Olympus has Fallen Ch. 22

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Mercury & Pan begin their lives as Pussy-slaves to Nymphs.
4.7k words

Part 22 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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Amphrite was tired as she tread water in the chilly waters above her palace. Her whole body ached from the pounding she had taken from the horn of Keto, her pussy having never felt so satisfied in her life. Satisfied but very, very sore. Flitting her eyes up to the sky, and then back down to the sea, she scanned the blank horizon. Her eyes focused, looking for anything that moved, not easy task in the bright glare of dawn, but today, the sea was calm and empty. Nothing. Again, nothing. Great God of Chaos, where did that little fucker fly to?

Closing her eyes, she lay back in the water and spread her legs wide. As her thighs parted, and her honey cave yawned open, the cool waters around her hissed and steamed as they flooded into her overheated pussy. It definitely was welcome.

"Damn! That hits the spot," she cried. As steam rose from the sea, she wriggled her toes as the surf lapped over her erect and scaldingly hot nipples. More clouds of steam erupted as the Mediterranean flowed in and over the rest of her body, the feel of the silky soft waters refreshing her body. It was so relaxing.

Her escapade with the Horn of Keto that morning had been quite exerting, ending when she blasted the horn from her pussy just to make the fucking stop. As her body cooled, and her pussy calmed, she cooed. She delicately ran her fingers down her stomach and her mind began to clear further. If I can just take a minute, one second. This is so relaxing!

She popped open her eyes when seawater went up her nose. She was falling asleep. She frowned as she sat back up in the water and began treading again. There was no time for sleep today. Focus Girl! You have got to focus! Poor Poseidon needs to get relief!

She shook her head, and after taking a deep breath, she shouted, "Keeeeeeeeetoooooo! Come to Mamma, Keto! Here boy, come on boy!"

She stopped yelling, and placed her hand behind her ear and listened. Surely such a call would be heard by someone. She needed just one clue, any clue, as to where that errant dildo had gone. Her face dropped when she again heard nothing. Only the occasional seagull and the gentle lapping of the waves broke the silence.

A sudden splash from behind her caused her to spin, and she smiled as she turned, hoping to see Keto skipping across the water on its journey back to her pussy. Her hope was short lived, and her frown returned when she saw what caused the splash. It was sadly, not Keto.

"Goddess, are you alright this morning? What are you looking for?" Talori, one of Amphrite's sea nymphs asked as she broke the surface. Amphrite's cries, and Poseidon's moans had woken her and she, of course, had swum to the surface to investigate.

"Talori! Maybe you can help me," Amphrite said. "I am looking for my horn of Keto. I, uh, well, it got away from me. I really need to get it back, uh, like now. Poseidon's cock is still locked to it."

"Oh, no!" Talori cried. "That explains those crazy moans then. Holy Mother Gaia, he woke everyone up! I have never heard such a loud and pitiful wail in my life."

"Yes...," Amphrite said as she grinned and sighed. "Lord Poseidon and I have had quite a vigorous morning, and, well I forgot to take the bolts off of the horn, so he is in quite a state. I need it back now, as you can imagine. He has been waiting quite a long time for his release, you know."

Talori grinned, and said, "Oh I bet he is!" Raising her eyebrow, she said, "I must tell you something, Goddess. I had a spin on the Horn myself back in the cave of Monserrat. It was, spectacular! That little bastard has some moves."

"Yes, it does. So then, you can see how important it is that I find it. Poseidon is past the breaking point, so, I don't have a lot of time. His balls are locked up until I take those bolts off and I fear he might..., explode, or go permanently mad if he doesn't get off soon."

"Well, surely the horn couldn't have gotten too far, could it?" Talori said. "It must be here—."

Talori went silent as the air shook from the loud blast of the Horn of Calamitous alarm. As she covered her ears, she shouted, "What in the fuck is that?"

Amphrite's face dropped. She knew exactly what it was. She also knew that she was compelled to immediately respond. Listening to the pattern of the notes, she got the full message. She was being summoned to Athens. What the fuck could be happening to require this— TODAY?

"Talori, do me a favor dear," Amphrite said. "Keep looking for the horn while I go see what is happening."

"Oh yes, Goddess," Talori answered as she glanced nervously up into the air. "Uh, should I be worried? The horn is only used in the most extreme emergencies. This is very unusual."

"It is unusual," Amphrite replied as she rose from the water and began floating in mid-air. She passed her hand over her body and instantly robed herself in a gown of seafoam silk and turned towards Athens.

"But..., I am sure it is nothing," Amphrite continued as she looked down at Talori. As she floated up to the sky, she added, "Don't worry about all of this, just keep looking for that horn while I am gone. I really, really need to find it!"

"Yes, Goddess, I will," Talori said. Grinning, she added, "And if I do find it, should I take the bolt off?"

"No!" Amphrite barked. "That honor belongs to me! His balls belong to ME! I will release Poseidon."

Talori looked dejected as she looked down and nodded.

"Oh, and another thing," Amphrite said as she began to float into the sky, "tell the other Nymphs to ice Poseidon down. He is on fire with lust right now, and, this call from the horn is not going to help matters any. He can't attend the call of the horn, but the pull will draw him forward and, amazingly, probably make him even hornier than he is now, Gaia forbid. Hopefully, the ice will help."

"Yes Goddess," Talori said. "Where is Lord Poseidon?"

"In our bedroom. I left him chained to the bed, as he is in no state to be free right now. He is in a total lust coma, and kind of dangerous. I am afraid the horn of Calamitous alarm will have his body thrashing soon, so be careful. Frankly, this really sucks. He already was suffering pretty bad before this stupid alarm. I am going to have to really make this up to him in a big, big way when I get him released. I will be back soon!"


Ningal stretched her arms over her head and fluttered her wings before collapsing into Ishtar's throne. She, and the nymph Shala, were both tired to the extreme. Flying back to Ishtar's palace all the way from Olympus was exhausting, but making such a trip carrying a heavy load made a difficult trip a fucking ordeal. As their eyes took in the sights of the palace, both exchanged knowing glances and sighed; It was good to be home.

Ishtar's palace was enormous, surpassing almost any structure on earth in both grandeur and extravagance. Carved entirely from Lapus Lazuli, the dark blue gemstone walls shimmered in the early dawn light as a perpetual shower of rose pedals rained from the vaulted ceiling overhead. Throughout the grand entrance hall, dozens of ruby encrusted fountains sprayed a perpetual mist of the most exotic and fragrant perfumes into the air as life sized statues of golden, winged Lions guarded the stairs to bed chambers above. This was living on a divine scale! In the center of this ornate and ridiculously large room stood Isthar's throne. Carved from a single gigantic pearl, it was cushioned with pillows covered in ermine.

The number of rooms in the palace had never been counted, but given that thirty thousand winged, and achingly beautiful Nymphs served Ishtar, it was estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. These Nymphs, like Ningal and Shala, lived only to serve the Goddess, appearing in male wet dreams throughout the world, inspiring lust and coaxing them spill their seed in offering to the Goddess of Love. Seed that fanned the flames of the giant golden basin installed in the entrance hall.

Ningal perked up and sniffed as she smelled coffee brewing from the kitchen.

"Ningal, Shala, you are back!" Allutu cried as she flew into the hall. "Did you find the great Goddess Ishtar? Lord Marduk and the others have not returned yet, and we were getting worried."

"Can we get some coffee first before we get into all of that?" Shala said. "It is very early and we are both bone tired. A shot of java would do us both a world of good."

"But first, what about Ishtar," Allutu said, "Is she in her bedchamber? Shall we prepare her bath? The others all are very concerned, as am I. You and I know both know how her highness hates to be kept waiting." Allutu paused and her eyes narrowed on Shala, now climbing onto the throne with Ningal. She said, "you two really should not be sitting there!"

"Allutu, give it a rest," Ningal shouted. "And where is that coffee? I feel like Bashmu ate me for dinner and shat me out for breakfast."

"And speaking of breakfast," Shala said, "I want my eggs easy over please."

"Yes, same here," Ningal added.

"Look!" Allutu barked, "I don't know where the fuck you two have been, or what the fuck you think you are doing, but I am not getting you shit!" Glaring at Ningal now lounging back on the throne, luxuriating in its comfort by rubbing her bare feet on the ermine covered pillows, she said, "And get your feet off of there. Who do you think you are?"

"We are Goddesses, Allutu," Ningal said, before adding, "as are you."

"Alright," Allutu said, "its apparent you two are tired. You are talking crazy right now. Perhaps some coffee would do you some good. Girls," she added as she clapped her hands, "bring coffee to the main hall."

"We are not crazy," Ningal said. "We both have had an Epiphany on this trip."

"An Epiphany?" Allutu said. "So you did find Ishtar."

"No, we mean the other kind of Epiphany," Shala said with a laugh. "But what Ningal is saying is, we have had a change of thought about our arrangements here." Leaning back on the throne, she placed her feet on the arm rest and purred as she rubbed them together, and said, "There are going to be some big changes around here. Changes that are way the fuck overdue."

Allutu scowled but stayed quiet as several other Nymphs entered the room with a pot of coffee. "Hey, what in the hell are you two doing up there?" one of the Nymphs cried when they saw Ningal and Shala lounging on Ishtar's throne. "The Mighty Goddess will have your ass if she finds you sitting there."

"Well," Ningal smirked as she grabbed the pot and poured herself a cup, "I wouldn't worry about that happening anytime soon."

"What?" one of the others said. "Goddess Ishtar has not returned? I thought you went looking for her."

"No," Shala said, adding "and that skank probably is never going to return!"

The palace shook as the crowd of Nymphs, now at least a hundred, collectively gasped.

"That is sacrilege!" one cried. "Ishtar will—"

"—Listen girls," Ningal said. "We can all talk like adults now. Shala and I are Nymphs, just like you. Gorgeous Nymphs, that fly through the night visiting Shepherd boys in the fields, or smelly camel drivers in their tents, and we work our erotic charms to get them to spill their seed, right?"

"Yes, that is the way," Allutu said. "But why are you—"

"And all of this lust we inspire, or the wet dreams we cause, or all of the love slaves we capture, it is all for Isthar, it is all devoted to her. We live only to provide erotic pleasure to her!"

"That is the sacred way of the Nymphs, Ningal. You should know this," Allutu said.

"Well, it may be the sacred way, but I am fucking sick of it," Ningal said. "It is about time that MY pussy was worshipped. It is time that slaves devote their lust to ME!"

"Why are you saying these terrible, terrible things?" one of the Nymphs said. "You shall be punished for this I am sure. Ishtar will roast your ass into a—"

"—Ishtar is gone, bitch!" Shala screamed. "And not only that, she has caused war to come to both our world and the Greeks through her petty rivalry with Aphrodite. We looked all over the place for her, but she is gone, and I am betting, she ain't coming back."

"This is awful, Shala," Allutu said. "Why do you say she is not coming back."

"Oh, it's just a hunch," Shala said. "But, as Ningal and I were coming back home, we got to talking, and we both realize that her not coming back might be a good thing. I am also tired of her shit, and am ready to experience life in its fullest for myself."

As Ningal and Shala spoke, the hall slowly began to fill with Nymphs. All were both horrified by what the two beauties were saying, but intrigued. They did not speak lies. Being a Nymph in service to Ishtar was a hard life. Their beauty only exploited for the Goddess' pleasure. Their life an endless cycle of drudgery and suppressed desire, their only erotic thoughts or feelings allowed to service the queen. After twenty minutes, nearly every Nymph had arrived, all quivering in both fear and curiosity at the treason being spoken, their wings fluttering faster as they continued to look around the room nervously, expecting a furious Isthar to fly in and wreak some horrible vengeance on all.

"Alright, Ningal and Shala," Allutu said, "we have listened patiently to what you have been saying, but enough is enough. Ishtar is a Goddess, not us, and certainly not you two. And anyway, even if what you are saying was correct, we must serve the Divine. There is no other—"

"Can the great Goddess Ishtar make a God her slave? Hmmm, can that bitch do that?" Ningal snapped.

"What are you saying now? You really are out of your mind—"

"Or how about two Gods? She certainly never did that!" Shala added.

"What is this all about? I am now concerned. Did you hit your head on your journey or something?" Allutu said.

"And if she did," Ningal continued, ignoring Allutu, "make a pair of Gods her slave, she certainly would never share such bounty with us, now would she?"

"Probably not," one of the Nymphs cried from the audience.

"Yeah, Ishtar may be the Goddess of love, but she is also one grabby bitch," another cried as the room exploded in laughter.

Allutu was horrified. The rebellion that Ningal and Shala had been spouting obviously had hit its mark and spread. Now it was out of hand. Two dippy Nymphs saying whacky stuff is one thing, but thirty thousand is quite another. With her face reddening, she said, "OK, everyone needs to go back to work now. This has gone on—"

As she was speaking, Ningal and Shala got off of the throne and strolled over to a corner of the hall. There, a large pink sheet had been spread over something, but it was covered and none of the other Nymphs had noticed it. Allutu shut up and followed the rest of the crowd as they gathered around the mysterious covered object. She was pissed, but she had to admit, she was curious as to where this was going.

Ningal winked at Shala as they each took hold of and end of the sheet. With great fanfare, the cloth was ripped off and the room filled with the deafening sound of thousands of Nymphs inhaling deeply at once.

"Happy Solstice bitches!" Ningal cried. "Feed your eyes on this shit. Behold..., your new divine slaves!"

Allutu's eyes went wide as her mouth flew open. There, naked and tied spread-eagle to the four poster bed, was Mercury. Allutu's pussy instantly began to gush as he was the most handsome being she had ever seen; his firm muscular body sweating and straining at his bonds, his mouth open in a silent moan, his eyes rolled back in his head. Best of all was his cock. It was enormous; thick and hard as steel, it was also as red as thousand raging fires. Looking closer, she rubbed her eyes and blinked. What? It could not be, but, was that a pair of stockings spinning over his penis? What sort of craziness is this?

As she swallowed hard, and her eyes ran down his frame to his feet, she gasped again. There, lashed to one of the posts, was yet another God, Pan. He too was naked, and equally hard as iron. His cock too was getting the stocking treatment and was drooling out a long thin stream of golden, glowing pre-cum.

Allutu's mind swirled at the sight, as a thousand crazy thoughts blasted into her consciousness at once. She could see these gorgeous beings on the bed were Gods, their golden glow telegraphed that status, but how? How on earth did Ningal and Shala capture a God, much less two Gods? And why, why didn't they escape. She saw the strange glowing bands holding them both to the bed, and even spied the same bonds around their cocks, but what does it mean? Could such a thing hold a God? As she shook her head clear, she heard the murmurs in the crowd of Nymphs rise to a roar, punctuated by the whirring of thousands of wings flapping at once. Obviously they too had questions, many many questions.

Ningal and Shala smirked as they looked at one another in Triumph. Their surprise was a hit, there was no doubt. The other Nymphs, all naked like they were, were quite appreciative of this gift as their reaction was easy to gauge. Every ripe nipple stood erect, and from the flash of their wings, and the twitching of their toes, to the light shuffle of their feet as they grew wet; it was obvious they were highly aroused by the sight of these two God slaves.

"How in the hell did you two capture these..., Gods? I mean, who are they? How did this happen?" Allutu stammered as Shala and Ningal winked at one another.

Shala, thrusting out her hip wiggled her ass. She then placed her forefinger on her left butt cheek and said, "What can I say? Hisssss, when you are hot, you are hot! Bee-yotch!"

Continuing, she climbed up on the bed and said, "But, in all seriousness, sometimes things turn out to be a lucky accident. These boys are what you would call, uh, collateral loot from our hunting party."

"But, who are they? Are they really Gods?" Allutu said.

"They are," Ningal said, "and best of all they are Greek Gods! In fact, they are the Greekiest; these are the Gods Mercury and Pan."

"I have a million questions about this. Like—" Allutu said before Shala raised her hand and interrupted.

"—Before all that, let me take you all on a little tour of our new pets, shall I?" Shala said. As she spoke she stretched out on the bed beside Mercury and playfully ran her fingers down his chest to his cock. When she touched the stockings, still whirling around his throbbing corona, they collapsed like a wet noodle in her hand. Mercury arched his back and let loose a guttural groan once the silky assault stopped.

Pursing her lips, Shala lifted the stockings in her hand and mockingly said, "Oh, poor, poor, Mercury. I bet you are glad that's over. All that teasing, and with no way to relieve yourself, it's a good thing these were silk. Otherwise your man-bits would have been worn down to nothing by now." She traced her pinky up his shaft, as she said, "I think flesh on flesh contact is so much better, don't you?"

Mercury could only nod and groan, his mouth unable to form words as sweat poured down his face.

Shala turned to Allutu, and said, "Now, go bring me a basin of warm water and soap. This next issue that needs to be taken care of might get a bit..., er..., messy."

Allutu, still open mouthed and gawking at the sight, nodded as flew off. She returned a few seconds later with a golden basin filled with warm jasmine water.

"Perfect!" Shala said as she took the basin and laid it in-between Mercury's wide open thighs. Reaching between his legs, she said, "Now, push, Mercury..., push!"

The God strained as the veins in his neck protruded and began to pulse. Shortly thereafter, as all of the other Nymphs watched on in increasing curiosity, with a loud, wet plop; the horn of Keto flew out of his ass and landed in the basin. Once Keto ejected from his anus, Mercury collapsed on the mattress and passed out.