On Her Path to Complete Submission Ch. 03

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Liz keeps raising the bar of Rachel's humiliation.
10.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/05/2018
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Thank you for your comments, ideas, thumbs up (and down) - they drive more of these stories and are very much appreciated.

For readers that have read previous chapters, welcome back. If you are new to this story, I try and write them so you can jump in at any part.

Summary: This is the 6th Chapter for Rachel, who was recently involved in a threesome with her best friend and her boyfriend; revealing her desire for female domination and getting more than she bargained for.

If you'd like to read the previous ones:

First Chapter: The trap is set (this was my first short story and it shows. You were warned).

Second Chapter: Threesome and the birth of a dominatrix

Third Chapter: Things get kinky

Fourth Chapter: First session between Liz and Rachel - a third person is invited (Title change as well)

Fifth Chapter: Second session and complete domination.


Rachel was returning from another glorious weekend with her new Mistress. She was so high from her session that she drove home via the coastal road, which had sadly meant driving in darkness for nearly two hours while extending the duration of the trip. By the time she got home, it was nearly three in the morning but she still managed to find parking only five minutes from her apartment - a Herculean feat in San Francisco.

Struggling with the keys, she looked at her doormat and wondering if it wasn't easier to just fall asleep on it. She finally opened the door, feeling so mentally and physically exhausted that she only wanted to crawl to bed.

Instead, she saw him as soon as she opened the door: Frank, her Dom, was waiting for her in the living room.

He woke up as she closed the door and looked at her behind sleepy eyes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck...," she thought, only wanting to get to bed and steal a few hours of sleep before daybreak.

"Hey," he said, glaring at his watch more than her.

"Hey," she replied with a tiny voice, hoping that keeping the volume down would mean that he would stay sleepy and that they could both go right to bed.

As he glanced at the time again, she pleaded with a small smile: "Can we talk tomorrow, please? It's really late and I'd just like to sleep right now."

She knew he was only being curious; wanting to discover what had happened over the weekend and figure out if sharing her with Liz was still a good idea. But she simply did not have enough left in the tank to go through that. He sighed and acquiesced before heading to the bedroom.

Frank may be a fetishist pervert but he was not an asshole. He always understood that there was a place for submission and a place for relations. Even with Rachel, who was almost always submissive, he still understood there was a time and place for him to use his authority. This was not it.

He gave a pained smile, wanting to look like the understanding guy that he was, and moved slowly to the bedroom.

She headed for the bathroom and got ready in less than a minute before acting as if she passed out immediately after laying her head on the pillow. She had her back turned to Frank while he stared at the ceiling, a hand behind his neck. She knew it wasn't a position he'd ever fallen asleep in.

Despite her tired state, Rachel could not help but playing back the hours she'd spent with Liz. God, how many times did she service her? Enough that she thought her tongue was going to cramp, she smiled to herself while biting her lip. And yet, Liz always seemed to know exactly how far to push it before breaking the cadence. Truth was, Rachel had found sexual bliss since she's had a Master and a Mistress to use her.

Liz did mention that she had a couple of "wilder ideas" for future sessions if Rachel was game. Thinking of the next time she'd have to submit, Rachel moved her hands between her thighs before closing her eyes completely, pressing gently against her pussy.

She woke up with his arm around her waist and tried to wiggle without waking him up. It didn't work. He slowly emerged as she got up to pee.

As she walked back in the bedroom, Frank said, "Hey babe," and pulled down the comforter to invite her back in bed. She needed to get ready and truth be told, she also needed a little bit of time to get her head back after a weekend like this one. But it was Frank, still her Dom, and he had not done anything wrong, so she snuck back in and told him "Ten minutes".

He fought the urge to fuck her right here and there. First, because it would have been as a show of ownership more than anything else and that was just a weak move. And also because the most important thing was to make sure that everything was alright with Rachel. And Liz.

He pried gently and Rachel figured she had to tell him what had been discussed and that Liz had given her strict instructions about their sessions:

"Liz has requested that I don't discuss the weekends anymore. She thinks it's best if she tells you about them later so that I'm not the one in the middle."

There was no benefit in admitting to taking Liz's landlord in her mouth. No benefit in explaining that she'd sucked off a stranger to lower Liz's rent. No benefit in confessing that she swallowed and then came without being touched.

None whatsoever.

Rachel knew that there was a vast difference between Frank wanting to treat her like a slut and him finding out that Liz was whoring her out.

"I thought telling me was a turn on for you? But regardless, it's not right that I don't know what you're doing anymore." he raised his voice. "Maybe Liz needs to remember whose sub you are."

That last sentence stung her. She got pissed and her mood turned double quick: she reminded Frank that all of this - ALL OF IT - was his doing. He was the one who agreed to a threesome with Liz. He was the one who pushed her childhood best friend to dominate her as she wanted. He was the one who told Rachel to become Liz' slave and that she would now "owned her holes" as much as he did.

So if he wanted to know "whose sub she was", maybe he should have made sure not to tell her to become Liz's.

She got up from the bed and before half slamming the bathroom door, stated: "And it's not like you won't know; I just won't be the one telling you anymore."

Well, there goes that conversation, Frank thought, slowly rising and picking up his things to walk back to his apartment. He could use the time to think and wanted to be gone before Rachel came back out. There was too much tension in the room.

Within a few minutes of being outside in the fresh air, he knew.

He was the one who started all of this. He was the one who'd wanted it, pushed her to it. So what was his beef now? Truth was, he didn't think that Liz would take it this far, that quickly.

Ok, progress.

So now what, Doctor? Was he jealous because Rachel seemed so eager to go to Santa Cruz every weekend? Or was he jealous that Liz had taken things to eleven immediately - something he never had the guts to do. No, he thought, not a question of guts... just a question of preferences. He never really wanted that.

Great. Tell me more about that.

Ah, for fuck's sake, could this get any more complicated.

What was also abundantly clear was that Rachel was slipping away. She had been taken to new heights of desire through Liz who demanded complete servitude and put Rachel through very humiliating scenarios.

He wondered what kind of perverted maniac he was to be pushing his girlfriend in the arms of another woman because he thought it would be great for her and then to get pissed when she found out it was great for her.

Ding, ding, ding... Winning statement.

"What do I win? a lifestyle subscription to the shrink in my head?"

He arrived at his apartment and knew he needed a long hot shower to get his thoughts together.

Back at her place, Rachel had spent twenty minutes talking to Liz after she'd gotten t out of the shower. Her Mistress reassured her and told her that she'd speak to Frank... That this was unfortunate but that it would be fine.

And then she gave her a set of instructions for the week.

Four days later and Rachel was a walking time bomb. She'd been ordered to masturbate at least twice a day, sometimes more if she got a text message ordering her to keep at it. Each time, she had to bring herself to the brink of orgasm only to stop at the last second. By that point, she couldn't stop her knees from shaking for minutes after stopping, her body yearning for release. She's had to pinch her nipples and bite her arm so it would take her mind away from the impending orgasm. Each day, it seemed to work less and she had to pinch harder.

By the end of the week, she could barely function - any deviant thought made her soaking wet and she couldn't focus on anything but sex.

Thankfully perhaps, Frank had been buried at work for the first couple of days after he'd seen her and Liz had called him on the third evening.

She'd been great - or at least Rachel assumed she'd been great because Frank called her between two meetings and left her a long voicemail explaining that he'd been an ass and wanted to make sure that she got to experience this side of her sexuality. He did not want to lose Rachel and while he was being truthful, he was also pretty good at saying the right things at the right moment.

It worked. She was very appreciative of his attitude because she could not be caught in an argument between the two of them and had been fearful of getting to the point of an ultimatum.

Now that this was behind them, even if temporarily, she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders, thankful that she could be kept as Liz's property.

The words in her head struck her.


For the past few weeks, she had felt completely fulfilled emotionally and physically. Blindingly obeying Liz had been a revelation of the depth of her submission. Going from slut to slave and becoming her Mistress' toy, free to being shared and used as required had become a drug.

Rachel had even started behaving like a full-time slave, wondering if the smallest of acts were permissible without asking first. Any activity involving her body made her wonder what she'd be asked to do next or which of her holes would be plugged to satisfy a stranger.

God, how quickly she'd gone from Liz' sub to her devoted slave.

Each time her Mistress sent her a dirty message ordering her to touch herself, Rachel would automatically think of her body as a set of holes. Calling it a "cunt" had been demeaning, but calling it a "hole" pushed it even further: it was objectifying, as if her thoughts and mind had become irrelevant to the situation: she was just an amalgam of body parts to be used for the relief and pleasure by others.

Those types of thoughts alone were getting her wet. She could feel her pussy becoming drenched, visions of herself in numerous situations - tied up, in a basement, in a stranger's apartment, with men, women... flashes of submission, images of ecstasy. Each time, Liz pushed her to yet another level of depravation, Rachel was willing to degrade herself further.

Finally, at the end of the week - and an excruciating wait, all parties agreed that she was able to drive to Liz's early Saturday. She had to promise to take care of her dom immediately upon her return though because the poor guy had not been able to see her that week, which had meant jerking off.

After ninety minutes of blazing through traffic, she parked in front of Liz's house and immediately walked towards the door. She paused as a note was posted right below the bell.

"Get naked, then ring."

Rachel looked at the note again. Her stomach sank in a bit. Getting naked outside was not her biggest turn on. She'd done it the week before but the door had been opened and Liz was watching her. This time, she felt even more vulnerable since she could not rush in if someone showed up.

She noticed a new addition to the house: a camera had been set up on the side of the wall, pointing at the door. Her Mistress was most likely inspecting her as she stood there. This relieved Rachel of a bit of anxiety and she soon dropped the pair of pants she'd been allowed to wear as well as her t-shirt. For some reason, Liz had requested that she dressed casually this time.

The eye of the camera moved a little as if it was zooming in. Wanting to impress, Rachel spread her legs further apart and clasped her hands behind her back.

She felt helpless, available for all to watch if they potentially drove by. And yet... She loved what that woman was putting her through each time they met, and she was well aware that the sessions were increasingly demanding each week.

Last Saturday had been a major milestone as Liz had granted one of her holes to a man, someone whom Rachel had not known.

"What was going to happen this-" wondered Rachel.

"Come in," she heard from an invisible speaker.

Rachel realized that the door had always been opened and couldn't help but smile at her Mistress' perversity.

As soon as she walked in, her smile grew much larger, extending from ear to ear. Liz stood next to a straight wooden chair, wearing a long see-through robe slit through the middle from her feet to her navel. It framed her Mistress' bare pussy exquisitely.

God, she looked so sexy, Rachel thought, as she approached naked.

Their reunions had always been different; sometimes they'd chatted and giggled like lovers. At other times, Liz had been immediately stern. She did not know which one she was going to encounter this time.

Liz was already pleased with the obedience Rachel had demonstrated at the door. In real life, this showed complete dedication and submission. And a hell of a lot of guts.

"Hi pet," Liz said with a coy sexy smile, waving her finger to get her to approach.

"Hello Mistress," Rachel answered, beaming to see her childhood friend again while at the same time still being somewhat embarrassed to be completely naked.

"Are you ready for a big weekend?" Liz asked as her pet got closer and nodded "Yes". Her hand moved straight for Rachel's pussy who responded by pressing herself against it and closing her eyes.

"Yes?" Liz asked, pressing again.

"Yes, Mistress, anything you want..."

She could feel her juices swarming inside her already. She'd been on edge for days by now and could surrender everything right this minute.

They kissed for a long time. Rachel slipped her hands on Liz's hips, opening the robe further while her Mistress caressed her.

She asked, "Do you want some water? Need a bathroom break?"

"I'm fine, Mistress."

Rachel could not have looked more devoted if she'd tried.

Liz caressed her pet's clit downward with the back of her finger. She added, "Good. This will be different from our previous sessions." After Rachel nodded, she added, "I've told you that already."

"Yes, Mistress. I'm ready."

"Let's start by making it about me," she laughed. "Lay right there on your back."

Rachel immediately lowered herself on the living room rug and laid motionless, awaiting the next set of instructions. Within seconds, she was staring at Liz's pussy who had moved her feet on each side of her head. She slowly lowered herself until her pussy almost touched Rachel's nose. Her pet immediately stuck out her tongue and reached for the slit to plunge as deep as she could.

"Tut-tut... Not yet..." Liz giggled.

She moved lower still and got on her knees so she could control her height without straining herself. This gave her a nice view of her pet's pussy who immediately spread her legs slightly, just enough to show her Mistress that she was available without actually requesting to be touched.

Liz adjusted herself and pressed her womb against Rachel's nose. Gently at first, brushing against her features... Slowly. She could feel her excitement grow as Rachel started to move her hips slowly, wanting to feel something too.

After a minute, Liz murmured, "Now, start." Rachel barely heard the instruction as her Mistress's legs were squeezed against the side of her head. She extended her tongue as Liz spread her cheeks and lowered herself against her pet's nose, moaning at the touch.

As the Mistress felt her skin envelop the contour of Rachel's face, she let go of her cheeks and started grinding slowly, feeling around for protuberances, sensing how she needed to move to pleasure herself.

Rachel could no longer breathe, or rather, she adjusted her face to ensure that she could no longer breathe, shoving her nose as hard as she could so her Mistress could use it against her vagina or her clit as she saw fit.

She was straining her neck to stay as far back as she could, ensuring that her airflow was restricted until she could no longer hold it and was forced to let a small puff sip through. Rachel was surprised by how much this was affecting her. It felt as if her pussy was getting warmer, her nipples harder. Inebriated by her desire, she squeezed her hands under Liz's legs, who immediately understood her desire, smiling at how this little pet of hers could always be a surprise by pushing the envelope on her own. Liz lifted her knees slightly, allowing Rachel to move her arms under her legs before putting her weight back down and pinning her to the ground.

The Mistress heard the sound of wet skin against skin. She was starting to leak on Rachel's face.

She moved forward to look over Rachel's pussy and started to blow gently. Within seconds, her pet started to squirm and hump, clearly in more distress by the slight sensation to her clit. She wanted to be touched and rubbed hard, not feel the softness of her Mistress's breath.

Instead, Liz stopped and straighten herself, pressing her clit hard against her pet's nose, rubbing her juices against her face by grinding with wide movements, covering Rachel's entire face.

"Hmmm... Remember the first time I did this to you in... mmm... in the bathtub?"

And as soon as she brought this up, Rachel lifted her hips from the ground, moaning at the pleasure she felt that night.

"Mmm... I loved it too..." Liz added. "It was the wildest thing I'd ever done to anyone and when I ended up peeing, it was such a feeling of... Mm..." she paused... "Ownership."

Rachel licked voraciously at the memory of their first night, wondering if her Mistress was going to relieve herself once again.

Liz moved forward a little bit, putting her hands on the floor to better control herself and started pushing down on her slave's face. She rubbed her clit against her nose hard, alternating between humps and grinds. The combination of the physical pleasure combined with Rachel's moans at the memory of their first encounter drove her over the edge as she let her weight completely fall on Rachel's face while she came forcefully.

She whaled for a long time, shuddering in place and letting her heartbeat come back down until she moved.

Rachel gasped as if she had been underwater for over a minute, prompting Liz to giggle and apologize to her pet.

"Oh, you poor thing. You felt so good, I forgot to let you breathe!" and she covered her with kisses, prompting Rachel to start giggling as well.

They laid down together for a few minutes, both laying on their back and staring at the ceiling.

"This was the easy part," Liz said. "The fun part is yet to come. You should get cleaned up."

Without arguing, Rachel got up, shook her booty left and right before heading to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, she emerged, hoping for another session with her Mistress, but instead Liz handed a yellow post-it note, saying: "You are expected there in an hour. Your outfit is on the bed."