Objects in Love Falling

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Dave plays happy families with a new App.
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Dave aimed his phone at his big sister and pressed the button. "Object 1 acquired," the App said. "Analysing..."

"Hey, stop that," Bella said, glowering at him.

He grinned back mischievously and put the phone away. The App was busy anyway, a slow progress bar promising a long wait as it analysed the photo, although what exactly the analysis was for he had no idea.

Supposedly the App let you modify people sexually, which Dave guessed meant that it was like a Snapchat filter or something that removed clothes and exaggerated breasts, and stuff like that. Given that the only women around were his mum and sister, Bella was the obvious test subject.

At twenty-three, she was two years older than him, and currently 'between relationships'. He himself was still a virgin, being generally hopeless around girls; and Georgia, their mum, was single too now, the divorce having gone through finally.

Dave's dad had moved in with his young, blonde secretary, and Dave was never sure whether he was more angry at his dad for abandoning his mum, or more envious over the idea of his dad fucking Lucy's sweet, blonde pussy. Dave had had quite the crush on her himself.

The consequence, however, was that he was alone with Bella and their mum this Christmas holiday, and bored to tears because of Covid and no one wanting to party. So why not give the mysterious new App a try? Giving his sister a porn-star body would be a fun diversion.

Their mum was busy in the kitchen and Bella was binge-watching some anime series on Netflix. He was only half-watching it himself, finding the need to follow subtitles a little too distracting, but amused by the frequent up-skirt views of white panties even in the middle of action scenes.

His phone chimed. The analysis was complete. "Object 1/5: Bella," the App said, with a detailed list of attributes, from height (160) and weight (55) to chest and cup size (34C) to hair colour, length and style (auburn, shoulder-length, straight). And much more too. The dimensions of her nipples ('8/8', whatever that meant), the colour and style of her pubes (auburn; natural), a description of a tattoo on the side of her breast (the name of the hated ex).

Dave was stunned. The App knew stuff about her that he himself did not, and that certainly couldn't be guessed at from a photo. And not just physical stuff either. Her relationship status (single, with a mild obsession for her ex), her orientation (straight), her libido and arousal levels (low and none), her kinks (light bondage).


Bella switched the television off and stared at her brother. Dave was studying his phone, his eyes wide in amazement, and yet somehow she knew he was looking at her. That in some indefinable way she belonged to him. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Dave looked up, startled to find her looking at him. "Nothing," he said, putting the phone away hurriedly. As if that wasn't sufficient evidence of guilt, his cheeks flushed bright red.

Bella laughed. She crossed the room and joined him on the sofa. "Let me see," she insisted. When he shook his head emphatically, gripping his phone tightly, she gave him her sweetest, most disarming smile, and said, "I promise not to be upset. Please let me see."

Dave hesitated still for a long minute, but then yielded a little. "You promise?"

She nodded earnestly. Whatever perversion was on his phone, she felt that it was important for her to see it.

Bella had never seen her brother look so frightened as when he handed over his phone. She took it carefully, saw her name and photo, and studied the long list of details below. "How the fuck do you know all this?" she hissed. "Are you stalking me?"

"No!" he cried in desperate denial. "It's the App! I just took your photo and the App figured out the rest somehow."

"Right," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. A menu option took her to an Object List with five possible entries. Currently Bella was the only object. "I'm not a fucking object," she muttered.

Tapping one of the others brought up the camera, and she snapped a photo of her brother even as he flung up his hands with a cry of, "No!"

"Object 2 acquired," the App said, making Bella chuckle. "Analysing..."

"Give it back," Dave cried, snatching at the phone.

Bella held it out of his reach. "Fair's fair," she said. "If you know everything about me, I want to know about you.

After a minute, the phone chimed. "Object 2/5: Dave," the App said.

Bella quickly scanned the detailed list of attributes, and laughed. "Only three inches? You poor thing! No wonder you're a virgin." A moment later she saw the kinks and gasped. "Mild incest? Oh my God! Is that true?"


Dave finally managed to grab his phone back from her, and ran away to his room, Bella's laughter echoing in his ears.

Once alone, his door shut and locked, he studied his own details. It confirmed what his sister had said, including the mild incest kink. For his penis it said '83/56', which he recognised as the length and girth in millimetres.

But Dave knew something Bella didn't. The App was supposed to be able to modify people somehow, and maybe it wasn't just a filter effect.

After a few minutes' experimentation, he found that pressing and holding on a detail brought up an editing field. Quickly he returned to his penis dimensions and added a couple of zeros.

A sudden rush of heat in his crotch had him scrambling to remove his trousers and boxers, and he stared down in astonishment at a limp cock that hung down to his knees and was nearly as thick as his legs. "Holy fuck!" he shouted.

Thinking about how much blood was needed to fill that cock for an erection, he decided abruptly that while bigger was generally better, some moderation was due. Several experiments later, he decided he was satisfied with twelve inches in length and seven in girth. He amused himself by watching it grow erect and then limp as he adjusted his arousal in the App.

The incest thing bothered him. He nearly deleted it, but then had a better idea. He switched to Bella's profile, added 'incest' and 'exhibitionism' to her kinks, deleted her lingering obsession with her ex, and changed her tattoo to read 'Dave'. On a whim he changed her orientation to 'pan' and bumped up her cup size to 'DD'; and curious about the '8/8' of her nipples, he changed them to '16/16'.

A hammering on his door nearly made him drop his phone. "Dave!" his sister screamed. "What the fuck are you doing to me?"

Laughing quietly, he increased both her libido and arousal, then hid the phone and unlocked the door.


Bella charged into Dave's room, quite ready to murder him - and stopped in shock at the sight of his huge, semi-erect cock. She had never seen such a monster before, and was absolutely sure her brother hadn't possessed it earlier. There was no way to hide such a thing. Just as there was no way her nipples were now twice their normal size, but they absolutely were, and the sudden growth of her breasts had forced her to remove her bra.

Seeing Dave's cock harden as he stared openly and lustfully at her breasts, their new contours clearly discernible through her tight T-shirt, stirred a sudden unfamiliar hunger in Bella. She knew it was something to do with that App, that he had used it to change himself and her also, but it was difficult to stay angry when what she really wanted to do was wrap her breasts and lips about Dave's beautiful new cock.

"Dinner's ready," their mum shouted up the stairs, and Bella wasn't sure whether it was relief or regret that washed through her.

Dave smirked as he pulled his boxers and trousers up into place, the huge bulge at his crotch unmistakable. "See you downstairs," he said.

"No more changes," she hissed angrily, annoyed by how much, despite everything, she really wanted to kiss him. She hadn't felt like this around anyone since the early days with her ex. "Promise!"

He considered it for a moment, then nodded.


Georgia was glad to have the kids spend Christmas with her. Otherwise it would have been her first Christmas alone, her husband no doubt screwing his secretary under the mistletoe. Bella had moved out years ago, and Dave was now at university, so this Christmas holiday was a rare pleasure for her. She didn't mind that they had brought her piles of dirty laundry to do, or that she was now cooking for three instead of one.

"Merry Christmas," she said, holding out crackers, and all together the three of them tugged until with a series of bangs the crackers pulled apart.

"Say 'cheers'," Dave said, aiming his phone at her.

"Cheers," she said automatically, and wondered why Bella was glaring at her brother.

Party hats on, they sat to eat, pouring gravy over turkey and arguing over whether Brussels sprouts were actually edible or not. That her daughter clearly wasn't wearing a bra bothered Georgia a little, especially since her nipples were very obvious, but she chose not to make an issue of it at the table.

Dave's phone chimed suddenly, and Georgia looked at it suspiciously. Something about it bothered her. "Can we not have phones at the table, please," she said.

"Yes, Dave," Bella said. "Put it away."

"Okay!" he said, holding his hands up in surrender. "Okay!" He slipped the phone into his pocket.

"Mum," Bella said, "Is there anything about yourself that you would change?"

"Like what?"

"Like anything. Hair colour, shoe size, your height, your weight. Bigger breasts, even." Bella laughed to show she was just having fun, but Dave gave a gasp of surprise.

Georgia gave the matter some thought. "I wouldn't mind being twenty years younger," she said, thinking about her husband discarding her for some bimbo no older than their kids. Smiling, she added, "I'm not sure about bigger breasts, but these lovelies could maybe do with firming up."

Dave fished his phone out again and started tapping away. "Dave," Georgia warned.

"It's okay, Mum," Bella said. "Just wait."

Georgia pursed her lips and maintained silence, but stared anxiously at the phone. A sudden wave of heat washed through her, entirely unlike the hot flashes of menopause. This was more as if some impossible hand had reached into her and changed her. "What on earth?"

"Merry Christmas, Mum," Dave said, grinning.

Beside him, Bella grinned too. "Take a look in the mirror, Mum," she said.

Thoroughly confused, Georgia walked over to the mirror, and gasped at the sight of her twenty-year-old self with flawless, unwrinkled skin and hair a natural auburn. Bella joined her by the mirror, and it was almost like they were twin sisters, not mother and daughter.

Very attractive twin sisters too. No way would her husband have abandoned this young version of her. Not that she really cared about him any longer. Good riddance to him.

"This is impossible," she whispered. "I'm dreaming."

"It's no dream," Bella said. "You've been given your youth again. But I'm not sure these clothes really do you justice."


Watching his mum and sister go upstairs together, to do what exactly he wasn't sure, Dave thought about the two other empty object fields in the App and a delicious thought occurred to him.

"I'm going out for a while," he shouted up the stairs, and grabbed his mum's car keys.

It was a short drive across town through mostly empty streets to his dad's new house. "Hi!" he said when the door was opened. "Merry Christmas!"

His dad, Richard, let him inside, surprised but happy. "Didn't think we'd see you."

"Say cheese," Dave said, holding up the phone and snapping a pic. "Where's Lucy?"

"At her mum's, but should be back any moment. I thought that was her when you rang. Anyway, sit. Can I get you a drink?"

"Coffee, please."

Dave checked the App. "Object 4/5: Richard," was there and ready and he was soon scrolling through the details. There was nothing he particularly cared to change, except to add 'cuckold' and 'voyeur' to kinks.

When his dad came through with the coffee, his face was flushed and his hand unsteady, threatening to spill the hot drink. "Sorry," he said. "I'm not quite myself today. It's wonderful to see you, Dave, but -"

A rattle of keys in the lock interrupted him, and Lucy waltzed in, talking excitedly to Richard and then halting in surprise at the sight of Dave. "Oh, hi there," she said.

"Hi, Lucy," Dave said, and took a photo.

Lucy was very attractive, a young, bubbly blonde only a few months older than him. What she saw in his dad was anyone's guess, but she was about to help Dave lose his virginity.

"I'll be back in a minute," she said, and by her subdued manner he knew she wasn't pleased he was there. She removed her coat and disappeared into the bathroom.

The App chimed and "Object 5/5: Lucy" appeared. Dave scrolled through the various personality details. Her relationship was strictly with Richard, but beneath that was 'Fidelity', currently at 96%. Dave reduced it to 6%, and added 'cumslut' and 'huge cocks' to her kinks. He also increased her libido as far as it could go and bumped her arousal too.

Switching to her physical attributes, he removed her pubic hair and noticed that the size of her clit ('5') was much smaller than Bella's ('22') and his mum's ('25') so increased it to '35' to see what happened.


Bella wasn't sure whether it was something Dave had done to her, or whether it was just because her mum was now so beautiful and so utterly happy for the first time in years, but Bella was incredibly attracted to her. In offering to find her mum something more appropriate and indeed sexy to wear, her ulterior motive was to get a good look at her mum's rejuvenated body.

That her mum must have sensed her desire and chosen to play to it, occurred to her belatedly. Georgia kept sighing and saying that this skirt was too long or that one too tight or she needed a different shirt, and while clearly she was having fun trying on different clothes and admiring herself in the mirror, there was an eroticism to her dressing and undressing that had to be deliberate.

"If you're trying to seduce me," Bella said, "it's working."

"Bella!" her mum said, pretending a horror that her eyes belied. "You're my daughter. I wouldn't seduce you." With a sigh of mock frustration, she tugged off the shirt she was wearing. "Nothing fits."

Bella gazed lovingly at her mum's breasts. She had said earlier that she didn't need bigger breasts, and indeed the ones she had were perfect. Tugging off her own shirt and exposing her own enlarged breasts with their huge nipples - which, to be honest, looked too damned sexy for Bella to stay angry at Dave - Bella offered it to her mum. "Try this one."

Georgia ignored the shirt and stepped close to Bella, her fingertips tracing the curves of Bella's breasts. "I don't know why I feel this way about you. I know I shouldn't, but I don't want to fight it."

"Then don't." Bella leaned forward and kissed her mum. She had never kissed a woman before, at least not with such authentic passion, but it felt natural to her. It wasn't a mother-daughter kiss, it was a lovers' kiss, hungry and demanding. "I can't keep calling you 'Mum' if we're going to do this."

"Call me Georgia, then," Georgia said, kissing her again. "I don't suppose you've got a strap-on. I'm desperate for a hard cock."

Bella chuckled. "Wait till you see what Dave's packing now."

"Dave's not here, Bella. There must be something we can do while we wait..."


Lucy had always had a bit of a thing for older men, and had fallen in love with her boss despite all the warnings from family and friends about the foolishness of being his mistress. He had fallen for her too, to her profound relief, and had even left his wife for her. Best of all, the sex had been good, and still was. Her experiences with previous boyfriends had not been good, but Richard's blend of passion and tenderness always helped her into the mood to enjoy sex. But also, his cock was perfectly shaped to hit her G-spot, and the resulting orgasms were loud, intense and very messy.

She had done her duty that Christmas Day and visited her mum, and had returned home eager to spend the rest of the day with Richard, just the two of them together, their first Christmas as an official couple. Seeing Richard's son sitting there in her home had been an unpleasant surprise.

Lucy took her time in the bathroom, preparing herself mentally for having to entertain an unwanted guest, but something was bothering her. She felt almost as if she were being watched, even in the privacy of her own bathroom. Weirdly, while trying to pee, she felt suddenly aroused, her nipples stiffening, a familiar stirring heat below. But that was nothing to the shock of her pubic hair falling away to leave her pussy completely bare. "What the fuck!" she screamed quietly.

And then the utter bafflement at feeling her clit enlarge. Her clit had always been small and shy, but there was a rush of heat through her crotch and she felt her clit grow beneath her fingertips until it jutted out proud and astonishingly sensitive.

Dressing hurriedly, she stumbled out, needing Richard to help her. To explain it to her. Even if he was a man, and what would a man know? "Something..." she said, then faltered. "I -"

She sat on the sofa next to him, grateful for his concerned expression. "What is it, Lucy?"

"Something happened," she whispered. "I don't know."

Dave was looking at his phone. She saw him press something, and felt herself suddenly very aroused again, and this time made the connection. "You're doing it," she accused.

Dave nodded, and stood up. In front of his dad and her, he undid his trousers and pushed them down, revealing his boxers and the huge bulge of an aroused cock. Just the thought of it had her licking her lips hungrily. And then Dave pushed his boxers down too, and she saw its naked magnificence. She had never seen such a huge cock before, and certainly had never touched one, but she wanted to touch this one. She wanted it inside her.

"I came here to fuck you, Lucy," Dave said.

Lucy nodded, then cast a confused glance at Richard, who gave an equally confused shrug of consent. It was enough for her. She loved Richard, but she needed that cock.

She crawled over to kneel in front of Dave, wrapping both hands eagerly about the long, thick shaft, and taking the huge head between her lips. It was so big she doubted she'd get much more into her mouth, so concentrated on stroking him lovingly with her hands as she sucked hungrily, moaning with genuine pleasure as the salty taste of precum filled her mouth.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Richard stroking his cock as he watched. She was glad he was enjoying this. She had always considered herself to be strictly monogamous, but if Richard enjoyed seeing her with other men, she was quite prepared to indulge him.

Dave pushed her away suddenly, then lay on the floor. "Ride me, cowgirl," he said.

Lucy straddled him eagerly, but took her time lining him up for entry, positioning him, lowering herself carefully so that he penetrated her slowly, stretching her amazingly. Inch by inch she took him deeper, loving each exquisite moment of it. No other cock could possibly compare. She rode him gently, still only half that astonishing cock inside, and bit by bit it pressed deeper, until it nudged against her cervix with each gentle but determined thrust.

"Fuck!" she screamed as she climaxed, her eyes meeting Richard's as she convulsed ecstatically on his son's enormous cock. As she recovered slowly, she lifted up, then dropped down, settling into an awkward rhythm but fucking herself with long, deep thrusts. Dave's hands were on her breasts, squeezing, pinching her nipples, and it was nice but she could scarcely think beyond the effort and pleasure of fucking.

"On your hands and knees," Dave said, and knelt behind her to take her doggy style for a while. It was easier for her this way, but Dave was thrusting hard and deep, the impact against her cervix a distraction, but a not unpleasant one. She climaxed multiple times before he rolled her onto her back to take her missionary style for a while, then lifted her ankles over his shoulders and really started ramming into her depths. She was sure she'd be hurting for weeks after this, but loved every minute.