No Expectations


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Behind the couch were the two bedrooms, taking up the rear quarter of the camp. Dad had not constructed a ceiling in the camp. He had just left the roof beams exposed. Above them was the pitched roof. Because of this design the bedrooms were more like dressing rooms in clothing stores. They had eight foot walls, but no ceilings. Each bedroom had a window of about two feet square, covered by a sheer white curtain. The front bedroom belonged to Mom and Dad when we stayed there because it had a bigger bed. Us kids seldom argued over who would get the second bedroom, which had two folding cots. We could sleep in beds the rest of the year. At the camp we wanted to use our sleeping bags, or sleep in the small beige canvas tent that Dad had bought Justin for his fifteenth birthday.

On the opposite side of the camp, facing the bedrooms and couch, were a wood stove and a propane stove that Dad had bought a few years before he died. This half of the camp was covered with old blue linoleum. The floral pattern was worn off in places from years of walking on it and the edges were cracked, but it served it's purpose well.

"I'm going to bring those other boxes in," I said.

Lori walked out on the verandah ahead of me and brought our bags with clothes inside the camp. She dropped them on the couch, then went back for the cooler. She put it down on the floor in front of the counter.

"Man, you brought enough stuff," she said, turning towards me.

"I guess," I said with a shrug. "But I'd rather bring too much than too little. We can always bring some back home. Besides, it's not all food." I shot her a wide grin and lifted the top from the cooler and pointed to two dozen cans of beer.

My sister folded her arms and grinned. "Always prepared, huh, Dave?"

"That's me," I said.

"I'm going to go out to the well for some water to prime the pump," I said.

I got a pail with a length of rope tied to it's handle from under the sink. By the time I returned and got the pump working Lori was sitting on the couch, flipping through a copy of Newsweek. A young Jimmy Carter was on the cover, so I knew the magazine had been there a while. Her feet were up on the makeshift coffee table and she looked as content as a cat sleeping on a windowsill.

"So now what?" she asked, looking up from the magazine.

"We relax," I said with a wide smile. "Are you hungry?"

My sister gave her head a shake. "No, not yet," she replied.

I sat down on the couch beside Lori and looked around the camp, feeling waves of nostalgia wash over me. The dark wood paneling on the walls was adorned with posters and family photographs from over the years. It was things like that that made me want to come back one last time to retrieve belongings. As I scanned the room I felt Lori's hand come to gently rest on my right shoulder. Then her chin on my other one.

"Lots of memories, huh..." she said, almost sighing. Her warm breath bathed my neck. She sounded as melancholy as I was.

"Yeah," I said. I could feel her firm breasts pressing on my back and I began getting hard. It was this reaction to her that made me uneasy about spending the next four days alone with her.

"At least they're all happy memories," she said, giving my back a rub. "We can be grateful for that much. Not all kids have happy childhoods."

I glanced back at Lori and nodded. I must have looked as sad as I felt because she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. "Cheer up, Dave," she said and gave my cheek a loud, smacking kiss. "Where's that radio you promised anyway? I want to hear some music."

"Hand me my bag," I said, reaching out with my left hand.

Lori pushed my duffel bag along the carpet towards me. I unzipped it and dug through clothes and pulled out the wind-up radio and a flashlight that recharges when you shake it. I placed both on the table in front of us.

"Do these things really work?" my sister asked skeptically. She gave the radio handle a crank, then turned it on. When static came through the speaker of the radio she seemed encouraged. After turning the dial for a little while she found a station she liked. They were playing a Bon Jovi song, and I hoped their selection of music improved soon. "Hey, this is cool!" she exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at the radio as she put it on the table.

"Ain't technology great?" I said.

The sun was climbing in the sky. I could see it shimmering on the lake as I looked out the window. A narrow path that was about fifty yards or so long lead down to the lake. On either side of that beech, spruce and white birch trees grew, providing a buffer when the wind came in off the lake. I looked at my watch. It was just past noon and already it was hot.

"How about going for a swim?" Lori suggested.

I hesitated, feeling nervous as I recalled her mentioning her bikini days ago. But I knew I could not avoid this for five days. "Uh, sure," I said.

Lori jumped up, clutching her bag. "Which bedroom do you want?" she asked.

"It doesn't matter," I told her. "You can have Mom's and Dad's; it's got a bigger bed."

Lori chuckled. "Thanks, but I'll be sleeping alone," she said.

I went in the other bedroom carrying my duffel bag and began getting undressed. The only swim trunks I had brought were cutoffs I had made from an old pair of jeans, but they would do just fine. I could hear sounds coming from the neighbouring bedroom as Lori changed. My cock stiffened as I thought about her on the other side of the wall getting undressed. I zipped my cut-offs up and looked down at myself, noticing how my erection was bulging the front of them slightly. I drew in a few deep breaths and focused my mind on other things until my cock began to soften.

Once I had changed I stepped out of the bedroom, wearing my cutoffs and a pair of sandals. Lori had not seen me this close to naked in years and I felt quite nervous, knowing it would be practically impossible for me to not to get hard around her. My nervousness increased when she walked out of the bedroom. She was wearing the very same turquoise bikini that she had worn the last time we were up there years ago. I turned towards her and my heart began to race. Her arms were crossed over her chest and the strings of her bikini top hung limp at her sides.

"Could you help me with this top?" she asked with a bashful smile. "I can't get it tied in the back."

My sister turned around and I walked over to her. She relaxed her arms and I could see the side of her left breast peeking out from the turquoise triangle of cloth covering most of it. My cock was hard again and I think my fingers began to tremble as I fumbled with the strings of her bikini top.

"Tie it tight so it doesn't come undone," she said and turned her head to give me a playful smile. "Remember how Justin was always trying to undo it when we were swimming?"

"Yeah," I said. I could feel my sister's soft warm skin on my fingers as I tied her top in a tight bow. "I think one time he actually got it undone," I replied, recalling the incident.

Lori turned around, tugging her top up higher. Her breasts grew rounder and fuller as she adjusted the tiny triangular pieces of cloth covering them. Less than two inches below the upper edges of the bikini top her nipples were poking out at the turquoise material. They were firm and thick. She looked down at herself, then locked her eyes on mine.

"Yeah... he got my top undone more than once actually," she said, seeming amused by the memory. "I could never understand why he did that to me and not Michelle, since her tits are bigger than mine."

I let out a laugh. "Because after the first time he did it to her she teased him about having a boner and Dad heard her."

Lori laughed and her breasts shook. Then she grew quiet and disappeared back into the bedroom for a moment. She returned holding two large terrycloth towels.

"I found these in the cabinet in there," she said, handing me a peach-coloured towel.

"Thanks," I said. I let the towel hang down in front of me, covering my crotch.

"Well, let's go," she said.

I followed my sister down the path towards the lake. Her bare feet padded lightly over the pebbles and twigs that were scattered over the path. I noticed the muscles of her calves and thighs as she walked and how her hips swayed. Her ass was round and firm. I thought that it looked a little bigger and that her hips seemed curvier since I had last seen her in the bikini. If so, it definitely made her look sexier. I was in a hurry to get in to the water, hoping it would quell my erection, or at least conceal it.

Once Lori reached the edge of the lake she ran in the water up to her waist, then dove in. She swam out a ways, then began to tread water. "Hurry up!" she called out. "It's beautiful!"

I too was eager to get in the water, but for a different reason. I ran through it, making it splash up around my legs. Then once it was at chest height I began swimming. Lori was right, the water did feel great. It was refreshing and almost immediately I forgot about my erection or my concerns that my sister would notice it.

It had been years since I had been swimming and it wasn't long before I began to grow tired. Fearing I might get a cramp in my leg I swam for shore. I heard my sister calling to me as I waded out of the water. I turned to her.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," I said. "I'm just sore from sitting in the car all morning."

I spread my towel out on a little bank about thirty feet from the lake and sat down. I watched my sister swimming for a while, then my eyes shifted to the left. It was then that I could no longer force from my mind what had happened years ago, just a stone's throw from where I sat.

To my left was what us kids had always called 'the frog pond'. A small stream ran into the pond and every spring you could hear peepers at night. In the summer Justin and I used to catch frogs there to try to scare our sisters or mother with them. The summer I was twenty-one I was bored and wandering through the woods one afternoon. As I followed the stream down towards the pond I saw someone through the alders and limbs of a spruce tree. My heart began to race when I realized it was my older sister, Michelle. I stepped closer, hoping to get a better look at her.

Michelle was wearing a red bikini and lying on her stomach. A large towel was spread out beneath her on the ground. She was resting on her elbows as she flipped through a magazine, probably Cosmopolitan. Beside her on the towel was her Walkman. The earphones covered her ears, which is why she hadn't heard me approaching. I squinted, trying to see better as my cock stiffened even more. I had been swimming earlier and was just wearing cut-offs without underwear. The sensitive head of my swelling cock rubbed over the denim and I winced a little.

Then I saw Michelle lick her finger and flip a page of the magazine. Her bikini top was untied and I could see the side of her left breast, almost right down to the nipple. It was big and round. It jiggled a bit and I held my breath as I watched, hoping she would sit up and give me a clear view of her heavy, round breasts hanging beneath her.

My erection was becoming uncomfortable so I unbuttoned my cut-offs and pulled the zipper down. I slid my hand inside and began to rub my shaft and balls as I ran my eyes down over my oldest sister's round ass to her long, tanned legs. I was weighing the risks of taking my cock out so I could stroke it properly when I heard a twig snap behind be. I whipped around, terrified. My hand was still inside my cut-offs, wrapped around my hard cock.

Lori was standing there, her tanned skin glistening with suntan oil. She was wearing her turquoise bikini and looking as nervous as I felt. Almost instantly she pressed two fingers to her lips to keep me silent. She smiled as she stepped closer, staring at the front of my open cut-offs.

Lori's hand glided up my bare chest to my left shoulder. She leaned closer and I thought she was going to kiss me. Then she stopped, still peering over my shoulder, and her inviting lips turned into a broad smile. "So you were looking at her," she whispered in surprise. She was so close that I could feel her breath on my cheek.

I gave her a guilty nod as I eased my hand from my shriveling erection.

Lori leaned closer to me so she could get a better look at our sister. Her breasts rubbed over my chest and one of her thighs brushed against mine. Her skin felt so soft and warm. My cock was hard again in an instant. Lori's thigh rubbed over my shaft briefly, making it swell even more. I lowered my eyes to Lori's chest and saw that her nipples were very hard now. Even her areolas seemed to be pushing out from her bikini top. My mouth opened a bit as I stared at them, just inches from my wet lips. When her thigh pressed against my hard shaft again her wide eyes met mine. She smiled. No girl had ever smiled at me like that -- certainly not my sister.

"Where you rubbing it?" she asked in a hushed, thick voice.

I gulped, choking on words and nodded as my jaw tightened.

My sister looked down at my erection again. It was thicker and longer now. Tufts of curly dark hair stuck out from my open cut-offs. Below that, a bit of my hard shaft was showing. Lori's hand ran down my chest, stopping at my left hip, just inside my cut-offs. "What if I did it for you?" she asked in a breathy voice. Her eyes glimmered and her cheeks were pinker now.

"We better not." I forced the words out in one breath.

"Why not?" she asked, sounding more puzzled than obstinate.

"Because you're my sister," I said, looking down at her breasts again and wishing I could touch them.

"Oh... but that just means you can't put it in me," she asserted. " All I want to do is rub it and watch you shoot."

Lori's contorted reasoning was beginning to make sense to me. Or maybe all the blood rushing to my cock had impaired my thinking. Either way, I felt myself nod my head. "Okay," I said in a throaty voice, then waited a moment. "Under one condition," I added.

Lori was already reaching down towards my shaft. She froze, looking curious and wary. "What?" she asked as her eyes narrowed.

"If you let me touch your tits while you do it."

My sister considered my request, then frowned. "They're not that big," she said. It was her turn to be bashful.

"You're joking, right?" I said. "I think they're nice."

Lori's face brightened and she raised her chin. "Really?" she asked.

"Yeah... really nice," I insisted.

"Thanks," she said. "I wish they were big like Michelle's."

I had all but forgotten about our older sister, lying nearly topless just yards away. I took a quick glance over my shoulder. Michelle was lying on her back now, her breasts covered by her bikini top, but just barely.

"Do you want to watch her while I do it to you?" Lori asked.

"No," I said, giving my head a brusk shake as I turned back to her. "I want to see you, Lori."

Lori inhaled sharply and beamed a smile at me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and leaned in to me. She pressed herself to my chest and kissed my cheek. I could feel the curve of her stomach press against me where my cut-offs were open. "You're sweet," she gushed, looking into my eyes.

"Thanks... you're sexy," I told her.

My sister took a step back and hooked her fingers in her bikini top. She peeled it away from her breasts. They jiggled a little as they fell loose. Her pink nipples were almost as thick as my fingertip and her quarter-sized areolas were swollen too. I stared at her conical breasts, feeling lightheaded. When Lori tugged my cut-offs down to free my cock I heard her let out a faint cry of surprise.

"You've got a nice one, Dave," she said. Her mouth was agape as she stared wide-eyed at my shaft pointing up towards her chest.

I was about to say something when I felt her curl her fingers around my cock. She squeezed gently and began to stroke it. I put my hands on her bare shoulders to steady myself, then glided them down to her breasts. They were firm and I was surprised to discover that I couldn't fit them all in my hands. I rubbed and kneaded them then pinched her nipples.

"Mmmm... I like that," my sister moaned.

Lori was stroking my cock faster now and gripping it tighter. My hands were pushing up on her breasts so they were firm orbs with hard pink caps. It wasn't very long, less than a few minutes, before I felt my orgasm build to a climax. I squeezed my sister's breasts harder and moaned. My body tensed and I froze for a few seconds while I sprayed her stomach and thighs with streams of thick cum. It slowly ran down over her soft skin.

I heard Lori let out a delighted giggle as I came. She kept stroking me, coaxing as much jism from me as she could. Once I began to soften she let go of my shaft. It was still somewhat hard and pointing towards the triangle of cloth between her soft thighs. I quickly stuffed my cock back in my cut-offs and zipped them up. Lori watched, looking disappointed. Then without a word, I hurried off into the woods.

That had been the most wonderful and erotic experience of my life, but it left me feeling guilty and confused. Lori sensed this and never once mentioned it, or even hinted at it. For the rest of our stay at the camp and for months to follow I avoided her as much as possible and spoke little to her. Soon I realized that my reaction to my guilt was hurting her. I'm sure she felt as though she was being punished for what had happened. I wanted to say something -- to try to reassure her. But whenever I came close to doing that, I panicked.

I stared at the pond as I recalled what my sister and I had done there almost two years previously. Maybe during this last trip to the camp was the right time for me to try to repair the damage I had done to my relationship with Lori, I thought to myself. My mind was reeling with a multitude of thoughts and memories when I heard her coming out of the water. I looked up at her. Water ran down her body in beads that looked like diamonds. Her wet hair clung to her skin. So did her bikini. It was like a second skin. I could clearly see the outlines of her breasts with their tick nipples and the soft mound between her thighs. I pulled my knees up towards my chest to hide my erection.

Lori picked up her towel and wiped her face and rubbed her hair with it. Her breasts quivered and I stared at them. When she was finished she folded the towel in a square and sat down beside me. "You looked depressed," she said.

"No, I'm fine," I told her.

"Well, it sure looked like you had something serious on your mind." She turned towards me, looking concerned.

"Just reminiscing," I told her.

Lori looked over towards the pond and an odd expression crept over her face. "Good memories, I hope," she drawled.

I looked up from my feet and smiled at her. "Yeah... great ones," I said.

Lori's thigh brushed against mine. Her damp skin was silky. I shifted my eyes to her, thinking how wonderful it would be to run my hands up the insides of her thighs to her mound. Her bikini bottom clung to her and I could see a hint of the cleft between her petals.

"Do those memories have anything to do with a girl wearing a turquoise bikini?" she asked in a lilting voice. Her eyes flickered as they locked on mine.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Is that the same bikini?" I asked, running my eyes over her.

My sister nodded. "It doesn't fit me as well as it used to," she said. "I've filled out a little."

"More than a little," I said as my eyes roamed to her breasts. "And I think it fits you better than ever," I retorted.

Lori giggled and pressed her shoulder to mine. She said nothing for almost a minute, but it was obvious that she was thinking. She was staring at the ground and tugging at blades of grass and tossing them aside nervously. Then she turned her head towards me. "Dave, are you still mad at me for... for what I did that time by the pond?" She sucked on her bottom lip while she waited for me to reply.