Orchid - A Midspring Night's Dream


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The music drifted into the background. They started dancing to something different. Something else. Something slower, and quieter.

Her hair smelled nice. Like strawberries.

What am I doing, he thought, as she turned in his arms. Standing so close, and looking straight up at him.What am I doing?

And then he kissed her, and somewhere, off in the distance, there were fireworks. Just barely visible through the front windows as a kaleidoscope of color in the otherwise deep blue of the night sky. Reds and blues. Purples and oranges. Filling the room around them with a cascade of bombast.

Time passed slowly. It was a chaste kiss, with just the tips of their pursed lips pressed, but it was electric. When Gill finally pulled back, almost dizzy, and opened his eyes, he found Eve leaning against him more fully, eyes still closed, cheeks as red as a blast furnace. She had one foot kicked up in the air, the tip of her white and pink sneaker pointed directly behind her. It was so dainty, and cute, and... and he found his hands sliding around the small of her back. Cradling her, and supporting her, and when he leaned down to kiss her again she took full advantage of that.

She dipped as he leaned in, and he held her like she was a flower.

This time, the kiss went further than just their lips. Gill fell into her, diving deep below the surface of her waters. Her tongue was warm and soft. Her whole body so warm in his hands. Her skin so much paler than his. Her lips were pliant and supple.

She was breathless when he stood up straight, and he raised her with him. Both of them panting a little. Eve licked her lips and smiled.

She tasted like strawberries too.

They danced like that for a long time, slowly moving while pressed so closely together and occasionally kissing. Sometimes, more kissing than dancing. Sometimes all kissing. He liked the way Eve would reach up, and rake her fingernails through his stubble. In fact, she spent so much time touching his face that he almost wondered if she was blind, and was learning him one touch at a time, but her eyes were so mischievously expressive. So... impish.

Eventually, after a slow song in which Eve had simply buried her head in his chest and swayed for a while, and long after the noise above them had stopped (and then restarted and stopped), a song came on that neither Gill nor Eve could dance to. It was high energy, fast paced, and the abrupt shift in tone made Eve laugh so hard she snorted. Gill thought,Even that's adorable.

"What to do," Eve whispered, head resting between his pecs. "I want to take him home, but—"

"Excuse me?" Gill said.

"—is so far away. I wish I just... lived across the street." Then she stood up more straight, pulling away from his grip for the first time in what felt like forever. "I wonder if..."

Then she bolted from his arms. By the time Gill turned around, Eve had her purse, and was headed toward the door.

"Hey, wait," he said, and though he stood completely still, his heart was pleading with him to follow her. What he really wanted, though, was for her to stay with him. He wasn't ready to go anywhere, or do more than they had been doing. He wasn't ready for more change.

Or, at least, he didn't think he was ready for more until she stopped at the door. She looked back at him, her eyes twinkling, and a ghost of a smile. It was nothing, as far as gestures went, but there was the tiniest hint of expectation, and of hope, in the way her eyebrows rose, fractionally...

...and then he was walking after her, and her smile grew. He left a hundred dollar bill on the bar, and made a mental note to stop back the next day to make sure that covered the both of them.

She was already skipping (skipping!?) across the street ahead of him, directly toward a well-lighted parking lot. And the motel beyond. The one with the 'No' unlit on its vacancy sign. A city bus came by just as he was stepping out onto the sidewalk, which delayed him a few seconds more. It stopped right in front of the bar, so he backtracked to the corner, crossed, and jogged back up the other side of the street.

When he turned around a fence, and moved into the parking lot proper for the Pink Orchid Comfort Lodge, Eve was already coming back out of the office with an actual key swinging around her finger and a tongue firmly lodged in her cheek.

By way of explanation, she said, "I paid cash," and when she started walking, Gill started following.

Her walk was something to behold. He hadn't really appreciated how pretty her legs were. He'd never thought of himself as a leg man, but it was hard not to stare when he knew what he was walking into. He knew where she was going, and what they were going to be doing, and suddenly the thought of her legs, curled up in front of her or wrapped around his chest, or...

Suddenly, her legs seemed very important. And very cute.

The key, and the heavy tag it was attached to, were very old fashioned. Gill had thought that most hotels had switched over to having disposable, programmable keycards, but the sound of the brass jingling was incredibly pleasant. It didn't hurt that Eve was bouncing them off of her hip with every other step. She opened the door smoothly, and closed it behind him.

Gill's heart was racing. He had never done anything like this in his whole life. He'd never had spontaneous sex. He'd never had a one night stand. He'd certainly had his fair share of experience, but he'd never encountered anyone who captivated him like Eve did. Not even close.

The door clicked shut, and he felt such a thrill race through him when she pressed a splayed hand against his chest. Her slate gray eyes peered up at him, in the light filtering through the opened curtains.

"It isn't there. There's nothing there at all."

It wasn't a question. She wasn't asking him anything; not with her words, anyway. Her eyes, though, were pleading. Looking for confirmation in his expression, and in his own eyes.

Whatever it was she was looking for she found, and her smile bloomed, spreading to every part of her face. As she rolled up on her toes to kiss him again, Gill found himself reaching for the zipper of her jacket. It opened to reveal a solid pink spaghetti strap top, and the way Eve rolled her shoulders and extended her arms behind her to let the jacket slide off was the single hottest thing he had ever witnessed. Her extended fingertips. The clean lines from her neck to her shoulders. The way she turned her head ever so slightly, as much to glance back as to keep him in her peripheral vision.

In doing so, she exposed her neck to him, and Gill was drawn to it like a magnet.

Her shoes, kicked off. His jacket, thrown behind him. Her shirt, ripped over her head, and Gill immediately grabbed both of her breasts in his hands. They were small, with large nipples, and they felt wonderful in his palms. Eve whimpered, leaning into his touch, and slipped her hands under his shirt to run her fingers over his abs.

Gill picked her up, which was not as difficult as he thought it might be, and she immediately wrapped both legs around his waist as she kissed him. It only took a little bit of shifting his weight back onto his heels to account for her, and then he was holding her. She had her arms folded around his neck, and her tongue was so far into his mouth that he thought she might be probing his tonsils. This was more feverish passion, in the first thirty seconds, than Gill had maybe ever experienced in his life.

When she finally uncoiled from him, it was reluctant. He didn't want her to stop kissing him, and she kept looking up at him with a strange mix of regret and longing that he had no idea how to interpret further. He had a moment of pause, as she settled back down on her feet, where he knew what he would have done with a different partner, but he knew she wanted something different. It pinged in the back of his head, and so he was still.

These were, in their own way, beautiful seconds, because in lieu of reaching for the next button to press, he ended up meeting her gaze for several seconds. Her eyes crinkled at the corners, and he knew his were doing the same. He was pretty sure she could sense how nervous he was. They didn't say anything, but suddenly the connection between them got a whole lot more intense.

Eve took his shirt by the hem, and pulled it up over his head. As he untangled his arms, she laid several soft kisses across his pecs and up near his collar bone. She couldn't quite reach his neck, which was adorable. Then, she grabbed hold of the waistband of his jeans, and pulled him forward while she, at the same time, crawled backwards onto the bed.

She settled onto her stomach, and licked her lips as she looked up at him. Words that had appeared in his head earlier, mischievous and impish, suddenly felt like the most pure descriptions possible of this delightful creature, and that was before she unzipped his jeans and swallowed him.

Gill did not often think of himself in relation to anyone else. He did not watch much porn. He was not aware of himself as being larger than average; he was as he was, and that was enough. This self-confidence had been reinforced on numerous occasions by Jennifer, although she had a habit of phrasing her reinforcement in ways that made him feel deeply objectified because of his skin color.

When Eve closed her eyes, and her lips crept closer and closer to the root of Gill's cock, and Gill watched his shaft disappear inside her mouth, that was the first time he'd really thought about himself in terms of girth, and thickness, and length, and how big the inside of a mouth could be, and whether or not one could actually reach another person's throat.

Judging by the sounds coming out of Eve, yes. Yes, it was possible to reach that far. Judging by the way her eyes were fluttering, and the way her hips were wiggling, and the sheer enthusiasm, this was something she enjoyed. Which was good, because Gill was experiencing something akin to a spiritual awakening at being deepthroated for the first time in his life.

It was a mind-melting mix of lips, and sucking, and air bubbles popping, and whimpers, and moans, and squirming, and pressure on his already very hard cock, and her looking up at him through her eyebrows, and—

"Jesus fucking Christ," Gill said, as he, lacking anything else to do with his hands, settled them both on the sides of Eve's head.

The way Eve's cheeks ignited with color, on top of everything else, and Gill couldn't take any more. His head rolled back, and he stared up at the ceiling, because the visual was too much to take. The feeling and the sound was a combination he could handle.

When she came up for air, Gill forced himself to make eye contact again. She was such a beautiful kind of breathless and flush. She looked so alive. She looked beautiful. She also looked pleased with herself, which gave him such a charge. She licked her lips, and her lopsided smile was too much to take. He brought his fingers down from behind her ear to just beneath her chin, and he drew her up to her knees as he leaned down.

He kissed her, long and full. She reached up to cup his cheeks. He cradled the back of her head, keeping her close.

"I need you," she said, softly, when their lips parted. She shyly averted her eyes, demure bordering on bashful, and pushed down on her jean cutoffs. She kept him just at the edge of her peripheral vision, as she looked back over her shoulder. She was, barefoot, perhaps eight inches shorter than he was, but she was so much smaller in every other way, and Gill's whole body caught fire as he watched her bend, raise her legs, and settle on her knees at the edge of the bed.

She said, "Please," while looking back, if not quite looking back at him.

Her bare feet were tucked under her ass, toenails decorated with a robin's egg blue coating, toes bunched into the ball. Her hips, and her cheeks, were perfectly round, smooth, and incredibly pale. Two luminous orbs in the low light. Gill knew what Eve was asking for, and he himself very much wanted the same thing, but not yet. Not right away. He settled on his knees, just beside the edge of the bed, and grabbed her hips.

Eve made a sound like "Whu-huh" just before his tongue touched down on her puckered opening. The wrinkled skin twitched and retracted on itself, pinching even more tightly, as he probed her. She said, "I whuu... uh... I..." and that was all she could manage. He could see, just over the horizon of the small of her back, that she looked back at him for a second, and then her posture changed. She settled forward, head disappearing down, and both her hands came back to grab his. He squeezed her, fingers digging into her fleshy hips, and in turn she squeezed his hands.

His tongue worked in slow swirls, never moving very far from that squirming center as it alternated between clenched tightness and release. Gill had never rimmed anyone. He didn't even know that it was called rimming. He knew that it was something some people did and it had been done to him on a few occasions, which was how he knew that it could feel good for someone else. With Eve's penis off limits, Gill dove headfirst at the one thing he thought hecoulddo.

Suddenly, Eve let go of his hands, and reached past him. She grabbed her own ass and pulled, stretching each cheek out a little further, but he didn't need the space to work. It felt like she just needed to do something, to pull or push at something. She needed to move. He let go of her hips, getting his hands out of her way (which allowed her to immediately reach a little further around and grab herself again even more tenaciously), and instead let his hands roam along the outer edges of her thighs and calves. She had lovely legs. Her skin was...verysoft. Delicate, even.

In the bar, he had liked her scent. It had been some kind of perfume with floral notes. Here, naked, what he smelled was the lotion she used on her skin, which was clean and subtle. That, and her sweat. Eve's sweat was very different from his own, and very different from Jennifer's. He had no words to describe it, but he very much wanted to make her sweat out more of it.

When she reached back to grab his hair, just at the top of his head, and hold him there, it was the most primal thing he'd ever experienced.

After a few mindless minutes, in which he lost himself in the swooping lashes of his tongue, Gill finally woke up enough to realize that he was so hard that it hurt. His body was screaming at him for release as much as Eve was, in her wordless way, begging for him to go further.

Her arm was outstretched toward her purse, laying on the corner of the mattress, when he stood up. Her lids were heavy over glassy eyes, and her cheeks had reached a glossy, reddened shine. He picked up his jeans, tossed them down next to her after pulling out his wallet. The condom he kept neatly tucked inside was only a couple months old, as Jennifer made him change it regularly just in case, but he didn't think about that. What he thought was,Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

When he returned to the moment, condom snugly in place, Eve had retrieved a small bottle of lube from her purse, and she couldn't quite seem to meet his eyes when she handed it to him. She was looking somewhere around his chin, or perhaps his lips. He didn't push, merely nodding when he took the lavender capped bottle and put a drop on the tip of his index finger.

She moaned softly when he probed her, spreading the lube with gentle strokes, while squirting out a thicker glob onto the now-wrapped head of his cock. Just for the joy of watching her squirm, he switched from one finger to two, and Eve did not disappoint.

He gave his own shaft a few quick strokes, to spread the lube somewhat, before finally moving in behind her and again taking firm hold of her hips. This time, instead of grabbing herself, Eve grabbed the bedsheets ahead of her, and raked long lines as she pulled it taut.

"Ohfffffffff—" she grunted, through clenched teeth, as Gill began to push, and the rest of what she said did not amount to words. Not words Gill understood, anyway.

Gill had never had anal sex before, and he was not prepared for the way Eve's body could squeeze. It was very different from a pussy. It was tighter but, also, still very tight the deeper he went in. More like a fist, with a vice-like grip.

It wasn't until, after a very long push inward, Eve grunted, "Oh God yes," that Gill was sure he wasn't hurting her. Or, at least, that she was enjoying the hurt, because there might have been tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

He went slow. Very slow, moving all the way from tip to root. Eve tucked her chin to her chest, forehead pressed into the bed, and slammed a fist down into the bed with a strangled cry, and Gill was just about to stop when she reached back with her other hand and grabbed her ass again. Just like she had when he'd rimmed her. This was a good omen.

After a minute, he paused and reached toward the lube bottle again. Eve had only just started to turn back and look when he poured another drop onto the top of his shaft and pushed in, and she gave a little shiver when the cooler oils touched her sensitive skin.

"Sorry," Gill said, softly.

Eve looked back at him, out of the corner of her eye, and nodded. There was a hint of a wince, as she turned her face away again, but Gill was off and running. Full steam ahead. His body was all warmed up, turned on, and completely unprepared for how good it felt to be inside of Eve.

"Oh God," she cried, "yes!"

He moved his hands up from her hips to her waist, where she was surprisingly thin if not narrow, and got much better leverage. Half the work was thrusting, and the other half was grabbing hold of her as she bounced off of him and pulling her back. It felt amazing. Eve felt amazing. Gill felt amazing.

He saw her start to reach under herself and stop. And then again. After the third time, Gill slowed. He said, taking a pretty big leap, "It's okay if you touch it. If that's what you need to cum."

This time, Eve did not look back at him, but she did shift her legs so that her knees were a little farther apart. This time, when Gill started up again, he didn't bounce her around quite so much. Gill had never tried to jerk off while someone pistoned in and out of his ass before, but he'd jerked off enough to know that sometimes keeping a very specific posture was important.

He'd guessed right, which he would later marvel at, and what he could see of Eve's shoulder and arm moved very quickly. About double the speed he could manage thrusting in and out of her, maybe. Suddenly, keeping that rhythm steady felt very important, so Gill shifted his feet slightly further apart to make things easier on himself. There was no question of stamina; he was still as hard as he had ever been in his entire life, and even the sight of Eve's pale backside was enough to make the hairs on his arms stand up.

She was gorgeous. Her pink hair was a mess, stray curls clinging to beads of sweat on her neck, shoulders, and forehead. He wanted to see more. He was excited to see more. What little he'd seen and felt of her breasts had left him excited at the prospect of seeing them bounce around too, but he could be patient when he had to.

Gill was an ocean of patience when he needed to be, as long as that meant he could keep going like he was in her ass.

Eve cried, "Oh ffffuuu—" and then stopped, like her throat had been pinched shut. Her whole body clenched. Even her glutes squeezed inward, cheeks dimpling, which felt incredible bordering on incredibly painful. He'd never tried to squeeze his dick in any way, and this was very much like that.