Nobody Rides For Free Ch. 01


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"Well...I guess I could be orally pleasuring you until such a time as I get better. It's not the same as..."

"Baby...we'll both be orally pleasuring each other until you get better...this will never be a one way street. It's us against the world against the world."

"Hey...want to take a ride on my bike sweetie?"

"I don't you have 'rules'?"

"Yeah...I have a new one as a matter of fact...Gas...Grass or..."

"Ass...nobody rides for free...including me?"

"Including you."

"I like that rule. I'll hold you to that too Oz...I really will."

That day marked a change between us. We started sleeping together constantly. Riley was responsive to me as I was to her, and even though we couldn't have what I would call 'real' sex due to my condition, I would orally and also using fingers and some toys we had got, make sure that she had orgasms often.

A strange thing that happened was that I could get hard and she could suck me to orgasm. The only time I had 'issues' was when I tried to penetrate her pussy...for whatever reason, I just couldn't keep it hard. We talked that to death, and finally we just had to accept what was going on for what it was...hopefully a temporary 'issue'.

I learned more of how to please her with my tongue and fingers too. It had gotten to the point that I could get her off several times a session with just my tongue. I worked hard at figuring out different ways to please her orally, and each time I came up with something that pleased her, I was rewarded with out of the world blowjob's.

Each time we made love, that was what we were doing...making love. I could see it as making love. Riley had a way with sucking me that caused me to want to please her more every time...and now, since I had this problem, I worked double extra hard to please her too.

A few months later Charlie the rapist had been sentenced to ten to parole. His prior record plus the fact that he had almost killed me...going after Riley twice like he had got him hard time. Riley's testimony took him up the river, but Dog's drove home the pegs that locked him inside.

Dog had torn the defense attorney's questions all to hell when he didn't get nervous on the stand like the attorney tried to make him. Matter of fact, the attorney ended up being the one getting nervous. He had tried to intimidate a fool...and Dog barked at him...sort of. Then he finished up his statements with a dialogue that the defense couldn't get shut down...Eloquently putting it directly in the face of the jurors, he painted a picture of Charlie that was quite ugly.

After the trial, Dog, Riley and I took a long ride...overnight to a nearby park...then home the next was a fun and relaxing trip for all of us and much needed too. Riley and I had started seeing Dog's shrink...who turned out to be quite a doctor. I was still having the issues...and the only sex Riley and I were having was oral and masturbation.

During that time I discovered that part of my problems stemmed from the fact that I had tried and failed, in my mind, to protect my wife from danger. That coupled with the head injury had caused my performance problems. The doctor was very good at bringing that as well as some other issues that were between Riley and I out into the open and we were able to deal with them directly.

During this time, Riley had expressed an interest in a ride of her own. We had looked around at different bikes and she picked out what she liked and wanted on hers, and together we started building her ride. It acted to draw us even closer to each other. Working with her, laughing, teasing, and just being together, seemed to work wonders for us.

One day, after we had started building Riley's ride I was out in the garage cleaning up. As I stepped across those deep marks in the floor, where Charlie's bike had gouged the scars into our souls...I realized that I could get rid of them...I knew how. They had been bothering me for some time now. Every time I saw them I would remember that day. I finally figured out that I had to get them out of my mind. The flash of inspiration hit me like that proverbial ton of bricks.

I hopped on my bike and went to the hardware store, picked up a few things, then headed home. Riley came out to see what I was up to, and when she saw, she just rolled up her sleeves and started to help me. We chiseled up a large section of the floor, then mixed up the bags of cement real well. Pouring the new section in took a little bit.

Afterwards, as we screed the concrete down flat and smooth, we were both sweating, but enjoying our labors. In one corner, Riley drew a flower, then her initials, with mine next to them. I drew in a heart around them all, taking care to make it as perfect as I could. We then went in to the house and cleaned up.

A few days later I was out there working when Riley came out...We had her bike about ready to roll out...and she had been getting more and more impatient the closer we got to finishing it up. I started it up, and she straddled her bike, revving the engine a few times.

Suddenly she got a look in her eyes...I new that look...the look of lust...deep and needful. With a look that spoke volumes, she shut down her bike and walked to the door, her hips were popping left and right, sexy and teasingly. When she got to the door, she turned to me.

"So...I think that I could use the bedroom."

I saw a wet spot in the crotch of her cut-off's. My cock shot up hard as steel. Since that had never been an issue at this point of the game, I didn't think much about it. I did have a different feeling deep inside me though. A feeling of desire coupled with intense need.

"I'll be right there."

"Hurry baby. I need you."

It was how she said 'I need you' that caused a chill down my spine. For some reason this time was different. Far different.

She left and I cleaned my now shaking hands off quickly. I was looking forward to our oral delights. Walking into the house I saw a trail of top... and I was almost running at that point. I stumbled as my pants hit the stairs, struggling to not fall as I got naked too. Up the stairs and into our bedroom here I found her lying spread wide waiting for me.

"Baby...I need some loving..."

"I'm here for you...I'm here for you baby."

I stripped off my clothes and hopped between her legs. I was licking her thighs, warming up for the main feast when she suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me up.

"Put it in. Put it in me now."

I was unsure...a doubt shadowing her pleas...but I moved up and with a caution born of not having done this for several months...I placed the head of my cock at her very wet pussy lips. Kissing her, I waited for my cock to start to go soft...yet it didn't.

That chill I had felt coursed through my body again. Intense feelings were cascading over me. I seemed to be super horny right at that moment. I was shaking all over, and wondering if I was about to be let down by my body once again. Still, I kept hard. Rock hard.

Surprised more than a little bit, I pushed forward deeper...and waited some more. Still I stayed rock hard. Getting more and more surprised all the time, I pushed in farther...then farther. Soon I was fully inside my wife...for the first time in months I was inside her and hard as hell.

"Oh baby...yesss...I can feel you deep inside Goddamned good...oh yessss."

Her voice was cutting through the air and hit me all over my body. It seemed that the way she hissed 'yes' at me was having an effect on me that I had never really thought about before. It was like the very first time I had ever had sexual intercourse. The feeling was so intense I could almost taste it.

Her smell of need wafted through the air, as I held deep inside her marveling that I was hard as rock and deep inside my wife. The love of my life.

Smiling at me Riley put her hands on my face and kissed me hard. Her tongue was searching for mine and just as she found it, I started to move in and out. The feeling of my shaft plunging through her tight, hot and wet pussy was overheating my mind. I could feel that I was already about to cum...and I knew I could never hold it off now.

As I started to cum, Riley pulled her face back from mine.

"Yes...yessss...oh baby...yesssss...cum in me...I can feel you...your cock is so long...sooooo...good. Fuck me baby...fuck me. You can do are doing it...fuck me baby."

Even though I should have been embarrassed for cumming so quickly, even though I had shot off in seconds after starting, I was still immensely proud of myself. I had fucked my wife. I had fucked my wife...with a hard cock...MY hard cock.

I was grunting as I shot off deep inside my wife. The feeling was magnified due to my past failures suddenly being gone...that knowledge that I had made it this far was driving me to keep on going. Matter of fact, I never went all. We ended up fucking the day away. I came four times throughout the day...and after each time, before I could even think about going soft, Riley worked me up hard as steel again.

It was amazing. The doctor had told us something like this could happen...suddenly. We had been trying several times a week ever since we started going to the hopes that it would pass. We hadn't given up, and Riley had made sure that when I couldn't perform for her that way, she'd make sure we both got relief orally...with patience and love. appeared that the long drought was over with. I was fully functioning again...and we both wanted to make up for lost time. Matter of fact, later that week I collapsed on top of her after the umpteenth time.

"'re fucking me to death we need to back off a little bit. Just a tad. I don't want to wear myself out too much here."

"To death? Oh baby...wouldn't that be the way to go though? Die in each other's arms...fucking ourselves there? I love you baby...I really do. I told you that you'd get better too...remember? Remember Oz?"

"I remember. Say...maybe I could get Dog over here to help out..."

She hit me with the pillow and attacked me again for the fifth time that day.

" are all the man I need or want. Dog will just have to find his own pussy somewhere else. I'm taken. Besides...with your hard-on's always up and ready to go...I don't need anyone else. You're stuck with me sweetie...forever."

"Stuck in you maybe..."

I got hit several more times with the pillow. During that fight I managed to roll over to one side, and Riley got up on top of me. As she smiled at me, laughing as I tried to protect myself from the pillow wielding tornado that was attacking me, my hard cock found it's home inside her wet pussy. As soon as I bottomed out in her, she calmed down and laid down on top of me, her nipples driving into my chest.

"I love you Austin...I love you so much."

"I love you too that a pickle in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"

"Your pickle is in my pocket all right...and I'm loving it there. It fits perfectly. Absolutely perfectly."

"It seems to like it there doesn't it?"

"Shut up and fuck me Oz. Just fuck me."

I try to please...always. We had come a long way from that terrible day. A long way. So far in fact, that we could joke about my horrid idea, and all that went with it. Looking back I realized that we had been two of the luckiest people on earth. To have such a good friend as Dog...and to have each other.

Later that summer, Riley's little sister came to visit us. I say's only age and only a few years too. Her little sister, Marie, was one hot number. Her build was just like Riley's, and she had an attitude...kind of rough around the edges. She had broken up with her long time boyfriend a few months back and wanted a change.

A change is what she got. Dog came over for a visit, and we barbecued some steaks. By the end of the afternoon, Marie and Dog were talking like we didn't exist. To say they hit it off was an understatement. By the end of the week, Dog was almost living with us. When he wasn't there, neither was Marie. They became like glue to each other...always together.

By the end of the summer, they were talking getting married, and Marie had moved in with him. Riley's parents were a bit upset that Marie was living with some biker...yet...they were happy after having met Dog and realizing what a great guy he really was underneath those tattoos and clothes. Of course, Riley and I had gone out of our way to make sure her parents understood that Dog was a great guy too.

I was Dogs Best Man at their wedding, while Riley was the Maid of Honor. (There was no way anybody could call Riley a 'Matron of Honor) Afterwards, while Dog and I were alone for a bit...he started to talk to me as if he had something important to tell me. It was.

"Man...I only hope that I can be half the man you are Oz."

Surprised I just stared at mouth was open I was so stunned to hear that from him.

"I...I'm not sure what you mean Dog. You are more than half the man I am...hell, you're twice the man I am."

"That's not what I mean. Size and attitude get you so far in being a man...but heart...that is what makes the difference. You have the heart of a man. A real man. You would have given up quite a bit to keep Riley happy, you almost gave up your life to keep her safe...and you would have gone all that way to do that too. That, is all heart man. I hope that I can be half the man you are and I mean that Oz. I admire you. You are my best friend, and you really are the Best Man."

"Hey...don't forget that you have lots of heart too dude. You backed off from having Riley when you had an open path to her...You also were able to stop that...jerk from hurting her worse...I couldn' did. You have heart too man...lots of it. As much as I have."

"Maybe. Deep down I wanted to grab her and run right then."

"But you didn't. You remained a true friend to both of us. You were...honorable."

"I only hope that I can be half the man with Marie that you are with Riley. I mean...everyone knows how much in love you two are...and how much you have both been through. I hope I can live up to life the way you do Oz. Maybe you can help me with tips and stuff too."

"No maybes about it. You and Marie have a great thing going on will be wonderful for her...and I think she will be the same for you too. I don't think you will need any tips from me. You have it deep inside your heart Dog...I know that for certain. Now we are the two most lucky men in the universe...don't you think?"

"I don't think it Oz...I know it."

Together we fired up our rides and headed out to the reception. The four of us made quite a sight I'm sure...four rides, roaring around...two men in Tuxes driving their rides, and two women, one in a wedding dress and the other in a Bride's Maid dress...driving theirs. Yep...four lucky people. Four very lucky, very much in love, people.

Yep...I still hold to Dog's rule too. Once in a while Riley will leave her ride at home and hop on mine. We have discovered a few ways lets just say that my ride has seen quite a bit of sex...and we know lots of ways to use it too. Those vibes still get to Riley, and she has warned me that I am never, ever, under any circumstances to give any other woman a ride on it either. As if I would want to. Having Riley in my life is everything and I'll never ever take a chance on messing that up...again.

Lately Riley has been talking about wanting a kid...or three. I want that too, so we have been...working to those ends. She is nothing if not a hard worker...and in this endeavor she is brutally hard. Of course, I work as hard as she does too. I figure she should be pregnant soon with all the hard work going into...her.

Time to time I look back at my life and see a path that has not been easy, nor always fun. Still, I don't think I'd change much of anything. Well, except maybe that one day...that I would if I could. We managed to get over that nightmare though, and today we are more in love and more happy than we have ever been.

Oops, I hear my ride firing up. Riley went out to warm it up. We're going to try one more time tonight for a baby. We're not going out of the garage mind you...but as I said earlier, we know lots of ways to have sex on my ride. Something about those vibrations...oh, and my rule...'Nobody Rides For Free'. I'm just glad that Riley pays me with her ass.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Even though the bikes aren't my thing... to each his own.

Enjoyable read 4/5

TexMan1970TexMan19702 months ago

Love this story! Well written and a great read. Really enjoyed. Would have really liked an ending talking about their pregnancy! Keep up the great storytelling.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

OK so the dipsticks below screen CUCK and OZ cannot get it up. Sometimes I think they just fell in love with the word, Also most of them have the word spelled wrong as in COCK envy. Story held interest and was well told...4/5

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit9 months ago

Sorry, but this sad and sorry, heavily-over-engineered, painfully-constructed, excruciatingly extruded, repetitively regurgitated "tale-of-the-totally-predictable", was so deeply embedded with omission and evasion that the blindingly obvious & blatantly ignored basic step of THERAPY was totally absent right from the very start!

Professionally addressed RAPE cases throughout the Western World have always included at least SOME aspect of counselling for at least the last half century, and certainly in the trauma section of a psyche ward! -Duh!

In just what PRIMITIVE part of the unknown universe was this Dickensian (with a capital Dick) megga melodrama set? Bang Cock, I guess!

What a SILLY sad-and-sorry tale, and soooh "Painfully-Predictable" that it was "off-the-page" in the World's most Sick-Making rankings, a truly exceptional contender for "The Golden Vomit Bowl" award of 2023!

Especially sad as we know this Author to be capable of so much better, when conscious.

Get well soon!

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon12 months ago

Now I know what his name means...Curious2CUCK. Makes sense now.

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