Niki Gets Naughty Ch. 02


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Even when he was with Niki – inside Niki – the exotic brunette continued to consume his thoughts. Lately when they made love, Jake would find himself flicking off the bedroom lights, so he could imagine it was Krista in his arms. Whenever he fucked Niki from behind, he would muffle her cries with his hand so she would sound less distinct. He still loved Niki – but he lusted after his co-worker. Sooner or later, things were going to come to a head. And when it did, somebody was going to get hurt...

"Mmmm... are you okay baby? You seem... restless." The sound of Niki's soft voice cut through the darkness. He felt her smooth body shift against his skin as she turned around to face him, her hand reaching out to caress his cheek.

"Niki. I thought you were asleep." He could see her eyes glittering in the darkness. They looked so innocent. So trusting. "I'm fine sweetheart. I was just thinking about how beautiful you are." It was only half a lie.


The next couple of weeks became intolerably busy for Niki. She had been hired by an upscale hotel chain as the new face for their brochure, which involved traveling to several of their properties for a series of lifestyle shots. The work itself had been quite relaxing (she had spend most of it lounging around in a bathrobe), but the traveling was an absolute nightmare.

She was glad to finally be back home, having a weekend off to spend with Jake. Tonight was the first Friday night they had spent together in nearly a month. After thoroughly reacquainting themselves with each other's bodies, they had decided to head to The Lantern for a bit of drinking and dancing. The Lantern was a very special place for Jake and Niki; it was where their relationship had first crossed the line from innocent to deliciously forbidden. Niki could still recall every lurid detail of their tryst in the storage room as if it was only yesterday. To think how much her life had changed since that unforgettable encounter!

Tonight, the main function room had been converted into a nightclub that was open to the public, complete with a slightly renowned DJ who'd already discovered his fifteen seconds of fame. A night of carefree partying was exactly what Niki needed, and Jake was more than willing to oblige. The beautiful blonde ground her nubile body against her boyfriend's manly torso as they danced and kissed beneath the flickering strobe lights. Her lips slid sensually over Jake's; gnawing and nibbling between deep, explorative licks. She could feel his big hands on her skirt-clad ass; squeezing... caressing... fondling. She broke the kiss and groaned as he rolled his hips into hers; causing the bulge in his pants to thrust against her lace clad sex beneath the skirt. She quickly regained her breath and drew him in for another kiss.

For the past hour, the two red-hot lovers had been engaged in sweaty foreplay on the dance floor as oblivious couples grinded to the beat all around them. Adrift in an ocean of flailing limbs, they continued rubbing their aroused bodies together in tempo to the music's pounding beat. As she snaked her arms around Jake's thick neck and suckled on his lower lip, she could feel her pussy buzzing like crazy. Her mind returned to earlier that night, when he had fucked her in the shower. They had kept at it until the water turned cold, before heading back into the bedroom to finish what they had started. By the end, she had been so hot and sticky that she needed another shower!

The arousing memory caused the Niki to moan deeply into Jake's mouth. The big fitness instructor grinned and nibbled on her sweet tasting tongue. He couldn't wait to get her home so he could slide his fat cock deep inside that tight little pussy of hers. There was no way she'd be getting much sleep tonight - and neither would the neighbors, he thought with a smirk.

Giving him a few soft kisses, Niki leaned back and stared deeply into his eyes with her arms still slung around his neck. Their groins were still firmly pressed together and undulating to the music.

"...God, I am so horny Jake! Did you want to go home and fuck me?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth baby." She giggled softly and kissed him again. "Okay! Just let me use the ladies room."

While Jake headed to the bar for one last drink, Niki made her way into the toilets on slightly wobbly legs. Her pussy was absolutely soaked! The tiny lacy black thong she wore did little to soak up her wetness. The sooner I peel this off, the better, she thought. After relieving herself in the bathroom, Niki paused to touch up her makeup and then headed back into the club's kaleidoscopic, strobing glare. It wasn't hard to spot Jake near the crowded bar; his imposing physique was pretty hard to overlook.

As she began to approach her lover, Niki realized he was engaged in a conversation with a woman she didn't know. Even from a distance, it was obvious that the brunette had a very attractive figure – and she was showing off quite a lot of it. Niki felt her blood begin to boil as the mystery woman leaned over and caressed Jake's muscular arm. It looked like she was laughing at something he had said. As if alerted by some sixth sense, Jake turned around and snaked an arm around Niki's waist the moment she reached his side.

"Hey, honey. This is Kendra, the new employee I've been telling you about. Kendra, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Niki."

Niki forced a sweet smile as the scantily-clad yoga instructor appraised her with those emerald green eyes. She had to admit, the woman wasn't just attractive: she was hypnotically beautiful. She also looked to be barely out of her teens, which made Niki feel absurdly ancient. The two women continued to eye each other like cats in a strange alley. For some reason, Kendra's close proximity to Jake left Niki feeling threatened. Just as things were beginning to get awkward, Kendra finally broke the ice with a warm greeting.

"Hi Niki, it's a pleasure to meet you! Jake's told me so much about you," the curvy brunette said as she reached out with her manicured hand and gently squeezed Niki's arm. The brief contact went some way to allaying Niki's fears. 'The girl's just touchy-feely', she told herself. But deep down, in the back of her mind, she knew better. There was a world of difference between a friendly squeeze and an intimate caress – the way she touched Jake's arm had been the latter. Suddenly, she wanted to get as far away from this scheming temptress as quickly as possible. Kendra wanted her man, and Niki knew it.

"Uh, listen, I really hate to cut this short, but Jake and I were just about to head out the door. I'm not feeling too well; too many margaritas I think." She fluttered her hand as if fanning her face and gave a weak smile.

"...Really? You seemed pretty sprightly on the dance floor." Niki felt her cheeks begin to blush as Kendra flashed her a knowing smirk. She wondered how long the woman had been watching them. She glanced at Jake, who was staring casually across the bar. It was obvious he sensed the animosity in the air and was trying not to get involved.

"Yes, well, you know how it is with alcohol, it comes on all of a sudden sometimes. Anyway, it was nice meeting you Kendra. Maybe we can all go out for drinks some time?" Without waiting for a reply, Niki wrapped her arm around Jake's and pulled him firmly towards the club's exits. She felt furious, embarrassed and humiliated all at the same time. What had got into her? She was acting like a possessive sixteen year old!

As they slipped into the cool night air, Jake peered down at Niki and raised a quizzical eyebrow. Mercifully, he didn't ask her for an explanation. She didn't have one to give.


That night, Niki and Jake made love to one another after returning from The Lantern. As always, the sex had been hot, prolonged and passionate... yet somehow, something was different. Even though Jake had touched her in all the right places (and given her more toe-curling orgasms than she could count), the deep, soulful connection Niki usually felt was missing. Instead of staring deeply into her eyes like he usually did, Jake's gaze had been distant and unfocused, as if he was in a faraway place. It was the kind of look she imagined she used to give Eric when they made love. Is he thinking of that Kendra girl? The thought had disquieted her.

Pushing her insecurities aside, the beautiful blonde had redoubled her efforts to please him; using every trick her exquisitely sculptured body and mouth knew. But the louder Jake's moans grew; the dreamier and further away his eyes became. She felt like she was making love to a mindless, well-oiled machine. Eventually, she had stopped trying to reach him and instead concentrated on her own pleasure.

Two can play at that game, she thought to herself as she pushed down on his sweaty shoulders and glided her pussy up and down his big, long prick. Closing her eyes, she began to daydream about a certain police officer with a charming lopsided grin...

"Oh yes! Uhhhh, oh, God, that feels so amazing!" Her breasts molded against Jake's broad chest as she leaned down and kissed him forcefully. As his tongue slid eagerly into her mouth, she imagined it was Ryan's. "Mmmmph!" When she felt Jake's muscular arms wrap around her naked body, she climaxed almost immediately. The explosive orgasm thrummed through her entire pussy and snapped along her spine like a whip, causing her to arch her back in ecstasy. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from crying Ryan's name.

She sheer violence of her orgasm brought Jake back to the present. For the time being Kendra was forgotten and it was all about Niki.

Grasping her narrow waist, he rolled her over onto her back and began to pound her extra hard and roughly. Niki squealed with delight and clawed at his big back; but her eyes were tightly shut and refused to open. Now it was Jake's turn to wonder where his lover's mind was...


If there was one thing that Niki didn't like, it was being stood up. Lately Jake had been making a habit of breaking their dates and also coming home late. He was even getting to the point where he wouldn't even bother to call to let her know that he was going to be home late. He'd always have some sort of half-assed excuse to feed her. If she wasn't so in love with the guy, she never would have put up with the roller-coaster ride their relationship had become over the past couple of months.

In the beginning, when they'd first met, he'd catered to her every whim. Now there were times where she felt as if he were just tolerating her. He seemed increasingly distracted as if she wasn't as important to him as something – or someone – else.

She had confronted him about his thoughtlessness, he had apologized and told her that he was having a bad time, that business wasn't going so great and he needed to spend more time working and occasionally going out on business dinners.

She accepted his explanation as fact but there was something bothering her. Something just didn't seem right, but she kept it to herself. She was really worried about Jake and Kendra. She was sitting alone at the kitchen table, polishing off a bottle of her favorite chardonnay while watching the special dinner she'd prepared for him growing cold under the soft glow of candle light. He hadn't even bothered to call...again.

Men! Damn them all.


Two days later Jake stood Niki up for a lunch date. She was furious. She also didn't particularly feel like being alone. She tried a couple of girlfriends but they were all busy.

It had been almost two months since she'd met the sexy cop on the airplane. Niki and Ryan had developed somewhat of a friendship in that time. She realized that there was an underlying attraction between the two of them, but neither one had acted on it. She liked Ryan's company, he put her at ease. She felt like she could be herself around him, she didn't have to impress him and he was always the perfect gentleman toward her.

But that attraction was there, none-the-less. She didn't have a clue as to why she couldn't get the sexy cop out of her mind. It wasn't as if she were looking for a man, she had Jake for God's sake.

She dialed Ryan's number but didn't hit send.

What was she doing?

It was just lunch she told herself, nothing more. She pressed the green button and waited with nervous anticipation for him to answer. This is ridiculous! I'm acting like a teenager with her first real crush.

"Lieutenant Allen," she heard on the other end of the phone.

"Ryan? It's Niki," he heard, bringing a smile to his face.

"Niki. How're you doing?" he asked, her beautiful face came up in his mind's eye, like a color slide projected on a screen.

"I'm fine. Are you busy? Would you like to get a bite to eat with me?" she asked, hopefully.

"That's the best offer I've had all week, I really I wish I could," Ryan answered, leaning back in his swivel chair. "I'd like nothing more, but I'm in the middle of a big case right now. Things are starting to break. There's no way I could slip away today. Sorry."

"Oh. That's okay," disappointment heavy in her voice.

"I would like to have lunch with you though. Maybe next week?"

"Sure. That would be nice," she replied. "I'll see you sometime next week."

"Bye Niki," he said, placing the receiver down. Ryan stood up and paced his office. He paused in the middle of the room, rubbed the back of his neck and stretched his shoulders.


He would have loved to have had lunch with her. She was really getting under his skin – in a good way. Other women paled in comparison to Niki. He loved the deep throaty sound of her laughter, and the way her eyes rounded when she said something she hadn't intended.

At her end, Niki smiled to herself, picturing his crooked smile and dark eyes while hearing that laugh of his. She loved his laugh. It put her at ease, made her feel comfortable. It was a laugh that had infiltrated her dreams.


"What's up, Al?"

Ryan Allen looked up and saw Sergeant Trish Langley walking toward him.

"Oh, this fucking case, it's getting on top of me," he said.

"Not good," she answered.

"It's not the case itself, we've pretty much got this bastard, it's the time that it's consuming," he smiled. "I just had a great invitation from a beautiful woman to go to lunch and I had to put her off. I really like her. She's smart, pretty, very sexy and I had to tell her no."

"Is that the model you met in New York? Doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, some personal trainer who owns his own gym."

"Which gym?" genuine interest in her voice.

"The big one down in the trendy, red-brick district."

"Oooo. Jake Smith. Not good for you," Trish told him.

"You know him?" he inquired, with a theatrically raised eyebrow.

"That's where I work out, and yeah, I know him. He is really, really good-looking," Trish said. "Big muscles, good shoulders, nice tan, and the nicest blue eyes. Women get very excited when he's around. Did I say excited? I meant aroused."

"Great. Thanks a lot. Go ahead, tarnish my dream."

"Honey, Jake's the dream, if she's hooked up with him you may be setting yourself up for a hard fall."

"You're fucking with me," he said.

"Maybe a little," she smiled.

He sat down in his swivel chair and leaned back: "Why do women always give me shit?"

"Basically, because you're there," she said.

At that moment a detective named Bill Sherwin entered the room.

"Hey Al...Trish...wanna here a good one?"

Sherwin was known for telling bad jokes.

"Oh, man. Okay. Why not?" Ryan said.

"This woman went to her doctor for advice. She told him that her husband had developed a penchant for anal sex, and she was not sure that it was such a good idea. 'Do you enjoy it?' The doctor asked. 'Actually, yes, I do.' 'Does it hurt you?' he asked. 'No. I rather like it.' 'Well, then,' the doctor continued, 'there's no reason that you shouldn't practice anal sex, if that's what you like, so long as you take care not to get pregnant.' The woman was mystified. 'What? You can get pregnant from anal sex?' 'Of course,' the doctor replied. 'Where do you think lawyers come from?" Sherwin finished.

"Get the fuck out of here, Bill," Ryan said as he and Trish both groaned.

"You're both laughing on the inside! You'll be telling that joke to all of your friends by the end of the afternoon," Sherwin declared.


Wednesday of the next week.

Niki walked down the hallway at police headquarters searching for Ryan's office. As she came around a corner she spotted him, walking the other direction, away from her.

Good, she thought, relieved to see him. Watching him she noticed how his jacket stretched across his broad shoulders, the way his hips moved with his long, athletic stride, and how good he looked, even from behind. Her heart did a quick little flip, which she completely ignored, but she couldn't stop a smile from creeping across her face.

"Detective Allen."

Ryan turned and saw Niki walking down the hall toward him, a smile on her face.

"Niki. Hi. What are you doing over here?"

She wrinkled her pretty little nose. "Divorce stuff. My ex still owes me some money from the house and we're trying to get him moving."

"Unpleasant." He said as he looked at Niki, he was thinking that if he spent too much more time with her that he was going to wind up tossing her down on the nearest bed and fucking her until she couldn't see straight.

"Yeah. It just drags things out. I'm tired of it. I just want everything to be over."

"I was just headed out to get some lunch. Would you care to join me?" Ryan asked, tilting his head toward the door.

"I'd love to," Niki smiled. "That was the reason I walked over here, actually."

They walked down the hall together in silence. Ryan held the door for her and they stepped outside onto the sidewalk falling in step together.

Ryan broke the silence by asking, "So, how long have you been divorced?"

"Not long. Seven months now. He's a lawyer. Public defender. You probably know him, Eric Baxter? He's not a bad guy, I'm the one to blame," she confessed.

"Yeah, I know him. We really don't care for him on the force. Officious little prick. He thinks that every one of his clients is a new crusade for him to fight for the innocent and downtrodden."

"Yeah, that would be Eric."

"Has he ever taken into account that those dirt bags he's defending are the ones who are violating the rights of the true innocents and downtrodden? What about the victims?"

She smiled at his passion. "I'm on your side Ryan, really."

"Sorry," he smiled back. "Guys like that piss me off. Look, if civilization is going to survive then we need laws. Guys like him think that laws are a bunch of restrictions, but they really aren't, unless of course someone takes them to an extreme," he said and then paused before going on. "What laws really do and are meant to continue doing is offer people security from the cruel, the brutal, the very people Eric champions. Laws actually give us freedom."

She now looked upon him with new interest. "Why Ryan Allen, you have a lot of depth." When he began to protest but she held up a hand. "Seriously, I'm impressed."

As they sat eating their lunch, Niki caught a glimpse of his shoulder rig beneath his jacket. "Do you always wear that? The gun?" she asked.

He threw her a wry smile. "I don't expect to need it, but I carry it because I don't want to be found dead because I was overly optimistic."

"Oh, I never thought of it that way."

"Look, its part of my job. I don't want to have to shoot anybody...but it happens," he said.

She took a bite of her sandwich. A tiny bread crumb was stuck just to the side of the corner of her mouth, and her blond hair had fallen over her eyes. She finished chewing and brushed it back. "You're really an interesting man."