Olympus has Fallen Ch. 07

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Ishtar arrives in Texas, Jim Bob has a very very bad day.
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Part 7 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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"This is now just beyond stupid!" Darla dismissively cried as she stood up. "We have been sitting here, cross-legged and cramped on this floor for hours and it is obvious that your summoning spell is not working. In fact, I bet that isn't even the right chant you are using."

"Just be patient!" Shelia sharply snapped back. "You just have to clear your mind completely of all distractions if we are going to summon the spirit of the Goddess today. Your continued bitching shows a lack of belief and I am sure that the great and glorious Ishtar will not look favorably on non-believers in her coven."

Rolling her eyes and grimacing over at their third roommate Dottie, Darla sighed before resuming her lotus flower position on the floor. Satisfied that Chi would flow again properly now that everyone was seated, Shelia continued "I am positive this spell will work, in fact, there is no doubt about it. All of the signs are perfectly aligned for the ceremony to be successful this morning. The full blood moon is rising in the house of Scorpio as we speak. Venus is in retrograde and won't be repeating that particular alignment with these other fire signs for years."

Pointing down at the markings on the floor she added "We have the sage smoking and the doves blood all harvested and I personally dipped these sacred black cemetery ash candles, so everything is set." Glaring back at her Darla, who was snickering, Shelia spewed. "So....Why don't you try doing something new for a God Damned change and not fuck this sacred ceremony up by being a sarcastic cunt!"

"Now girls!" Dottie interjected as her lips curled into a smirk. "Let's not get ourselves into a snit. We are a small coven and all of this negative energy is starting to fuck up my aura." Nodding in agreement, they closed their eyes, held hands and prepared to start their chant over from the top.

This ceremony was a semi-regular event, one that all three had performed countless times since elementary school but not ordinarily so early in the morning. Known as the "Goth Girls" back in their Dallas Texas suburb hometown, they reveled in pushing the buttons of the big haired, white bread, chipper neighbors. Marked as 'weird' at a young age by their town, the three naturally became friends and that bond had remained resilient even now that they were in their early twenties.

While most girls they grew up with dreamed of making the cheerleading squad, perhaps becoming prom queen and if they were lucky, allowing the high school quarterback a free feel of their tits in the back of his Ford pickup, these three were different. Dying their hair jet black and magenta they definitely stood out in the land where big-haired blondes are some sort of state ideal. Wearing stark white makeup with inky indigo lipstick, they cut a stark contrast compared to the pastel and pink world of the so-called normal girls around them. While their more mainstream classmates thought it edgy to get a butterfly tattoo as a tramp stamp on spring break; the Goth Girls loved the gasps of shock that their matching "666 Mark of the Beast" stomach tats earned when displayed in their smoking hot bikinis at the beach.

Always drawn to the dark side of things, they had been friends all through school, and now that they had recently graduated college, it was obvious that closeness was going to continue into adulthood. Sharing a tiny apartment in downtown Austin Texas, at least here they found a few like-minded souls in their edgy neighborhood. Like all of the residents of so-called "Weird Austin", they felt like survivors of a shipwreck; trapped on a Bohemian island of free thinkers in a sea of beef barbeque, reality tv and small town close-mindedness.

"Now... Let's start again!" Shelia said calmly as they all clasped hands and closed their eyes. Sitting inside the pentagram outlined in black chalk on their wood floor, each girl sat cross-legged and looked peaceful as they began to focus. After three minutes of silence, Shelia began to chant.

"Oh Glorious Goddess of the East, hear the prayers of your faithful servants. Come to us great Ishtar; all-powerful divinity of love and war. Come forth and bestow your blessings on your committed and devoted Priestesses. We beg and beseech thee to..."

The sound of tinkling glass caused all three to snap their eyes open at once as their apartment began to shake. Looking over at the quaking bookshelf in the corner of their living room, jammed to bursting with collectible crystal figurines of unicorns, dragons, and other mythical creatures, Darla screamed. "Earthquake!"

The shockwave blasted all three down flat on the floor while shards of shattered glass exploded everywhere. As they lay on the floor cowering, the room was suddenly filled with an intensely bright light, brighter than a thousand halogen lamps burning at noon. The light flared up in an intense blaze for three minutes before finally subsiding.

Straining to see through the blinding glare that just was fading, Dottie gasped as she pointed into the center of the room and screamed, "Holy Fuck, what is that!"

Waving her left hand up in front of her face as the last wisp of purple smoke dissipated, Ishtar coughed loudly as she lifted up her right up to her face and gritted her teeth hard. Seeing her hand empty, her stomach dropped as she saw her that she was no longer grasping the sword of Chronus. Screaming in a rage she yelled, "Damn it to fucking hell I was so close!"

"Who-who, who are you?" Darla yelled through her now rapidly chattering teeth. Looking at the mysterious creature that had suddenly materialized in their apartment, she could not believe her eyes. Of course, this was what they had all hoped for, but part of each of them never really thought it could actually happen. Tall, painfully gorgeous and dressed in a short gown of pure black leather, the great Goddess Ishtar herself was now standing in their very home. Seeing her great black wings stretch out behind her, all of the girls could not help but begin to scoot their asses backward towards the opposite wall. The terror of the vision rapidly was overwhelming the excitement they had that the spell actually worked.

"Wait just a fucking minute!" Ishtar glowered as she looked down at her body and then glanced around the tiny apartment. This was not at all what she was expecting and the sights of the television set, skull-shaped bong, and Frazetta style occult posters on the wall confused her. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, an image on the far wall caught her attention and she smirked as she pointed. The picture was of a Goddess, supposedly her she guessed, in her full regal dark divine glory. In the painting, Ishtar had her wings stretched out wide as she wielded swords in both hands. Looking at the terrified coven on the floor she asked, "Is that supposed to be me?"

"Ye-ye-yes," Shelia stammered, her eyes wide with terror as she joined the other two girls now plastered against the far wall.

Walking over to the poster, Ishtar shook her head. "Doesn't quite do me justice I think." Spinning back to look at the three girls cowering in the corner she tried to smile as non-threateningly as possible. She knew that mere humans almost always were overwhelmed by such encounters with the Gods, even when they were planned. "So..., Girls, I have a bunch of questions. I sure hope you can help me out."

"We live to serve our Goddess!" Darla burst out, quickly lowering her forehead to the floor.

"That's nice," Ishtar said with as friendly grin as she could muster. "So here goes. First question, where in the fuck am I? It certainly does not look like Babylon."

"This is Austin Goddess, Austin, Texas in the United States."

"Austin?" Ishtar replied with a frown. "This better not be fucking Greece!"

"No, it is not Greece. Austin in the capital of the state of Texas in the country of the United States."

"United States? That is a kingdom I am not familiar with..." the goddess replied as she scratched her head and racked her brain for a frame of reference. Drawing a blank she chuckled and added "Well, I suppose that time rip I got pulled into also threw me way off course geographically as well. Ok, question two, what year is it?"


"Yes, what year."

"It is 2015."

"2015! Well, that explains it. It certainly seems quite different now. Apparently that time tunnel not only threw me off course physically but also quite far into the future." Sniffing the air, she added "And that smell... It seems oddly familiar."

Pointing at the open window Darla said, "You must mean car exhaust?"


"Yes, I, well horseless carriages might make more sense to you. They put off an odor, coming from the burning of gasoline they run on. That gasoline is made from oil, which you may be familiar with."

"Ah yes! Oil! That I am very familiar with. Back in Babylon we had lakes of the stuff. Damn dirty nuisance really. I remember King Dion praying to me often that he wished it could all be taken away from his kingdom. He was complaining bitterly that it was always catching fire and draining his treasury to keep cleaning it up." Smirking she added "I never did get around to granting that prayer."

"Good for him that you didn't great Goddess! The stuff is quite valuable now," Darla replied.

"Yeah, funny how things work out. Anyhoo..., Where is my closest temple? I have much to attend to." Shaking her arms in front of her as she opened and closed her fists she added, "I am really going to need to bitch slap my current High Priestess for being so lazy. Just look, my mana is very low. Obviously the sacrifices to my deity have slacked off quite a bit in, when did you say it was again?"


"Wow! Right, 2015. I am going to need a ton of sacrifices made to recharge my batteries. I feel weak as a kitten."

Starting to shake, Darla cleared her throat and nervously replied "We apologize oh divine majesty, but there are no temples left to the ancient Gods."

"No temples? Then..., how did I end up here? Evidently something must have brought me to this spot." Taking her right hand and stretching it out, faint blue sparks shot out of her fingertips. Lifting an empty pizza box from the coffee table with her power, she dangled it in the air before carefully floating it back down to the surface. "Luckily I can see that my power is not completely drained so my presence and remaining powers must have an explanation. There must be a temple around here somewhere. Only through worship and sacrifice by devoted followers can we Gods maintain our powers."

Nervously glancing at one another, the three girls shrugged at each other before Ishtar began speaking again. "No shrine to Marduk nearby I assume?"

"Marmaduke? You mean the dog from the cartoon?" Sheila asked as her two friends poked her sharply in the ribs.

"Marduk!" Darla snapped as she rolled her eyes and curtly corrected her friend.

"A dog!" Ishtar replied with a large booming laugh. "Oh my! Just wait until I get back home and rib my husband about this! The King of the Gods mistaken for a cartoon pooch, CLASSIC! But surely some worship of the old deities exist? Are there no Apsu priests left? Is there no worship of Inanna anymore?"

"Annu? Inanna?" Dottie asked with a confused look on her face. "We apologize great one, but these are names we do not know. We only know of you, the great goddess Ishtar, queen of the sex and war."

"Well," Ishtar blushed at their compliments. "So you girls are all that is left. It's a start I guess." Raising her hand up again, she pointed and concentrated on a single spot on the floor. Contorting her face hard into a frown, she tried hard to conjure up an object but nothing happened. Frustrated, she glanced over at the kitchenette and with the flick of her wrist watched as one of the cabinet doors flew open.

"Ok.., I am starting to realize the limitations of my powers in this new environment. It appears I can manipulate objects that already exist, but cannot manifest things that do not. It sucks, but..." she paused as she smiled again at the three girls on the floor. "At least your worship of me has given me that. I am sure that once we get things going properly, I will be good as new."

Smacking her hands together, her mind boiled with thoughts as she tried to think of a way to set things right. Scratching her head, she said, "Ok, it is obvious how I got here, but I can only hope that the sword of Chronus and that bitch Aphrodite were deposited in this year too. I can take some satisfaction that if my powers are limited, hers will be as well."

"Aphrodite? The Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love?" Darla blurted out before quickly covering her mouth with her hands, her words coming out faster than her brain could operate.

"THAT CUNT IS NOT THE GODDESS OF LOVE! I AM!" Ishtar shrieked as the force of her voice shattered the few surviving crystal figurines on the shelf and the three girls fell down to the floor and cowered.

"I-I-I apologize oh great one! I meant no offense," Darla groveled as she quivered and fought the overwhelming urge to pee. "Of course you are the true Goddess of love, but I was just surprised that..."

"That bitch has been a thorn in my fucking ass for centuries!" Ishtar continued to yell as she stomped across the floor. "But at least that skank is in the same fucking shitstorm I am in, and I, unlike her, know what happened so that gives me a big advantage. I am sure that clueless bimbo cunt has no idea how the fuck she ended up here. Well..." she snarled as she balled her hand up into a fist. "I still have a long score to settle with that bitch, as well as her fuck toy Demetrius, and I guess it has to start over again."

"Demetrius divinity? Who is that?"

Grinning malevolently Ishtar said, "Oh, just some foolish, yet very handsome, human who was stupid enough to get on my bad side. Don't you worry about him, though. Once I find the sword of Chronus, I will rip another tear in time and go back and finish his ass off. He owes me millennia of milk from those tortured balls of his!"

Looking down at the three terrified girls, Ishtar cocked her head to the side. "Well, enough of me rambling on about the ugliness of the past. It is high time to move on with plans for the future." Glancing them up and down, she was pleased to see that even though her remaining Priestesses were few in number, they were at least up to her old standards of beauty. All were quite lovely, with full womanly figures, and stunning long jet black hair and could have quite easily had them fit in back at her temple brothel in Babylon. Although perhaps a bit pale for the old world tastes, they were each incredibly beautiful and no doubt would be able to ensare no shortage of fresh male sacrifices needed to recover her full power. Staring at them intensely she was fascinated by the various ornate markings they had on their soft skin as well as the innumerable rings and other piercings that adorned their bodies. Scanning their outfits, she beamed even wider, as nothing her old Priestesses wore was like this.

Each donned black leather mini-skirts, similar to her own gown. Wearing elaborately studded t-shirts, all with ironic and offensive words emblazoned on the front, Ishtar was most interested in their legs. All of them wore black fishnet stockings which quite accentuated the curve and shapeliness of their natural assets. Reaching out with her finger, she could not help but touch the silky fabric.

"Amazing!" Ishtar crowed. "Simply amazing! Such wonders man has created in this odd Godless future. Once I am able to materialize my powers fully, I will have to conjure up a pair of these for myself."

"Oh?" Darla answered. "I am sure we could pick you up a pair. After all, I got these just last week at Apho..." Stopping herself in mid-sentence, she again placed her hand firmly over her mouth as she saw the Goddesses face drop.

Feeling her blood boil, Ishtar looked down at the tag on the thigh and felt her rage bubble up like an impending volcanic explosion in her throat. Reading the words, she choked back on the bile erupting on her tongue as she growled "Aphrodite's Sexy Lingerie Shop!!!!"

"Don't worry about that great Goddess Ishtar, queen of heaven!" Sheila quickly responded, desperate to distract the furious goddess. "That bitch Aphrodite has nothing on you. Once your powers are fully restored, I am sure that there will be chains of stores named for you rather than that ditzy cunt."

"Yes," Ishtar replied through clenched teeth. Closing her eyes, she said, "I have to keep focused." Pausing for a few seconds she added "So..., I am going to need a good initial sacrifice to restore my powers beyond this basic low level of magic." She counted on her fingers and added "I guess it will take at least five gallons to get back to even a low level of power, but it's a start."

"Five gallons?" Darla asked. "Five gallons of what?"

"Five gallons of desperate denied male essence of course! Surely you as my priestesses should know that."

"Desperate denied male essence?"

Sighing Ishtar explained. "Yes, once I receive the pre-cum willingly sacrificed to my divinity from a man who has given his pleasure up for my powers, I can start to be restored." Winking over at the girls she added "No doubt you all are unquestionably hot enough to make this an easy task. Do you have a candidate in mind for this high honor? It may take a while to get him to dribble out such a load, especially since he is not allowed to shoot. Still, I have no doubt you lovely girls have no problem getting hard male cocks to ooze on command now. And being that he is to be your chaste naked slave as part of his sacrifice, this should be a pleasant enough task with some nice rewards."

Blushing, Dotty glanced over at Shelia and said "I say we nominate Peter! God, he is a Hottie and I would love to see him naked and dripping at my feet as my slave."

Yelling out in objection Darla cried "Wait just a fucking minute! I am not agreeing to that."

"Oh, come on Darla," Shelia smirked. "I love the idea, and Peter is a Hottie. Damn it makes my girl parts tingle to think of him naked and at our beck and call. I can think of no better candidate."

"Oh?" Ishtar replied. "Would this Peter be willing to give away the rights to his pleasure for my divinity? It has to be willingly given you know. It is a high price, but of course, worship of the divine often is. Additionally, he then becomes the property of my temple after his sacrifice, and, therefore, your property, of course. Free to do with as you see fit."

"Oh, I am liking this idea more and more!" Dotty nodded.

"Well, I do not!" Darla angrily interrupted. "First of all, Peter is my brother, so Ewww! I don't relish the idea of my brother as my sex slave, and I certainly don't want to see him perved on by you bitches. Secondly, I love my brother and I do not wish a permanently chaste life on him! No, we are going to have to come up with someone else."

"Well dear," Ishtar interrupted. "He may be permanently chaste as to his own desires, but, of course, no Priestess worth her salt would leave a good slave hanging forever. If men are not milked at least occasionally, they lose all hope and then clearly all desire to please their owners. No, if this Peter is selected, do not fear. If he is a good slave we will make sure his balls are occasionally emptied." Smirking as she held her hand up to her chest, she continued. "After all, I may be a Super Goddess, but I am not a super bitch?"

"Oh holy one," Shelia asked. "How often do you suggest good slaves be milked?"

"Well, if he is very good, at least every eight or nine months. That seems to be sufficient to keep them properly motivated and healthy."

"JESUS!" Dottie yelped. "What happens to bad slaves?"

"Well, naughty slaves have their pleasure withheld for years; sometimes ten, sometimes twenty. We, of course, do not tell them as that would break their spirit and make them far less effective servants. Now, for very naughty or hopelessly recalcitrant slaves we sometimes have to deny the slave's pleasure forever, but that tactic is rarely used." Turning to Darla she continued "I am sure as your brother Peter would be a good slave so you shouldn't worry."