Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 19

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Top notch service for those in the service.
11.1k words

Part 19 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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As the police cruiser made its way through the winding cobblestone streets of Nulmra City, Officer Amelin kept up the persistent sporadic tugging on the clit leash. Olivia panted as she endured both the pleasure and the pain caused by the titillating torture. As the tiny clamp pulled at her little nub, she squirmed around on the backseat of the squad car.

Looking out the window, Olivia could see that there were fewer and fewer buildings. And the buildings she did see were more far apart from one another. They were definitely getting closer to the outskirts of the city. Before long, they would be arriving at Vizianti, Vulmonia's largest military base.

Olivia wondered anxiously about what sort of "stress relief" she would be required to perform as a part of her community service.

Officers Letov and Amelin had informed her that the soldiers stationed there rarely had an opportunity to fraternize with the opposite sex. There was no doubt in Olivia's mind that they all must have a great deal of pent up frustration.

Surely, they would not order her to perform acts of an erotic nature, would they? Could they? Was that even legal?

When Olivia had arrived at the police station that first dreaded night, Lieutenant Petrov had informed her that prostitution was most definitely illegal in the small Eastern European nation.

But somehow the Vulmonian authorities always seemed to find a loophole. Public nudity was also illegal in Vulmonia. That was the crime Olivia had been convicted of, after all. And yet, somehow, Olivia always seemed to end up naked while in the custody of the Vulmonian police.

She was pretty sure that they would come up with a reason, no matter how illogical, for her her to perform various humiliating acts while servicing the military men. And it would no doubt come coupled with some far fetched excuse as to why it was not illegal.

They continued to drive away from the capital city and into the countryside. Urban neighborhoods were replaced by barns, modest farm houses and vegetable fields. As they sped down the country highway, soon Vizianti Military Base came into view. It was a collection of barracks and several larger buildings.

As Officer Letov pulled into the parking lot of the main building, Olivia's stomach lurched. She was not sure if she would be able to hold down her breakfast. Officer Letov parked the car near one of the building's entrances and turned off the motor. "We're here," he announced cheerfully as he turned around and gave Olivia a wink.

Officer Amelin ceased pulling on the clit leash. Olivia let out a sigh of relief coupled with a bit of her own frustration. She had not had an orgasm since the day before when she had been restrained and punished in the pillory. Since being put in Luke's custody, he had brought her to the edge of climax numerous times, but had not actually let her finish. Being teased, but not able to cum, was driving Olivia crazy.

The two older men exited the cop car and Officer Amelin opened the door to back seat. He grabbed the end of the leash. Olivia frantically scrambled out of the car before he had an opportunity to really yank on her clit. Officer Letov shut the car door and the three of them headed into the building.

Olivia made sure to keep pace with the two taller men. She did no want the chain to be pulled taut. Not only would that be painful on her little button. But it would also lift up the front of her dress. That would have been embarrassing enough under normal circumstances. But that morning Luke had not allowed her to put on any panties. She was determined to keep up with the two policemen as they strode down the long hallway.

As they made their way toward some sort of office, they passed several men in uniform. They looked at Olivia with interest and curiosity. Many of them could not help but smirk as their gaze lowered to her chest. They could clearly see her nipples though the thin white cotton dress. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra. But what they found most intriguing was the chain that disappeared under the front of her skirt. As the two policemen and the American girl continued to walk, they passed by more and more soldiers.

"Look at that," Officer Letov observed, "You're walking faster already!"

Suddenly Officer Amelin gave the leash a strong yank. The front of Olivia's skirt flipped up and a jolt of pain shot through her clit. Olivia's naked lower front half was momentarily exposed.

She squealed in pain and horror as she realized that a group of soldiers walking towards her got an eye full of her shaved and clamped nether regions. Even if it was only for a few seconds. The military men said nothing. But they nudged each other and gave one another knowing smirks as they stopped to stare at the buxom young girl doubled over in pain.

Olivia brought her hands to her crotch as she cupped her vulva and tried to sooth her stinging privates. "Please," she begged of Officer Amelin, "Don't do that!"

Officer Amelin ignored her pleas and greeted the gawking soldiers in Vulmonian. The servicemen replied in a friendly manner and then one of them pointed at Olivia and seemed to ask a question. Officer Letov appeared to reply to their question in the affirmative. The soldiers turned to one another and began talking and laughing excitedly. Olivia was not a hundred percent sure about what was being said. But she was pretty sure that these military men were pretty thrilled by her arrival.

Officer Amelin said something in Vulmonian, which seemed to mean, "see you later," or something to that effect. The soldiers all nodded and responded enthusiastically as they resumed their walk down the hallway. As Olivia watched them go, they all laughed and joked with one another in an animated fashion. Most likely looking forward to the "stress relief" they would soon get to experience.

"Come on," Officer Amelin barked and he once again tugged on the leash. "We need to go see Major Ivanov." Olivia was once again walking as fast as she could as they continued down the hall.

They arrived at the door of an office. Officer Amelin knocked and a loud deep voice called out in Vulmonian. They entered and were faced with a stern looking man sitting behind a desk. He was dressed in a uniform decorated with a plethora of ribbon bars, badges and medals. He greeted the two policemen in his native tongue and then turned his attention to Olivia. He did not speak to her at first. It was clear that he was looking her up and down. His eyes lingered on her bust. He cocked an eyebrow as he took notice of her visible nipples and her unsecured breasts.

Finally he spoke. "Judge Thorsky called and informed me that you are here as part of your community service. Is that right?"

Olivia silently nodded. Officer Amelin gave the leash a sharp pull and looked at her with a scolding look.

"Oh ... um ..." she said as she cleared her throat. "Y...yes Sir."

"Mm," the major grunted, looking less than impressed with her manners. "The judge said that you will be helping my men to relieve their stress. Is that correct?"

"Yes Sir," Olivia answered quickly before the policeman could get in another yank on her poor abused nub.

"I'm going to send you to see a couple of my higher ranking men first. You will service them each individually. However, with the lower ranking soldiers, there are simply too many of them. There is not enough time to deal with all of them one on one."

"Oh?" Olivia said hopefully. Maybe she had actually lucked out for once. Maybe she would only have to put up with the higher ranking servicemen. Perhaps she could leave before having to "service" the lower ranked soldiers.

"But I think you will find that we came up with a convenient solution that will benefit everyone," Major Ivanov said as the right side of his mouth curled up into a slightly sinister smile.

"What do you mean?" Olivia asked suspiciously.

"You will be given those instructions at the appropriate time," the major said curtly. "But for now, you are to go to the office of Captain Orlog. He's expecting you."

Olivia's heart rate sped up and her palms began to sweat. What did he mean when he said, "a convenient solution that will benefit everyone"?

Quickly, Olivia began to ask, "But could you just explain ... AH!"

Officer Amelin roughly jerked the leash, causing her to gasp.

"Miss Williams," Major Ivanov sounded irritated. "I have given you all the the information that you need at this time. Now you have work to do. You are dismissed."

Olivia had to muster up all of her self-control in order not to rub her stinging crotch. With her face contorted in pain and her hands clenched, she followed behind the two policemen as they exited the major's office and made their way down the hallway.

They turned a corner and soon arrived at Captain Orlog's office. The door was already open. The captain was seated in a chair next to his desk. He was looking over some papers in his hand. He looked up when he heard the footsteps of the two law enforcement officers and their young charge. When his eyes came to rest on Olivia, she thought she saw him smirk ever so subtly, just for a second.

"Well, hello there," he greeted them in English. "Come on in."

They entered the room and Officer Letov shut the door behind them.

Captain Orlog stood up from his seat and walked toward the young American in the thin cotton sundress. He stood only a few inches from her. He was tall. He looked down at her, taking in an aerial view of her tits. "So, you're the girl who's here to help me release my tension," he smiled lasciviously.

"Yes Sir," Olivia quietly confirmed.

"Well, I hope you're ready to work. I've been extremely stressed out recently," he said with a heavy mock sigh.

"Oh? Maybe you'd like ... a shoulder massage," Olivia suggested with uncertainty.

Captain Orlog chuckled at the innocent proposal. "Well, the thing is, I don't really carry much tension in my shoulders. But I've been leading many marching drills recently. You know, training the new recruits."

"Then perhaps you'd enjoy ... a foot massage?" Olivia hoped that he might agree to that.

"To be honest, my feet really are not that sore."

"Oh ..." Olivia trailed off, disappointed.

"But my leg muscles have been really tight recently. Especially my quadriceps. I'm going to need you to massage my thighs," he said decisively. It was not a suggestion or a request. It was an order.

"Um ... okay ... I guess," Olivia whispered.

"Good," Captain Orlog said as he walked over to a small couch in the corner of his office and sat down on it sideways. He brought up his legs and stretched them out across the couch cushions. "You can kneel down right here." He pointed to a spot of the floor in front of the couch.

Olivia did not move at first. She just stared in fear and disgust at the man in uniform. Officer Amelin gave the leash a quick pull causing her to stumble forward toward the couch. Officer Letov placed a hand on her shoulder and firmly applied pressure, pushing her down until she was kneeling on the grey carpet.

"I'm really tight right here," Captain Orlog said, pointing to his lower thighs, just above the knee.

Olivia let out a long exhale as she tentatively brought her shaking fingers to the Captain's legs. She gently began to rub. The two policemen looked on with interest.

"You're going to have to rub quite a bit harder than that," Captain Orlog said. Stiffening up her fingers, Olivia began kneading the muscles, hoping the strange massage would not go on for too long.

"Mmmmmm ..." Captain Orlog sighed. "That's better!" He closed his eyes and leaned back as the young girl rubbed his legs.

"You're going to need to move your hands up a bit higher," he told her. "I'm also quite sore in my upper thigh region," he instructed. The two policemen behind her sniggered.

Olivia shuddered, though she was not really surprised at all by his orders. She slowly moved her fingers up his legs, rubbing the captains muscles.

"It's really more my inner thighs where I carry the most tension. Massage that area more," he commanded.

Olivia groaned inwardly. She was upset with the whole situation. But her only choice was to comply. Hesitantly, she moved her fingers to Captain Orlog's inner thighs.

As she rubbed, it did not take long before her left hand was gliding up and down something stiff and hard. She could see the shape of it lying under the fabric of his uniform pants. Immediately she snatched her hand away, flustered and embarrassed.

"I didn't tell you to stop," Captain Orlog reprimanded her.

"You are to continue servicing the captain until you are given orders to stop," Officer Amelin scolded.

"But Captain, I accidentally touched ... I felt ... your ... your ... um ... private parts. They ... they're in the way," Olivia stuttered.

"'In the way'?" Captain Orlog scoffed. "Let me tell you something young lady. A big, hard, stiff cock is never 'in the way.' We Vulmonians value such precious things and never see them as 'in the way.' Now get back to massaging my inner thighs!" he demanded.

Olivia resumed the uncomfortable massage, but tried to avoid the captain's erection. However, it was no use. "A little up and to the right," he ordered. And once again, Olivia was rubbing his male organ through his pants. The captain looked down at her and grinned. She could hear the policemen behind her, making no attempt to hide their laughter.

"Keep rubbing," Captain Orlog ordered.

Olivia's entire body had tensed up as she attempted to give a convincing massage to the lecherous older man. His member felt full and erect through the linen pant leg.

"It's quite stuffy in here, don't you think?" he said as he began unbuckling his pants. Olivia, looked up, startled. "I cannot stand this hot, humid weather. Sometimes you just need to let it out and breath." He unzipped his fly, reached in and pulled out his engorged phallus. Olivia recoiled.

"It's not good to keep it covered up all the time," he explained, "That isn't healthy."

"He's right," confirmed Officer Amelin. "One's manhood needs to be let loose from time to time."

"God knows you've had your tits and pussy out in public quite a bit over the past couple of days. I don't know why you're so shocked to see someone else's privates'," Officer Letov shrugged.

Olivia blushed at the reminder that she had indeed spent the last few days either naked or nearly naked in plain view of complete strangers. Of course, that had not been her choice.

Captain Orlog reached down and grasped Olivia's wrist and guided her hand toward his rigid rod. Olivia closed her eyes as her fingers loosely closed around the veiny shaft. She slowly exhaled, trying to stay calm.

"I tend to hold a disproportionate amount of tension right here," he said in a deep gruff voice. "This is where I could most use a massage."

Keeping a firm hold on her wrist, Captain Orlog moved Olivia's hand up and down against his member.

"A little tighter," he ordered. Olivia tightened up her grip slightly and he let go of her wrist. Olivia, down on her knees, attempted to relieve the captain of his stress and tension.

"Hm," he sighed. "That's not bad. But I am afraid that it simply isn't getting the job done."

Olivia, slightly panicked, firmed up her grip and began stroking faster. "Is this better?" she anxiously inquired.

"Mm," he moaned. "That's a bit better. But I just don't think a manual massage is going to do it for me today."

The captain pulled her hand away from his crotch and stood up from his seat on the couch. Olivia began to stand up as well. But he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back down. "You stay on your knees," he directed.

He placed a hand on either side of her head and tilted her face upwards. "You have pretty pink lips," he remarked, smiling down at her. "Now open them."

"Captain, I'm sorry. I know the massage I was giving you wasn't my best effort. Please, let me try again. I know I can do better!" she pleaded.

Captain Orlog sighed heavily with impatience. Officer Amelin yanked on the leash. "Ah!" Olivia squawked. As her mouth opened in a cry of pain, Captain Orlog took that opportunity to slide the glistening head of his cock between her pouty lips an into her soft moist mouth. Olivia's pained cry became muffled as he entered his full length into her wet orifice.

His tip grazed her uvula and Olivia began gagging. But she could not get away due to the grip he had on the sides of her head. As she continued to gag, the three men in the room did nothing to suppress their amused reactions. Olivia's eyes began to water and tears rolled down her cheeks.

This was not regular fellatio. As Captain Orlog thrust his hips forward and back again, he roughly and forcefully fucked American girl's mouth. Olivia's face turned red and she began choking as his dick hit the back of her throat over and over again. She gripped the front of his thighs, desperately trying to push him away, but her attempts were futile. He was simply too strong and determined to cum.

As the captain's thrusts picked up speed, Olivia prayed he would finish soon and her torture would soon come to an end. He laced his fingers through her hair and began grunting and growling in Vulmonian. Olivia could not seem to get enough air between thrusts. So was terrified that she might suffocate.

Finally Captain Orlog pulled on Olivia's hair so hard, she was worried that he might pull her tresses out by the roots. He held her head to his groin. Her face was right up against his pelvis. Her nose was buried in his coarse pubic hair. He let out a long low deep grunt and released his seed into her mouth and down her throat.

As he pulled out and stepped back, Olivia fell forward onto all fours, sputtering and gasping. The captain let out a deep sigh as he watched the young girl before him, choking and wheezing.

"Ah! Now that was the exact sort of stress relief that I needed," he said as he zipped up his pants and buckled his belt. Olivia remained on her hands and knees trying to catch her breath.

That is until she felt a tug on her clit. "Come on, get up," Officer Amelin ordered. "There are more men to attend to."

Still gasping, Olivia picked herself up off of the floor. She turned to face the door, but then Officer Letov said, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Olivia, confused, stared up at the policeman.

"Thank the captain for allowing you to service him," he said, as if the answer should have been obvious.

Olivia's eyes widened in shock. Officer Letov could not be serious, she thought. But he narrowed his eyes as he stared her down. After a long moment, Olivia turned to Captain Orlog. Trying to hide the disgust in her voice, she said, "Captain, thank you for letting me service you."

"Miss Williams, you are most welcome," he said as he smoothed down the front of his pants. "I trust you will undertake the rest of your community service duties with diligence and enthusiasm."

"Yes Sir," she replied coldly.

"Good," he said with mild approval. "Now you have much more work to do here. So, you'd better get a move on."

The captain and the policemen bid each other farewell in their mother tongue. Officer Amelin gave the leash a bit of a tug and led Olivia out of the captain's office.

As the three of them walked to their next destination, Officer Letov began assessing Olivia's performance thus far. "You know, you really need to improve your manual and oral massage skills. The captain did ultimately achieve adequate stress relief, but it looked like he was doing most of the work. You didn't seem to do that much. You just knelt down there not moving. I hope you're willing to put in more effort starting from now."

Olivia balled her hands up into fists. She wanted to spit in the police officer's face. But knowing she would be mercilessly punished for such a transgression, she instead choked out, "Yes officer."