Natural Exposure Ch. 01

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Yoga Mom samples nudity and more in the woods.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/18/2021
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a story of exposure and exhibitionism and voyeurism and forbidden desires. I hope you enjoy the read.

Special thanks to ChancesAre for very skilled editorial help that taught me to recognize problems in my work.

I appreciate your feedback, comments and ratings.


Sarah Nygaard was 38 when she first shed clothes walking in the woods. It wasn't something she thought of doing before that day but was so liberating that afterwards she wondered how she'd kept from doing it before.

She was by herself at the family cabin on Lake Superior and decided to walk the neighbor's trails in the afternoon. Miles of trails wound through Nick Halvorson's woods and he said they were always welcome to walk them. None of his 1500 acres was posted but he told them he'd never encountered another person on his land. She felt like she was the only human walking in the northern forest. The summer air felt exquisite. She impulsively pulled her shirt off over her head to feel the air directly on her skin. It was glorious to walk in just her sports bra and hiking shorts. She was a prisoner walking into freedom.

Thirty steps further she was carrying her bra in the same hand as her shirt. Naked from the waste up.

The sounds of the forest poured into her consciousness. There were songbirds and a chattering red squirrel and a myriad of sounds from the undergrowth. A bee lazily buzzed by and she heard the scree of an eagle circling high above. There was a breeze hushing through the leaves and brushing her skin. The exposure of her breasts heightened all her senses, and magnified the sensitivity of her nipples most of all.

She'd always been trim and fit. Being a yoga instructor kept her that way, but she was a C cup and her tits bounced. They weren't as high and firm after 3 kids, but she was proud of her shape and enjoyed their feminine softness. Now their jiggling made her feel like a woodland nymph and - she realized then - a stimulated nymph. Even covered in panties and shorts, her pussy became as alive as the woods. She was awed by the growing wetness between her legs.

She stopped and stood with her eyes closed. Immersed in this living forest. She was floating in a sea of sounds and sensations. Her free hand idly cupped a breast and squeezed. She touched a nipple, flicking and teasing before rolling it between her thumb and forefinger. A moan rose in her throat when she tentatively squeezed the stiffening nub but it only deepened the vague ache within her. The ache spread through her body until she gently pinched. She swayed as a wave of pleasure washed through her. She dropped the clothes in her other hand so she could cup both tits. She fondled their give.

The moment was surreal. Standing half naked. Exposed to the entire forest. Fondling herself. But it wasn't her. The moment was caressing her soft flesh. Freedom was finding her there, like that, and fondling her. The gentle breeze brushed her stomach and across her breasts. Life's grip held her immobile as the air licked at her nipples.

One of Sarah's graceful hands slid down her stomach into her shorts where the heat and wetness were finger magnets. Her fingers danced through her curly pubes to the source of her ache. She briefly fingered her clit before the need for penetration sucked her entire middle finger into her molten pussy. She kegel squeezed the lucky finger. She curled it to rub the front of her tunnel and gasped again when she added a second finger and then a third and squeezed them. She rubbed her clit with her thumb as her wet fingers worked her slit. She wished the waist of her shorts was opened to allow better access but couldn't stop to do even that much as she frantically squeezed her tit and frigged herself. Maybe her fingers were fucking her pussy and maybe her pussy was fucking her hand but the wet sounds and gyrating motions made it clear there was fucking going on and Sarah was mindless of where she was or who she was or whether she had a will apart from her hand and her sex. Her eyes stayed shut and her head rolled back and she frigged and fucked and squeezed and pinched and gasped air through an open mouth. She surrendered. She let her desperate need hand fuck her pussy so vigorously that she shuddered with her thrusts and she didn't let up and she didn't think and she didn't care and she wasn't going to stop. Her body clenched when the orgasm burst within and then shook as it tore unstoppably through her. It escaped her open mouth as a shrieking cry that pierced the woods. A wild call of desperation and surrender. And triumph.

The sound of her orgasm drifted through the trees. It brushed past pine needles and leaves and grasses and butterflies. It was heard by rabbit ears, and deer and birds and bears and others. It floated to the cabin, and the neighbor's cabin in the other direction.

Sarah opened her eyes. Oh my God. What...? She wondered how she'd kept from falling when she climaxed so violently. It happened so quickly. She slowly withdrew her triumphant fingers from her sopping pussy. She released her tender tit. Oh my God, she thought again as she looked all around her. She felt like a child caught playing with something forbidden. She realized how badly she needed that surprising orgasm as she curiously sniffed her glistening fingers. She looked around again, then licked them, and finally closed her eyes and slid them into her mouth. She softly sucked her juices in this once again peaceful forest.


She felt dreamy later, sitting on the deck with a glass of wine. She wondered what had come over her. It seemed so surreal now that she questioned if it really happened - but she could feel it had. She was raw and probably bruised - but not too raw. Remembering the intensity of her quick orgasm she was tempted to go again when her cell phone chimed. Her father.

"Hi sweetie" he said in the calming voice that anchored her life, the voice that always made her feel everything would be ok. Even still, when she was a parent of teenagers. "Is everything alright?"

"Sure Dad."

"Good. I was talking with Nick a few minutes ago and he asked me if anyone was up there. He said he was outside with his dogs when he heard a strange sound. It was distant but generally came from the direction of our cabin."

"He called you to tell you that" she asked?

"No. I called him to talk about next weekend when he mentioned it. When I told him you were up there alone he said he'd check on you. He might call but more likely he'll walk over."

"You're both aware I'm a 38 year old mother, right?" "Did I mention my oldest son is in college now?" she added, jesting not quite sarcastically.

"I know sweetie," he said apologetically, "but we're both old school. Anyway, don't be surprised if he comes over and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Gotta go."

"Bye Dad."


Ten minutes later Sarah was looking out over Lake Superior when she was startled by two large yellow labs charging up the steps to greet her on the deck. Nick and his dogs had materialized from the woods. It was always like that. She never heard them coming or watched them approach - they just appeared.

"Hi Sarah" Nick said with a warm smile as Sarah showered Sam and Sun with affection.

"Hey Nick" she responded. "Whose big girls are you" she kidded the dogs as she vigorously ruffled their ears. They were all over her. She smiled at Nick. "Dad said you might stop over."

He fell into a deck chair and looked out over the lake. "I'll never tire of our view up here" he said, then turned his gaze to her. "I heard a strange sound in the woods so I thought I'd check on you. No one else for miles?" He increased the wattage of his incredible smile "But I see everything's OK here. You look more content than I've ever seen you?" His eyebrows raised questioningly.

Sarah struggled to keep the blush from her cheeks. "What did you hear?"

Nick looked into the woods like he could see what he'd heard. "Well, it was wild but not any animal call I know. My first thought was that it was human?" He turned his gaze on her, looking into her as he always did. "It sounded out of place in the woods but also sounded like it belonged?" He grew animated. "I've never heard anything so wild. We would have looked for it but didn't hear the call again."

Sarah shifted uncomfortably with the image of him and his dogs discovering her if they'd come looking. She felt warm.

"You didn't hear it?" He asked.

She shook her head "no" but didn't say anything. When he looked back out over the lake she studied him. Halfway between her age and her father's, handsome, sexy for an old guy - it was the eyes and that smile - rich, accomplished. He ran a couple companies but spent half his time up here year 'round. Hours in the woods with his dogs or working on his trails or working on 'whatever' outside had weathered him. He looked like he'd always been up here, like he belonged. On first meeting, you knew he was comfortable in his skin and unconcerned with the judgement of others.

Their eyes met when he looked back at her. Yes, Sarah thought, sexy for an old guy. She wondered if he affected other women the way he did her. Yes. She wondered if he was aware of his affect. Probably not?

"Sarah, what are you doing for dinner?"

"Oh" she blurted. "I forgot to take it out of the freezer to thaw."

"Good" He proclaimed. "I'm grilling chicken. I have a couple new rubs to try and need the appraisal of your discerning palate." He stood up. "This evening's entree will be served with pan fried potatoes, a salad and fresh bread" he said with mock formality. "We'll choose the rubs when you come over."

"That sounds great" Sarah said. "I didn't realize until just now how hungry I am." It's the fresh air, she thought, and what I...

"Perfect. Give me an hour to feed these beasts, get cleaned up and get things started?" He asked.

"OK. What should I bring?"

"Got it covered" he said. "Just bring yourself and everything will be perfect." He turned to leave and the dogs were instantly in front of him as they started on the path between their cabins.

After he left Sarah felt even dreamier.


Walking back Nick was surprised how much he was looking forward to dinner. It wasn't that he'd have company - he often preferred the dogs as his only company. He was looking forward to an uninterrupted visit with Sarah. Most of their visits were in the company of his wife and her family. Her father Dan called earlier to suggest such a visit the following weekend. It was set. Nick realized he was looking forward to this evening in a different way. He wasn't going to visit with Sarah who is Dan's daughter or Tim's wife or those teenager's mom. He was going to have dinner with Sarah, the woman.

Deciding he had time for a quick swim Nick snuck out the side door while the dogs were eating. He was wearing a ball cap, T-shirt, trunks and water shoes as he took the path down to the lake. His lodge and Nygaard's cabins were a quarter mile apart on rock outcroppings overlooking the lake. There wasn't another structure for miles in any direction. While most of Nicks 3400' of frontage was rock right to the water's edge there was also a secluded beach in a cove. For access to the beach Nick cut a path alongside a winding intermittent creek. Over thousands of years the creek eroded its way into the rock, establishing a more gradual drop to lake level.

Arriving on the beach, Nick looked both ways to make sure Sarah hadn't also walked down there. When he saw he was alone he stripped and quickly strode into the always icy lake. Just past knee deep he couldn't take the gradual entry and shallow dove into the painfully cold water. The shock stole his breath and he gasped when his head emerged. It was early summer so even the shore-side water hadn't warmed to swimmable temps yet. Nick was compelled to be in it anyway, even if only for a few minutes.

He needed the elemental reality of immersion in this giant body of fresh water. All of him open to the icy sting and exposed to the lake's reality. Diving naked into unstoppable natural power. The power to snap a thousand foot ore carrier in two and drop the pieces into unspeakable depths. Even floating on its gentlest swells, the size of this lake was unmistakable, and sensual.

Nick soon emerged in a flurry with ice water streaming from him. He snatched his clothes in one hand as he trotted naked up the trail to his lodge and his glorious outdoor shower. In his haste he kept his focus on the trail before him. He didn't see Sarah coming down the side trail from her cabin to his.

Sarah almost yelped in surprise when Nick suddenly came off the beach trail and jogged onto the same trail she was on. He never glanced her direction as he turned towards his place. Jogging naked and dripping through the woods makes him look younger, she thought. It was the 'boy in the man' running free. She almost gave in to a mischievous urge to call out to him, but stifled it and smiled.

Realizing why he'd asked her to give him an hour before coming over, she turned to go back but then changed her mind. A thought formed, He's got a great ass - for an old guy. She decided to keep going towards his place, but wasn't sure why and didn't know what she expected or even what she wanted. Curious? What am I doing? She'd go slowly to figure it out.

As expected, the dogs were barking the roof off when Nick turned on the outdoor shower. They knew where he'd gone - without them - and watched him coming back and heard where he was now. He knew they were standing on his bed on the 4 season sleeping porch, almost right above the shower. They settled down when they heard the shower start.

In seconds he was in a deluge of water as hot as he could stand. It tingled almost painfully on his lake frosted skin. He luxuriated in the contrast from the cold of the lake. He was exhilarated by the breeze on his body, and the exposure of the shower, and the sunshine sparkling in the streams of water and the sounds of the forest around him. Nick showered outside most of the year up here - in rain and warming sun and snow storms. Dramatically different weather conditions only heightened the reality of exposure to nature. They each offered a singular joy. Even freezing rain.

Working shampoo into his hair he realized the dogs were barking again? Something was setting them off. He listened for the sound of a vehicle coming down the mile and a half drive or his cell buzzing or something. There was nothing. They must be seeing something, he thought. As he turned in the water stream his eyes scanned the forest for anything out of place. And there was something. A glint off something that shouldn't be there. He kept his scan moving to conceal his discovery. He kept turning.

It had to be Sarah. There was no one else? She was watching him shower. He felt the sudden rush of blood to his groin. Jesus Nick! But his ball-sack constricted with the thought she was watching him. He'd worked up a copious soap lather in his hands and started applying it to his naked body.

Sarah couldn't pull her eyes away. Unlike her husband, Nick had grown leaner with age. Angular and sinewy. She was spellbound as his soapy hands circled down his front towards his sex. She held her breath as he soaped his heavy balls in both hands. Jesus, he's caressing them. His still flaccid cock was flopping in front of the action. It was growing.

Nick could feel her eyes on him as he soaped his balls. He could feel the weight of blood rushing into his cock. What are you doing? He started to soap-stroke himself. Longer than average. The rush of incoming blood soon revealed his impressive girth.

Sarah had often noticed how large his weathered hands were. Her eyes widened when she saw his right hand couldn't close around the thick shaft. Jesus. It continued thickening as she watched. Sunlight sparkled in the water streaming down his chest.

Nick worked up a new soap lather in his hands. He cupped his balls with one hand and stroked his cock with the other. In a few strokes his cock felt thicker and stiffer than it ever had. Stop it! As thick as the shaft was it was dwarfed by his bulbous glans head. He caressingly soaped the smooth head. He wished she was close enough that he could see her eyes. This is obscene! He could feel the full weight of his cock now. It stood proud in the sun and water. It angled up and swung when he moved his hips. Ready. The air was charged with sexual energy.

Sarah was possessed by the energy. She felt bidden. She wanted to walk into the open and strip as she approached him. Naked when she reached him she wanted to stand in the water stream, no words. She wanted to take his cock in her hand. She wanted to kneel as she looked up through the sunlit water and watch his eyes as she licked the smooth head. She wanted to stretch her mouth to encircle his plum head and lick the pre-cum from his slit and grab his ass and encourage him to shove his cock to the back of her mouth, to her throat. She wanted him to grab hold of her hair and fuck her throat. In the sun sparkled water stream. No words.

Nick wanted to look directly at her. He wanted to reveal he knew she was there. No. He wanted to beckon to her. When he thought about holding her naked body against him in the shower his cock became so stiff it hurt. He was shocked that lust could make him so reckless. I need to stop while I can.

She wanted him to interrupt her sucking and pull her roughly to her feet and turn her back against his chest. She imagined him squeezing her tits possessively in the stream of water and bending her over from the waist. She wanted to feel his raw need. That huge head would slide against her slick opening as he coated himself in her juices. She would brace herself as he pressed against her and her lips stretched for him and he grabbed her hips and savagely pulled her onto his cock in one huge impaling thrust. Her cry when his glans slammed into her cervix would make the one in the woods seem like a whisper.

I don't care, she thought. I need this. Her legs were starting to move but her feet hadn't when he suddenly turned off the shower. She almost called out.

He shook himself out of his trance. He quickly went up the steps to the deck and through the door into his sleeping porch. Inside, he shook his head and desperately looked around him. Familiar surroundings. He centered himself in the normal boundaries of his life.

What just happened?

Sarah walked back to her cabin on trembling legs.


Back on her deck, she didn't know what to do. She sat there almost an hour. I can't go back there. She looked at her cell. I can't face him. When she walked inside, the cabin phone rang. "Hello" she answered.

"Hey Sarah, its Nick." His tone was natural. Maybe he didn't see me? "I just started the charcoal and wanted to make sure you hadn't fallen asleep?"

"Just leaving" she replied. "See you in a bit." She bit her lip and steeled herself and walked quietly to Nick's.


They decided together which rubs to try on the chicken. The potatoes were frying in a cast iron skillet with onion and green pepper and he'd just taken the bread out of the oven. "Chardonnay or Malbec?" he asked holding up a red and a white.

"What are you having" she asked?

"Malbec. I think the perfect pairing is the wine you prefer to have, whatever you're eating." He said with an easy smile. "Same as choosing your dining companion." He added more softly. He was surprised he said that last out loud.

The meaning of his words was right there. It was in the room with them. He chose her. It wasn't happenstance or serendipity. He'd chosen to enjoy her flavor. "Yes" she stammered, "Malbec for me too."

And over the next few hours she felt chosen. He drank of her. It felt unfamiliar to her, and uncommonly enjoyable. She basked in his attention. They both glowed all evening. The primal sexual pull they'd experienced together was there - real as life - but hidden now by normalcy. It was present like a sexual organ unmistakably ready for coitus - but clothed.