On the Run


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Beatrice touched Emma on the shoulder. "Sure you don't want to have some fun?" Emma shook her head.

"Maybe later," Emma promised and watched as Beatrice walked over to the orgy taking place in front of her eyes. She went back to the controls and slid her finger along her nipples and then down to her shaved pubis; Sophia had done it the day before on deck to whistles from the guys who watched.

She was feeling horny and interested but tried not to look back at them and block out the sounds of female orgasm. She could still smell sex in the air, and knew it was happening but she tried not to think about it. It was impossible; Emma had been on edge for fifteen days and she needed a release. Too often had she walked past or stepped over copulating couples. Sophia would happily stop anyone for a kiss, or a fondle and poor Cedric was looking decidedly worn out the day before.

Her body wanted in; her brain didn't but she had to concentrate on the controls and not let her hands wander, but they were wandering. She felt the softness of the towel she was sitting on and licked her lips, pushing into the chair as the boat rocked with the swell.

She heard a cough and Sophia slid her hands down Emma's flanks, and started kissing the nape of her neck. "I told you, you'd want it," Sophia whispered. "Cedric and John are both free, which one?"

Emma groaned as Sophia's delicate touch swirled around her sides, and then cupped her breasts. She relished the smoothness and gentle caress and closed her eyes and groaned. Sophia chuckled but continued to kiss the sides of Emma's neck, occasionally sucking on her earlobe and gently running her hands over the smooth body.

Emma's groans got louder as Sophia pushed her body into Emma's back and ran her fingers over Emma's erect nipples. "So Cedric or John?" Sophia asked. "Or me? John can 'alf dive for oysters."

Emma wasn't listening, she was enjoying the strong movements of Sophia's hands who was gliding over her electrified body.

"I'll take control," Cedric offered and Sophia guided the horny Emma towards a sofa opposite Beatrice, who was on her knees eagerly kissing the testicles of Harry.

Sophia looked at Emma and nodded to John. Sophia sat down on the couch and pulled Emma on top of her, the brown hair of the thief coming over her face. "Give me the other end," she said clinically with a smirk and Emma looked puzzled before allowing Sophia to guide Emma around into a 69 position.

Sophia pushed herself into the seat, and put her tongue at the clitoris of the lustful woman. She groaned instantly and a male finger touched her accessible hole and slid inside. Emma squealed and grunted, calling out for someone to "go on."

John climbed onto the sofa and then positioned his stiff cock at Emma's opening causing her to squeal as it touched her. Sophia was swirling her tongue over Emma's engorged clitoris as the unsheathed cock slid effortlessly into the lustful woman.

Emma mewed as the stiff phallus filled her and then felt Sophia slide her tongue towards the top of her clitoris to give the intruder to her pussy a little more room. Sophia had to extend her tongue to still flick Emma's button but she could see the penis slick with Emma's juices.

Emma was panting and grunting as John started thrusting firmly into her; his hands resting on her waist. She gasped when Sophia's hands slid over her body and tweaked her nipples, waves of spiky pleasure shot through her body.

She could feel a warm tension gripping her crotch as John's angle rubbed his cock along her vaginal wall. She shrieked as he rammed it forcefully into her, and let her head sink to the seat of the chair, burying her face into the crotch of Sophia.

Sophia felt the nasal grunts of Emma vibrate through her pubic bone and slid her legs open but Emma's kiss went no further. Sophia swirled her tongue around the engorged clit and rubbed Emma's nipples between her fingers. There was a groan and a grunt.

Emma was in a dreamland; she had never been as horny and every part of her body was tingling. She felt electrified and did her best to try to meet the furious rhythm John had adopted. She rocked back and her muscles grasped his cock as it slid into her.

She was near the point of no return, and had a fierce tension inside her, she wanted to let go, she was nearly there. She hadn't orgasmed properly for years but she knew Sophia's expert tongue action and John's rhythmic thrusting of his cock was taking her there.

She panted, cried out and screwed up her face as her legs quivered and pubic muscles tightened. She squeezed John's cock and then the tension exploded. A warm cascade of incredible pleasure engulfed her, and she yelled out in ecstasy, her voice echoing into the crotch of Sophia.

John felt the young woman's orgasm and grunted filling the robber with his seed; Emma's clamping on his cock had brought him over the edge and she lay there panting for a moment. Sophia kissed her opening as he withdrew and a small stream of semen flowed into her mouth; John had been ejaculating three times a day he had hardly filled Emma when he released, but Sophia swirled her tongue over Emma's clit.

Emma felt a wave of immoral lust come over her and pushed her face into the slit of Sophia, running her tongue up and down the moist opening of the blonde girl. There was a passionate cry from beneath her, as Emma's tongue flicked the pearl of Sophia and then Sophia clamped her mouth to Emma's opening, thrusting her rolled tongue into Emma's slick hole.

The two women brought each to orgasm, the sounds of their lesbian coupling filling the room and the feint aroma of arousal intensified. Emma looked up to see all four of their travelling companions watching them and Cedric smiled. "You hot," he told them.

Emma slid off of her selfless lover and watched as Sophia grabbed a towel to wipe her face. "Juices obey gravity," she muttered and then embraced Emma. "She is wonderful," she cooed.

"Lesbian lovers?" Cedric teased and Sophia scowled.

"Bisexual. And anyway, you all owe me a tenner," Sophia said proudly and looked at Emma. "Sorry. But I had a bet that I could get you to join in," she told her. "I knew you wanted to." Emma gasped and Sophia touched her on the arm. "But you were great."

"We should be in Brazil tomorrow and then a couple of days later, we hit Rio," John told her. "I thought we might stop in Buenos Aires for the day, we've made good time. You getting off in Recife or Rio?"

Emma couldn't stop smiling. "Well if I keep getting fucked like that, I might be tempted to stay awhile longer," she said, hoping that they wouldn't mind taking her to the Argentinian city.

Chapter XVII

"Single to Buenos Aires please," Jamie said with a grin and put the passport on the desk. The young woman fumbled on her computer and then looked up.

"When do you want to leave, sir?"

"Today," Jamie said confidently and looked at her. "Please."

"We have a seat, sir. Do you want first class or standard class."

"Oh standard," Jamie told her."

"Priority Boarding? Number of bags sir?"

"No, and one."

She punched away at her keys and he slid his stolen passport under the counter for her to tap away. She glanced at the passport number and then slit back to him with a request for over eight hundred pounds. Jamie took a deep breath and opened his wallet, passing Tom's credit card under counter.

Jamie thought it looked less suspicious if he opened a wallet to pass a credit card instead of paying in cash and tapped in the PIN he had memorised from the sheet of paper. She printed out the tickets, sliding them underneath the glass screen and wishing him a safe journey.

Jamie nodded and put them inside his stolen passport, thanked her and left. The checking-in desk was on the other side of the atrium and he idled over to join a small queue; he didn't feel happy about giving the bag in as hold luggage but didn't want his hand-luggage to be scanned with the statue in it.

Jamie reached the front of the queue in no time, and passed his bag containing all his worldly possessions to the woman as well as his ticket who slid a tag around the handle of the bag and he watched it disappear out of sight.

The gruff woman grunted, passing him a boarding pass and pointing him towards a "gate" at the other end of the terminal. Jamie had half-an-hour before boarding officially opened but he wandered towards it anyway, passed the line of security personnel and the Police. He had never been that close to the Police Officer since the raid but they were looking for suspicious characters not burglars, and Jamie had changed his appearance considerably in the last few days.

Jamie helped himself to a drink with some change in his pocket as well as a burger and then bought some sweets for the outbound journey. He would be free of Britain once and for all in less than an hour. By then, he would up among the clouds and en route to the South American country of Argentina, where he would be rich.

His flight was called and he walked purposely down towards the gate. Jamie could see the Departure Gate and almost ran towards it, his heart beating furiously. He nodded towards the security guard stood waiting as they went past and felt an arm go across his chest. "Excuse me, sir."

* * * * *

Oliver passed into the small room and the busty frame of Charlotte came running over. "Oli, what the hell did you do?"

Oliver took a deep breath and licked his lips. "I got involved with Jamie and Emma," he muttered and glanced over at the female prison guard watching over him. "They wanted to raid Doszak and I got roped into it."

Charlotte took a deep breath and adjusted her top. "Yeah, I was speaking to ya mum the other day, she has been proper roughed up by Mr Doszak."

Oliver gasped in horror and shook his head. "She didn't know about anything," Oliver blurted out and rubbed his nose. "I've not seen her, she knows nothing."

Charlotte adjusted herself again. "Well I got a visit. And I don't work there no more. I got thrown out 'cos they reckon I was involved."

Oliver frowned. "But you knew—"

"Yeah Oli, I fuckin' know," Charlotte snapped. "But they didn't believe it. They said I needed to see stuff. And I was supposed to be doing the fuckin' cards wasn't I? So they reckoned I'd been bought off."

"But you know, well I barely knew. They just wanted some info on the house and stuff," Oliver explained. "And then I got roped in when this guy got nicked. I said no but they kept on."

Charlotte adjusted herself again and Oliver looked at the big-bosomed girl. "I thought you couldn't wear bras so I didn't but it's 'orrible without support," she moaned and Oliver stared at her big breasts straining at the material, punctuated with a small broach.


"Yeah well, ya can. But I thought I'd get pulled if I had a bra on, carrying in drugs or owt."

Oliver shook his head and suppressed a titter, glancing around the grey, soulless room and then back at his visitor, illuminated by the window behind her and the feint light from an underpowered strip light above them. "I think you could have come properly dressed," he muttered. "But thanks for comin'"

"Well what happened?" Charlotte demanded, her face scowling at him. "I lost me job and got proper roughed up for you."

Oliver took a deep breath and stared at the table, clearly feeling guilty and wretched. "Well, we broke in, got the stuff – we had away over three-quarters of a million, the statues and some jewellery – but had to use me card to get out. Emma drove us to a cottage and then we split up."

"So where is everything?"

"Oh I dunno," Oliver said quickly. "I had over a quarter of a million but it disappeared when I got to the Police Station. They are saying it wasn't there, but it fuckin' was. I checked it before I went into the shower and five minutes later, I am nicked and I see the officer take the bag. By the time the bag is at the station, it's empty. The Inspector or someone had it away."

Charlotte licked her lips. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure. But they kept saying that it wasn't reported so I can't have had the money, but I did. I was with a girl I used to go to College with, she went downstairs to make breakfast and then the Police turned up. It's a fuckin' disgrace. Bunch of bloody criminals. And they are doing me for not cooperating but I have been. I told them I was trying to get to Buenos Aires."

"Buenos Aires?"

"Yeah. It's where Jamie and Emma are going."

"So where are Jamie and Emma?"

"How the fuck do I know?" Oliver snapped and glanced up at her. "Sorry. It's all the Police keep asking. I was dropped off in a small town. Whitchurch I think it was. Jamie was at a tiny village in the middle of nowhere and Emma took the van. But I think I'm the only one that's been caught."

"Yeah I know."

"Look, if ya see my mum, tell her I'm sorry," Oliver told her. "She ain't been to visit. Reckon she is proper pissed with me, but I didn't want to get involved."

Charlotte sighed and then rubbed her face. "The one thing I don't get is how you managed to get into the vault."

Oliver smiled. "Ahh well that was Emma. She set the alarm off, waited for Jaroslav to unlock the vault and watched him type in the code from behind her statue."

"Crafty," she muttered in grudging admiration.

"I know. She was proper clued up. Told us to keep movin' and not to stay in one place for too long. And so I am here 'cos I stopped with Vicky."

Charlotte pursed her lips together and then smiled. "Well I am workin' for a travel agent now. Met the manager in a night club, very fond of me and got me a job."

Oliver raised his eyebrows and sniffed. "In exchange for certain services?" He said with a grin and Charlotte giggled.

"So what's it like in here?"

Oliver shrugged. "It's not so bad. It's not prison so it's not hardcore. It's shit but it's OK, I s'pose. It could be worse. I mean, it hurt so much when they arrested me as I was getting it on with Vicky."

"Oh my God, they arrested you while you were shagging? And you always wanted that girl from the College."

Oliver smirked. "No, not while I was shagging Vicky, while I was getting on with Vicky. We really hit it off, and I always wanted a relationship with her, but I got nicked so it has sort of ended. But we have been shagging, just not when I was arrested." Charlotte smiled at him and grinned. "Anyway, I come in here, and it's big news. I've done over the guy who everyone is shit scared of, so they think I am a criminal mastermind. I've never had so much respect."

Charlotte laughed out loud and Oliver shrugged. "You serious?"

"Yeah. First day, this guy comes up to me, pats me on the back, says I've got balls of steel as Doszak had him beaten up. There's a dozen people in 'ere with big grudges against Doszak so I am proper flavour of the month."

Charlotte sniffed and looked at her watch. "Look sorry Oli. I gotta shoot. I'll try and see ya in a couple of weeks time, promise."

Oliver sighed; they had only had fifteen minutes but glanced at the guard walking towards them. "Ok cheers, for coming to see me."

"Ya welcome," Charlotte said with a grin and hugged her old colleague. "I will try and come again. It's good to see that you are OK, I was worried."

"Yeah I'm fine. I thought I'd go to pieces but it's been OK. I'd rather be outside though. In a funny way, the raid, the escape, Vicky, the arrest and stuff, it's sort of been crazy but I've dealt with it. And I'm stronger for it."

"Good," she muttered. Charlotte took one last look of her friend, licked her lips and then was escorted out of the remand centre. She crossed the road and sat in the back of a Black BMW and passed a broach to the thick-set man in the back of the car.

"You got 'im?" Jaroslav asked and Charlotte nodded.

"He knows nothin'. He is just as useless as before, but 'e said the cops nicked ya money." Jaroslav's eyes narrowed and she shrugged. "If ya didn't report it, it dain't exist to them. But he was dead sure. Watch it yaself."

Jaroslav nodded towards the driver and the car glided into the road and towards the city. "I will," Charlotte was told.

* * * * *

"Inspector," the Detective Chief Inspector said as Richard entered the room. "Please sit down."

Richard adjusted himself and then sat down in the chair where he was pointing and licked his lips. "You wanted to see me, sir."

"Yes." A tortured expression flickered across the senior Policeman's face and he took a deep breath, pursing his lips together. "This is a bit delicate and what I am about to tell you is confidential."

"Of course," Richard replied, sniffing and looking at the highly experienced man run his hand through his greying hair.

"DI Hargreaves has umm ... well he has a period of extended leave, and we need a senior officer to take over the Doszak case."

"Oh, nothing serious?" Richard asked, thinking about his colleague.

"Well ... it's private and personal. But he won't be with us for some time, so I want you to take the lead on this one. I know you have been looking after the robbery at his home recently so I believe you've spoken."

"Yes," Richard said, sitting up in the chair. "Yes, we spoke at length. His investigation had many more outside agencies than mine."

"Yes, well, that's regrettable," the DCI muttered. "But we are getting somewhere and so I want the two investigations merging. I gather that as your two haven't surfaced and Oliver is in court you will be winding your investigation up soon?"

Richard nodded subserviently and the Chief Inspector stared at him. "We want him this time. We are nearly there, just don't arrest him until you have all the evidence. His lawyers tied us up in knots last time, and I am not having this force looking like Muppets again."

Richard nodded. "Yes, sir."

The DCI nodded and then looked towards the door. "Good luck then," he told the Inspector and Richard got up, shook his hand, leaving the room.

He was going to get Jaroslav.

* * * * *

Oliver coughed and watched as the lady, now in her late twenties was brought into the visitor's room. She stared at him and gave him a smirk. "I'll be honest," she said with a grin. "I thought I would be the last person to get a visiting order from you."

Oliver shrugged and stretched. "Yeah, well. I am not a sixteen year old any more so you don't need to seduce me with hot chocolate and unbuttoned blouses." Chrissy laughed nervously and Oliver pointed to the seat opposite. "So before we start, how are you?"

Chrissy nervously sat down and Oliver enjoyed watching her squirm a little; she was not expecting him to be so friendly and she shrugged. "OK. I'm not working for the Sun any more. Gone upmarket, at the Mail now."

Oliver raised an eyebrow. "I know. I sent the visiting order, remember. I don't care what paper you work on now," he said candidly as he licked his lips and looked at her. "I know you came, partly out of a morbid curiosity and partly 'cause you wondered what I would tell you."

Chrissy shrugged and nodded. "I got a visiting order from the only person arrested for one of the most talked about robberies of the year. Of course I was going to come."

"And you want a story?" Oliver said without emotion and then answered his question with a nonchalant hand gesture. "Of course you do. And I know exactly what you will do to get a story."

Chrissy fidgeted and sighed. "So you have got me to come all this way for a lecture?" She asked him aggressively and Oliver shook his head slowly

"No," he told her. "But I am not the person I was six years ago. Hell, I am not the person I was six weeks ago. I won't be pushed around."

The journalist shrugged. "You asked me to come," she said and scowled.

"I know I did," Oliver said, rubbing his hands together. "And I know why you've come to see me." Oliver took a deep breath. "I want to talk to you. I want to talk to your newspaper."
