Obedient Wife


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"She used to own a chain of bakeries, and she did pretty well for herself. When she started getting really sick, she sold the chain and made a sizable profit from it. Since I was her only child, she left that profit to me, and I invested about half of it and got lucky. So I'm pretty well set, and I live mainly off the interest the money accrues."

"So no work, what do you do?"

"Well, I write song lyrics for fun, and, when I feel the urge to, I have a friend at Venture Records who can sell them to music artists. I don't need the money, but it's nice when I hear some popular artist singing my lyrics on the radio."

She looked at me, confused, "But why live in apartment?"

"I don't want to advertise that I'm financially set," I explained, "See, people find out I have money, they want to be friends with me just so I buy them things. Women find out I'm well off, they pretend to be attracted to me so that I'll take care of them and they can spend my money on stupid things. I don't want any of that, so I mostly only spend up to what I make in interest, and I do my best not to look like I make a lot of money."

"That very smart," Kyoko nodded, and then grew concerned, "I would not want you spend money on me. I not be like women you talk about."

I chuckled, "I know, Kyoko. You're different than those women I was talking about, and I like that about you."

I think that, because of my cautious nature, I tended not to make many friends. The friend I had at Venture Records was the brother of my ex-wife, and even he didn't know I was well off. All he knew was that I was a decent lyricist and he made sure I got a decent price for the lyrics I sent him.

"I feel better now," Kyoko told me, "If you want rub my feet more, I let you."

"Actually, I do need to take a shower," I decided, "I smell a bit gamey. If it's okay, though, I can rub your feet some more later on."

"O-okay," she sat up, "You want me start water for you?"

"That's very sweet of you to offer, but I can handle it."

"I want do more for you," she insisted.

"Well, I think your just being here does a lot for me. It does get lonely for me sometimes, and I like talking to you. Anyway, if you'll follow me, I'll show you how my shower works so that you'll know when you want to use it yourself."

With permission from the apartment manager, I had splurged a little on installing a digital thermostat on my shower, so that I could adjust the water temperature just by pressing a button. The showerhead was detachable, and had six different pressure settings, and, though it took up more space in the bathroom, the tub was large enough that I could lie down comfortably without my elbows pressing against the sides. It was worth the money spent to have it installed. I showed her how everything worked, and, once she understood, she retreated from the bathroom so I could take a shower.

As I lathered my hair, I wondered how long she would stay here in my apartment. If she didn't go back to the bastard, I didn't see her being able to get her own place, find a job, and get back on her feet, not as meek and subservient as she was. But how long would she continue to accept my help? A week, maybe two before she decided she'd rather live on the street than continue to take advantage of my kindness? I liked her, and I liked having her here. And I think that a large part of her liked being here, but I also worried that there was the subservient part of her that would willingly go back to her bastard of a husband if he told her to, and I wanted to prevent that if I could. It was a hell of a dilemma, and, though I had never expected all this when I had first talked to her the night before, I decided that I would've done it all over again even if I'd known in advance what I was getting myself into.

I washed my body, smelling the soapy, mint-scented fragrance of the body wash, and I also decided that, at least for the time being, I should get Kyoko her own shampoo and body wash, something flowery or fruit-scented that she could enjoy. Maybe I'd also get her a loofah. But then this led to thoughts of her in the shower, nude, soaked, and lathering her body up, and I started getting hard. Sometimes it was quite frustrating knowing that I hadn't been with a woman since my wife, and that, if I were to boast about my finances, I could probably nab some gold-digger who could take care of that, but I'm sure it would be akin to buying a prostitute, only way more expensive and not always a guarantee of sex, or even good sex. I'd rather not deal with that kind of hassle, not just for sex.

Once I got out and dried off, I used the adjoining door that lead into my bedroom and dressed in a pair of loose shorts and a shirt. As I pulled the shirt on, I could now hear Kyoko in the bathroom.

"Did you want to take a shower as well?" I asked through the closed door.

"Oh!" she yelped, shocked, and then she answered, "No... I pick up your clothes for laundry."

I opened the door between the bathroom and my bedroom to find Kyoko standing there, blushing, with my dirty clothes in her hands.

"Kyoko," I sighed, gently taking my clothes from her hands, "We talked about this, didn't we?"

"I-I'm sorry," she trembled, "I disappoint you. I t-try very hard do what you t-tell me, but..."

She began weeping, just miserable, so I held her, stroking my hand softly through her hair as she wept against my chest.

"I know you're trying, and I'm not disappointed, okay?"

Her arms went around my sides, and she squeezed me tightly, still weeping, "I am d-disappointment, always fail, never happy with me!"

I felt her tears soaking into my shirt, and I felt her tremble almost violently against me as she clutched me for dear life.

"Kyoko, shh, just listen, okay?" I soothed as I stroked my fingers through her hair, "You are not a disappointment, not at all."

I would've said more, but then she fainted, going limp in my arms. Surprised, I reached under her thighs and picked her up before she could slip and fall to the floor, and I carried her into my room, where I set her down gently on the bed. Perhaps all this was just much too overwhelming for her, and she could no longer process any of it. I grabbed the washcloth, rewet and wrung it out, and placed it on her forehead, and then propped her legs up on a pillow. From there, I wasn't sure what to do, so I just sat there and held her hand.

It didn't take long for her to come to, maybe about five minutes, but she awoke with a start, and I had to hold her down.

"Ah, no, just relax and keep the washcloth on your head," I instructed, "You fainted."

"I am sorry, I did not mean to," she whimpered.

"No need to be sorry, just relax, okay? Just take it easy. I think you got a little overwhelmed, and it's my fault. I'm trying to stop you from doing things all at once, and I guess it's because I'd feel bad for letting you go around doing chores, so we'll compromise, okay?"

"It not your fault," she sighed dejectedly, "You so kind to me, and I not deserve it, so I want to clean for you so you know I am grateful."

"I know you're grateful, but I think I might be pushing you too hard to just relax, so I'll let you pick three things that you want to do for me, and I'll let you do them, but only if you at least try to relax in between each task."

She thought for a moment or two on this compromise, and then nodded, "I pick three things, but I will try relax between. I clean bathroom, kitchen, and I do laundry... i-if you allow me..."

I nodded, "Okay, I guess I can live with that. In between, though, when you relax, you let me pamper you a little, though."

"P-pamper? What mean, pamper?"

"Well, I'll massage your feet, and your shoulders, and your back, and rub lotion on your hands. And you'll sit there and allow me to do that. I think, of all the people I've ever known, you deserve to be pampered the most."

"Oh, I could never let you... but... this what you want, so that I can clean... o-okay."

"Good," I nodded, "But first you're gonna need to lie here for a little bit, at least until you won't feel dizzy when you stand up."

"You... you sit and... hold my hand, just until I better?" she asked haltingly, blushing.

"If you want me to," I squeezed her hand gently, "I'll be happy to."

"I m-make you happy? Not disappoint?"

"Of course you make me happy, Kyoko. I like you being here."

"I do best not disappoint, I promise, not make you regret let me come here."

I smiled, "I'd never regret that. I'm happy you're here, you know? It gets lonely being by myself with nobody to talk to."

She whispered, "I'm happy be here, too. Wish I could... stay even longer."

"I'd like you to stay longer," I responded.

Her eyes widened, "I stay longer, you want?"

I nodded, "Absolutely."

"Can I... hug you?" she blushed.

"Anytime you want to," I chuckled, and she practically scrambled into my arms.

With her almost sitting on my lap, her arms around me hugging me tightly, she looked almost blissful. I enjoyed her embrace as well, the warmth of her against me, just the closeness... but my body began to have other ideas, my mind betraying me as well as I remembered thinking about her during my shower. It would be impossible for her not to notice, and notice she did as she tensed in my arms before withdrawing.

"Oh shit," I sighed, attempting to hide my erection, "I'm so sorry, that wasn't my intention at all-"

"I... do for you," she unbuttoned my shorts, blushing but unhesitating.

"W-whoa!" I stopped her, "No, I can't ask you to do that for me, I'm sorry, I was just happy you were hugging me, and it just sort of happened."

She stayed my hands, "No, I do for you, please. I want do for you."

She fished my very eager erection out, urged me to lie back, and immediately took me in her mouth, all of me at once, her tongue playing against the underside where I was most sensitive, making me shiver. I felt inadequate as I could already feel an orgasm building up.

"Uh, I'm about to... Kyoko," I warned her, but she continued, her warm mouth enveloping me and teasing me closer, and then I groaned, clutching the sheets as I came in her mouth. She held my hips and kept me in her mouth as she swallowed everything I had to give, only releasing me once she felt I was done.

She licked her lips, not in a seductive way, only cleaning off what little bit of my semen clung to them, and then tucked me back into my underwear. I buttoned my shorts, very satisfied, but also very speechless at what had just happened.

"There, you feel better," she said, "And you very clean."

I found my voice, "I wasn't asking you to do that for me, though."

"You not feel better?" she asked, hurt.

"No, that felt amazing, yes, it feels better. I just meant that you didn't have to. It would've gone away on its own."

"I want to," she replied, "You make me feel better with hug, and then you get hard, so I wanted make you feel better, too."

"But what about you?" I asked, "You gave me pleasure, shouldn't I do the same for you?"

Her mouth opened, surprised, and she looked worried, "You want me do more? O-okay."

She stood abruptly, pulled her shirt off, slid her pants and panties down, positioned herself upon her hands and knees with her butt in the air, and closed her eyes tightly, "I ready."

I could only gape at her in shock as she waited like that, and it slowly dawned on me. She thought I wanted more, so she did as she was conditioned to do, resigned to it.

"That unholy bastard," I whispered, and then, so she could hear me, "Kyoko, that's not what I mean. I meant that I should give you pleasure."

She looked up at me, "This how I told to be, wait until he done."

"I'm not him, and I never will be," I insisted, and I guided her to sit once more, "If it's okay with you, I'd like to show you what I mean."

"I do whatever you like... if you want... in my other place..."

"Other place? Oh, no-no-no, Kyoko, you don't have to worry about that from me, no."

I guided her to lie on her back, and I leaned down, kissing her lips softly, "No, this is something I'm going to do for you, and I want you to pay close attention, because I'm going to show you how this is supposed to be, okay?"

Always submissive, she lay there, trembling, as I kissed her again, and then she kissed back.

"I want this to feel good for you, not just for me, so I'll take it slow so you can adjust."

She nodded, and I finished removing her pants and panties. I started touching her, my hands roaming her body, feeling her soft skin, all as she watched me, curious in spite of her apparent nervousness.

"My body... not disgust you?" she asked, chewing on her bottom lip.

"Disgust? No, you're beautiful!" I kissed her again, "Do my hands feel okay on you?"

She nodded, "Feel nice."

My hands slid up her stomach, to her ribs, and to her breasts, which were a bit small, and still restrained by her bra. I had her turn a little so I could unhook it, and then she waited, completely nude now. I began to gently massage her breast, and then I leaned in and teased her dark nipples, which were already quite hard against my tongue. She didn't seem to have any idea what I was up to as I kissed my way down her stomach to her thighs. When I began to part her thighs, she tensed up a little.

"If this is too much, I'll stop if you want," I looked up at her, her eyes wide with near-panic.

"I... this will hurt?" she managed, her breath quick.

"Not at all," I assured her, "Just part your thighs, and I'll take care of you."

She did so obediently, and I could see even before that she was clean-shaven as I settled myself between her legs. I didn't bother asking, as I could figure out whose idea that was. I planted little kisses all around her vagina, tasting the moisture that began to weep from her. She shivered with each kiss, and then her butt almost left the bed when I began to lap at her inner lips, parting them to taste inside. She began to whimper and sigh and gasp as I pressed my mouth against her and nibbled at her clitoris with my lips before teasing her with my tongue. Whether she consciously did so or not, her hips began to move, to gyrate as she humped my face, and I cupped her butt in my hands as I brought her steadily to orgasm. She cried out as her body locked up, only her hips still moving, and then she relaxed, her body limp as she recovered. After a brief cooldown of about three minutes, I returned my mouth to her and started on her again, and she came even quicker the second time, her breath hitching and her cries almost frantic.

I moved back up onto the bed until we were side by side, and she rolled over and lay against me, kissing me, uncaring that my mouth, chin and cheeks were wet with her juices.

"If you're okay with it, I'd like to do more," I said, and she immediately tried to get into the position she was conditioned to be, "No, no. Just lie on your back, okay?"

She hesitated, half-way up onto her hands and knees, before lying back down next to me. I kissed her a few more times while I positioned myself above her, and, while she looked up at me, I guided myself inside her. She gasped as I slowly filled her up, resting for just a moment before I began moving within her. Her legs parted a little wider, and then her legs came up a little until her feet were resting on the backs of my calves. I thrust inside gently, feeling her tightness constricting my erection, but with all her juices still flowing, I slid easily.

She looked at me most of the time, watching me as I looked at her, only closing her eyes when I kissed her, or when I slid deeply inside her. She moaned and gasped, her hips raising to meet each thrust, her hands on my sides, and then she cried out as she came again, hugging me tightly as her vaginal walls gripped me tighter yet. Since I'd only recently cum, I felt I'd be able to go for a while, at least for another five or six minutes before I suggested she be on top. Her movements were awkward as she sat astride me and lifted slightly while I guided my soaked erection back inside her. She moaned as I slid all the way up inside, and then I helped her achieve a rhythm. After that, she took over, figuring out what felt the best and implementing it. Her fingers rubbed my chest, and her smallish breasts bounced as she started moving more quickly, each down-thrust punctuated with a second of grinding before she lifted again. Soon, she was riding her way into another orgasm, her head thrown back, her hands reaching behind her to grip my thighs as she bounced almost frantically.

Once she slowed to a stop, she panted for breath a few seconds before asking, "You not finish?"

"It'll take a little while, since I finished so soon before," I cupped her breasts in my hands, my thumbs rubbing her nipples.

"I want you to finish," she pled, "Inside me, please."

"Okay," I had her lie back down, her knees drawn up to her chest, and I easily entered her once more.

I moved with a little more urgency, thrusting a bit harder and deeper, and she was already beginning to climax again, her body trembling as she clutched her legs and moaned loudly, her voice climbing an octave as it overtook her. I kept going, not sure if I could stop even if I wanted to, which I really didn't. I was getting close again, feeling like I'd explode inside her, surely in the next few thrusts.

"Inside you?" I had to make sure.

"Inside meeeee!" she cried out as yet another climax gripped her body, and I thrust as deep as I could once I could no longer contain it, and, spasm by spasm, I spilled my seed deep inside her.

There was no way I could move yet, so I remained where I was, buried completely inside her, her arms around me, her kisses on my cheek. Even when I found I could move again, I couldn't, because when I tried she stopped me.

"No, please no, stay," she murmured into my ear, making me shiver and let another weak spurt inside her, "Stay in me. I love how you feel inside."

After a bit longer, however, my erection wilted, and I slipped out whether I wanted to or not. Once I wasn't inside her, our comingled cum began to drip from her, and she had to wobble her way to the bathroom to clean herself up. I followed, mainly because I didn't want her to have to do that alone. It just seemed wrong.

After she'd finished cleaning herself, she insisted on cleaning me, and, if I weren't so spent, I would've gotten hard a third time. I took her hand and led her back to my bed, pulling her into my arms, and she willingly did so.

"I never enjoy that before," she mumbled against my chest, "With you I enjoy it... a lot..."

"You're supposed to enjoy it," I kissed the top of her head, "It's called making love."

"With you it feel like making love," she agreed, "Making a lot of love."

"We certainly did that."

"Then... this first time I make love. I'm happy it with you."

"Are you sure you're okay that I finished inside you?"

"I want you finish inside me. I want you always finish inside me."

I nodded.

A few minutes later, still basking in post-coital bliss, she whispered, "I wish I could stay with you for long time. I feel like... I am happy when I am with you."

"Then stay with me for a long time. I can take care of you, and you can take care of me. We can take care of each other."

"But I am still his wife. He would hurt me badly if he knew what we do."

"I don't care about him. I care about you, about making you happy. I'll help you figure out how to leave him, and I'll help you become a citizen so nobody can send you back."

"Why you do so much for me?" she looked up at me, "I have nothing give you."

"All you do is give and give," I replied, "I just want you to stay, and I promise I'll do everything I can to make your feel loved and cherished."

"I... I do feel loved and cherished... that's why I not want to leave. I not want to go back to husband."