Owning Bella Ch. 05


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Bella looked up and was once again struck by Rob's rugged handsomeness as he walked toward her. She wasn't sure how to act with Master Rob, he came off as so laid back and charming, but she remembered his correction of her and his inspection the night she had begged her collar from Mel. She knew from that brief interaction that he could and would be just as demanding as her Master. She had been told at that time that Rob would be like a second Master, if anything happened to Mel it was Rob who would assume the responsibility of looking after her. She stood and quietly greeted him, "Hello, Master Rob."

"Hello, Princess, how are you feeling today?" Rob smiled widely at her. He crossed the floor and picked her up in a bear hug and put her back in the chair she had been sitting in looking at her lap top.

"I feel great," Bella smiled, but it didn't make it to her eyes.

"Do you want to try that again but tell me the truth this time?" Rob frowned at her, "It's not beyond my duties to spank you young lady."

Bella's eyes widened and she felt butterflies fill her tummy with excitement at the thought. "Really I am totally fine, no headache, not a lump anymore, I am all good." She rushed to assure him.

"Okay," Rob studied her face, "So what's bothering you then because that is not the expression of someone who is "Great"" Rob quizzed her further, "And you may as well tell me the truth because I will know if you try to lie to me again."

Bella's eyes glanced over at Dusty and then back up to Rob as she took a breath and opened her mouth finally whispering, "No one will let me do anything. Dusty even made my bed for me. I can't cook because it's all pre-prepared food which would be great normally because I would be too busy but right now I am bored to stupidity. I have been emailing Dorothea asking for work to be emailed, but she refused." Bella lowered her eyes, "I know I was hurt, but this is ridiculous. I am fine." She looked up and saw him listening intently as he studied her face and sighed, "Master has barely touched me since I left the hospital, it's as if he thinks I might break or something."

Rob was surprised by her answer, but it made his plans all the easier to put into place. "It just so happens I have a job for you and it sounds like you need a diversion," Rob said seriously pulling at his earlobe thoughtfully. Bella's eyes regained some life and Rob began to outline his plan to get her to ask her parents to come to town tomorrow for her hospital appointment then keep them here with tickets to a show or something so that Bella could spend Mel's birthday with him.

Dusty's head swivelled around, and her heightened sense of hearing made her move toward them. Rob rolled his eyes, "I can help," Dusty's low voice held an element of excitement in it too, "This sounds like fun."

Rob raised an eyebrow and Dusty told him her idea of giving them tickets to Cavalero, a horse show that her Master was consulting on. Looking at his watch he said, "We have about ten minutes before lunch and Mel arrives. Go make your calls, I will delay him a minute or two if I need to," Rob smiled at the two girls.

Stephen arrived with Theo one of the trainee managers carrying the food and drinks they had ordered to come up closely followed by Mel. Bella had quickly disappeared through her room to the bathroom as she tried to end her phone call and Mel looked around as he came in searching for her.

It was Dusty who spoke, "Bella went to the bathroom a second ago, Master Mel," It was rare to hear Dusty's voice and Mel raised his eyebrow.

Rob laughed disarming the situation, "Protective isn't she, almost bit me when I came in unannounced."

Mel turned to look at Rob, "Thought you were meeting me down stairs."

"How am I supposed to rescue the princess from the old ogre if you're always around?" Rob complained.

"You should have bitten him," Mel said in mock seriousness to Dusty and began to walk toward Bella's room as Rob chuckled.

Bella left the bathroom just as Mel walked in and smiled widely, he reached out and pulled her to him kissing her passionately without saying a word. "I miss having you constantly by my side little one," he murmured between kisses, making her smile wider and her arms wrap around his body. Mel stroked his hands down over her body and felt her quiver and respond immediately to his touch.

Breaking the kiss he placed his hand heavily on her shoulder, and she melted to her knees before him, looking up and whispering, "I have missed you so, Master." Bella echoed his earlier words. Uncaring of the people in the other room Mel went and closed the bedroom door giving them some small amount of privacy.

Bella's eyes followed him, and as he came back to stop before her, she bent forward and brushed her lips over the leather of his boots almost purring at being at his feet again and cursing the accident that had seen him wrap her in cotton wool so to speak and barely touch her since, she felt fine and wished everyone would just let her go back to normal.

Mel ran his fingers through her hair as she knelt back up before him. Tightening the hold in her hair he watched her wince and immediately released her. Bella dropped her head feeling she had disappointed him, but he lifted her chin, "Tell me," he said.

"It's just where the actual lump was that is tender. I am honestly all better now. I feel great, no headaches, or any other side effects," She rushed her answer, before sighing, "Please, Master, don't stop. I need to be yours again, properly, not treated like a china doll that might break at any moment." She felt better for saying it out loud to her Master rather than complaining to Master Rob.

Mel was surprised by her answer, but he did not show it, "I want only to ensure my precious treasure is kept in perfect condition if that means you must wait for more training than that is my decision and you must accept it and trust me." He smiled and lowered his hands to her breasts he fondled them through the thin fabric of the short summer dress feeling the hardened tips and noting her arousal at being alone with him for what seemed the first time since leaving hospital.

Pulling her to her feet by her nipples he kissed her again and ground his hardening cock against her belly, "It is not that I do not want to use you, little slut," he growled showing her his own need. "We will spend the night together alone and discuss it further," he kissed her again his mind planning a light training session to take the edge off both their need. Mel hadn't let go of her nipples and he twisted them one last time. Her whimpers were so musical to his ears, then he smacked her ass turning her toward the door and placing his hand on the nape of her neck.

Bella's body betrayed her excitement at his touch as her still painful nipples lead the way back into the living room and their company. Rob was talking with Dusty about his beach shack in a remote area of the coastline south of the town they lived in, not too far from the ranch where Jack and Dusty lived. It was far enough away to seem remote but was within an hour's drive of the city for the average person. It was less for Rob, who rode his motorcycle like he had a death wish, "Seems I will have to spend more time in the city again though, so if you and Jack ever want a change of pace just let me know," Rob finished saying as Mel and Bella sat down at the table with them.

Rob eyed Bella, his eyes obviously lingering on the hard tips of her perky breasts poking through the flimsy material of the dress. His lips curled, and he looked up at Mel, "Nice of you to join us, you certainly have a wonderful effect on your girl."

Mel reached over and fondled her left breast making her blush deeper and her lip suck in to be chewed upon. "Mm hm," was all Mel murmured before surveying the lunch and declaring, "I'm famished, let's eat." Rob reiterated his story about spending more time in the city and offering the use of his shack to his friends, "I'll even take your girl down there for some of my own personalised training if you like, Mel," Rob leered at Bella as Mel seemed to consider it.

"Maybe sometime," Mel finally answered and Rob smiled widely, "But I don't imagine it will be any time soon," It was Mel's turn to smirk and Dusty grinned at Rob's look of chagrin. Bella picked at her salad as she let the rest of the conversation wash over her. She was paying attention, she knew better than not to, but her mind kept drifting to the fact that tomorrow was her Masters birthday, and she had nothing to give him and even if she could go shopping she actually had no idea what to get him.

"What are you thinking little one?" Mel interrupted her thoughts making her jump guiltily.

"I am sorry, I was listening to you all really," Bella squeaked. "The beach shack sounds like a wonderful place to visit for a few days of uninterrupted, um, fun." She finished lamely.

"I know you were little one, but you looked so forlorn that whatever is on your mind is obviously bothering you," Mel pressed her.

"I am just little stir crazy being stuck here, and talking about holidays by the sea, I guess," she immediately regretted her words and back tracked, "I am so terribly grateful for all the care and concern everyone has shown me but do you think maybe I could go for a walk? See the sunshine and get some fresh air, John could follow me. You would know exactly where I was," Bella asked hopefully.

"You need to rest until we see the doctor again tomorrow, my Ellie," Mel said gently but firmly.

"Yes Master," Bella replied quietly.

"I'll stay and play tea parties with you, little princess. You can play the lady of leisure while the old grump goes back to work," Rob grinned trying to lighten the mood around the table.

Dusty snorted which made Bella giggle all the more as Rob looked injured, "What?" He said, "I like a good tea party along with the next guy!"

Jack walked in as Dusty snorted again and Bella dissolved into giggles, Dusty's head immediately came up, and she rushed to her master's side. Jack ran his hand through her ponytail and down her back. "Oh good you're here," he strode over to Mel stopping to stroke Bella hair, "I hear you are feeling better Bella, that's good." To Mel, he said, "I have a couple of guys coming over to fit Dusty for some new gear I found. You don't mind do you? We could always go down to the club, but I think Dusty and Dianne have hatched a plan to look after your little one, so she is reluctant to leave."

Mel grimaced, "I don't think Dianne has been a good influence on our girl's Jack, you and I may have to have a little chat with her about that." Mel stroked Bella's cheek, "I do apologise for and appreciate the inconvenience to you Jack. This one is extremely precious to me."

"It's not too unreasonable," he turned to look pointedly at Dusty, "Yet." Then he turned to look at Bella who had dropped her eyes and was almost pouting at the trouble her clumsiness had caused. "We were in town for a few days anyway." He stroked Bella's hair again, "Got another beer around somewhere?"

"Of course, Master Jack," Bella stood up and scampered to the kitchen. The fridge was so well stocked she was sure she had seen beer in there. With relief, she saw she was right and grabbed a bottle and a small glass tankard before hurrying back out and holding them out to Jack with a smile.

"Thank you sweet girl but I don't need the tankard, the bottle will do just fine," he said taking it from her and twisting off the cap with a hissing sound denoting its freshness. Bella returned the tankard to the kitchen and came back to begin clearing the table. Distracted by her Master, Dusty had allowed Bella to clean up alone. She lost herself in the mundane chores or washing and wiping the plates, she was unsure of how to send them back down to the club, so she left them stacked on the bench with the trays they came on.

"You didn't have to do that you know," Mel's voice was soft as he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchenette. He wanted her to be happy, but her safety had to come first. "I understand you are frustrated, my Ellie, but you have to be patient," Mel pulled her too him and kissed her. "I couldn't bear it if anything else happened to you," he admitted, "You are mine, I want you healthy, happy and in my collar." His fingers trailed around the collar decorating her neck.

Bella smiled up at him, "I understand, Master," she whispered and returned his kiss when he took her lips again.

"Good girl, I have to go into the office, I will be back tonight," he stroked his hand down over her body before leading her back out to the living room. Mel looked at Rob, "You coming back to the office or staying at the club?"

"Are you kidding?" Rob replied, "I am staying right here, with that delectable little morsel you can't seem to let go of, and we are going to watch Dusty try on the new tack and gear. You wouldn't want to deprive me of that would you?" Rob was wide eyed in wonder, "I am close enough if they need me downstairs."

Bella couldn't help but smile at his expression and the groan she could imagine went with a rolling of her Master's eyes at Rob's response.

Mel looked at Jack who just shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, "You can stay too if you like, my friend. Never let it be said that I won't share my toys," Jack nodded meaningfully toward Bella who stood with Mel's hand still wrapped around the nape of her neck.

"Perhaps I should leave Bella with Stephen rather than you two reprobates," Mel growled, but his mouth turned up in a smile at its corners.

"He never did share well, did he?" Jack remarked to Rob.

"Control freak," Rob replied, "Hand over the precious princess and go sort out the clowns at the company before we become bankrupt."

"Kurt must be running things over there if there are clowns about," Jack chuckled as Mel cut in.

"Notice Rob only seems to be a partner in the business when he is talking about money?" Mel was struggling to keep his stern demeanour.

"We all have our own strengths," Rob said lightly, "I'm the creative genius behind your business acumen."

Giving up Mel bent low and kissed Bella passionately leaving no doubt to anyone who watched them exactly how he felt about his girl. "I will be back in a few hours," he murmured and almost ceremonially took her over to Rob, "Try not to wear her out, I have plans for her tonight."

"I'll see what I can do," Rob grinned and winked at Bella. Mel left the apartment and chuckled once the door was closed. He had undeniably missed Rob, but the strictness and sternness with which he had treated Bella during the first week of trial he had put her through were rapidly being undone by his friends, and though he knew he needed to be careful he would make sure she remembered his Mastery tonight.

Bella watched Mel go and unsure of what to do next or how to act before these two Masters she sank to her knees beside Robs chair and was rewarded by his hand petting her hair.

Jack turned to Dusty, "Explain."

Dusty knelt before her Master and looked up into his face explaining quietly how Bella's accident had derailed many of the plans for Mel's birthday and how she had hoped that her Master could help repair some of the damage with the things she had asked for in their hurried phone call. Rob had chimed in from time to time admitting that it was he that had included the girls in his planning knowing Jack would not approve of the girls making decisions for their Masters.

"I see," Jack said slowly. He turned his serious eyes on Bella, "Aren't you a little bundle of trouble." Bella dropped her eyes and looked at the ground. "The chaos you have brought from the moment Mel introduced you to us all has never happened before," his deep voice sounded in her ears, and if she could have shrunk down any further she would have, she felt so guilty she had no words even to apologise. "The fact that one girl can cause such chaos has really pissed off Mike, you should have seen his face the other night, when Josie delivered her news!" Jack finally let out a roar of laughter and Bella looked up surprised and watched him stroke Dusty's mane as he continued, "Honestly, Sugar, it was better than that time you bit him, she may as well have kicked him in the balls." Jack was laughing so hard he could barely get the words out.

Robs hand brushed Bella's hair aside and allowed his fingers to trail over the skin of her neck and shoulders as he chuckled with Jack. Bella was confused and tilted her head up to Rob, "What happened last night, Master?" She didn't know anyone named Josie and she hadn't done anything else to create chaos, that she knew of.

"Nothing for you to worry about, little one," Rob's tone brooked no more questions and Bella turned back to watch Jack who had lapsed into a quieter chuckle realising he had said too much. Bella considered the burly man, she was still confused and unsure if she was being berated or not. Something had happened last night and Mike, she assumed that was Mike Millar, was angry at her for all the trouble she had caused, and who was this Josie who was telling stories about her?

"Do not look so worried little one, I am enjoying the chaos immensely. It's about time someone brought some life back into the place, it's been almost comatose since Rob left and Kurt went over seas to sort out a business deal for a while," Jack smiled at her. "I have every intention of helping you with your plans, troublemaker. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I didn't mean to cause any trouble, honestly," Bella said quietly, "I'm sorry." She was still confused by the big man.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Rob said from beside her. "Any girl who took Mel's collar was bound to cause a little stir. Just happens that the stir got a bit bigger than expected with your accident, that's all."

Bella smiled half heartedly up at him, "Thank you for saying that." She sat silently thinking about all the things that had been said be lifting her head again, "If there is enough time before Dusty's fitting I would like to go have a shower and rest a little, please, Master Rob."

Rob frowned at her but nodded, "Of course."

Excusing herself Bella padded silently from the room and closed her bedroom door, her life had been spiralling out of control for the last ten days. Opening the closet she looked at all the beautiful clothes, she turned and surveyed her room, ten days ago she lived in a small dingy apartment, had normal friends, an on again off again boyfriend and a semblance of a normal life. Now it was all gone replaced with secrets and constant insecurities. She couldn't work out what she had done to create the chaos Jack mentioned or to make Mike Millar angry at her.

Taking a clean dress from the closet she turned toward the shower. The door opened behind her, and she swivelled mid step to see Rob coming in and closing the door. Rob looked at her sad eyes and knew she tearing herself up inside over Jack's off hand comments. Too intelligent for her own good, her thoughtful introspection always seemed to be guilt laden, and he could see she was about to break down again as she had the other morning. At least there was no opportunity to flee this time or she might have run from the apartment rather than just asking to rest. With her comment about Mel earlier, Rob realised it was time to take some action.

"You realise my role on the night you begged Mel's collar?" He asked finally after staring at her for several minutes taking in her stance and the look in her eyes.

"Yes, Master Rob," Bella's body visibly straightened and her head came up.

Closing the gap between them Rob asked, "You know then that will obey me as you obey him and that while you may wear his collar and belong to him, I also hold dominion over you. Particularly in his absence it is me that you will obey and strive to please."