Out of the Shadows Ch. 02

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Meet the team.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 07/10/2012
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Hello everyone. I hope you read chapter one and enjoyed it. This story is a continuation of the Shadows of Resentment series. Thank you for the feedback on chapter one.

In this chapter Darius enlists and goes through basic training. Just to let you know I am no expert on anything military, so I read a little and wrote the story based on my interpretation of what could happen. It is not my intention to offend any of the great people who have sacrificed and served in any branch of the military. So please remember this in a fictional piece of writing and not meant to be taken literally.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and remember to vote and comment after you have read it. Thank you. IR2R


Darius exited the bus as they arrived at the base. He saw different groups of soldiers engaged in different activities. The new recruits were lead to the first area where they were immediately made aware of their new lives. The men had their head shaved, endured physical exams and were inoculated. The men and women were separated and their new drill sergeants went to talk to each group.

His first few nights there were the hardest. He missed his family. He was now around people he didn't know expected to tow the line. He believed this was the right choice, but believing that didn't negate his pain.

After getting through the first few days, Darius had to focus. He was distracted and constantly had his Drill Sergeant in his face. So finally, he decided to a stay focused. The routine drill and practices gave his mind something new to focus on.

The first day they started combat training, Darius was happy deep down inside. He could finally relieve some of the pent up aggressions. He watched as his comrades practiced well honed defensive techniques.

One guy, the big red hair white guy, was really good. His name was Horace Tate, nickname, Horse. Darius wanted to challenge him. Instead he got Jones. Lonnie Jones. Lonnie Jones was a meathead with a big mouth. Jones loved to run his mouth, within two days he'd zeroed in on guys that he target, Darius being one of his victims.

Darius looked forward to shutting this guy up. Sergeant Lee saw the gleam in Darius eye when placed in the center with Lonnie. He allowed the two men to fight it out with Darius being the victor. Horse congratulated Darius on taking out Lonnie.

That should have ended any problems between these two men, but Lonnie didn't get the message. One night, Darius was having a rough time being separated from his family. He was looking at a picture of his girls thinking about them.'

Lonnie snatched the picture from him and ripped it. He then taunted him. Darius saw red. Having taken all he could off of this guy, Darius grabbed him. Horse and two other guys had to pull the two men apart.

Sergeant Lee came in and assessed the situation. He knew Lonnie was a nuisance, and had already spoken to him earlier about his antics. Apparently, Jones didn't follow orders well.

Granger, he'd been warned about this guys temper, but tonight was the first time he'd caught a glimpse of it. Granger needed help learning control and he was just the man to help him. So Sergeant Lee had two guys to escort Lonnie to the infirmary and two guys to escort Darius to his home where he could place him under surveillance until he calmed down.

He essentially isolated Darius. For two weeks, Darius was on extreme work detail. The only time he didn't work was during training and when he counseled with Sergeant Lee.

In one of the sessions with Sergeant Lee, Darius talked about his family. Sergeant Lee realized how attached he was to his family members and how he believed he'd failed them. When Darius talked about attacking Cameron, Sergeant Lee was still and silent.

If anyone had simply asked this kid why, they would understand what happened. He wasn't there that night and he got it.

This was a nineteen year old kid who had just met the love of his life. His baby sister was in danger and with his natural protective instincts; he was already on high alert.

He sees his girlfriend with another man and she would not talk to him. Eventually he gets time with her and for a second forgets that he's supposed to be watching his sister.

Some cretin tries to rape his sister. When he learned that she'd been hurt, he lost control.

The music was loud and he didn't hear his friend's cries for help. All he knew was that his sister got hurt. When he made it to the front, some guy was holding her and he attacked.

He never wanted to hurt his friend, just protect what was his. Protect his sister, but he almost killed his friend. His friend, that was like a brother. He should have gone to prison, but he didn't.

He'd apologized, begged for forgiveness, but he still felt guilty. What if Cameron had died from that attack? He could never really forgive himself.

He learned that he'd gotten Dee pregnant. He couldn't even get a job to help support his children. He couldn't move out of his parent's home.

If his Dad had not given him a job, he had no idea how he could have helped Dee with his girls.

He couldn't go to college because all of his scholarships were rescinded; hell, they barely let him graduate high school. His Mom made a plea to the school board to let him finish high school.

He asked Dee to marry him and she always refused, because he wasn't good enough. Then one day she met someone else. A man that was better than him. That's when he lost the woman that was his everything, Deidre.

She fell in love with the other man and let him go. He held in too tight, but he felt she and his girls were all he had to hold on to. Yet, he still lost her..

He was stuck, stagnated, and then he decided to fight. He had to find a way out that's when he decided to enlist.

Sergeant Lee liked this kid. He had guts and a strong moral code that many could admire. He would help him through this and hopefully he'd become the man he'd always wanted to be.

For the first three weeks of training, Darius had to learn to follow orders. He had a hard time becoming a parrot, but after hours of extensive duties and extremely hard physical training sessions he soon caught on. On Sunday's during down time, he made sure to call his family and let them know he was doing fine.

He called his parent's first and then he'd call Deidre to check on his girls. The first time he called Dee, his heart beat like a drum. The phone rang, and then finally someone answered.

"Hello," Jason's baritone voice filled the line. A part of Darius rose up in anger, and then he remembered they weren't together anymore.

"Hey, Jason. I wanted to check on my girls. Is Deidre around?" He asked, forcing his voice to remain calm even though he fumed at the thought of the other man being with his kids.

"Um, sure. She just went to take the girls to the bathroom. Hold on. She was waiting for your call." Jason explained. Then Darius heard him call Deidre.

"Hello, Darius how are you?" she asked clearly concerned about his well being.

"I'm good, learning a lot. I wanted to check on my girls, how are they?" he queried.

Deidre exhaled, "They are fine. They miss their Daddy. You know that tape you made reading to them. They listen to it every night. It helps. Hold on. I'll let you talk to them." Then he heard her call the girls.

"Cammie, Rory, daddy wants to speak to you."

"DADDY!" he heard his angels squeal as the rushed to talk to him.

He spoke to his girls for a while and then Deidre picked up. She made him promise to be safe and that he would call next week.

He called Derrick and Dawn next. He talked to his brother and assured him he was fine. Dawn was due to give birth soon, and Derrick was rattled. There were some complications with DJ, and he was worried for his wife this time around.

Darius encouraged his brother and told him everything would be fine. They talked a bit more and then he had one more call to make. He called Sierra and Cameron last. After reassuring his baby sis, that he was alright, he made her promise to take care of herself and his new niece or nephew.

Before he realized it, four whole weeks had passed. Darius now had better control of his temper, and learned to control his outburst. Honestly, lashing out and beating the crap out of Lonnie was the best thing that could have happened to him. After speaking with Sergeant Lee, he learned techniques to help him gain control.

Now that the he knew how to follow orders, the fun part began. They learned to fire weapons. Darius saw a young female recruit being berated by her sergeant and for some reason; it didn't sit well with him. He never liked seeing women being disrespected.

He wanted to stop, but he knew that whatever it was, her commanding officer was only helping her get better. So he took a deep breath, and calmed down.

Today was the day he tackled the obstacle course. Many of his comrades had two or more tries. He failed his first time, but he doubled his efforts. He thought about his brother and how he always stood with him. He imagined that Derrick was there egging him on, cheering for him. This time he flew through the obstacle course in record time.

Then he saw her, the girl that was being berated prepare to go again. After the dressing down he'd just witness, he hoped she succeeded. She did and in record time. Darius cheered for this dark-skinned goddess with the biggest and clearest brown eyes he'd ever seen.

She was solidly build, weighed around one hundred forty pounds, tough. She had a dark chocolate brown complexion with black hair. She had the brightest brown eyes were, and the cutest cleft in her chin; she was so lovely. Dressed in the standard fatigues that they all wore, she could not hide her sensuality. Darius wondered what treasures lie beneath.

Whoa, I'm not over Dee. I shouldn't even be thinking about another woman. But hey, Dee moved on. She's with someone else. He felt a brief moment of pain at the thought. I have to move on too.

"Darius, man what are you looking at?" his bunk mate Horace "Horse" Tate asked as he walked up following Darius' line of vision.

"Oh, her. Man give up. She's not interested. I laid my southern boy charm on her and she shot me down. Now if she can shoot down a body and face like this, son. She's not interested in men." Horse told Darius jokingly.

At this point, LaCynthia had gone back to her barracks as Darius watched her walk away. He wanted to at least get her name, because she peaked his interest. Hopefully, they could be friends. He would not dare dream of more.

Cynthia saw the man that caught her attention staring at her until his friend walked up. She took a moment to check him out. He was dark skinned, built, had a shaved head and no facial hair. He stood tall and she could tell carried himself with pride.

For a second, he looked at her, but then his friend walked up distracted him. His friend had actually tried to approach a few days ago, but she wasn't interested. Not that anything was wrong with him, just that she wasn't interested in dating anyone, let alone someone from the base.

But this new guy, the dark-skinned fine brother, caught her eye and she wanted to know more about him. She knew he watched her as she walked away, so maybe, he returned her interest.

At the end of each session, Darius tried to catch a glimpse of the cutie he saw earlier at the end of each day.

He learned through Horse that her name was LaCynthia. She was ranked at Private First Class. Proficient in hand to hand combat, excelled in weaponry. She was a loner, never called her family.

He didn't see Cynthia very often, but he decided that the next Sunday, he would approach her and introduce himself. He felt that she liked him too, because he'd caught her looking at him a few times.

On Sunday morning, Darius called his parent's before they left for church. He made sure to call Deidre, and talk to his babies. He found it was easier to talk to her now that time had passed.

Then of course he called Derrick and Sierra. He made a special call to Jasmine, when he learned that she was upset that he had not called to report in the week before.

After talking to her, he also called Nick and Rosa, as well as Gunther and Chrissy. Darius hung up and was grateful that he had such a loving and supportive family.

He walked over to the dining hall for breakfast, and saw LaCynthia sitting by herself. He walked over and sat next to her.

"Good morning, I'm Darius." He greeted as he sat next to her. His heart was pounding, palms sweating, and he could hardly breath, as he waited for her reply.

"Good morning, I'm LaCynthia." She replied. Then she looked back at what she was eating. LaCynthia had the most beautiful brown eyes.

"So, do you know which branch of service you're going in?" Darius asked. He loved her voice. He had to get her to say something else.

"No, not yet. Maybe medical." She answered, and then she looked at him and asked. "What are you planning to do?

"Well, Mechanical Maintenance." Darius said quietly. "Working on cars is something I am pretty good at, so..."

She smiled, and Darius felt like a million bucks, "Nice, I want to be a doctor." She explained.

The two finished their breakfast and hung out the rest of the morning. Soon, Horace and Cynthia's friend Maria joined them.

The four young people became fast friends. Darius and Cynthia found ways to spend time together for the next few weeks.

Two more weeks of training and Darius, Cynthia, Horse, Maria, and two other new recruits, Danny and Kerrie were called to a meeting with their drill Sergeants. They were being reassigned under a new leader.

Standing before them was the biggest, meanest looking man Darius had ever seen, Sergeant Robert Bull, known affectionately as "The Bull." Darius stood in front of the other members of the group, beside him stood LaCynthia followed by Maria , Horse, Danny, and finally, Kerrie.

All six recruits stood in full attention mode.

For the next few weeks, these six new recruits were put through hell. First, they were isolated from everyone else. They were assigned the a barracks that was as far away from the camp as possible, with the meanest Sergeant on record.

"Welcome to Hell you six scum buckets. You were especially selected. See unlike all of the other recruits you all differ. You have criminal backgrounds, or some such shit." He growled.

"Since we know about you, we're going to take great pride in breaking you." He continued.

LaCynthia scoffed, "What, did you say something scum? Don't think you get excused because you're a woman. Drop and give me twenty" And just like that LaCynthia Knicks became the first target of "The Bull."

One day of grueling, intensive training stretched to two. The Bull targeted all of them. He rode them hard. One day after being denied a meal for two whole days, Darius had enough.

The Bull ordered the Sanchez and Knicks to do four extra hours of latrine duty each night for two weeks. It wasn't fair. They'd done the same duty three nights in a row.

Darius spoke up, "Sir, they need a break, sir." He didn't like the fact that Sergeant Bull seemed to target Cynthia. He was hard on all of them even the girls, but he treated Cynthia that harshest of all three women. Darius didn't like it when he did it that first day, and he sure as hell didn't like it four weeks later.

"Holdup, Scum.' Sergeant Bull snarled, "Who the hell are you Granger? I'm not some pamby ass wanna be like that boy you paralyzed. Yea, I know all about you scum."

Pushing Darius, he taunted, "Attack me, I dare you. You want me to lay off. Ask them what did they did to end up here. Then speak for them."

"With all due respect, sir, they are women." Darius spoke keeping his anger in check, "They deserve to be respected."

"They are soldiers in this here man's military. Don't you forget it! It's that thinking that can get you killed boy." Sergeant Bull turned away from him and restated his order.

Darius spoke up again. "Sir, we signed up to be trained, not abused. The ladies need rest." Darius was really concerned about Cynthia. The Bull seemed to have it in for her, but he tried to respect rank. However, if the man didn't back off of her...

"Darius, it's alright." Cynthia interjected. Darius always stood up for them. Usually ending in extra work for him, but he didn't mind.

Glaring at Cynthia once again, the Bull growled, "Did I give you permission to speak, Maggot?"

Darius felt angry, but his training taught him when you reacted in anger, you gave up control, so he took a deep breath to calm down. Then he spoke once again. His platoon mates were silently begging him to back down, but they all knew he was right, Sergeant Bull was being unfair to Cynthia.

"Sergeant Bull, sir. With all due respect, you do not have to speak to her that way and she needs to rest. Sir, Pirvate Sanchez and Private Knicks have had late night latrine duty for two weeks now. " Darius inhaled. "I mean, no disrespect sir, but enough is enough."

Secretly Sergeant Bull liked what he was hearing. They were looking out for each other, and that was exactly what he needed.

"You know what Granger, you're right" Smiling evilly, "You get their jobs for the next two weeks. Get your bucket and go clean the damn toilets"

"Ladies, you get the night off, rest." Then Sergeant Bull left.

The other three guys sat for a moment and then Horse stood.

"Man, where are you going?" Danny, adjusting his glasses, "Sarge didn't say we could go out."

"Look, the Bull is picking on Cynthia, we know that. Darius called him on his bullshit. You know he works him and Cynthia harder than the rest of us. So I'm gonna go find him and help him finish. You stay here and rest. He worked you over today" The Horse set out to find Darius. He found him in Bunkhouse 122.

"Hey, let me help you." He said.

"Horse, if the Bull catches you here..." Darius said. "Go back, I got this."

"Darius there are five full barracks, and you need sleep." Horse argued. "I'm helping.

Within an hour latrines one and two were finished, Darius and Horse headed to three and four where they ran into their other comrades. Cynthia and Maria finished the two women's latrines and Danny finished up the last guy's latrine. All five people walked back to their barracks and found Sergeant Bull waiting on them.

Private Kerrie Masters was standing in attention waiting for them to return. "Scum buckets, who told the four of you to help him. You didn't have permission to help him. Now Granger the whole lot of you owe me? Then he glared at Darius, "No breakfast."

That would be three days of no food.

"Sir, Sergeant Bull, Sir" Darius addressed his leader. "We haven't eaten in two days sir. I can skip, but the women need to eat. Punish me sir, and let the rest have breakfast." Darius demanded.

"Tell me Granger did you ask these innocent girls what they did to get here? Huh?" sneering derisively, "I know you didn't."

"All six of you, breakfast at my house at 0600. We run ten miles at 0400, then my wife will feed your sorry asses. After that, we will talk and clear some shit up. Now get your asses in the bed and sleep." He ordered as he left. Sergeant Bull noticed something about Private Masters. She wasn't well, or she would have gone out too. Tomorrow morning, she would report to the medic.

At 0400, the members of the team were up and ready. Two of the members flanked Masters, and planned to see if after breakfast, the Bull, would allow her to go to the medic. It didn't matter if he didn't, Darius and LaCynthia were taking her anyway.

Sergeant Bull watched the young recruits finish their run as his concern for young Miss Masters grew. He wondered briefly, if he'd gone too far.

As their run ended, Sergeant Bull invited the young people into his home, he really liked these kids. These six were the best of the best. They'd overcome challenges that would have crippled most people for life. That's why he chose them for his new team.