Of Lords and Ladies Ch. 02

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Lord Ronald lays down some rules.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 11/29/2012
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On arrival in his personal chambers he found himself looking around with a slightly jaundiced eye - realizing that despite his preferences, some changes would have to be made to accommodate a wife's particular needs. It would not be a problem at the Manor - he'd been inhabiting his father's chambers for some years and she could move into his mother's rooms which adjoined without much need for update, making a mental note to have his Majordomo see to having the rooms made habitable at once. He would probably plan to return to the country estate once the Holiday Season was over. Meanwhile however there were balls to attend, holiday fetes and salons to arrange and she must be presented at court. But the next few days were his alone and he could begin her training - gentling and breaking her like he would a new filly. Then, if she was less biddable and trainable than he first thought, they would go directly to the country. People might talk but they would talk about a lovestruck, newly wed husband and his bride fleeing the rigors of a holiday at court to be alone together. If she was swelling with his seed the next time they appeared so much the better.

Shrugging off his suit coat and loosening his ascot he looked at the lovely young girl standing in the middle of his room trying very hard not to look at the bed. Should he call his man or just....no, he thought. He knew he was perfectly capable of undressing himself, even if dressing himself sometimes required some assistance with tying his four-in-hand or settling his frock coat impeccably on his shoulders. He also knew that if he undressed himself, his butler would 'magically' claim all of his clothing for laundering or any other necessary attention before morning dawned. He WAS expecting their dinner to be delivered but none of his staff would bat an eye regardless of what was occurring in his chambers at the time - they'd been specifically chosen for loyalty and discretion and were well paid to maintain both states. Even as he thought such thoughts he had strolled in front of the fireplace, enjoying the wealth that allowed for a wood fire instead of the more typical coal fire.

Using the jack he pried his calf length boots off, finally sitting down on the settee in order to finish pulling them off, tossing them casually into a corner when he noticed that his new bride still had not moved except to clench her hands tightly together at her waist.

"Allys, come here."

He immediately heard the soft, silken rustle of her skirt and petticoat as she moved to stand beside him. Taking her by the hips he moved her to stand directly in front of him between his legs. Leaning back against the cushion behind him he stared at the petite red-head for a moment.

"Allys, you enjoyed what happened in the coach earlier."

It was a statement and not a question and did not appear to require an answer from her. Still, she flushed - lowering her eyes and nodding her head.

"Look at me!" He snapped.

Startled her wide eyes flashed to his face.

"Better..." He moved his thighs so that the only things separating their flesh was their clothing. He could feel her trembling and knew that she could feel the heat of him.

"And you want me to do it again......and more besides." He continued as though there had been no interruption.

"M-m-more, Ronald?"

"Oh yes, m'love......considerably more. First things first however. I have some rules for you. Rules to govern my wife's behavior. Men do this so that their wives behave in a manner that pleases them. I know your father has rules for your mother doesn't he?" Waiting until she nodded her head to continue, "Therefore, rule number one is always to do as you're told without argument or backtalk. Do you understand?" Again she nodded, her eyes never leaving his face now. "Rule number two is that within these chambers you are NEVER to wear clothing again unless we are dressing to go elsewhere. Is THAT understood?"

She nodded and he stretched out his legs, drumming his fingers impatiently on one thigh, "Well then my dear?"

Her eyes flashed around the chamber but whether looking for escape or assistance he knew not and cared less. "You're trying my patience my love."

If he'd read her correctly, then the mere act of obedience to his 'demands' and rules would relieve her of much of the sense of guilt and sin instilled in her by her parents, although he suspected that she possessed enough fire and spirit to make an occasional 'discipline' session necessary. He felt his cock harden at the thought and shifted uncomfortably where he sat. As he did her hands tried to lift to her back and he realized her difficulty. The cut of her gown prevented her from raising her arms far enough to unfasten her gown.

"Turn around, Allys."

She did so, promptly, although hobbled somewhat by her skirts and the proximity of his legs and he immediately began to undress her, unfastening her bodice and untying the various layers of skirt, bustle, petticoat until she was standing between his legs shivering in corset, stockings, boots and ribbon garters.

"Is the fire not warm enough pet? Would you like me to make it hotter?"

"It's.......n-no......I....." she stammered.

Pulling her down onto his lap required less of a struggle than he had expected - although stiff she did not actively resist him and he ran his fingertips lightly over the top of her bosom, delighted when she immediately began to breathe harder. The over-tight corset did nothing to hide her charms - instead emphasizing the swell of her bosom and ass and he admired the tender pink nipples that peeked above the demi-cups, his fingers grazing them causing them to swell and pucker. She WAS most definitely a responsive chit.

"Are you afraid of me then?"

"Oh NO Ronald....it's not that.....I.....just....."

"Just what kitten?" He thought to himself perhaps she was wrong NOT to be afraid of me. By far the wiser course might be for her to run as far and fast as she could....but no, then he would have to chase her and punish her and..... He had to stop that line of thinking entirely - the thought of her stretched out over his lap - his hand prints red on the cheeks of her buttocks......tied to the bed with crop marks.....or perhaps held down across his desk by his Majordomo as he prepared to cane her. Ye gods, if he couldn't marshal his thoughts better than this he would take the girl here and now - ready or not and that would ruin the long range plans he'd begun making the minute he saw her walking so demurely behind her mother.

"Is it just," he asked, his lips coming down to cover her own, lightly teasing and plucking at hers to start, "that I make you feel things?" His lips grew more demanding when she inadvertently parted hers below him to sigh, his tongue plundered her mouth, tasting of brandy and tobacco, and of her own earlier pleasure. "Things you've never felt before......but you like?" As she began to gasp for air his mouth left hers, following the delicate line of her jaw and down her neck - closer and closer to the small strawberry tips that beckoned him. "And you're afraid of how you feel?"

His mouth closed over one rosy nipple and she sighed on a long exhaling note of pleasure. Her head fell back against his arm and her legs slid gently apart as she surrendered to him. He suckled her, gently at first, his tongue lightly teasing and tweaking the turgid peak between his lips. His fingers made a downward journey to the site of her earlier pleasure. She was already wet and open to him - radiating a nearly alarming amount of heat. Sliding a finger into her depths he found her still delightfully snug, although her hymen was no longer quite so intrusive. He continued to work at the thin membrane thinking that if he could get THAT part out of the way before they settled down to more serious business it might prove 'helpful'. Regardless, she must needs begin to learn - not only the joys of receiving pleasure.....but the joys of giving pleasure......and how myriad the ways of both the giving and receiving.

First things first, however, he reminded himself. Regretfully withdrawing his lips from her succulent nipple and his fingers from her juicy folds he reminded himself again that there was a plan to be adhered to, a training program to institute - and all the time in the world to return to such pleasurable pursuits. Lifting her bodily from his lap and standing her between his legs he turned her around, facing the fire and the soft swell of her buttocks facing him. Briefly unable to resist the urge he reached down and forward between her legs, allowing his fingers to trail backwards, up the cleft of her ass, pressing over the tight spiral of her rosebud. Curiously she did not greet his actions with the same resistance she had shown earlier but he swore he heard a soft sigh of pleasure issuing from her lips. It might, all things considered, be the wind, rising outside the window....still....certainly something to remember later. For now though he untied the bow holding the laces of her corset in place and began to loosen her stays.

When her corset was loose enough he pushed it to the floor and helped her step out of it, settling her back in the corner of the settee, pulling her foot up onto his lap and unlacing the low boot before sliding it off her foot. He noticed but did not comment on the worn spots in the leather and the darned spots in the heels and toes of her stockings. Standing up he began to loosen his starched collar, removing his ascot and setting studs and stick pins on the mantel. Tossing more logs on the fire he stood in front of the blaze, lowering his braces and removing his clothes, tossing them into the wingback chair. Leaning against the mantel for a moment he let the fire bathe him in its rosy glow for a moment until a noise from behind him made him look over his shoulder.

She was staring raptly at his backside in all its naked glory, the fire glowing between his legs and illuminating, he supposed, both his bag and his currently flaccid prick - the way they currently hung so low in the reflected heat of the fire. Not for long, however, he felt certain. Striding to the wingback chair he evicted his clothing without notice - tossing it summarily on the floor, turning the chair so that the heat and light from the fire would continue to bathe the seat.

Holding out his hand for the blushing virgin on the settee who was trying to pretend she was NOT staring avidly at his form he rumbled, "Come kitten, it is time for another lesson."

She did not refuse....she stood promptly, her hands fluttering in a futile attempt to cover herself but Ronald stood impassive, his hand out, his expectation of her obedience obvious. Ultimately it was her own curiosity that proved most compelling, he thought, driving her forward, almost against her own will to stand before him.

Sitting down in the chair and pulling her to stand between his thighs he pronounced, "It is time for you to discover that which makes a man a man." Feeling himself already stirring and filling as she blushed and tried to look elsewhere - yet drawn back to the vision of his rising cock like a cobra watching a snake charmer's dancing flute....only which was which he thought with some humor.

Grasping his prick and pointing it toward her delectable cunt he began, "This, kitten, is my penis....my prick....my cock. All males have one though they vary somewhat in size between birth and our antiquity. Sit here, on the floor between my legs so that you might more closely examine it. Here, give me your hand kitten," he demanded, wrapping her smaller hand around his prick and holding it there with his hand. "Tell me Allys, how does it feel?"

"I-it-it's very warm m'Lo....Ronald.....hot......and quite.......firm?" she said hesitantly, squeezing him quite tentatively.

He chuckled, "It is that! It isn't always mind, but you DO seem to have a remarkable effect on th'old lad."

Her startled gaze darted up to search his face - uncertain if she was being mocked or not, but he went on, "This bag below, holding these two orbs, is the source of the seed that, planted within your womb, will bring me an heir. It is quite.....sensitive and must always be handled with consideration - firmly but tenderly."

He saw her opening her mouth, a myriad of questions evident in her visage and held up a hand to forestall her. "Later kitten. Many of your questions may be answered in later lessons...but if not we will take them one at a time. For now it is enough that you listen and learn - remain open-minded to that which your husband teaches you and expects of you. Can you do that?"

She hesitated but then, setting her tiny jaw with determination, nodded her head. "Good girl!" He exclaimed, smiling and leaning forward to kiss the top of her head. Hearing a noise behind the chair he assumed dinner was being served - an assumption confirmed when Allys reddened and tried to hide herself behind the chair and legs.

Holding her firmly in place he called out, "Mansfield?", hearing the response from near the bed...."Sir?"

"Come here a moment Mansfield."

"Yes Sir." The acceptance was immediate, the steps moving quickly but quietly toward the chair.

"Mansfield, this is my wife.....Lady Allyson. There will be times when, of necessity lady Allys will be giving orders to you or the other staff. Her orders are to be obeyed immediately unless they contravene orders I have given previously, is that understood?"

"Yes Sir. I shall pass on your directive Sir, and may I add congratulations Sir."

"Yes, thank you." Waving his butler away he considered all that he'd learned about his young bride during the brief interlude. Though her body shyness continued throughout the duration of the conversation she had listened to it eagerly and with understanding. As she understood that she was being given leave to make decisions and to direct his staff she sat a little straighter, her head came up on her neck a fraction of an inch and a slight smile played over her lips. Good, he thought, she needed a good dose of self-confidence and obviously her father had not yet managed to entirely beat it out of her.

"We will continue briefly before we dine, my pet," he stated, still holding her hand wrapped firmly around his prick. "Now watch," he said as he pulled down and back to pop the head from the foreskin, "When you do that it feels most pleasurable as this area and this are quite sensitive to touch. If you feel the skin you can see how tender it is - as soft as the skin of your pussy.....your sex. Go ahead, you can touch it."

He whistled soundlessly through his teeth when her little fingers came out to stroke the head, the pleasure of her submission and obedience almost greater than the pleasure he felt from her delicate touch. As milky beads of pre cum began to ooze from his piss hole she looked at him again, those great gray eyes startled - as though she had done something wrong.

"That happens when I am happy and things feel good, kitten. It means my seed will soon follow if you continue to touch me as you are now. Oh," he added, almost as an afterthought, "he likes being licked and kissed and sucked as much as your sex does too."

At her look of dismay he urged, "Go on, try..." wanting for now to encourage her rather than simply making demands.

Regardless of how it was meant she seemed to take it as an order though, closing her eyes and pursing her lips tightly, her nose crinkling....he chose to ignore her apparent 'disgust' for now when her lips came down and brushed his cock head, more by accident than apurpose bedewing her lips liberally with his pre cum.

"Yes, sweetheart, like that......that's very good for a first time," watching as, once again, her pink tongue tip came out to taste that which was gleaming on her lips. The tiniest taste at first, then another when the first proved not unpleasant. Then her eyes opened as she cleaned her lips most thoroughly, although she still eyed his cock somewhat askance.

"Can you do it again......lick him perhaps this time - he'll jump if you do, I promise."

She giggled helplessly at the thought, yet looked at him as though she doubted his veracity. Bending forward, eyes open this time to watch, her tongue hesitantly stroked the velvet soft skin of his helmet - he was prepared to flex those internal muscles if needed but his body did not fail him and his cock leapt in her hand. She giggled again with delight, her eyes rising to meet his and he knew she was well and truly caught - captured - captivated!

Without further prompting she bent her head to him again, her pink kitten's tongue tip coming out to lick the cream from his staff. One swipe of her tongue, then another and then her lips gently enfolded the swollen red tip and he groaned aloud. Startled she withdrew her mouth, looking up at him in apparent fear, it seemed of having done somewhat amiss, and he hurried to reassure her -

"You've done well, Allys.....quite well for a first time. In fact, if you'd continued I'm afraid it would have ruined the balance of this evening's lessons for you....." Brushing her cheek with the back of his hand he added, "And I believe you're rather starting to enjoy your lessons, aren't you my pet?"

She bent her head, blushing, but a half smile played about her lips and he took that as a mark of her agreement. Rising and holding out a hand, he beckoned her to rise.

"Come my pet, it is enough for now. Let us dine.....and then we shall continue."

Her eyes lifted to meet his as she rose gracefully to her feet and they turned together to the little side table and chairs...

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nflgirl81nflgirl81over 11 years ago
More Please?

I hope you decide to continue this story it is fantastic.

ChickasawChickasawover 11 years ago
Begging You

Please continue with this series! The cadence is just right ..... And though it is a tried & true story line it doesn't read predictably, in fact, in a short amount of text the main characters already have appealing personalities. I'll look forward (& often) for other installments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
so hot

amazing. please continue this story!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Please continue you stories they are amazing this one is my favorite 5 stars!!!

Reiner43Reiner43over 11 years ago
Another good one

Great story.

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