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Antique device brings modern day delights to Niece.
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Antique device brings modern day delights to niece.

Browsing through pawnshops and thrift stores is my version of treasure hunting. One day, at a local pawn shop, I found a strange looking wooden box with an assortment of glass tubes, in a compartment, in the lid. A small oval semi corroded brass patent label on the back and an old frayed power cord dated the box to the late Victorian era.

After being here so many times, I knew the proprietor by name. "Hey Sam, what's the story on this old box?"

"Which old box?"

Holding the box up, "This one."

"Oh, that's something we found doing an attic clean out."

"What is it?"

"I don't know...something electrical."

"Does it work?"

"We tried plugging it in but when it started sparking we unplugged it before we started a fire."

The oak box was a work of a craftsman with dovetailed joints and brass hardware. Inside three knobs protruding through a brass plate with black numeric markings and a compartment on the right side that held a handle connected by a wire. A brass-encased meter prominently mounted in the center, contributed to the scientific look. The top lid was lined in purple velvet with several elastic clamps to hold the glass tubes in place.

If I seem too interested, Sam had a habit of upping the price. Before moving on, I gave the back a quick once over.

The box was intriguing, but I didn't want Sam to know. I loved repairing old electrical devices, especially ones that have an unusual look once cleaned and restored. A hobby that kept me busy over the years.

Meandering around the store I picked up a few other items and gave them a once over, but my mind was still focused on the wood box. I casually wandered back and asked Sam, "What's the price on this old box?"

Now, the pawnshop dance was going to begin, Sam quotes a ridiculous price, then I counter and eventually we will come to the price I was willing to pay. Usually I set a price limit in my head and don't go any higher because Sam would take my last dollar if I weren't careful. I set my limit for fifty dollars and planned to walk away if he wanted any more.

Sam said, "It's a rare antique and will be hard to find another one in this condition. So I am thinking a hundred dollars."

Picking up the frayed power cord, "It's a fire hazard, thirty five."

Sam countered with, "Seventy five and it's yours."

I was intrigued with this box, "Forty."

Walking away Sam replied, "Ok, make it sixty and we'll call it a deal."

Putting my hand on my chin as if I was thinking, "Is it all there?"

"Everything that we found is there."

"Sixty, is that the best you can do?" as I walked back to reexamine the box.

I held up the handle, connected with cotton insulated electrical wire, typical of late eighteen hundred technology. "The wiring is falling apart; this is in sad shape... I'll go fifty."

Sam quickly responded, "It's yours."

Handing Sam a fifty-dollar bill, the dance was over and I owned a dirty old oak box that could start a fire. On my drive home, I thought about how neat this was going to look once cleaned and polished.

Once back home, my niece noticed me going down to my basement workshop and asked "What's with the box Uncle Bob?"

"It's just something I picked up at the pawn shop today, I'm not sure what it is but it should look cool once it's cleaned."

Carrie followed me down to the workshop and as I put the box on the workbench and opened the lid, Carrie asked, "What is it used for Uncle Bob?"

"I don't know, but you should be able to look it up on the internet."

As I opened the lid, the purple velvet fell down over the glass tubes. There in the top left corner, I found an oval brass label, 'Orgasmatron. Patented H. Willoughby Poughkeepsie, New York.'

"Orgasmatron, that's a strange name for a device."

I figured I would give Carrie something to do, "Can you put that college learning to work and look it up on the internet; perhaps you can look up by the patent number."

Carrie spends the summers with us every year, it started out because her mom worked and needed someone to keep an eye on her during the summer. But now it was because she liked to spend the summers at the seashore with us and of course, we love having her.

"Sure, Uncle Bob, I'll see what I can find."

I carefully removed the glass tubes from the lid and set them aside. They appear to fit in the handle and were made of heavy-duty glass. Each tube had a wire inside going from one end to a round metal disk on the other.

I removed the inside top to see what's underneath. The insides were as primitive by today's standards, coils of wire, transformers, and some old capacitors that looked like they were leaking. The main problem was the unraveling cotton insulation exposed the bare copper wires.

After carefully separating the wires, I decided to try plugging it in and see what happens. After plugging it, in nothing happened, no sparks or smoke, so far so good. I carefully replaced the cover so I could use the knobs. Still no problems, so the next test was to add a glass tube and see what happens.

Attaching the finger shaped tube, and gradually applying power, the tube lit with a faint violet glow. One knob made the tube to glow brighter and the other pulsed the glow and the last knob made it pulse faster. The panel meter appeared to indicate the power level in the tube.

After seeing it operate, I still had no idea of its use.

Chapter 2

Later, Carrie came down to my workshop, "Uncle Bob, Uncle Bob, I found out what it's used for... It's a medical device for women."

"Medical device, what kind of medical device?"

"You are not going to believe this; I had to read it twice to make sure. It's to give women orgasms."

"What, are you're kidding me Carrie."

"No, it's true; it was used to cure women of "Hysteria" in the early nineteen hundreds."

"What's "Hysteria?"

"You are not going to believe me, so read this from the internet." as she handed me a printout from Wikipedia.

"Female hysteria was a once-common medical diagnosis (distinct from male hysteria), made exclusively in women, which is today no longer recognized by medical authorities as a medical disorder. Its diagnosis and treatment were routine for many hundreds of years in Western Europe. Hysteria of both genders was widely discussed in the medical literature of the nineteenth century.

More specifically, Victorian Era (1837-1901) physicians referred to these symptoms as female hysteria from the Greek idea of a 'wandering womb seeking its proper place.' The symptoms, according to their testing, could be treated by the stimulation of the female genitals, which induced 'hysterical paroxysm.' "

Carrie interrupted, "Can you believe that the lack of a female orgasm was considered a medical problem."

I continued to read how Doctors were paid to stimulate female genitals until the patient climaxed. Matter of fact the Doctors even made house calls to perform this treatment.

It went on to describe how Doctors did this so often they were often developing cramps in their hands and fingers.

Carrie said, "Can you believe women used to pay a Doctor to be finger fucked."

"No, it's hard to believe."

"Here read this about how they did it."

"The Doctor didn't hide the fact that he reached under women's skirts to heal hysteria through the magical power of his fine and gentle massage.

He didn't have to. For during the Victorian Era, when a good woman was not supposed to have sexual cravings, this form of treatment was well accepted. "

Carrie,"What a treatment."

"In the mid-1800s, when Doctors practiced, he was limited to the use of his hands. This was time-consuming work. Because of this, by the time he made his rounds treating the hysterical females, he found that the patients at the beginning of his list needed repeat treatments.

However, other doctors of the time felt they couldn't handle the demand by manual methods alone.

Were women really so sick or demanding?

It seems they were both. Business was so good that the doctors had more patients than they could handle. In 1883 a British physician, Dr. J.M. Granville, developed the perceteur or mechanical vibrator."

"Wow, Carrie, that's some story, but this is not a vibrator so what does it have to do with "Hysteria."

"What we have is a variation of a Violet Ray machine, here is more information and a picture that looks like our machine."

"The Violet Ray High Frequency Unit.

One of the most remarkable developments of the wonderful science of electricity is that of the Violet Ray machine or a high frequency generator. The Violet Ray is said to be a diffusion of an electrical current of tremendous power and resistance, millions of tiny harmless units, which can be applied to the tenderest and most delicate parts of the body without the slightest harm. As applied to the human body, its results have been found to be of enormous benefit in a number of instances.

The Violet Ray has provided the means of bringing to every home, at a reasonable price, a method whereby every vital process can be quickened and the blood made to course through the body with renewed vigor. If necessary, the treatment can be concentrated on any organ, muscle, or nerve, however delicate or tender, and the same results secured. By this treatment, the impurities are washed from the affected organs by a rich warm flow of blood, which nourishes and stimulates the tissues and which is generated by the penetrating current of the Violet Ray, reaching the cells, which supply life to the tissue, and causing them to vibrate. The stagnant pools of blood are thus set in motion and the poisons contained therein are relieved by the purifying processes of nature. The blood thus being freed of poisons is able to take up oxygen from the lungs and nutrition from the digestive organs and returns laden with tissue building material to every part of the body."

The document went on to describe the use of a Violet Ray device. There were several more pages describing the alleged therapeutic use of Violet Rays and the included attachments.

"So Carrie, it appears that we have an antique medical device that's probably a quack."

"Can we try it Uncle Bob?"

"Not until I replace the wiring and check over the device so it's safe, then we can try it."

After several days of tinkering with the device, I had completely dismantled the inner workings and replaced the wiring with new modern wiring and capacitors plus I added a fuse for safety. Carrie tackled the box, she cleaned, sanded and varnished, so it looked almost new. The brass patent plate was polished and coated with clear shellac.

Carrie found some new purple velvet to replace the inner lid fabric and some new elastic bands at the local fabric store. Now it looked like a museum piece and ready for a test.

Chapter 3

Carrie was eager with anticipation when I applied power. The glass tube lit up with a bright violet color, much like a neon tube. The tube was clear and you could see sparks inside jumping to the round metal disk at the end, each time it made a faint crackling noise.

I cautiously moved my finger to the tip of the glass tube. As I put my finger close to the tube I could feel a slight electrical charge, not painful but tingling.

"Let me try Uncle Bob," she said, as she moved her finger to the tube.

"Oh, that's a weird feeling."

We played with settings, creating different sensations, illuminated by a violet glow. We shut down the machine once we were satisfied that it worked safely.

Carrie handed me another paper to read, "Check this out Uncle Bob, it's about violet rays giving orgasms."

"Women who have used the device say they feel as if their clitoris and vagina are actually being stimulated, to a quite realistic effect.

Some patients also report fleeting episodes of clenched foot muscles, probably a result of electrical pulses stimulating nearby motor nerves. (The phenomenon might somehow be related to a common orgasm description: 'My toes curled.')

And when the device's pulse intensity is cranked up to maximum, some women find their vaginal and rectal muscles squeezing rhythmically in time with the pulses, even before the orgasmic finale."

"Damn, Carrie, that sounds like quite a reaction, those must be terrific orgasms."

"I want to try to have one of those, can you do it Uncle Bob?"

"Carrie, I can't do that to you, we don't know how safe it is to use this device. There is probably a reason it's not still for sale."

"But Uncle Bob, I want to try it. I want to have one of those toe curling orgasms."

"Let's try something less intimate and see how your body reacts to the machine."

"Like what?"

"Let's try it on your nipple and see what happens."

Carrie didn't have to be coaxed; she had her breasts bared in a flash. Those two tanned marvels with large areolas were right there ready for action.

I brought over my office chair and had her sit down beside the machine. I turned on the machine and watched as the violet glow started in the glass tube. As the tube moved closer to her nipple, the sparks seemed to jump in anticipation of being close to her now hardening nipple. Adjusting the dial on the machine for an optimum pulse, she just smiled at me as the tube touched her nipple.

Showers of violet sparks jumped from the metal disk to the wall of the glass near her nipple. Her large nipple hardened, it looked like a brown wooden peg sticking out.

Carrie said in a low guttural voice, "Oh yes, Oh yes."

Continuing to move the glass tube around her nipple aroused her even more. Her hands moved down to her shorts to rub her pussy to relieve the sexual tension building up.

I moved the wand away and gently sucked the nipple for a few seconds, when I brought the wand back to her nipple, she flinched. The violet sparks seemed to jump faster, even though I hadn't touched the dials. Carrie was now moaning softly and trying to get her shorts unbuttoned.

"Uncle Bob, increase the power, I am going to come soon," she said in a gasping voice.

I hesitantly moved the power dial up to halfway and the sparks looked like they were coming outside the tube to her nipple. I kept moving the tube around her nipple, mesmerized by the violet glow illuminating her large nipple.

She managed to unbutton her shorts and inserted her fingers fully in her pussy. She was trying to get off, breathing heavily in short bursts. Her fingers were working feverishly on her clit; you could hear her wetness sloshing with each stroke.

The other knob on the machine adjusted the frequency of the pulses; I carefully moved it to halfway as Carrie continued to finger her pussy. The increase in frequency must have done the trick as she let out a scream and started jerking as each wave of her orgasm went through her.

When she slowed the jerking movement, I turned down the frequency and power. The violet glow began to dim as though it had climaxed itself, then I turned off the machine.

"Oh, Uncle Bob, that was fantastic, the machine is marvelous."

"I want to go for a toe curling orgasm next; you have to do my clit with it."

"Let's hold off and let the machine cool down."

I wanted to make sure she didn't suffer any after effects of the machine. I picked up my magnifying glass and told her, "I want to make sure the machine didn't burn your nipple."

I carefully inspected her nipple and areola for any burns or skin damage when finished, I gently kissed her nipple.

"Doesn't look like it did any damage, but let's wait till tomorrow just to be safe,"

"You're right, Uncle Bob, I'll wait till tomorrow." as she pulled her shorts up.

Damn, the sight of those beautiful young tits and nipples got me so excited; my cock felt like it was going to burst out of my pants.

"Carrie, you can't leave me like this, my cock is going to explode."

She went for my pants and unzipped the fly and started digging for my cock, I made it easier for her by just dropping my pants. Carrie's mouth quickly took my hard cock in and she started a long, slow sucking action, each time taking it farther down her throat. Damn, my niece can really give a good blowjob.

Carrie started playing with my balls and continued till my cock exploded hot semen down her throat, She made sure to lick off every bit of the white spunk as if to destroy the evidence of her taboo act. With that, she put her top back on and said she was off to her room.

Chapter 4

Carrie continued to research the Orgasmatron as if it was some college project. She found that the patent had expired years ago and the manufacturer was a company in upstate New York. They went out of business back in the 1960's, but the company's property was still listed on the county tax rolls.

The patent search was able to provide a schematic of the workings of the box and a description on how it worked. It seems that the inventor of the Orgasmatron used some of Nickola Tesla's and Arsene D'Arsonval's experimental technology to produce the machine's high frequency electricity

Carrie still wanted her toe curling orgasm. After yesterday's experiment, she was determined to get me to provide it.

I went back down to my workshop, checking over the machine as if it was something involved in a space shuttle flight. I didn't want to injure Carrie; I knew she was going to pester me until she got her toe curling orgasm.

After my wife went off to work, Carrie came down to the workshop. "Ok, Uncle Bob I'm ready for the next test."

Damn you would have thought after yesterday's orgasm she would be sexed out. No, she was ready to go for a bigger better orgasm. I'm beginning to think my niece was a sex addict, or a nympho.

"Ok Carrie, let's get you comfortable in the chair again, but this time I want to record the experiment."

Carrie removed her clothes and sat in the chair, then jumped up, "Oh, this chair is too cold."

I went upstairs and got a towel for her to sit on. "Let's try again, how's that?"

"Much better."

Carrie was sitting completely naked in the chair; I noticed her crotch was the only part not tanned for some reason. I never saw her completely naked before, she had quite a beautiful young body. I turned on the machine and let it warm up, not that I knew if it needed warming up.

"Carrie, if anything doesn't feel right or hurts, let me know so I can stop, Ok?"

She nodded Ok, I brought over the probe then I realized that her mound of blonde pussy hair was going to be in the way. I can't hold the probe, move the hair and operate the machine by myself.

"Carrie, you are going to have to hold your pussy lips open for me so I can get to your clit."

She moved her hands and separated her pussy lips to expose her clit, I moved the probe closer to her clit watching the violet sparks fly. Carrie was not having much of a reaction to the probe; it didn't appear to have the same effect as yesterday for some reason. Maybe we had worn out the machine already. Then it hit me, yesterday I licked her nipple, getting it wet made it more conductive.

I moved the probe out of the way and went down to gently lick her pussy, to get her wet. After a minute I stopped and got the probe. As I brought the probe close to her clit, the tube glowed bright violet and faint sparks were jumping to her clit.

Carrie let out a moan and says, "Yes, Oh yes, this is it ... keep going Uncle Bob."

I made a mental note to tell Carrie to shave her pussy; the pussy hair is a problem. I moved the probe around to different areas checking if any one spot is more sensitive than other spots.