One Little White Lie


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It was decided that we would meet at ten o’clock. Lisa would go to the store early and stock up on provisions so that they had plenty not only for tomorrow, but also for their eventual crossing to the Bahamas.

We got to their boat and Lisa said to me, “I didn’t talk to you much, but you are great for Jennie. She is my best friend and she deserves you”

She hugged me good night.

We walked from the marina when Jim and Lisa boarded their boat. As we reached the street, Jennie took my hand and squeezed it. She said, “You were wonderful tonight. I had a fantastic time and you just fit in as if it were the real thing. I like Jim and Lisa a lot and I would have been really embarrassed to get caught in a lie. But now I got you in another mess—they weren’t supposed to stay over another day

I interrupted, “Jennie, today was a dream day for me. The boat was fantastic and your friends are wonderful. Tomorrow is not a favor; it is something that I would pay to have happen—friends on an expensive boat going to a deserted island. What a dream! I’m glad I was the one you decided to pick up. I should be thanking you.”

We finally arrived at ‘The Little Gecko’ and stood outside the front door. We stopped talking and it was obvious what was next. Jennie stepped into my arms and we kissed. Her lips felt wonderful and her breasts pushed into my chest. My erection was automatic. We broke the kiss and she smiled at me. She stood on her toes and kissed me again and was gone.

The next morning I saw Jennie on the front porch of her motel. She was sitting on a rocking chair watching me approach. Lisa had said not to worry about clothes—just wear a swimming suit and a cover since we would be back before dark. Lisa said they had plenty of sunscreen because the Bahamas demanded sun protection. Jennie wore a modest bikini with a white see through cover. I had a T-shirt and a tight swimming suit. We both wore sandals.

We walked to the boat. Jennie again apologized for putting me through this. I answered her by grabbing her hand and turning her to me as I said, “You are right. You do owe me and I will accept a kiss as payment.

The payment was made and she stopped talking, but never let go of my hand.

We arrived at the boat and Lisa greeted us. In contrast to Jennie’s modest two-piece, Lisa was wearing a tiny bikini that hid very little. Her cute, small body, more naked than clothed, was a sensual sight.

Moments later we cast off. Lisa and Jennie sat in the cockpit talking. I sat next to Jim at the helm as he maneuvered this huge, expensive boat through turns that left us only a few feet from disaster. Jim was calm and talked to me explaining what he was doing. His calmness was impressive and my impression of him, already good, went up several notches.

We picked up speed through the Key West harbor. Four large cruise boats were in today and the Coast Guard vessels were watching everybody for any problems. Jim explained that all the rules had changed about how close you could get to a cruise vessel. He said, “You pass that limit and you can be assured that half the Coast Guard of the United States will be stopping you.

Two hours later we slowly entered a small inlet. Jim was watching the water color and the depth finder and finally at about eight feet, he let the anchor go. Once satisfied that we had hooked up correctly he shut off the diesel engines. It was a deserted island; there was not a boat or person in sight.

Lisa said to me, “I have the towels and sun screen. You and Jennie swim to shore and Jim and I will bring the cooler and everything else on our little float. Jennie and I slipped into the water and made our way to shore; Jim and Lisa followed.

We left everything as it was and the four of us walked the beach. It was a Robinson and Crusoe thing—we were at the end of the world and no one was here. As it got hotter we decided to go back to where all the stuff was.

Lisa gave out the towels. She yelled, “Suntan time.”

Lisa turned to Jennie and said, “Remember all the times we went to the roof of the sorority house to get our tan? The fraternity next to us had a roof that was twenty feet below our level, so we could see them and they couldn’t see us. Every now and then the pledges forgot that—we were voyeurs! We were topless, but no one could see us.

“I don’t think I ever told you how Jim and I met. It was two summers ago and I was on the beach and saw Jim lying on his stomach; he really had a cute butt and his back was getting red. So I went up to him and told him that sunburn city was next for him unless I operated with an immediate sunscreen massage. He agreed and I spent the next twenty minutes with gook on my hands touching every part of him that his swimsuit didn’t cover; and I cheated a few inches where it did cover.

“When I was done he complimented me on how great a suntan massage I had given him, and said he was probably the only one in the world who could do one better. Well those were fighting words, so I took off my top and said go at it. By the time he was done with me, I knew he was the one. The rest is history.

“So now, any time we hit a beach like this it is deja vu all over again.”

Lisa turned and Jim lay on his stomach as Lisa rubbed copious amounts of sun screen over his back and legs. She looked up at us and said, “Well Jennie, what are you waiting for?”

I lay on my stomach and Jennie started to rub sunscreen on my backs and legs. Her hands felt wonderful as she rubbed the lotion into my skin. As she got close to my ass, I had an erection, but no one could see it.

Jim rolled over and so did I. The sunscreen rubdown continued. I don’t know about Jim and Lisa, but when Jennie touched my breasts and then went lower to my stomach, my erection pressed even harder against my suit.

Jennie switched around and now her hands attacked my legs. As she continued up my thighs her fingers briefly went under my suit. I peeked at Jennie who gave me an impish grin; she pretended that she couldn’t see my painful erection.

Lisa yelled, “Our time now Jennie. Men, man your sunscreen stations.” She reached behind her back and off came the top of her suit. She had perky little breasts; her areolas surrounded tiny nipples, which were already hard.

Jennie hesitated and then blushed. Lisa said, “Jennie we did this forever on the roof and now we have our very best friends doing it for us
off with the top.”

Jennie was trapped. I could almost see her brain searching for an out—there was none. She reached behind her and undid her top. It dropped in front of her and for the first time I saw her breasts. They were beautiful. Her nipples, not yet hard, were larger than I expected and the mounds of her breasts were jutting out without sag. I lusted to touch them.

Lisa lay on her stomach and Jim started to massage her with suntan lotion. Jennie did the same. It was wonderful. From her neck down her back to her hips and lower I applied the sun tan lotion. As I massaged that part of her ass that was not covered by her suit, I felt her tremble. The backs of her thighs were equally sensual; my hands softly stroked the inside of her thighs for a few seconds. She gasped and stopped breathing for those seconds as I teased her. Finally I completed her back. Lisa commanded, “Everybody over.”

Jennie hesitated and then capitulated to the inevitable. She rolled over and let me apply suntan lotion to her face, neck, and chest and then onto her wonderful breasts. I loaded my hands with lotion and covered her breasts with my hands and then moved them slowly in a small circle. My thumbs rubbed her nipples until they were hard and extended. By the time my hands had completed the breast area, Jennie’s breath had become rapid and at one point I heard a quiet moan. As I caressed her stomach with suntan lotion, she unconsciously spread her legs open a little.

I switched positions and attacked her legs from her ankles to the beginning of her bikini bottom. My desire to play the boyfriend gave way to lust—her skin felt so smooth and sensual and my desire so strong that I teased her body every way I could without ripping her bikini bottom off. I paid special attention to her inner thighs, as her legs had remained slightly spread. She squirmed and moaned quietly. At one point her hips pushed into my hands as if to get relief. Finally, I had no excuse to continue this sexual torture and the four of us lay quietly for an hour—turning when the heat became too strong.

Finally, we had an early lunch of sandwiches and then went swimming. We played in the water for a while. We spotted Jim lifting Lisa so she could put her legs around his waist. He first kissed her perky little breasts and then her open mouth. Watching a beautiful, little, almost naked woman kiss the man she loved, it was almost expected that Jennie and I should do the same. I grabbed her hands and pulled her to me and, as her breasts pushed into my chest, we kissed. I knew Jennie could feel another erection, but she made no attempt back away.

After the water games, we went exploring again—Captain Kid’s treasure is safe for another year.

The heat finally got to us and we swam back to the boat. We each had a quick fresh water shower rinse in the cockpit of the boat to get rid of the sand and saltwater accumulation on our bodies. Of course Lisa had to put the hose down the front of her bikini bottom in front of us to hose her pussy. We finally went into the air-conditioned main cabin. It was just in time. We were on the brink of dehydration. We relaxed. Lisa, Jennie and I drank. Jim was on the wagon since he had to get us safely back to Key West before dusk.

Lisa served us lobster potato salad, garlic bread, and beef Wellington for dinner. It was an absolutely fantastic meal.

Jim stood up and said, “We have to get going in the next thirty minutes or so if we want to make Key West in he daylight. We don’t want to go into that harbor in the dark.”

He left for the helm. Twenty minutes later he called for Lisa. Ten minutes later he came back to the main cabin with Lisa. He said, “I’m really embarrassed, but we have a problem. The diesels won’t turn over. At first I thought it was a battery problem, but I checked and we have full battery power, thank God. It has to be an ignition switch gone bad. I can’t fix it. I have already called Sea Tow. Their answer is by the time they got out here, we would be going into the Key West Harbor in the dark. For a boat under tow, that is not smart. So I arranged for a tow tomorrow morning. We are stuck here for the night. This isn’t a big deal. With the diesel generator we have air conditioning, cold and hot water, TV and whatever else we need; we just don’t have engines.

“Lisa, a scotch for me; this boat isn’t moving tonight.”

Whether it was the sun, the food, or the liquor, it didn’t hit me at first. I looked at Jennie and her face was ashen. Then I understood her look of despair; we would be sharing a bed tonight. The bed we shared many times according to the little lie Jennie had told; the bed we had never shared if the truth were told.

We talked and drank for another hour, but the day finally got to all of us. Lisa stood, stretched, and said, “I’m history guys; the wimp in the crowd.”

She looked at Jennie and said, “If you’re not used to this, a word to the wise—don’t wear your swimming suit to bed. The salt and sand embedded in your suit will rub you raw before morning and you will be walking around Key West like a cowboy for a week.

“Good night all.”

Jim stood and headed for their cabin as he said, “I’m beat too. The lights that are on should stay on, so when you are ready to call it a night, just go to bed.”

As Jim disappeared Jennie looked at me in anguish and said, “How could one simple little white lie turn into such a fiasco?”

I replied, “Did you like the dinner last night?

She answered, “It was great.”

I asked, “Your body seemed to enjoy the massage on the beach. Did you?”

She answered, “Well I was embarrassed at first, but your hands rubbing my body with the suntan lotion did make me feel wonderful as I knew you could tell.”

I continued, “Then where is a fiasco?”

Jennie blushed and didn’t answer.

I said, “Jennie, I’m not going to rape you. We will go to bed and get as comfortable as we can and that will be it. We really don’t have a choice. Lisa didn’t even offer you some clothes since she knew we were sleeping together. Let’s just make do.”

Jennie nodded and got up and walked to our cabin. When I arrived, Jennie was already in the tiny bed facing outward. Lisa was right; my swimming suit was already chaffing my balls. I slid my suit off me and slipped into bed spooning Jennie’s body.

It was an impossible situation. I had seen Jennie half naked all day and now I was touching her body and we were both naked. My erection was pushing into her ass and I had to put my hands somewhere. I said, “Jennie, I am putting my hands on your breasts. I won’t do anything else. We just have to get comfortable or we’ll never get to sleep.”

I took her silence as a yes.

We lay there for a while with my hands just resting on Jennie’s breasts. She didn’t move, but I knew she was awake. My erection was painful as it pushed into her. Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I got up from the bed and went to the main cabin bathroom. I came back much calmer.

I slipped into bed and resumed my spoon position with Jennie’s body. My hands again covered her breasts—for lack of any other comfortable position. Jennie said quietly, “You aren’t hard any more?”

I whispered, “I told you I wouldn’t rape you Jennie. Just go to sleep.”

She whispered, “You made yourself come in the bathroom
didn’t you?”

I repeated, “I told you I wouldn’t do anything to you Jennie. Just try to sleep.”

Jennie answered, “With all my lies, I don’t deserve someone as nice as you. Good night Rick.” And she was asleep.

We tossed and turned all night. The air conditioning in the room that was comfortable at first became a little too cold during the night as we both tried to cover ourselves with the one sheet. Eventually, we slept. I woke up first. We were facing each other with my leg between her legs almost touching her pubic hairs. Her head was pulled into my chest for warmth and my hands circled her back. As soon as I realized our position, I was hard. Jennie woke up ten minutes later and came to the same conclusion. We separated by mutual agreement.

We put on our swimming suits and walked into the main cabin. Lisa was there already making coffee and English muffins. She was wearing a long loose T-shirt and maybe that was it. She grinned and said, “Good morning sleepyheads. I hope you slept well?”

We both nodded yes.

Lisa continued, “Part of the fun of cruising is that the plan never lasts longer than the first day. We can’t be on a schedule. Jim says that schedules kill you; if the weather is good, you go; if not, you make a new plan. So yesterday was part of our schedule; we did the best thing of all our alternatives. Jim and I have been to the Bahamas five times in the last two years. Yesterday was better than any day we had in the Bahamas—it was wonderful to be with you guys!

“There is a saying among cruisers that there are people who have run aground and those that are going to run aground. Well, there are boats that have broken down and those that are going to break down. We broke down—no big deal. The towboat will be here by ten o’clock.”

The towboat was on time—it took four hours to get us back into our berth in Key West. Jim suggested that we go to the air-conditioned marina restaurant and have a soda or something while he waited for the mechanic to show up. An hour later the verdict was in. Jim said, “The ignition switches got corroded and that led to another mess—the end result is that they are flying in the parts tomorrow. So you turkeys are stuck with us another day. The good news is that I called ‘The Little Gecko’ and Lisa and are in room number eight—right next to you two!”

Jennie looked at me. It was written all over her face; she told one white lie and the consequences were never ending. As Lisa and Jim were working out the new logistics, Jennie came over to me and asked, “What do I do now. They are right next to me; they will know you aren’t there.”

I answered, “Do you want me to be there?”

She looked at me with those serious brown eyes and then nodded, “Yes.”

I said, “Give me the key to the room and tell Lisa I’m running some errands. By the time you get to the room, I will be there with my stuff. I need about thirty minutes so stall a little bit if they want to check-in right away. OK?”

Jennie answered, “This is really nice of you. I hope nothing else goes wrong.”

She looked at me a second and then kissed me.

I raced to the place where I was staying and quickly grabbed my things and left a note for the guys that I would be gone a day or two and then headed for The Little Gecko. I went up the stairs and found room seven and let myself in. It was a fairly small but clean room. Jennie’s small suitcase was on the floor open and I put mine next to hers. It then dawned on me—only one bed; it was better than the night before, but just barely. It was only a queen-size bed.

Five minutes later Jennie knocked on the door. When I opened it the three of them were standing in the hall. Lisa checked our room out with the comment that the room wasn’t that much bigger than the cabin on the boat, but on the other hand, it just made it that much more cozy.

We decided that we would eat casual and then explore part of Duval Street’s action. I suggested an Irish pub called Finnerty’s, which wasn’t too far from our place.

We met an hour later and walked to the restaurant. It was crowded, but not completely packed. This was more of a local’s place, and the conversations were loud and happy as friends met each other. In one corner of the bar there was a circle of laughing people. As some of the people moved Lisa said, “I can’t believe it. Look at that.”

She was pointing at a person sitting on one of the bar stools. The unusual thing was that this person’s ears had fur on them—it was a dog. A local hearing Lisa grinned and said, “This is Key West. Most of the local bars and pubs let dogs in. On their birthday they are allowed to sit at the bar. That’s his birthday party you are seeing.”

Laughing at this goofy town we sat down at an empty table and reached for the menus; half of the menu had Irish dishes, and the rest were American. The food and Irish beer went down easy. Two hours later we left the restaurant to explore Duval Street
we gave up after checking out the first ten places—six of them had bands playing; the silly, little town was jumping!

Lisa and Jim said good night as they unlocked their door. Jennie and I walked into her room and closed the door. She looked at me a little nervously and then grinned as she said, “How can one little old fib cause so many things to happen?”

I looked at her and asked, “Do you regret it?”

She blushed and softly said, “No. You have been wonderful.”

She came to me and we kissed. My tongue touched her lips and after a pause, she opened her mouth as our tongues met. Finally the kiss ended and Jennie stepped back from me. She said, “Same rules as last night?”

I nodded yes.

Moments later she slipped naked under the sheet. I joined her and my hands went immediately to those wonderful breasts that I had been watching, touching and rubbing for the last two days. Of course, I had an immediate erection. Jennie obviously could feel it, but pretended it wasn’t there. After a few minutes I could no longer pretend. I slipped out of bed and took a step to our bathroom.

Jenny said, “No. Not like last night. It isn’t fair that you get all aroused because of things that I did, and then do it to yourself. I’m not very good and have only done it a few times so don’t get mad, but let me help you.”