New Beginnings Ch. 07

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Finally free.
6.8k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/06/2016
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Christiana loved being in Navarro's arms. She relaxed, and let his strong scent wash over her. This was good. This was right. For years, she wished for someone special and now she had him. Then the threat returned. Her time was being cut short. She needed to do what was best for her husband.

"Navarro, if I don't survive this, please find a new wife. You've been alone for too long and just because I might not..." She sobbed softly.

Navarro was terrified, but he was not willing to let her go.

"She can't have you, Christiana. On all that I am, and all that I will become, her reign of terror ends tomorrow. We will be free to live our lives and I promise you this. You won't regret choosing me." He kissed her gently.

As Navarro comforted his wife, The Wapjanli had to try once more. Lilim, we all know you are great and powerful. But for once, can you show compassion? You have plagued this girl her whole life. Set her free. she whispered.

Lilim looked at her and smiled. She will find peace. When they think I'm gone for good. I'll take her with me. She grinned evilly, not only her but another as well. She then walked away.

Wapjanli knew, to protect Christy and the others, she had to return to this plane. She thought that she was done, but this situation required her presence. She'd go to the "Old Ones" and seek their counsel. Then she looked around. Kerri was not here, so she had to find a new host. "Keeley" a voice whispered. There was only one strong enough and she was almost broken. She nodded, and knew what she must do. Lilim watched her smiling. The Were Princess was no match for a demon, and she knew it. Wapjanli went back home.

Meeting with the "Old Ones" was easy. They already knew. She would not be alone. You see, the leader of the oldest existing tribe was with them. He was powerful and willing to join forces with her. The Were princess smiled and thanked Akeemo. He nodded and they were ready to face their foe. The shamans of Old agreed and she had to talk with Keeley. So making sure Keeley was in a deep sleep, entered her dream.

Hello, Keeley, I'm the Were Princess. she said.

What, who are you? How did you get here? Keeley replied confused.

Wapjanli continued, I am here to help. I ask to join with you as you face Lilim tomorrow. I can give you guidance and help guide her to the hereafter.

Keeley, stirred in her sleep. You said hereafter, my grandparents? She asked.

Wapjanli smiled, Frederick and Novia are happy. They too are watching over you.

Keeley smiled and allowed the spirit to enter.

She awoke. She felt the same, but different. She felt powerful. Climbing from her bed, she peered out of the window. The stars, moon, and clouds were aligning. With her new power, she could sense those around her. Pastor Henry slept, the wolves slept but were on alert. The vampires did not sleep, but Gernick and his wife were formidable fighters. Then she smiled as she sensed that Navarro and Christiana were together and sharing a moment.

Kalen awoke and joined her. She smiled at him and he could tell that something was different.

Love? he questioned.

She's here to help. Keeley replied.

Soon, Wapjanli introduced herself and Kalen found that he was relieved.

Lilim was done waiting, and as they slept she enacted her plan. She would destroy the Ivanovs and to start she'd take a few wolves with her. She searched her surroundings, and smiled, most of them slept. He didn't sleep. Gernick was always aware.

She searched for the child. He was missing. His mother was missing too. Where could he be? She pondered. Wolves! she hissed.

Christiana stirred. Lilim had to be careful. The girl was powerful, if she ever invoked her true strength, she would be done. She waited. Soon, Christy settled. Lilim sent and the baby, not even realizing he was in danger answered; she knew exactly where he was. At the compound, Kajika awoke screaming. The pack arose to find their young screaming uncontrollably in terror. Kerry sent to Ja'Mal.

Ja'Mal called Quentin and Jacob; they needed to get back. Gernick hissed, Esmeralda!. Calling to the darkness, he demanded, Leave them alone, Essie. I know you did this. He ordered.

Lilim laughed as Christy walked in. "Wait isn't the compound a safe distance. That's why you sent the child there for safety right. I mean I can't reach that far."

Oman saw the evil, he charged, but one wave of Christy's hand, and he could not move. Christy then spoke, I hate you. Leave us alone. We've done nothing to you. What do you want?

Lilim glared at Gernick, Nicki, and then she hissed. Daughter, I want what's due to me. You owe me, because of him. He should not exist.

A pain so severe shot through Christy's temple. It blinded her, and she collapsed. Navarro caught her before she hit the floor. Oman, who just became mobile once more, needed to get to his wife and son. He was now distraught. "She attacked the compound. Kajika isn't safe there." He yelled. He then rushed to the door, with Jacob following. They had to get to the compound post haste.

Keeley and Kalen stood on the stoop and the men froze. Something was different about her.

"The compound is being attacked!" Oman gasped.

Keeley closed her eyes, and when she opened them, Oman and Jacob had to step back. "Come back inside." She whispered. "She cannot harm your family. They are protected."

Oman believed her. He and Jacob shared a look. A part of him wanted to go to the compound, but he knew Navarro needed him here. He and Jacob shared a look, and Jacob sent to his mate, Sunnet. She told him they could handle things at the compound, and to stay and help stop this demon. Keeley waited another beat, and then she moved towards the door. They entered, and Christy felt a surge of power. Lilim trembled. She faced the "Skinny One" and she knew, this was no longer the creature she'd faced a few hours ago. This one would end her.

Keeley smiled as the Wapjanli came to the forefront. "Stop this. We gave you several chances Lilim, now today you will be vanquished."

This she wolf was one with great strength. She had one true weakness and that was her sister and nephew. Kiana needed to focus. Everyone, even Ja'Mal was stunned. They all knew who spoke. The Were Princess moved to Kiana. "Your sister and nephew are safe. The pack is protected." She whispered. He relaxed. Kiana moved to his side. Her sister and her nephew were everything to her. She swore to Mia that she would protect Oman and she would.

No longer needing a shield, Lilim took full control of Christiana. Gernick knew he was facing the one creature that hurt him most of all. This monster took his mother, his father, and kept his brothers and sister from him. He went for her, when Nicki caught his arm, stopping him.

Gernick tried to snatch away. She held him a bit tighter. Nicolette, you know what she has done! Gernick sent.

You hurt her and you'll destroy Christiana. I can't allow that. Nicolette replied. She promised Cantar decades ago that she'd protect her daughter with her own life if she must, and even if it killed her she would.

Gernick stopped, as the darkness taunted him. "My, my, my, the great Gernick Ivanov controlled by a woman. How the mighty has fallen." She teased.

Christiana fought to be free to no avail.

Lilim, Hekeveckia aslyim! The Were Princess chanted.

Christiana froze as the entity shook. She faced the Were Princess.

"Impossible, you cannot exist. You are a spirit only. How can you be here?" Lilim questioned. Backing away from the other woman.

Keeley smiled, "You are a spirit too, Lilim. You don't belong here. End this now, and we can both be gone."

Lilim attacked, knocking the Were Princess back. Kalen moved, but a force around the two women stopped him.

Ja'Mal and the Weres tried to intervene, but the two were surrounded by an impenetrable, invisible shield. They watched, ready to join as the two women fought.

The Wapjanli stood once more, as she faced the dark soul before her. Lilim attacked, she was not going alone. Christiana and this bitch would join her in the hereafter..

Gernick charged the shield, along with Nicolette just to be knocked back. He screamed as his siblings arrived. Nicolette stood frozen as it seemed as if once again, Esmeralda would win. Then she sent to Christiana. Remember what I taught you. Used what you've learned. Fight, Christy, Don't let her win.

Something awoke inside the quiet reserved girl. She had to do something. In a sudden move, she grabbed Keeley and sent. We have to take her away from here.

Keeley agreed. Navarro was now trying to break the barrier as was Kalen. The others were watching but their wives were trapped beneath this bubble and they'd get them free. Navarro was concerned but with or without the others, he was protecting his wife.

Christy knew, this was no longer about her, but two celestial beings. Navarro braced to attack when she whispered, "Wait." He froze.

Meanwhile, Lilim and Wapjanli faced each other. Lilim smiled. She would not survive but neither would the girl. She was taking Christiana and the skinny one with her. She attacked. The foundation shook as the two powerful beings collided into each other.

Kalen screamed as he watched his mate being savagely ripped apart. Navarro stood, wanting to jump in and protect Christiana. Then the two vanished. Leaving, as everyone watched, stunned. "Navarro and Kalen screamed for their wives. Gernick called and his brothers appeared. Nicki was ready, but they were gone. The group looked around, not knowing where they'd gone. Not knowing how to help. Not knowing if they'd ever see their loved ones again.

"Where are they? Where did they go?" The husbands demanded.

In a new plane, the women battled. Keeley knew Lilim had to be defeated. She could not let this evil win. Lilim realized she could not beat the princess. But she could land two fatal blows.

Lilim began to depart, as she held a choke hold on Christiana's soul. Christy fought to be free, but her fight was futile. Keeley saw what was happening, and rushed to help her when Lilim took control of her too. The Were Princess lost power when Keeley reached to help Christy.

Lilim smiled. She was winning. Then something happened. Something strong and powerful overtook her. Keeley fought, Christy fought, and the Were Princess was stunned. Akeemo entered. Soon, Keeley looked up as Lilim tried to choke the breath from her body. She smiled; it was time. With super human poise, she flipped and subdued Lilim. Akeemo entered, and with his power, he commanded Lilim to release them. Lilim resisted. Akeemo smiled. I own you spirit, Spirit of Old. You have failed. Three times you were given to end this, yet you allow your selfishness destroy you.

The Old ones were ready with their shackles. Lilim sensed them; she knew.

Akeemo, I should have destroyed you years ago. I failed when I let you live. Never mind, you will fail. I will go but she goes with me. Lilim hissed, now draining Christy's life force.

"Release her, Lilim. I command you." Akeemo ordered.

Lilim shook. She was done, and she knew it. Was this need for vengeance worth being banished into the abyss.

Keeley screamed, "Let her go." Lilim laughed.

Christy couldn't breathe. Lilim needed to be away from these spirits. So they returned. Gernick moved to help his niece. Christy hurt. She was dying. She had no fight left. Then she felt her mother's heartbreak. She saw her husband's fear. She had to try even more. Pastor Henry arrived, and prayed. Lilim was losing her grip. Akeemo had grabbed her. Keeley held on to Christy refusing to allow Lilim take her.

Everyone rushed to Christy who was now struggling to breathe. She had to say good bye.

She sent to her parents, and her mother screamed. Her uncle demanded to know what happened. Kalen held Keeley, who was still unconscious but breathing.

Navarro held his wife, praying that she would recover. In the spirit realm, trapped with Lilim, Christy struggled to be freed.

"Stop it. They want me gone. Then they get what they want, I'm gone. All of me, including you." She added, cackling.

"Let me go. You can't do this. My family doesn't deserve this." Christy demanded.

"Your family, really let me tell you about your family. They don't care about you Christiana. Your entire life with them is about their convenience. Growing up, they never really included you, or your cousins. I should have taken Kalen as well, but that witch he married was too powerful. We'll be together now, daughter. We can rule over them for eternity." Lilim explained.

Christy cried, "Navarro, he doesn't deserve..."

Lilim laughed, "He won't be alone long. That is one fine specimen. I bet you regret not sampling him before I killed you now, don't you."

"Your time is done demon. Let the girl go." Akeemo demanded, appearing before everyone.

"Grandfather!" Ja'Mal gasped. Akeemo didn't flinch. He faced her once more. "Release her now!" He demanded, and Lilim trembled.

"Master, I beg for mercy. These creatures think they have dominion over us. They are nothing. Her family needs to suffer." Lilim explained. "The Ivanovs are not above the law of nature. Many people were hurt because of them. All Esmeralda wanted was to be loved, yet they didn't love her. Even in the end, her children hated her. She did not deserve that."

"Let her go." Akeemo ordered.

Everyone froze. Pastor Henry dropped to his knees. He prayed louder and louder, citing the scripture to bind the evil spirits. Lilim grew weaker and weaker as his prayer grew stronger. In a desperate move, she sent a force to the elder pastor incapacitating him. Yet, his church members surrounded him and prayed and bound the evil even more.

Nicolette moved to help the minister, as Gernick never took his eyes off of his nieces. Leave Essie. Just go! He sent.

Lilim ignored him. But she knew she was done.

She reached a decision. She wouldn't win, but she'd hurt those that betrayed her. Lilim smiled, and once again Christy began to slip into darkness. Keeley spoke ordering her to end her hold. Lilim glowered at the youngling. She was taking someone with her.

Christy thought of her mother, her little brother, her father. She looked at Navarro who was trying to reach her, but Lilim had frozen. She could not let them down, so she fought even more. Lilim's grip loosened. Keeley reached for her, and with the help of the Were Princess, both women were freed. Lilim screamed as the spirits surrounded her.

Navarro and Kalen moved to their wives. Keeley was bleeding, and Christy was barely breathing. Both men held their wives. Gernick checked on his niece and Nicolette was awed. She's never witnessed anything like this. Christy was not moving.

Gernick called her and called her. She did not respond. Above everyone, Christy watched. The darkness was gone, and she was free. She saw her uncle crying, touching her. She saw her aunt, stunned, speechless. Her husband held her, crying as well. "Christiana, go back." A beautiful woman told her. Eva smiled as the young woman nodded and went back home. The Were Princess was relieved when Christiana began to breathe again. The Were Princess, whispered goodbye to Keeley and Keeley held on to Kalen.

Suddenly, the shackles broke, and Christiana was free. Her spirit rushed home. Her husband's arms held her. Aunt Nicki and Uncle Gernick were talking to her as well. She tried to smile but it hurt too much Wanting to reassure them, she whispered. "I'm OK."

"What? Babe, what?" Navarro asked. He wanted her to speak once more.

"Love, I'm OK." Christiana whispered. He held her so tightly, as her uncle and aunt comforted each other.

She looked over and saw Keeley and Kalen. Aunt Nicki had moved to help them. She and Kalen shared a look. She's gone, Kalen. She's gone for good this time.

Kalen smiled as he cried tears of joy. The nightmare was over. The evil spirit was gone now. Christiana was finally free.

He looked at his wife. She was amazing. He swore his life to her, but now he'd make sure she never wanted for anything again.

Navarro had to speak. He faced his cousin. "Thank you for letting us come here. Thank you for letting us come back home."

Oman smiled through his tears. "Navarro, you don't need an invitation to come. Home is the one place that you can go, and when you go there we have to let you in." He hugged his cousin. "This is home."

As they talked, Nicolette grew concerned about the pastor, because he was still unconscious. Keeley went to him; she held his hand as they waited for an ambulance once more. She looked at Kalen and he could see that this hurt her more than anything. She held Pastor Henry's hand. She whispered. "I don't know you, but I need you to stay here a little longer. Please, don't go."

Pastor Henry wanted to go. He wanted to finally rest, but he knew it was not his time. Slowly he regained consciousness. The ambulance arrived and he was taken back to the hospital. His church members assured everyone that they'd stay with him.

Kalen wanted time with his wife. He knew she was dealing with a lot and needed to make sure she wasn't too overwhelmed. So, he sent to his uncle who told him to take his wife and go. They vanished.

Spirits appeared. The wolves froze, vampires stared, and the church prayed. Continuously casting Lilim into the fiery pit. Pastor Henry was being fanned by two of the women, as they were gravely concerned for their patriarch. Lilim looked at the devastation she'd caused. She smiled, then she faced Gernick. He was no longer angry, but cradling the girl. His mate, Nicolette stood with him as he called to her. Lilim quaked. The spirits of old surrounded her, and Akeemo spoke once more, Come now! He ordered, and they vanished.

Ja'Mal rushed to the entity just as they vanished. Marcus was frozen. "Grandfather!" Ja'Mal called to the air. He looked around, tears streaming down his cheeks. He saw his grandfather. Grandfather dressed in tribal garb, dressed as a warrior should be. He was so strong, so powerful, and at last he was free. He cried out, as Marcus joined him. "Did you see?" He asked.

Marcus nodded, "Yes, I saw him." was all he said.

Oman began to chant. It was a prayer for calmness for peace. Grandfather used to sing it whenever bad things happened. Navarro, held on to Christy, willing her to fight. Gernick and Nicki were right there with him. Kalen held Keeley close. Tonight had taken a lot from his powerful, beautiful vampire. Garrick, Krill, and Clause arrived. All three men ready to do whatever it took to protect their family.

Kerri sensed that something had happened and called too Ja'Mal. He answered, and hearing her voice calmed him. She reported that the children were fine and recovering. Something shielded them. She explained how the seizures ended as a comforting calmness surrounded the compound.


Meanwhile at Welbern, Rosita was adjusting and all seemed to be going well. She made friends easily. She carried out her duties carefully and thoroughly. She even took time to mentor younger females that had questions. Everyone liked her, and for the first time in centuries Nials was really relaxed.

Alpha Nyric called a beta meeting the day before Nials and a few other wolves' elevation ceremonies. He'd received two phone calls concerning the event. He wanted the betas to be aware, but he was really excited to share the news. It seemed that Nials was not only being elevated, but because of who his mate was they had several special guests attending. As the betas gathered, Nials amongst them, they mumbled about what this meeting was about.