Outlander Ch. 02

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Through the darkness they flee.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/30/2010
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Author's note: As always, I would like to thank the guild for their invaluable support, and give a special thank you to my editor JillieB.


Garek's dark penetrating eyes scanned the darkness as he led the way down the cobbled street. Every dark opening between the wooden shops, warehouses, and dwellings that lined the street seemed like a maw from which an attack could spring at any moment. Every fleeting shadow seemed ominous and drew his gaze before his eyes moved on to the next.

Ithos and Kairn followed close behind, carrying the unconscious outlander between them. They each had and arm tucked around him and his feet dragged along the cobbled stones of the street. "Damn, he's heavy," Ithos grunted.

"Quiet," Garek hissed, "We don't want to draw attention."

Ithos gave Garek an irritated look but said no more as he struggled. The outlander's dead weight was a painful reminder that he wasn't as young as he used to be. He cursed silently when his foot slipped in something soft and wet. 'Horse shit,' he thought but said nothing aloud. His breath came in ragged gasps but he did not slow as they moved toward the harbor.

They reached the corner without incident. They turned left down the next street into the market area where during the daylight hours traders and merchants hawked their wares. They moved cautiously with all their senses intent on finding any hint of danger. Garek heard the patter of footsteps echoing off the walls of the shops that lined the market. They sounded unnaturally loud in the quiet of night.

At Garek's signal, the men ducked behind a market stand. The stand was covered by a course canvas like material that might once have been part of a sail. It was about three spans wide providing enough room for them to hide behind while casting plenty of shadow to conceal them from anyone who might, by chance, look out a window facing their makeshift hideout.

After laying the outlander down, Ithos fought to get his labored breathing under control. Jack let out a snore and Kairn quickly covered his nose and mouth with one hand while gripping his sheathed sword with the other. Garek silently motioned for them to be ready and then peeked around the corner of the stand toward the approaching footsteps.

Two figures moved in the shadows and one seemed to be chasing the other. A young woman appeared from out of the darkness with a young man close behind. She held the hem of her dress up as she ran with her long dark hair streaming behind her. The young man quickly closed the distance between them and caught her by the arm. She let out a little squeal as he spun her around and gripped her shoulders roughly with both hands.

Garek's hand tightened on the grip of his sword hilt, preparing to intervene, then relaxed when the girl giggled. She gave her pursuer a quick kiss before spinning out of the man's embrace and darting away again. The young man growled lustily and resumed the chase.

The young man caught the girl again a few feet from the stand where they were hiding. He grabbed her by her wrists and pressed her against the market stand with her hands pinned above her head. She gasped and started to speak but instead moaned wantonly when the young man pressed the length of his body against hers.

Garek put a finger to his lips as he made eye contact with Ithos and Kairn. The two lovers were just around the corner of the stand, only feet away from where they crouched. The darkness hid their faces from him and they were probably just the young lovers they appeared to be, but he wasn't taking any chances.

"Oh, Terell," the girl moaned when the young man pressed his lips to her neck. "What about your wife?" she asked breathlessly.

"That old harpy never spreads her legs," Terell replied between kisses. "Besides, she's ten years older than me and my father made me marry her for her family's money. She doesn't know what her cunny is for, but you do. Don't you my sweet Trina?"

"My name is Frina," she said indignantly.

"That's what I said," Terell replied innocently and then covered her mouth with his. Her only response was to moan and return his kiss passionately, her tongue sliding silkily around his.

The men hiding behind the stand exchanged startled glances when they heard the girl speak the name Terell. At the sound of the young man's voice, Ithos's face turned an ugly shade of red. Only a shake of Garek's head and his hand on Ithos's shoulder kept the old warrior from striding out to confront the young man. The last thing Garek wanted was to frighten the girl. If she started screaming at their sudden appearance, she would bring a lot of attention that he wanted to avoid.

"Wait," the girl protested when Terell released one of her wrists and began pulling up her skirt, "Not in the street. My father's shop is just over there and I have the key. Let's go inside."

"Frina, it is the middle of the night, everyone is asleep. Besides, what fun would that be?" Terell asked and continued bunching her skirt around her waist.

"You are so bad," Frina said, desire heavy in her voice.

"I know," was all Terell said. His fingers found her moist sex beneath her dress and she moaned huskily as he explored her silky folds.

She held her dress up with her free hand while Terell fumbled with the bone buttons of his breeches. He slipped his hand into the opening and fumbled for his hard cock. He grunted in discomfort as he forced his hardness around, out of his breeches, and into the chill of the night air.

Frina lifted one leg to give her lover access to her womanly flower. Her pussy was hot and saturated with her juices and she shuddered when the cold night air touched her moistness, sending a chill through her body.

Terell pressed his body against her and hunched slightly to line his cock up with her entrance. When he had the engorged head nestled between her dewy lips, he recaptured her wrist and repinned it above her head. He paused until she wiggled her hips trying to take him inside her then thrust upward sharply, embedding his shaft in Frina's depths so hard that he momentarily lifted her feet off the ground.

"Oh!" she cried as his hard shaft stretched her pussy wide and his length drove deep inside her. Her body shuddered involuntarily as the sensation of his thick cock sliding into her filled her with pleasure.

He hastily released one of her wrists and covered her mouth with his hand. "Quiet, my love," he said. "We wouldn't want to be discovered now, would we?" He waited until she had recovered from his entry then began thrusting into her. She cupped his buttock with her freed hand and encouraged him to more speed as he pushed violently into her again and again. She grunted with every impalement but somehow controlled her urge to cry out as waves of pleasure assaulted her senses.

Garek looked at Ithos as young Terell ravished the girl only feet away. Ithos's face had now turned an ugly shade of purple that contrasted sharply with the white puckered skin of his scar. Garek couldn't help but be amused by the whole situation. He glanced at Kairn and saw the same amusement written on his face as well. If their circumstances were not so serious, he wouldn't be able to keep from laughing at his old friend's expense.

Frina's gasps became more urgent. She squealed and buried her head in Terell's shoulder to keep from crying out as an orgasm crashed through her body. Her legs gave out and Terell quickly released her other wrist and grasped her buttocks with both hands to hold her up. He continued to thrust into her without mercy as her pleasure crested.

The feel of her tight slick walls squeezing and quivering on his cock pushed Terell over the edge. When he erupted, he grunted once then froze fully encased in her molten pussy. He held his breath as his cock pulsed his seed deep inside her. He groaned in satisfaction when his pleasure waned and gave two more shallow thrusts before stilling. He held her in that position for a moment more and then set her legs back on the ground.

"Oh my!" she said and then began to giggle breathlessly. She sighed softly, almost regretfully, when he withdrew his softening member from inside her moist depths.

When she had pulled her dress back into place and Terell had stuffed his manhood back into his breeches the lovers embraced. "I love you so much, Terell," Frina said wistfully.

"And I you, sweet Frina," he said. "But now I must go, for I must sail on the tide."

"Will you come back to me?" she asked, a tear spilling down her face.

"Do not cry, love," he said tenderly, brushing the tear from her cheek. "I will free myself from this horrible marriage and the tyrannical grip of my father. I will return to you. I don't know how long it will take or how I'll do it, but nothing will keep me from returning to your loving arms." He held the girl a moment more as she cried.

"I will wait for you forever if I must," She cried then grasped Terell's long blond locks in both hands, pulling him into one last desperate kiss before tearing herself away from his embrace. She crossed the street heading for the house behind her father's shop where she and her family lived. She hesitated for one last longing look at Terell before disappearing behind the wooden building.

Terell waited a moment after Frina was out of sight then whooped and began dancing a little jig. He yelped in surprise and almost fell in the street when he danced around to find Ithos standing behind him.

"Father," he said in astonishment as he staggered and waved his arms in an attempt to regain his balance. He finally succeeded in righting himself, but promptly took a step back in alarm at the rage etched into his father's face.

"A tyrant, am I?" Ithos spat at his son, his one eye blazing with fury. "Forced you into marriage to an older woman, did I?" His fists clenched and unclenched as he spoke.

Terell backed away from his father with his hands held defensively in front of him. "Father, I..." he trailed off, unable to formulate a response in the face of his father's livid countenance.

"You lied to that girl," Ithos spluttered indignantly and advanced as his son retreated. "If anything, I have been too soft on you. And what do I get for my kindness? A womanizing son who beds every other girl he meets! And didn't I tell you to stay aboard the Arabella?"

"Enough," Garek said as he and Kairn appeared from behind the market stand. "You two can discuss this aboard ship. Right now we have more pressing concerns." He glanced worriedly up and down the market street.

Terell flinched again when he saw the captain and flushed red with embarrassment. He realized they had been hiding behind the stand through his entire encounter with Frina. "Captain Liaman, I am sorry for-"

"Not now, Terell. But as long as you're here, you might as well be useful. Help Kairn carry the outlander," Garek said and moved into position to resume their trek.

"What?" Terell exclaimed. "The outlander has come?" He stared in bewilderment from the captain to his father.

"Just shut up and carry, boy," Ithos snapped and moved up beside Garek.

It only took a moment for Terell and Kairn to retrieve Jack from where he lay hidden behind the stand. With Jack supported between them they began following Garek and Ithos up the street.

Jack seemed to wake for a moment though he made no effort to walk. "I'm as free as a bird now," he sang drunkenly before slipping back into unconsciousness.

"Damn, he's heavy," Terell said quietly to Kairn.

Kairn just snorted in amusement. "How long have you known that girl?" he asked.

"About three hours," Terell said with a lopsided grin.

Kairn laughed softly. "You are unbelievable."

"Hey, you wound me," Terell said with a look of mock hurt on his face. "There are a lot of women out there in need of love."

"Love? Is that what you call what you are giving them?"

"Close enough," Terell shot back.

Kairn laughed a little louder than he intended.

"You two stop fucking around and be quiet," Ithos snapped, casting a furious glance their way.

Both men decided it would not be prudent to press their luck any further with the First Mate and spoke no more as they headed for the ship and safety.

With Garek and Ithos leading, they made their way up the cobbled road and turned right at the corner. They only had to go up two more streets and turn left, and then it was a straight shot to the docks. They made it past the next intersection and were approaching the last corner when a group of men moved out of the shadows and blocked their path.

Garek held up his hand and they stopped, facing the men. Kairn and Terell laid Jack down and Kairn moved up beside Garek and Ithos while Terell stayed with the unconscious outlander. Garek cursed silently. He hadn't heard them approach, which meant they must have been lying in wait.

"Well, well, well. What have we here? Captain Liaman and a few cohorts stealing through the night with an unconscious man," the leader of the group facing them said to Garek. He was a short man with a face dominated by a beak-like nose and dark beady eyes. His pale thinning hair was oiled and combed in an attempt to hide his impending baldness. He wore a blue doublet of brocaded silk and breeches of dyed blue leather. His pose radiated the arrogance of a small man consumed with his own importance.

"Captain Drebin," Garek said, recognizing the man before him. He quickly scanned Drebin's men and counted ten besides the captain. By their demeanor and armament, they must be sea dogs. He was surprised to see only ten. Drebin's ship, the Kraken, had a complement of at least thirty of the skilled fighters aboard. "Let us pass; we are about the King's business."

"The outlander, you mean?" the other captain asked with amusement.

"Drebin, a bird has already been sent informing the King that I have him. What do you hope to accomplish with this display?" Garek asked his voice filled with contempt.

"Well it just so happens that two of my men were in the tavern tonight. One slipped out to tell me about the outlander's arrival. The other stayed and after you left ensured that no birds were sent to the king." Drebin said, nodding to one of his men who flashed an insolent smile at Garek. "So you see," Drebin continued, "It is I who will be presenting the outlander to the king."

"You bastard," Garek said. "I always knew you loved glory and gold above all else."

"We all have our vices," Drebin said dryly. "Now hand over the outlander and you won't have to die here tonight."

"Come take him, you overblown popinjay," Garek snapped and as one, he and his men drew their swords.

Drebin stared at the drawn weapons in distaste. "Very well," he said, turning to his men. "Kill them." He waved his hand dismissively at them and stepped behind his men.

Drebin's sea dogs started forward with deadly intent, their swords hissing as they were drawn from their scabbards. Suddenly they froze at the sound of running steps behind them. Being trained soldiers, their surprise lasted only a second before one of them barked a command and they quickly encircled Captain Drebin and faced outward in a defensive perimeter.

Garek and Ithos exchanged a worried glance, wondering who was approaching. Garek almost gasped in relief when Grelik stepped out of the shadows. He held a crossbow at the ready and leveled it at Captain Drebin's chest. At least twenty indistinct figures moved up behind him in the darkness. The arrogance on Drebin's face was replaced with shock and fear. He nervously ran his hands down the front of his silk doublet.

"You're not the only one who has sea dogs at his command, Drebin," Garek said icily. "And it seems mine now outnumber yours two to one." He paused to let Drebin's situation sink in. "Now, let us pass and it is you who will not have to die here tonight."

Drebin's eyes shifted from the crossbow pointed at his chest to the figures lurking in the shadows behind Grelik before turning to Garek. "Damn it, Liaman! This is my watch on the portal. You are only here to deliver supplies. The outlander is my responsibility by right."

"And yet you weren't there, were you?" Garek replied. "You had lackeys watching the portal and when the outlander came through your men did nothing. I had to intervene before he scampered back through the portal to his own land like a scared chicken. I don't trust you to do your duty, Drebin, so I will do it for you. The outlander stays with me."

"Liaman, see reason, we are on the same side. It will be safer if two ships escort the outlander to the king," Drebin said pleadingly.

"Captain Liaman," Grelik interrupted. "It's a trick. He sent the rest of his sea dogs to take the Arabella, but we bloodied them good." The satisfaction of a battle well fought was evident in his voice.

Fear shot through Garek. His wife, daughter, and son were aboard, and the crew had become like family over the years. "Did we suffer any casualties?" he asked, dreading the answer.

Grelik broke into a smile. "None sir," he said. "They came in from the sea loaded aboard dinghies. One of them sneezed, of all things, alerting us. You said there might be trouble so we were already prepared. We put the crossbows to them, killing many. They turned tail before we could reload and finish them."

Garek turned on Drebin in a fury. "How dare you!" he spat. Drebin flinched at the rage in Garek's voice. "There are women on board. The king will hear of this, I promise you. Now move aside while you still can."

Garek motioned for Kairn and Terell to pick Jack up, and strode directly at Drebin who quickly and unceremoniously scampered aside while waving his arms wildly for his men to let them pass. Garek and the others moved past Grelik, who kept the crossbow trained on Captain Drebin.

They joined the others behind Grelik and began moving away from Drebin and his men. It took a moment for Garek to realize that the men now surrounding him were not his sea dogs. It was the crew. Only a few had swords, the rest were armed with clubs, chains, and oars. He looked questioningly at Grelik as the young sea dog fell in beside him. "What are you doing, Grelik?" he asked.

"Sorry, Captain," Grelik replied as the group hurried toward the docks. "Had to leave the sea dogs behind in case they made another attempt on the ship. The crew insisted on coming with me to get you. Even the women wanted to come but I made them stay on board. I figured they would be safer there."

"You did the right thing," Garek said. "How did my wife and daughter take being made to stay aboard?"

"I had to invoke sea law to get them to stay. I'll be honest, Captain. No sane man ever gives orders to a witch of the covenant, and your wife and daughter forced me to do just that," he said. "If it's all the same to you, sir, the next time they go ashore, I will stay on board where sea law protects me."

"You are a wise man, Grelik," Garek said, then laughed softly at the worried look on the young man's face. "Fear not. They will calm down as soon as they know we are all safe."

"Just the same sir, I will walk soft around them for a while," Grelik said as he glanced back down the street to make sure that Drebin's men were not following them.

"And my son?" Garek asked.

"His wife has him down below deck. I figured you would want to keep him away from the fighting."

Garek nodded his thanks. Grelik had handled the whole situation well. Kairn was doing a fine job training him, and someday he would make an excellent lieutenant. "That was a dangerous game you played back there, Grelik, but well done," he said. Pride filled him at the bravery and loyalty of his crew. He was more than a little touched that the sailors would risk their lives to come to his aid.

Garek sighed in relief as they cleared the last buildings and the Arabella came into view. She wasn't the biggest ship in the king's fleet but she was as fast and hardy as any. She was long and sleek with three masts rising skyward. Her bowsprit extended forward majestically above the carved figure of Queen Arabella who had united the southern provinces 800 years ago.