One Night in Hommlet


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My palm cupped her ass and I lifted her hips clear of the water. The tip of my finger found the base of her tail and when I caressed it, she gave a shiver in my arms.

"Very sensitive there, lover." She made a nipping motion in front of my nose. "Use care, or else."

Reaching up, I took hold of her horn and pulled her head to the side. She moaned when my teeth grasp the red flesh of her neck just under her pointed left ear.

"Mmm. Oh, yes."

Behind us, the door opened.

"Oh! My pardon. I just came to gather up the clothes." The baker's daughter in law was a pretty woman if somewhat given to plumpness. She smiled our way, blushed, averted her eyes, and bent hurriedly to gather the filthy clothes into her large wicker basket. "Pay me no mind. I promise you, you're not the first to dally in the waters of this bathhouse. Far from it." She gave a throaty chuckle. "Many of the town's most promenade citizens may have been conceived in these warm waters."

Willow slipped from my arms to stand behind me, her proud breasts pressed into my spine. "It's so wonderfully warm."

The young woman gave a nod, grinning. "Aye, tis that. Well, have fun and don't worry. I'll shoo away any other bathers, for a goodly bit of time."

As she went out the door, the woman gave me a wink.

I snarled and winced as Willows' teeth returned my earlier hard bite. Her fangs must have come close to breaking skin, to judge from the pain. Reaching around my hip, I felt her hand close around my cock. Those sharp-clawed nails made my skin draw up and away from them as a single fingertip -- her pinkie, I believe -- went lower and massaged between my leg and my sack.

"Being caught like that was fun," she purred by my ear. "I love it that she saw us naked."

Turning around, I smiled at her, my eyes lingering on hers. "Really?"

"Oh, my yes. I would put a coin on it that she is going to be all hot and bothered for the rest of the morning." She lifted her leg and hooked it behind my hips. "We did that to her. Made her all hot and wet, randy for sex ..." Her lips brushed hard against mine. "... just us being here like this."

I had to admit that the idea turned me on as well.

Not that I needed any help with that at the moment. I was hard enough to hurt and Willow was doing nothing to lessen that ache. In fact, she was adding to it by the second with her teasing caresses, biting, raking claws, and that wicked tail -- which was always appearing suddenly, and in the damnedest of places -- that was, as she had said, a treat that I was learning to love.

"Wouldn't a bed be preferable?" I asked between kisses.

"Later," she said, aggressively, almost a snarl. "Now, Kyle, now. No more teasing."

She turned in my arms and leaned forward over the side of the tub. Those dark red nipples brushed the hard, wet stones and she moaned as I placed myself behind her. For a moment I fumbled to get close enough, but now that tail, which had been such an interesting addition, was now seriously in the way. Willow giggled and looked back to me over her shoulder.

"Problems?" she asked, teasing.

Before I could answer Willow lifted her left leg up and rested her knee on the side of the tub. Her tail that had just been so in the way, now curled around my waist and pulled me into the proper place. With a deep, throaty moan from Willow and a similar sound from myself, I slid into her easily.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes."

For a moment, I allowed myself to soak within her the same way that we were soaking in the stone tub. She was--

** ** ** ** ** ** **


Holding the phone to my other ear, I blinked away the sudden shock of hearing my real name. So deep into the persona of Kyle had I allowed myself to fall that I had to struggle for a moment to remember who Richie was. Or perhaps I didn't really want to since Kyle Umber was the type of man that I always wanted to be. Brave, good in his own way, honorable. The type of man that would get the girl.

"Yeah?" All that ran through my mind, at that moment, was that she wanted to end this phone call.

Belinda had another idea in mind. "I'm ... I'm a bit too turned on. I have to do something about that or I'm going to scream. Do you mind?"

Kyle spoke for me. "Why would I mind that, lovely? Can I help in any way?"

She giggled. "Only if you can reach through the phone and plug in my magic wand. Give me a moment, please."

Magic ... wand?

I heard her fumble with her phone. A low wood-on-wood rumble that must be a drawer being opened. The sound of an electrical cord rattling against plastic. Then, clear as day I heard a low humming sound.


"Okay, I'm good now."

I had to ask. "Belinda, what are you ... never mind. I can imagine."

She laughed. "I wish you wouldn't, this is embarrassing enough as is." Then she gave such a lovely low moan. "I'm sorry, but I can't help it anymore."

Just damn. Oh, my giddy aunt, damn.

"Don't try, lovely. Just enjoy." I smiled hearing her moan again, happy that she could enjoy herself so. Hoping that I would get to hear her orgasm. And more than a little jealous that it wasn't me getting her to that point.

But, then again, it was me.

"Ready to continue?" I asked.

Belinda all but begged me. "Yes, please."

Smiling -- well, grinning really -- I took back up our shared narrative.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Urged on by the grasping of her tail, I thrust into Willow harder, allowing myself to simply enjoy this moment of carnal joy and life. At first, my hand sought her shoulder but then her wet hair caught my attention and I grabbed a handful of those tight dark red braids. With a sharp pull, I brought her head back up and made her look over her shoulder at me. She snarled and those fangs gleamed.


My fingers curled tighter into those wet locks and I raked my other hand down her spine causing her to arch her back, which drove her up the full length of me, and then she slammed her ass hard back into my stomach. I began to feel like she was going to cut me into with that the grip that her tail had around me. When I wiggled my hips to try and loosen the hold she turned snarling. Suddenly unsure of the wisdom of this, I had to find some way to distract her or I might not survive this encounter.

Or perhaps not distract, but to dominate.

My hand left her hair and caught her by her right horn.


Gripping tight to that bony handle and to her red shoulder I pulled her back onto me and thrust into her as hard as my hips would drive me. A great swash of water suddenly left the pool and soaked the stones before us as the motion of our lovemaking sent waves back and forth through the steamy water. I watched her hand grasp at one of the wet paving stones and -- those nails which had been resting lightly upon my lips so recently -- carved four deep scars through the top of the stone.

"If you stop I'll kill you."

Okay, death threats were not part of my normal sex life, but then again I had never bedded a tiefling before either. Taking a moment to adjust my position behind her, I finally managed to ease that cutting grip of her tail, but all that did was cause her to shift it and grip me back tighter.

"No escaping me, ranger."

I pulled her head back by her horn. "Not trying to, my lovely."

Her chuckling snarl was my only answer, but then the deep soul rattling moan from her told me that she was as close as I was and that, with some luck and a bit of blessing, I might last till she spent first. Or perhaps we might even experience that rarest and most blessedly wonderful of shared events. A pure moment of mutual orgasm.

Slipping a hand around her, I cupped her small firm breast and found the rose-wine bud of her nipple between my fingers. Squeezing, I felt the pleasure moan vibrate through my palm.

With a great thrash of hot water and all the slipperiness of an eel she suddenly turned in my arms. We crashed together, I stumbled falling backward into the water, plunging under the steamy surface. Before I could even wonder if I was about to drown she had yanked me back up with a strength far greater than my own. The wet stones were hard across on my lower back and ass as she pushed me up and out of the tub. Manhandling me -- literally -- as if I was a small child.

Then she was crouched over me, her face only inches from mine. Fangs were bared in a panting gasp for breath.

A tiefling was I realized, in all ways and in all things, a predator.

Even as she mounted me and slid my cock back inside herself, I was gaining a new understanding for this woman that I was entwined with. Laughing in a tavern, joking about the others in our party, teasing Liam, making him or the others look at her like she was something to be feared ... these were all things she did for fun. Simple amusements to pass the time between adventures.

But this?

This was the real her.

A wild creature just mere steps from being as indescribably dangerous to her friends as to her foes. A child of fiends, a warrior woman without a hint of mercy in her heritage. A creature of primal needs, simple lusts, basic hungers and more than gifted with the power to fulfill them.

A predator, born of the Abyss, filled with inner rage and madness, only just constrained.

And now unleashed through this union of our bodies.

I felt a moment of fear. An inner terror that could have stilled any desire within me cold, but it didn't. No, not at all. In fact, it drove forth the beast within myself, luring it to the surface. A desire to match her fiendish nature with my own wildness, that primal self I always kept hidden, eternally in check. But that was ever ready to vanish into the wild and live as a beast.

The Hunter.

"Kyle?" She was shaking with lust and need. I saw then in her eyes that, while to match her fury for fury was certainly a desire within her, she also needed more. She had know anger and animalistic passion for most of her life. What Willow had never known and -- because of that -- needed with all her heart was just simply to be loved. She didn't need to feed the fiend within her anymore, but rather the very human woman that was such a part of her also needed attention.

"Spend for me, my love." Reaching up, I brushed a braided lock her dark hair out of her eyes. "For me and for you. Please, my love, let it happen."

She grasped me tight to her, that warm wet body a silken blanket of soft skin, backed by firm muscles. I felt her claws in my skin, her teeth at my neck, her tail around my leg, her horns brushing against my scalp as she nuzzled me like a cat. I felt all of her. Then her breath was hot on my skin right above my jugular vein.

"For you?"

I shook my head against hers. "No, for us."

A shaking shudder ran the length of her body, and I got to feel and enjoy every inch of it. All but weeping, she clung to me as her body fought through those last guardians, emotional barriers and the primal desire to claim the hidden treasure of carnal pleasure just behind.

With a deep moan, her orgasm took full control of her.

The power of her body's grip upon me was painful, but it was a pain I could have happily endured forever. Raw desire shook her and I thrust up into the liquid warmth that rushed along the length of me. I tried and tried to gain an inch more ground against that gripping tightness, but it was an inch that I did not possess, and that she could not have taken.

Still, my flesh tried.

Another deep and throaty moan from her focused me back on the woman shivering in my arms.

"Kyle ... Richie! OH, YES!"

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Oh, damn.

Sitting on my bed -- my cell phone clutched to my ear -- I listened with undisguised lust to the woman on the other end crying out my name as she orgasmed. Belinda's voice shook, the sound of the phone against her braids a harsh rattle, then I heard what must have been her drop her phone onto her bed as the sound was suddenly muffled. Still, I could hear her "magic wand" humming and the moan of its effect upon her. The panting of breath had never sounded so good.

After a moment I heard silence, then her picking back up the phone.


"Yeah, I'm still here, lovely." Like I would possibly be anywhere else at this moment.

She still hadn't caught her breath. "I can't believe I just let you listen to me play with myself."

Kyle the Ranger was still very much in control of my words tonight. It was easier to let him be, I think. "Belinda, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever gotten to listen to in my whole life. Just incredible."


"Hell, yeah." I chuckled. "Easily."

I heard her giggle. "Well, I guess ..." There was a sudden silence from her end. " ... oh, damn! I think I woke up my mom. I've got to go!"

"Wait, what--"

I was questioning dead air.

With a deeply disappointed sigh, I set my phone on the nightstand next to my bed and laid back, looking at the popcorn-speckled ceiling. Closing my eyes I replayed the last few moments of listening to Belinda in my head. The panting of her breath, the gasping of my name ... my real name as her orgasm had taken a hold of her.

"Wow," I whispered.

Suddenly feeling very sleepy, as if the phone conversation had drained all the energy from me, I was wondering if I could stay awake long enough to get myself off when beside me the phone buzzed. Grabbing it up, I slid my finger across it and saw the name on the text message.


~{ I woke her. She's mad at me.}~

Grinning, I worked my thumbs. ~[Sorry to hear that.]~

~{She wasn't happy. But I sure am. WOW!!!}~ Her reply came back almost instantly.

Chuckling, I typed back. ~[I want to do this again]~

There was a long pause. Then the sudden buzz startled me.

~{Me too. After the next game?}~

I was nodding even as I typed. ~[Yes. Looking forward to it.]~

~{Giggling. Me too.}~ I could easily picture her embarrassed but smiling face.

~[Night, night ... Willow]~

The pause was not too long, but it gave me a moment to wonder.

~{Goodnight. Kiss.}~


Sitting my phone down, I reached over it up to the lamp on the nightstand and plunged my room into semi-darkness. Outside the sun was coming up.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Indeed a wonderful story, and it is sad that the plot was not continued (so far, one must always hope! :-) )

I found the story as i am searching for D&D themed stories, but now i will look into other stories by MSTarot.

ender2k2kender2k2kalmost 5 years ago
That was wonderful.

Your stories are always great. This one was really sweet also. Thanks.

Gregorius_LightmouthGregorius_Lightmouthalmost 5 years ago
Great story!

I really enjoyed reading about these characters! This is a sweet story that works great as a standalone romance. At the same time the D&D story was really fun to read, and I'd be very happy if you were to write more chapters. In future chapters the main characters could continue to grow and become more confident with help from their in-game personalities.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 5 years ago
Very enjoyable...

I wonder if Richie would have been better served by saying "Night night... Belinda"...

Tough call as to whether she'd rather think she *was* like Willow vs to think he didn't see *her*...

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