he draped his tall, lanky body into a chair and raised his eyebrow at Rob, "No rest for the wicked?"

"Didn't you hear? I went past wicked a decade ago, I am pure evil now," Rob smirked at Kurt.

"And here I thought that was just a rumour. Speaking of rumours, fill me in on all the gossip, I'm guessing all the stake holders have passed through this office already tonight," Kurt still held a smile, but his tone had turned serious. "I quite like that little girl of Mel's, and I'm quite keen to make sure she is safe and stays that way."

"That girl certainly has an effect on the men she meets doesn't she?" Rob leaned back in his chair, "I am never sure if I want to spoil her and protect her or tie her up, spank her and make her beg for every little thing. I do believe, however, that I owe her a spanking after that stunt she pulled yesterday."

Kurt let out a guffaw, "I think she'll be getting enough punishment for that, if I know Mel, without her having to face you and your indignation at being taken by surprise."

"Yeah, I will admit it was a pretty clever little ruse," Rob smirked. "She's definitely not just a pretty face, but the good ones rarely are," he said as he looked up at the portrait of his lost love still hanging in the room.

Kurt looked up at the portrait and turned to Dianne, "Go get us a couple of beers would you?"

"Of course, Master," Dianne smiled and left the room quietly.

"The similarities are striking aren't they?" Kurt acknowledged.

"In some ways yes, in others no," Rob said sitting back up in the chair. "She is special though," he smiled.

"Any news on Arfor?" Kurt sat up straighter as he asked the question.

"No, he's like a phantom I can barely catch sight of," Rob said, running his hands through his hair. "We have no real proof of wrong-doing by anyone, Bella herself said she thought she snagged her hair and fell."

"So," Kurt paused. "Coincidence? Bad luck?" He shook his head. "I'm tempted to believe it was an attempt to hurt the club, the business, and Mel. I think we need to keep our feelers out there, just in case they try again. Don't you?"

Rob let out a long breath and nodded, "Yeah. Josie is still working the ex-boyfriend, though he seems to be 'young dumb and full of cum' as she puts it so eloquently." He laughed, "Maybe while Mel is away and Bella is not here whoever is doing this will relax enough to slip up a little." He shrugged, "Maybe."

Dianne quietly came back, bearing a tray with tankards of beer. She presented them both with the drinks before moving back to Kurt's side and kneeling before she spoke.

"It's funny don't you think that most people are asking about the birthday boy and where he is hiding but only one person asked about Bella," her voice was soft, but she knew the impact her words would have.

Most people would assume Bella was with Mel and would ask after him rather than Bella alone. Unless, of course, they did not know the lifestyle well or the circumstances that followed Mel's collaring of the girl. Their interest gained, both men looked at Dianne and waited for her to continue.

"One of the entertainers brought in for tonight seems very interested in the whereabouts of our little star," Dianne paused. "Perhaps he has heard some rumours we have not?"

"Perhaps indeed," Kurt smiled down at her and stroked her golden mane. "Perhaps you should point this entertainer out to me while we go and greet our friends."

Rob stood up with his beer in hand, "I think I'll join you, I've been cooped up in here long enough. Let's go enjoy the party shall we?"

The party was a kaleidoscope of colour, Stephen had outdone himself in his preparations and in every corner of the restaurant there seemed to be some form of entertainment for the guests. The entertainment room itself was filled with cries of pain and pleasure as well as the sounds of sex that rang as a counterpoint to the low murmur of appreciative observers.

Making their way to the front saloon bar Dianne finally spotted him, and they settled into comfortable chairs watching as he worked with rope. "Go find Stephen for me," Kurt whispered to Dianne who wove her way through the crowd heading toward the front of house and the reception area.

"Not bad," Rob commented, "but I always found shibari too time consuming to be effective for my needs."

"Kinbaku," Kurt nodded. "Zen and the art of rope. Not really to my taste either but it does look exceptionally pretty when done with the right model." He smiled widely, "Maybe I will ask for a private demonstration with Dianne."

Rob laughed out loud, "Now that's something I would pay to see! I still can't get used to her new submissiveness; she was quite the bad-ass bitch as a Domme."

Kurt grinned, "She does have a wilful streak I will grant you, but it makes the punishment all the more fun." He, too, let out a loud chuckle.

Dianne and Stephen arrived as the young girl that the entertainer had knotted into position with intricate rope patterns was being hoisted into position as a human piece of art. "You know this Nawashi?" Kurt asked Stephen, and Rob raised an eyebrow.

"For someone who isn't into it you sure know a lot about it," he remarked as Stephen gave them a quizzical look. "The rope artist," Rob volunteered, "Where did you find him?"

"Not in the yellow pages," Stephen laughed as the rope artist unzipped his pants and, swinging the girl he had hoisted into living art, began to fuck her hard and ferociously. "He is actually a club member and has been for years, but we don't see him often as he lives down South these days. Apparently a small club similar to this has opened up down there, he saw the party night mentioned in the member's monthly journal and offered his services if he could let people know about the new Southern club."

"Well that would explain how he heard about Bella," Kurt murmured. "The fact that he collared a girl was big news, but did it make this months Journal already?"

"I doubt it. Even if it had, it doesn't explain why he was asking about where she was," Rob's said, voice lowering ominously.

They watched with the small crowd in the saloon bar as the girl was eventually swung away from the artist, and he spun her in her ropes to wipe his cock clean with her hair before zipping his pants back up and waving away to the polite nods and smiles of the observers.

"Max," Stephen waved the man over. "Come join us for a drink."

After initial introductions and polite chit-chat the small group relaxed into easy conversation. "Dianne tells me you were asking after the pretty little Bella?" Kurt posed the statement as a question to Max.

"Oh yeah," Max said easily, "I guess everyone is interested in seeing the girl that Mel's collared." He leaned forward conspiratorially, "I hear though that she isn't here, she left him already and ran back to her parent's house somewhere down the coast." He shrugged, "She can't have been as good as they said if she ran away after only a few days."

Kurt laughed long and loud, and Rob smirked, "Wow rumours fly fast in this group don't they? I bet if we wait another hour or so she will have a crone's face and a wart on the end of her nose."

"Have you met her?" Max asked curiously, "or is she just a rumour after all."

Kurt fished in his pocket and pulled out his phone, rifling through the photos on file. "Dianne and I went to a party recently that Bella also attended. Let me see if I have a picture." Rob was interested in seeing the picture too. If the photo was decent he may add it to the office den's wall temporarily, or at least until they had time to have a new formal portrait taken.

It was a photo of the night Kurt had liked. He had taken it as she had spoken with her father after Jim's untimely exit. She had been smiling up at her father, but her eyes were full of unshed tears giving her a look of poignant vulnerability that had made Kurt and Dianne both highly protective of the girl. "Ah here is our little Tinkerbella," Kurt held the phone for Dianne to see.

"It's such a lovely photo, Master. It captures her perfectly," Dianne smiled her praise.

Kurt passed his phone to the other three men who seemed suitably impressed. Max took his time studying the girl and Rob watched him carefully. "Tiny thing isn't she?" Max finally said. "She looks as if she might break with any real use."

"What is it they say, good things come in small packages?" Rob smiled.

"No, no," Kurt cut in. "It's, don't judge a book by its cover."

Stephen laughed with them, "She is exceptional, let's just leave it at that. Satisfy your curiosity Max?"

"Oh sorry," Max said, finally handing the phone back to Kurt. "Yes. Will they be here tonight?"

"They're around somewhere," Stephen gave the pat reply he had instructed the staff to give if asked.

Another girl approached, and Stephen left to attend to club business with her, leaving Max with Rob and Kurt. "So tell us about this club you are part of down South," Kurt asked still smiling. "Is it as grand as this place?"

"Its more of a café in comparison, but it might grow now that some high-rolling backers have come onboard," Max said good-naturedly, confirming the fact that he did not realise that Rob was the silent partner in this club.

Rob seized on the information, "Oh anyone we might know? Maybe we should check it out sometime." Rob turned to Kurt, "Never know what delectable morsels may be hiding in the Southern states."

"I quite like the scenery here, but I have wanted to catch up with some friends I haven't seen for a while that live down South for work. Maybe some of them belong to your new little club?" Kurt asked without naming anyone specifically.

Max smiled, "I do alright, but I don't know if I can keep up both memberships if it becomes more like this club, but that is the talk lately, someone called Lewis has come on board and wants to tailor the clientele. I don't know much about the business side but if I bring a few memberships in I'll be in the founders group and get a life time membership and all the perks that come with that. Do you make it down South often? I thought I could make some contacts here to build the club up a bit and secure my spot and lifetime membership."

"Oh sure," Kurt said magnanimously, "I'm always looking for something fun to do when I'm there for business. Why don't we have lunch tomorrow and you can fill me in on all the details. I was thinking about buying an apartment anyway, but this sounds as if it will be more fun don't you think, my girl?"

Dianne nodded enthusiastically, "Oh yes, Master."

"I'll see if I can move some things around to join you. Not that I travel that much, but it's always good to haven options," Rob agreed. He had almost jumped out of his skin when he heard the name Lewis but didn't want to spook the man they were talking to.

They had been chatting for almost an hour when Max finally excused himself to release the girl he had bound into artwork. "Nice to meet you gentlemen, I will see you for lunch here tomorrow, about twelve?"

"Yes. Twelve works for me," Kurt smiled and shook his hand, "See you then."

"Feel free to bring some friends if you think they'd be interested," Max encouraged them before melting into the crowd again.

"What an interesting young man," Kurt smirked.

"Worth watching," Rob agreed. "And I know just the man for the job," he grinned.


Bella climbed from the car as it pulled up at the dock and stood demurely behind Mel. She was overwhelmed by the size of the boat, as he had called it. It was more of a ship, and they were greeted with deference by the crew. Mel spoke briefly to the captain as the early morning sun warmed Bella while she stood close by. Satisfied, Mel led Bella into the main cabin.

Placing a cushion on the floor, he had her kneel as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "I have been thinking of the best punishment for your running away from me and everything this collar and our bond means," he began, his voice even. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, but she said nothing. "From the time we left your parent's house you lost all your freedoms and independence from me. You will now have to work hard to show me I can trust you to remember who owns you, controls you and provides for you."

Placing the mug on the bench he walked back to stand before her. "You will not move from where I place you until told you may move, you will ask for even the smallest things including going to the bathroom. Do you understand? You belong wholly and solely to me now." He nudged her knees apart with the toe of his boot, "And if you should ever doubt that, just look down to be reminded." Mel left Bella kneeling there and walked from the room, leaving her alone to contemplate his words and her loss of the small freedoms she had.

Mel had turned to the sleeping quarters to supervise the loading of their luggage; he figured they would spend a minimum of three days on the boat. Three days to indulge his fetishes and build her trust in him so that Italy could be the enjoyable romantic place she had always dreamed of visiting and he would no longer have such deep worry about her commitment to him.

He took up his tool bag and walked back to the doorway to the room she knelt in. She hadn't moved, and he smiled. He walked back into the room and sat the bag beside her, unzipping it slowly, allowing the smell of well-cared-for leather escape into the room, his smile widened as he watched her squirm on her heels.

"Stand," Mel commanded as he pulled a fistful of hair assisting her to rise quickly to her feet. He enjoyed her whimper as he held her a moment or two longer, and bent to kiss her. His hands moved to unbuckle the harness once more. Mel stripped her of all the leather straps, his fingers lightly tracing the pink lines the tight straps had left upon her skin and the still swollen area of the tattoo above her cunt.

Finally he took the chain from her neck and held it before her eyes, "This is only a symbol, as is the new mark you bear proclaiming you as my possession." Mel paused to let his words sink in, "You are mine because you know I will give you what you need, what you want and what you desire. I will give it all to you because you are mine and you have already given me what I most desire in the world, you." His voice was deep and throaty and full of passion as he continued, "I have wanted you just like this, for longer than you can imagine, I adore you my Ellie, you do not need the collar to prove it, you just need to trust and believe in me."

Bella's lip found its way between her teeth again as she listened to him talk, her eyes focusing on the collar as he held it up. This was what she wanted it was true, it was why she had accepted his collar, and all that came with it, but everything she had done since then had seemed to be wrong and had cast doubts on that decision. She had wondered if she could ever be the girl he truly wanted. The past twelve hours had shown her otherwise.

In the last twelve hours when it had been just the two of them together, Bella had truly listened to him. From the time he had arrived at her parents she felt the overwhelming longing to be with him like this. To feel his pride and adoration of her, to know without doubt that nothing that had happened in the last week had changed his desire for her as she had feared and all but convinced herself of during his long absences in the days following her accident.

Once again Mel placed his hand on her shoulder with slight pressure and Bella melted to kneel at his feet. From the bag, he took the wooden box he had brought from her basket in the training room and placed it beside her. "While you are aboard this boat it will be as if you are in the training room at home." He opened the box to display the contents. "I expect you to be dressed appropriately." Mel took a step back and sat in a comfortable looking armchair to watch her.

Bella sat back on her heels and pulled the training collar from the box laying it on the floor in front of her along with the leash. She laid out the four cuffs trying to discern by the size which were the ankle and which were the wrist. Enjoying the smell and feel of the soft, oiled leather, lastly she pulled out the leather hair thongs with the ringed ends. A small smile softened Mel's features as she began to put on the restraints and Bella basked in the warmth of his pleasure.